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By Cruise and Stoley |
Disclaimers: Xena: Warrior Princess, Gabrielle, Argo and all other characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess, together with the names, titles and backstory are the sole copyright property of MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
The following story is alternative uber-fan fiction. If you are under age, or if you find the idea of two women loving each other offensive to you....please do not read any further. Thank you.
Music by Sophie B. Hawkins, "Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover" is used without permission. No monetary gain in connection with story.
You can contact the authors at:,
"Baby! Look what just walked in!"
Jordan turned her head and spied the woman in question and shrugged her shoulders replying, "She's o.k."
"Are you crazy? That's gorgeous!" her friend whispered.
Jordan wasn't that interested in looking around right now. She wasn't even sure why she agreed to come to Key West in the first place. Linda came down every year and had been bugging her for the past two years to come with her. She had finally caved in and agreed to this trip. Jordan had given up looking for anyone, after two failed relationships, and just preferred to concentrate on her career.
Listening to the music, Jordan looked out over the crowd and caught a glimpse of a tall dark-haired woman standing at the bar. 'Not bad,' she thought to herself.
Linda caught her staring and asked, "So, something finally peak your interest?"
Jordan quickly looked away and replied, "No, just dazing."
"Hey Bly!" Julie called as she hit her friend on the arm to get her attention. "There's a blonde checking you out my friend," she replied with a sly smile.
Bly took a long sip of her Jack and Coke, gave Julie a quick glance, and then slowly and nonchalantly turned around to check out the ladies as she leaned back against the bar.
When Bly caught sight of the blonde with fabulous green eyes, she stood up and was captivated by her beauty.
"Hey Bly, close your mouth before your teeth fall out. What's up with Miss Smooth Operator making such an obvious display of fondness?" Julie teased.
Bly closed her mouth and turned her head to Julie, "I've...aah...never seen someone as beautiful as her. I feel like somehow were' connected," Bly stammered with amazement of her feelings for this woman, and turned back to look at the green eyed beauty again.
"Bly, you're so full of it with the, 'most beautiful woman you have ever seen'. You have had many beautiful women and I think this is just another one of you pick up lines!"
Bly gave Julie a serious look as she picked up her drink and drained it. "You're friggin' serious?" Julie asked with astonishment.
"I've never been more serious Jules. I need to meet her," Bly answered as her heart raced with excitement of an encounter with the woman.
Julie had known Bly for over 10 years and knew that she was not fooling about with this one. "Well, ask her to dance!"
Bly gave Julie a, 'don't be stupid' look as she put her hands on her hips.
"I know...I know, don't get in the way of the master smooth operator." Julie teased with a smile.
Bly smiled and headed across the crowded bar.
"Come on, dance with me," Linda asked tugging on Jordans arm. Jordan groaned but allowed herself to be pulled up and onto the dance floor. The music turned to a slow, sensual beat and Jordan looked at Linda questioningly when a deep voice behind asked, "May I have this dance?" Jordan turned to look up into the bluest eyes she had ever seen.
"Huh? She stammered and heard a giggle from behind her.
"Dance? Would you care to?" The woman asked again, her eyebrow raising in question, