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Disclaimers: This is a sequel to my uber story Indiscretions. The characters in this story are of my own creation and are in love. If the idea of two women sharing a loving and intimate relationship bothers you or if you are under the age of 18 please find material more suited to you. The song "Bailamos" by Enrique Iglesias (Paul Barry/Mark Taylor-Rive Droite music) is used without permission and without intention for profit. It is highly recommended by the author to listen to the song during parts of this makes the scene more effective.
WARNING: It is not recommended reading this story on a treadmill, at work, operating heavy machinery or if your lover is not within close proximity to you! Hopefully, you have plenty of Amazon Ice on hand as well as a tasty beverage (Dr. Pepper is my fav).
Special Thanks to Stoley who does one heck of a job keeping me out of trouble, to Kat who has a very tough job of watching out for the both of us, to AJ and Dango for their never ending support. It is greatly appreciated!
Comments are happily accepted at
By Cruise
Rayne swallowed the lump in her throat. Her mouth closed and she composed herself enough from Larks stunning reaction to her to speak. " note was wrong...I called from the plane to tell you I was on my way. Jayce took the wrong turn on the way to the airport and..." Rayne tried to explain as she leaned forward with her arms resting on her legs and was interrupted.
"Excuse me but youre Lark Morgan right?" A woman asked as Lark looked up at her.
"Aah...yes, I am." Lark stammered as she was surprised to be recognized in Greece.
"I knew it!...Im from the states and I would love it if I could get your autograph." The woman excitedly asked as Rayne sat back in the chair with disdain for the intrusion.
"Sure." Lark answered with a strained smile as the woman handed her a piece of paper and a pen which Lark signed for her.
"Oh, thank you so much and I love your new haircut." She exclaimed with an appreciative smile.
"Youre welcome and thank you." Lark answered with a smile as she handed her the paper and pen back.
Lark looked back at Rayne who leaned forward again. "Jayce took a wrong turn and we got stuck in traffic which caused us to miss the plane." She explained.
"You seem to have problems with planes dont you?" Lark asked sarcastically.
"Listen...Lark...theres so much I need to tell you." Rayne replied as she held Larks hand. "I have a lot to..." Rayne tried to explain as she was interrupted again by a group of fans asking for Larks autograph. Rayne had enough of the intrusions...she needed to tell Lark everything and it wasnt going to wait this time. "Look people!" Rayne snapped angrily as she stood and continued to hold Larks hand who felt Raynes hand trembling. "We need some time to ourselves. Lark can we please go?" Rayne asked as she looked down at Lark who saw the distress and anger in Raynes blue eyes.
"Of course...excuse us please." Lark answered as she stood up wondering what it was that Rayne so desperately needed to tell her.
"Shell sign autographs later." Rayne snapped as she held Larks hand and led her down the deck stairs to the beach. She walked to a quiet part of the beach and turned to face Lark.
She locked her blues with greens which sparkled in the moonlight and smiled as she held Larks face in her hands. She was incredibly nervous and her mind as well as her heart raced a mile a minute. "You are devastatingly gorgeous Lark...I absolutely love your hair." Rayne replied breathless with a smile.
"You mean to tell me you flew across the country to tell me that?"
"No...I came here to tell you how much I love you and that I dont want to be without you ever again." Rayne answered with a smile as she searched Larks green eyes for acceptance. Larks heart fluttered and the tears welled in her eyes as she saw the sincerity in Raynes blue eyes. "Lark...theres so many things that I need to tell you and theyre not coming out right." Rayne replied nervously as she inhaled deeply to slow her mind down that raced faster than her mouth would allow.
Lark put her hands on Raynes arm which calmed her and wrapped her arms around Rayne for a comforting hug. Lark could feel Raynes racing heart beat as she snuggled close to her and felt Raynes tension release. "Just settle down and tell me what you need to...okay?" Lark asked softly as she rubbed Raynes back and felt her heart slow its beat down.
Rayne took in a few deep breaths as she reveled being in the arms of the woman she loved so much and was reluctant to break the hug but needed to tell Lark what happened. She held both of Larks hands and locked blues with green. "Lark...youre the fire that burns within me, the other half of my soul and youre my only desire." Rayne replied honestly as Lark smiled with happiness at what Rayne had just told her. "Im to blame for everything baby. I should have listened to you and forgiven you...I was a pig headed fool. So, Im asking you begging you for forgiveness." Rayne professed passionately as she dropped to one knee and looked up at Lark with cloudy blue eyes and kissed Larks hand.
Larks tears fell and her knees grew weak with Raynes confession. Shes begging for my forgiveness when Im the one who cheated? Lark thought as she ran her hand through Raynes hair and rested her palm on Raynes cheek. " have no reason to ask for my forgiveness. Im the one that needs that from you. Im the one who...aah...cheated on you." Lark answered hesitantly with difficulty saying cheated because it pained her so much to think she did that to Rayne.
"No!" Rayne exclaimed as she stood up and held Larks face in her hands. " didnt cheat Lark." Rayne answered with a smile as she looked into confused green eyes. "You didnt do anything with that woman Lark."
"Im really confused Rayne. How do you know that?" Lark asked with total disbelief.
Rayne moved her hands to Larks shoulders. "Danielle sent that chick to seduce you so I would find the two of you together and do exactly what I did...walk out on you." Rayne explained sadly as she saw Larks reaction when she told her.
Lark went limp with disbelief and Rayne grasped her to hold her up. She felt as though she had been kicked in the stomach by a horse. "Why?" Lark stammered unable to form any other words as she was completely stunned. "How could someone do something so horrible like that to us?" Lark asked in disbelief as she turned her back to Rayne and looked out over the ocean trying to catch her breath as her tears flowed freely.
The tears streamed down Raynes face as she saw the pain Lark felt and wanted to take it she would stop hurting. Rayne approached Lark from behind and wrapped her arms around the trembling shorter woman who collapsed into her arms as she cried harder.
Lark slid her hands onto Raynes arms that held her tight and closed her eyes as she reveled in how comforting her strong arms felt wrapped around her. "Its because of me Lark. Danielle wanted you out of the picture so she would have a better chance of being with me." Rayne whispered sadly as she rested her cheek against Larks head. They both stood silently enjoying the closeness and calming effect it had on one another. "Im so sorry Lark." Rayne whispered before Lark turned to face her.
"You have nothing to be sorry about Rayne." Lark answered as she stared into regretful, cloudy blue eyes.
"Yes...I do Lark. I should have trusted you more than what I did and I should have made an attempt to talk to you to work it out but I didnt. I cant forgive myself for being so ignorant." She answered regretfully.
"Rayne you couldnt have known that I didnt cheat on you. I wasnt even sure of it myself." She answered sadly.
"I should have had more faith in you. You would have had more faith in me...Im sorry." Rayne answered remorsefully
"Rayne...I would have reacted the same way. I would have been devastated as you were if I would have walked into our bedroom and found you in bed with a naked woman. This past week has totally blown my mind. I mean...Im so pissed that I feel like killing Danielle...Ugh!" She shouted and spat her anger out.
Rayne chuckled. "If it wouldnt have been for Jayce and Shayan I would have killed her." Rayne answered with a sheepish grin and a laugh.
"You would have?" Lark asked with a laugh.
"Yeah...I was going to toss her over the deck railing." She admitted with a laugh which was shared by Lark.
"I would love to have seen that!" Lark answered still laughing.
Rayne stopped laughing and looked into Larks eyes with a serious demeanor. "Can you forgive me for the way I treated you this past week?" Rayne asked with regretful and guilt filled eyes.
"Did you mean any of the hateful things you said to me?"
"Not one word." Rayne answered as Lark searched her blues for the truth which she found.
"Then I forgive you as long as you forgive me for being an idiot and not trusting your love for me." Lark answered as she ran her fingers through her lovers dark hair which blew in her face from the ocean breeze.
Rayne felt a tingling sensation and nervousness as Lark ran her fingers through her hair. "How could I not when I look into your sweet face with those beautiful green eyes that sparkle in the moonlight?" Rayne answered softly as she moved closer to Lark whose lips waited in anticipation for Raynes to meet hers.
"With those very sexy lips that I love to have pressed against mine and to taste." Rayne replied as Larks hands moved up behind Raynes neck and she felt Raynes lips lightly touching hers.
"Kiss me." Lark whispered with breathless anticipation as Raynes lips met hers for a soul searing kiss that melted her to the core.
Lark tightened her hold around Raynes neck as Rayne slipped her arms around Lark drawing her body closer to her own as Lark deepened the kiss sending a rush of warmth throughout Rayne. Her stomach had a tingling, nervous sensation as if it was the first time she had ever kissed Lark. Rayne could feel the heat of Larks body and her hardened nipples pressed against her own as her tongue slipped out to trace the contours of Larks lips before sliding back in for a deep, moist kiss.
Larks passion mounted along with the wetness between her legs and she burned with desire for her lover to scoop her up in her arms and make wild, passionate love to her. "Lark...allow me to make love to you." Rayne whispered through her kiss as her heart pounded in her chest.
" love are always allowed." Lark answered seductively before she deepened the searing kiss.
They broke the kiss breathless and locked blues with greens smiling happily that they were back were they each others arms. Raynes want and desire for Lark mounted as she looked into her eyes seeing the longing for her that they possessed. She kissed her lightly and slipped her hand into Larks and led her away from the beach.
Rayne had thought about making love to Lark right there on the beach but she wanted it to be slow, sensual, passionate, special and not sandy. "So, does that mean that I can make love to you after Ive had a workout and Im really sweaty." Rayne teased with a smile and a wiggle of her eyebrows at the prospect of making love to Lark in any way.
"I said you were always allowed." Lark answered seductively as she looked up at Rayne and winked.
"" Rayne teased in her not so good Austin Powers imitation. "You know Ill hold you to that." Rayne answered with a laugh.
"Im counting on it." Lark answered as she stopped and leaned up to kiss her tall, dark lover. She was ecstatic to have her sexy lover back and wanted to show her just how much with that one kiss.
"Ooh, baby...your kiss is complete bliss and takes my breath every time you touch my lips." Rayne answered with a satisfied sigh and a smile. Lark blushed with a smile as she wrapped her arms around Raynes neck before drawing her close for a searing kiss that touched the deepest part of Raynes soul. "If you keep that up youll have to perform CPR on me dont ya know?" Rayne replied flashing a sexy smile as she broke the kiss.
"Dont tease about that babe because you just dont know how scared I was when I saw you laying there with Danielle doing CPR on you. I felt so helpless and I intend to get certified so, I never feel that way again...I hope something like that never happens." Lark answered regretfully.
"Its okay...dont worry about it." Rayne answered reassuringly.
"No...its not Rayne...what if something like that would have happened when we were alone?...I wouldnt have known what to do." Lark answered seriously to let Rayne know it was unacceptable that she didnt know CPR.
"Okay..Ill tell you certification is expiring this month so, well both go together." Rayne answered with a smile.
"Its a date." Lark answered smiling with a feeling of reassurance and kissed Raynes hand before leading her towards the stairs.
Lark walked up the stairs ahead of Rayne who enjoyed the view from behind as she watched Larks firm backside move side to side with each step. She smiled mischievously and thought about how much she wanted to slide both hands up underneath her light, white cotton, knee length sundress and strip it off of her before thoroughly reacquainting her hands with Larks body.
Lark turned around once on the deck to wait for Rayne. "What are you smiling about?" She asked with wonderment and a smile.
"I was just enjoying the view and thinking about whats under that dress." Rayne answered seductively and wiggled her eyebrows flashing a sexy smile as she approached.
Lark looked down at Rayne with a smile who was one step below Lark. "Well...whats there is for you only and I hope it wont disappoint you." She purred seductively before lightly kissing Raynes lips sending a tingling sensation straight to Raynes sex.
"Oh, it never has and Im sure it never will." Rayne answered huskily with a smile as she slipped her hand up on Larks hip sending her heart into a flutter from Raynes touch and nudged her towards the lobby avoiding the bar with the autograph seekers. She didnt want to share Lark with anyone this evening...she wanted her all to herself.
They quickly walked through the lobby towards the elevators in a hurry to quench the thirst they had for one another. They entered the elevator which contained four passengers and they slipped to the back of the car. Rayne leaned her back up against the wall and put both hands on Larks hips pulling her back against her as Lark melted against her lovers body. Lark smiled mischievously at the thought of where she really wanted Raynes hands. Her heart raced at the thought and sent a throbbing sensation straight to her center especially when Rayne slowly rubbed her hands up and down her hips.
Rayne leaned down and whispered in her ear. "I want you so bad baby." Sending a tingling sensation throughout Larks body and she closed her eyes inhaling and then exhaling deeply to calm her burning desire for Rayne.
Rayne smiled mischievously knowing the affect she was having on Lark and knew it drove Lark nuts when she whispered in her ear. She continued her gentle massage up and down Larks hips as she moved down to her ear again whispering. "I cant wait to slide my hands under your dress and run them to the front of your thong which I know youre wearing to feel how wet you are." She replied huskily as her tongue traced the contours of Larks ear before sucking her earlobe.
What Rayne said to Lark sent her heart racing out of control as Raynes hot breath in her ear sent her passions soaring. She couldnt contain herself any longer and gasped out loud as Rayne stood up just as everyone in the elevator turned to look at Lark. Rayne looked at Lark pretending like she had no clue what know...the innocent bystander look?...before replying. "I guess you had too much to drink." Then chuckled as Lark turned facing her with a beat red face...fully embarrassed.
"I guess so." She answered gritting her teeth and gave Rayne a look of Ill get you later before turning back around with a sheepish grin. "Im sorry champagne does that to me." Lark apologized to the people in the elevator who turned back around to face forward as the elevator came to a stop and two people disembarked.
Rayne leaned in and whispered. "Kind of makes you wish we were on our floor doesnt it? Should I continue my list of things to do to you?" Rayne teased as Lark slapped her leg and stepped away from her unable to take the teasing. She was afraid shed lose control and maul Rayne in front of everyone.
Rayne covered her mouth laughing as she looked over at Lark who pointed at her mouthing pay backs are hell and faced forward. She was unable to contain her laughter as she could see Rayne snickering with her peripheral vision.
Rayne thought about how much she loved Lark and wished that this whole terrible incident had never happened. How could I have been so foolish to have not given her a second chance? Because you were an idiot and you need to make sure it never happens again. She chided herself as she turned to face Larks side. She is so beautiful. She thought adoringly and wanted to hold her.
These people can bite me if they dont like me wrapping this gorgeous woman up in my arms. What in the hell is taking this damn elevator so long? Rayne wondered as it seemed to be taking forever for their floor to approach as she moved closer to Lark who turned to face her. "I love you Lark." Rayne replied softly and drew her close to her chest as she kissed the top of her head. Lark wrapped her arms around her tall lover and felt complete again.
"I love you Rayne." Lark answered as the other passengers looked back at them receiving a nasty look from Rayne and quickly faced forward. Thats right...I thought youd see it my way. Rayne thought to herself with a chuckle as the elevator came to a stop. "Finally, our floor." Lark replied with relief as she wrapped her arm around Raynes waist and they walked off the elevator towards their suite.
"We need to remember to get a suite closer to the lobby with less of an elevator ride." Rayne teased with a shared laugh with Lark.
Lark attempted to open the door but had a very difficult time with someones very sexy lips kissing her neck. "Here let me help you with that." Rayne replied softly as she wrapped her arms around the front of Lark and took the credit card key from her.
" just love to tease me dont you?" Lark answered with a chuckle thoroughly enjoying the feeling of Raynes closeness.
"Very much so." She answered huskily as she opened the door to the spacious suite. Rayne stood in the doorway and watched as Lark made her way into the suite. She leaned against the door and watched her sashe in with a mischievous look on her face.
Lark stopped and turned around to find out what her tall lover was doing. She laughed with wonderment as she saw Rayne staring at her. "What are you doing?" She asked as she put her hands on her hips.
"Just enjoying the view. Lark...I really hate to see you leave but I really love to watch you go." Rayne with a sexy smile and a wink.
"Come here and kiss me you sexy beast!" Lark demanded with a laugh.
"Okay!" Rayne answered as she was upon Lark before she knew it with her long strides and her lips were captured by a passionate kiss. "You had to get a suite with tile floors didnt you?" Rayne teased before adding a light kiss as Lark began to laugh.
"Pay backs." She teased as she walked farther into the suite and put her small purse on the table before turning the stereo on. She dimmed the lights as Rayne stepped farther into the suite to check it out.
" least theres a king sized bed here." Rayne teased and noticed her bags had not been delivered yet. "Where in the hell are my bags?" Rayne asked with agitation as she looked around.
"You wont need any clothes for what I have planned for you sweetheart." Lark replied seductively as she moved in close to Rayne and gently rubbed her hands over her chest as Rayne was too preoccupied to notice as she searched the room with her blue eyes.
"Its not just the clothes...theres something very important in there." She replied with urgency as she moved away from Lark and checked the suite with no luck.
"Its okay honey...Ill call the front desk and find them." Lark answered trying to calm Rayne down who became very nervous and agitated as she walked towards the door.
She opened the door to find the bellhop with her bags. "What the hell took you so long? I was just on my way down there.!" Rayne asked with agitation as she grabbed her bags.
"Sorry maam...weve been busy." The nervous man answered as he began to walk away.
"No, hold it right there...not until I check my bags." Rayne demanded angrily as she the man froze in his tracks while Rayne searched her bags.
" everything alright?" Lark asked as she approached.
"Yeah...its fine babe...aah...could you do me a favor and make me a soda...please?" Rayne stammered nervously as she looked over her shoulder to hide what she was doing from Lark.
"Sure." Lark answered with a smile as she headed back towards the kitchenette for the drink.
Rayne fervently searched her bag and found what she was looking for. She let out a sigh of relief as she checked the item over and found nothing was wrong with it. "Aah...sorry ...everythings here...thanks...oh, here." She stammered nervously and handed him a tip.
Rayne put everything back and closed her bags before entering the suite. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and took in a few deep breaths to calm her racing heart as she walked over to the closet to place her bags there.
Lark approached Rayne with her drink. "Are you okay? Youre sweating Rayne." Lark asked with worry from Raynes demeanor.
Rayne took the glass from Lark. "Yes, Im fine I just got nervous when I couldnt find what I needed....thanks for the drink." Rayne answered with a smile as she drank the cold beverage. There would have been hell to pay if it was gone...thats for sure. Rayne thought as she finished her drink. " remembered my favorite...Dr. Pepper." Rayne answered with a laugh.
"How can I forget? I think you have stock in the company." Lark teased as she accepted the kiss Rayne offered. "Do you want something stronger...I had them stock your favorite...Gentleman Jack?" Lark asked with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"As much as I would love to I cant because of my medication...but thanks."
How stupid. Lark thought as she tapped her forehead. "Im so sorry...I forgot." She replied apologetically.
"Its biggie." Rayne answered as she hugged Lark. "Thanks for the offer it was very sweet." Rayne enjoyed holding the shorter blond in her arms and kissed the top of her head.
Lark wondered why Rayne had gotten so upset about the contents of her bags...they were only clothes after all she thought and found her demeanor very odd. She had never seen her act that way before and wondered why she did it.
Im not going to push the issue considering what weve just gone through and I dont want anything to ruin our evening! Besides, shell tell me when shes ready. She told herself as she rubbed her hands up and down Raynes back.
The song changed to "Bailamos" By Enrique Iglesias. "Hey, I didnt know this song was out in this country." Rayne replied with excitement because it was her favorite song.
Lark leaned back and looked up at Rayne grinning. "Its not...I bought it and have worn the CD out listening to it." She answered with a sheepish grin.
"Really?" Rayne chuckled with disbelief. "Do you like it?" She asked with excitement.
"Yes...since we danced to it at the premiere party. Its incredibly sexy and sultry just like you." Lark answered seductively as she ran her fingers through Raynes raven hair and locked blues with greens.
"It certainly is a very sexy song." Rayne answered softly as her desire to taste Larks lips overwhelmed her and she captured Larks waiting lips with her own.
Larks hands moved to hold Raynes face...pulling Raynes mouth closer to hers...she deepened the passionate kiss. "Sing the chorus for me." Lark whispered her request as the chorus to the song drew near. She remembered how wild Raynes singing voice drove her when she last sang it to her. Her heart nearly stopped beating as her knees weakened. She wanted to feel that again.
Rayne began to sing the chorus in a soft sultry voice expressing a Latin accent in Larks ear. "Bailamos...Let the rhythm take you over...Bailamos ...Te Quiero...Mi Amor....want to live this night forever...Bailamos...Te Quiero...Mi Amor." Rayne sang as Larks heart fluttered and her knees grew weak again.
Lark melted in Raynes strong arms which held her up. "Tell me what that means." She whispered as Rayne feathered her neck with soft kisses causing Lark to gasp from what she was doing to her.
Rayne slowly made her way back up her neck to Larks ear and whispered. "It means...Bailamos...we are dancing...Te Quiero...I want you...Mi love." Rayne answered as her kiss moved from Larks ear across her cheek to her soft lips and traced them slowly and sensually with her tongue. "Te Quiro...Mi Amor." She whispered as Lark was mesmerized and lost in her lust for Rayne. She gasped as Raynes tongue slowly slid past her lips for a deep, moist kiss.
"That is so beautiful." Lark replied breathless through her kiss as Raynes tongue slipped back in to dance a sultry dance with Larks.
Rayne slid her tongue back out of Larks mouth to place light kisses on her lips. "You are my Mi Amor Lark." She whispered in perfect Latin accent before giving Lark a soul searing kiss.
Lark wasnt sure if she was standing under her own power or if it was Rayne holding her. She knew this much...Rayne totally blew her away...her heart pounded with anticipation for the love they were about to share. Larks hands traveled down Raynes back and she slowly untucked Raynes shirt before raising it up and over Raynes head only breaking the kiss long enough for the shirt to pass before continuing the kiss again. Rayne broke the kiss and locked blues with greens as she held her face in her hands. "Lark...I want you to know that I havent been with another woman." Rayne replied sincerely and softly as she felt it was important to tell Lark that.
Larks tears fell and she smiled as she stared at her lover. "Me either." She whispered as she moved to kiss Rayne who hesitated.
"You should know that Danielle kissed me." Rayne answered wanting to be totally honest with Lark who gasped at the thought. "It wasnt reciprocated or invited. She grabbed me and kissed me." Rayne explained as Lark searched for the truth in Raynes beautiful blue eyes.
"It seems that woman has a way of doing things like that but I dont want to hear anymore about her tonight. All I want to think about is you and Thank you for telling me." Lark answered as she pulled Rayne down to her and pressed her soft lips against Raynes for a moist kiss.
Lark helped Rayne out of her sports bra and lightly rubbed her fingers over Raynes hematoma which was smaller now. Her heart fluttered and her throat tightened at the thought of the pain that Rayne endured for her. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she placed soft kisses around her injured area in an attempt to relieve her pain.
Rayne ran her fingers through Larks short hair taking in the scent so specific to her lover and found it incredibly touching that Lark was so compassionate. Oh, how she excites me and makes me feel so loved. Rayne thought as she kissed the top of her head.
The sultry music and the sexuality that Rayne exuded was intoxicating to Lark. She wanted to make love to Rayne like she had never done before to let her know how much she loves her and how much she means to her...that shes the other half of her soul. Lark looked up at Rayne as blues met greens. "I want to kiss you, caress you, taste you and give myself to you. I dont want to wait any longer." Lark replied lovingly as Rayne captured her lips with a passionate soul searing kiss as Lark wrapped her arms around her neck tightly. Lark broke the kiss and took Raynes hand to lead her to their bed.
Rayne followed her young, blonde lover and was nervous as if it was the first time they had ever made love. She inhaled deeply then exhaled to settle the butterflies that took flight. Lark stopped and before she could turn around Raynes arms engulfed her as they began to unbutton her dress. The song continued on repeat mode much to Raynes delight...she couldnt hear that song enough.
Raynes lips lightly kissed Larks soft neck as she worked her way down the dress finally reaching the last button and Lark fell back in to her tall, sexy lover thoroughly enjoying the moment. Raynes hands slowly moved up her body sending a tingling sensation throughout Larks body and her fingertips lightly brushed her skin to the top of her shoulders. Rayne slowly pushed the dress off Larks shoulders and let it drop in a pile at their feet leaving Lark standing in her lace bra and thong underwear that Rayne loved so much on Lark.
Lark gasped as she felt Raynes hard nipples against her back and her breathing became more erratic as Rayne slowly pulled her bra straps off her shoulders allowing Lark to remove her arms from the confining straps. "Oh, feel so good kissing and touching me." Lark moaned breathless as Raynes kiss moved down the middle of her spine followed by her hands to unhook her bra. The kiss sent a flush of warmth throughout her as goose bumps covered her body. Lark reveled in Raynes kiss and touch which was so soft, delicate, loving and only meant for her as she moaned out in delight while Raynes hands cupped her breasts as she lightly nipped on Larks neck.
Raynes arousal heightened and she thought about how much she loved to caress and kiss Lark. She loved how her body responded to her touch as if it only would from her caress. "Lark...I love to touch you." She whispered in her ear as her tongue traced the contours of her ear.
"Oh, baby." Lark moaned deeply unable to keep her eyes open from the ecstasy she felt from Raynes touch, kiss and her warm, husky breath in her ear. It ignited a fire that only Rayne could satisfy. Larks hands reached behind her and began to unbutton Raynes shorts who moved her kiss to the opposite side of Larks neck to shower it with the attention it craved.
Lark was finally able to unfasten Raynes shorts which dropped to the floor and she rubbed her hand between Raynes legs to feel how warm and wet her lover was through her underwear. Rayne stopped her kiss and grasped Larks breast gently as she gasped and tried to catch her breath which escaped her when Lark touched her sex.
Raynes response to Larks touch excited Lark to no end and she pushed Raynes underwear off her hips to join her shorts on the floor. Rayne stepped out of the discarded clothing and ran her hands up and down Larks firm backside before they slipped around the front of her hips. She gently pulled Lark back against her as she lightly nibbled on her neck. Larks heart raced with anticipation and want as she felt Raynes wet curls against her backside. She ran her hands up behind Raynes neck as her body rubbed up and down against Rayne who slipped her hands underneath the remaining material.
Rayne felt how wet the thong was as her fingers traveled along the inside of the thong pushing it away from Larks body down between her legs. Raynes fingers parted her folds and ran up along her slick, hot center sending Lark into a frenzy. Raynes fingers moved up away from Larks sex and hooked them around the thin material before her tongue lightly traveled down Larks spine as she squatted down behind Lark removing her thong.
Raynes hands slowly moved up the outside of Larks legs as her kiss moved from her firm backside to her spine and her tongue traveled the full length of her back stopping at her neck as her arms wrapped around her blonde lover.
Lark turned to face her lover and ran her hands through her raven hair as Rayne gently lay her back on the bed staring into her beautiful green eyes. Lark moved up on the bed and watched as her fabulous lover stared at her with loving blues while she slowly climbed on top of her. Rayne hovered above Lark and began to kiss her softly...slipping her tongue in and out of Larks mouth with each sensual kiss before her body slowly lowered onto Larks.
"Oh, make me feels so incredible." Lark moaned through her kiss as her arms wrapped tightly around her muscular lover whose hips began to grind against hers.
"Lark...I love you so much it hurts." Rayne professed breathless as she passionately kissed her younger lover. Lark couldnt take it anymore and rolled Rayne rolled onto her back never breaking their kiss. She began to grind her body against Raynes and deepened her kiss as Rayne grasped her ass tightly. Lark could feel Raynes navel ring against her abdomen and it sent chills down her spine because it felt so good against her taut stomach.
Lark moved her kiss down Raynes chin to her chest and captured an erect nipple in her mouth as Raynes hands caressed her upper back. "Lark...that feels wonderful baby." Rayne moaned as she watched her lover suck her breast heightening her passions before moving her tongue down to Raynes toned abdomen and stopping to lightly kiss around her bandage where her stitches where.
Lark moved her tongue to Raynes navel circling it before dipping her tongue inside the opening. The sucking, her tongue and the movement of the navel ring sent a throbbing sensation straight to Raynes sex. She ran her fingers through Larks short hair and watched her work her magic. She couldnt hold it any longer...she wanted Larks tongue between her legs in a bad way. Rayne reached down and guided Lark back up on top of her wrapping her arms around her as she pressed her sex against Larks.
"Oh, baby...too bad you dont have your sex toy with you." Lark purred seductively through her kiss and thought fondly of the first night they made love with the sex toy. Rayne kissed Lark passionately as Lark remembered how slow, gentle, caring and loving Rayne was when she gave her most intimate treasure to her blue eyed lover...her virginity. Rayne returned the intimate moment when she gave Lark her virginity that night as well. Lark loved how it felt to share such an intimate moment with the person she loved and for them to do the same for her Lark thought as Rayne broke the kiss.
"No baby...I want it just to be you and me tonight. I want to share an orgasm with you Lark." Rayne replied seductively as she gazed lovingly into Larks green eyes.
Larks heart skipped a beat at Raynes seductive request and she smiled sexily. "Ill be back soon." Lark answered with one last kiss before turning around and lowering her sex to Raynes mouth as her own mouth lowered to Raynes sex. Lark guided Raynes legs apart before dipping her tongue down into the warm, wet recess of her lover as Rayne moaned out loud in ecstasy from Larks tongue inside her moist opening.
Raynes scent and taste were intoxicating and she moved her tongue deeper inside her dark lover devouring her sweet nectar as if it was the first time she had ever tasted her. Lark loved how Rayne felt and tasted. Rayne lifted her head up and lightly ran her tongue along Larks slick clit before sliding it deep inside her moist opening. Lark lifted her head up and gasped for her breath as she lost it when Raynes tongue entered her.
Once she caught her breath she went back to licking and sucking Raynes engorged nub much to Raynes delight. Raynes tongue moved up and down Larks swollen nub as if she was licking an ice cream cone.
The sound of Larks gasps along with the faster movement of her hips encouraged Rayne to apply more pressure with her tongue against Larks sensitive nub and a faster licking motion.
"Lark you taste incredible baby." Rayne moaned breathless as her tongue entered Larks opening and slid back down to her slick clit. Rayne slipped her thumb deep inside of Lark as she continued her ministrations with her tongue as Larks hips moved faster with each deep thrust of her long finger.
Her tongue feels so incredible licking me. The way she moves her tongue is so sensual and sexy...its drives me wild. Lark thought as she continued to enjoy her tall lovers sex.
Lark was drawing near to her climax and knew Rayne was too as her hips pressed up and down with the movements of Larks tongue. Both women enjoyed one another as their hearts raced and their breathing became more erratic. "This is for you baby." Lark responded breathless through her kiss as she let her orgasm go as Raynes tongue entered her to accept all of Lark. The offering from Lark sent Rayne over the edge and she reached her peak and released her treasure for Lark to devour.
Raynes tongue moved in and out of Lark as she sucked her juices with Larks opening closing and opening around her tongue. They both moaned in pleasure as they shared multiple orgasm after multiple orgasm. Rayne ran her hands up and down Larks back as she took everything Lark had to offer gladly until there was no more. She placed soft kisses followed by soft bites along her legs and butt until Lark was finished with her feast of Rayne.
Lark turned around and crawled up on her tall, sexy lover with a satisfied smile on her face. "Hi sexy." Lark replied as she settled comfortably on Rayne and kissed her loving the taste of herself on Raynes lips.
"Enjoy yourself?" Rayne asked with a sexy smile as she wiped herself off of Larks upper lip.
"Immensely...did I leave some?" Lark asked as she sucked Raynes finger that wiped her face not wanting to leave any of Rayne anywhere other than in her mouth.
Rayne leaned up to capture her lips for a sensual kiss. "How about you?" Lark asked with a smile and a wiggle of her eyebrows as Raynes hands lightly rubbed up and down Larks perfect body.
" was okay." Rayne teased with a laugh as she saw Lark take offense to her comment.
"Hey!" Lark replied as she sank her teeth into Raynes neck getting a giggle out of Rayne.
"Ooh, that feels so good Lark...I think I just had another orgasm." Rayne answered sexily as her blond lover raised her head up and gazed into her sexy blues.
"Well?...did you enjoy yourself or was I just a good fuck?" Lark teased as she leaned her head in her hand with her elbow leaning against the bed and looked at Rayne.
"Ouch!...I guess I deserved that one." Rayne answered with a nervous laugh and regretted saying that Lark was nothing but a good fuck previously in the week. "Lark...Im very sorry for what I said that day. I regret that I said..." Rayne tried to finish as Lark put her finger on her lips.
" already apologized for that...I was just teasing you." Lark answered as she moved her finger and kissed Rayne before sitting back up.
"I think youre letting me off too easy Lark...but thanks." Rayne answered with a smile as she ran her palm down her cheek. "I enjoyed myself more than youll ever know baby." Rayne declared sincerely as she leaned up and kissed her love.
Rayne lay back on the bed and Lark crawled back on top of her. "Im not hurting you am I?" Lark asked with concern.
" make me feel better." Rayne answered with a smile as Rayne began to scratch Larks back.
Larks eyes rolled up and she closed her eyes as she laid down on Raynes chest. "Rayne...that feels incredible!" Lark replied in obvious pleasure.
"Dont get too comfortable because Im next and you know how much I love my back scratched!" Rayne answered with a laugh as Lark pretended to snore. "Oh, no you dont." Rayne laughed as she poked Lark in the ribs tickling her as she squirmed and giggled.
Lark looked up at Rayne. "Yes, I know how much you like a good back scratch because you usually make me scratch until my fingernails are worn down to the nub." Lark teased with a laugh.
"But you do it so good could I not love it?" Rayne answered seductively as she kissed Lark. Rayne was ecstatic that Lark was back in her life and realized she hadnt felt complete in the past six months until now. "Lark...what made you cut your hair?" Rayne asked with wonderment.
"I thought you liked it?" Lark asked feeling self conscious about her hair as she ran her fingers through it.
"Oh, I do...actually I absolutely love it. Dont get me wrong I liked your hair long too but I really like it the way you have it brings out your sassiness and doesnt hide your beauty...I was just curious."
Lark was touched by what Rayne had just said to her. She worried she wouldnt like it but that thought was wrong. "Well, I cut it for you."
"For me?" Rayne asked with a chuckle and bewilderment as she shifted her head on the pillow. "Why?"
"Because I wanted you to look at me with love again instead of betrayal so, I figured the long hair would be a constant reminder of that and I wanted to change that perception." Lark explained. Raynes heart fluttered from Larks explanation and she was speechless. Rayne just stared into Larks eyes unable to form any words. "Whats wrong?" Lark asked as she saw the tears form in Raynes blue eyes.
"Aah...I dont know what to say Lark. Im flattered, gracious...but you didnt need to do that for me."
"It was the least I could do for you Rayne...I nearly died twice for me." Lark answered with a smile which turned serious. "Besides, I wanted us to have a new beginning so, I thought a new look was in order."
"That is incredibly sweet Lark." Rayne answered as she ran her hand through Larks hair resting her hand on her neck and pulled her in for a searing kiss. "Thank you...I love it." Rayne whispered through her kiss before deepening it. They broke their kiss breathless as Rayne smiled mischievously. "So, does that mean I can cut my hair short?"
"Oh," Lark protested holding up her hand to stop that conversation.
"Oh, come on why cant I?...thats not fair." Rayne teased as she poked her in the ribs knowing she didnt want to cut her hair short.
"No, way!...I love your hair just the way it is right now...Ill compromise and let you cut one inch off but thats it." Lark answered firmly and with a chuckle.
"You are so generous to me." Rayne answered with a laugh.
"How about if I get a navel ring to go along with my new look?" Lark asked with a mischievous smile.
"It would look very sexy on that abdomen of yours baby...but it hurts like hell." Rayne answered as she rolled her eyes back and moved her head side to side to emphasize her point.
"Wait...this is coming from the person who got the snot beat out of them and asked for more, jumped through a window to avoid a bomb explosion, took a bullet in the chest...albeit with a bulletproof vest on...died and came back to life but a navel ring hurt like hell?" Lark asked wide eyed and in complete disbelief.
Rayne laughed. "Yes, actually it did...I mean, it only lasted for a couple of minutes but it kept getting infected which hurt a lot. I wouldnt recommend that you get one even if it would look sexy on you." Rayne answered with a sexy smile.
"Then why did you get one?" Lark answered with wonderment.
"It was a surprise for you on our anniversary...well, one of them." Rayne answered as her smile crept away still finding it hard to discuss that evening not because of what happened but for the reason that it was a special evening and it was ruined.
Lark could see the sadness in Raynes eyes as she shifted her blues away from Larks greens and watched her finger trace along Larks neckline. "Im so sorry I ruined our evening." Lark answered regretfully as blues shot up and met greens.
"Why? have nothing to be sorry for sweets." Rayne answered honestly.
"I feel like I am to blame. I should never have put myself in that predicament Rayne." Lark answered regretfully and with sadness.
"Lark...that woman and Danielle set that whole thing was just a farce. You couldnt have avoided it." Rayne answered growing more agitated at the thought that someone she considered a close friend could do something so dreadful for their own selfish reasons.
"Yes...Rayne, I could have avoided it." Lark answered regretfully.
"How?" Rayne asked as she shrugged her shoulders with wonderment.
The tears formed in Larks green eyes as she thought about that evening. "I could have trusted your love for me I should have and not gotten so drunk either. Ill never forgive myself for that Rayne."
"Well, should have trusted my love for you but the same could be said for me. I should have been more open with my feelings when Forrest and Grandma Taye died. If I had...then you wouldnt have felt that way about me. Besides, I wouldnt put it past those two bitches to have drugged you." Rayne answered angrily at the thought.
"I cant forgive myself for it Rayne. It cost me the one thing I love more than life itself for six could have cost me that for the rest of my life. That hurts so much to know that I could have prevented it." Lark answered as the tears fell.
Rayne wiped her tears away. "Lark...we both made regrettable mistakes because we didnt trust each other enough to confide in one another with our problems. I dont want that to happen ever again."
"I know the pain all too well from being away from you and I hate myself to this day because I walked out on you. I should have let you explain but I didnt. But we have to forgive ourselves for our actions...somehow. We have to or its just going to keep coming between us." Rayne answered as she gently rubbed her hands up and down Larks arms.
Lark sniffed her tears back and wiped them away. "How do we do that Rayne?"
"Im not sure but we have to do it together." Rayne answered simply as she hugged Lark close to her as Lark slipped her arms around Raynes neck and tilted her head up to kiss Rayne who gladly accepted her kiss.
Lark sat up breaking the kiss and ran her hand through Raynes hair locking greens with blues. "I love you with all of my heart and soul Rayne." Lark professed honestly as Rayne kissed her.
"I love you the same way Lark." Rayne whispered through her kiss deepening it to let her know that she meant what she said. Rayne broke the kiss as Lark snuggled her face against Raynes neck. Rayne lightly rubbed Larks back as Lark placed her hand over Raynes heart and felt the steady beat knowing this was where she was meant to be. They both lay silently in each others arms thinking that they were where they belonged... with each other as Morpheus took them both away to their dreams with hearts beating as one.
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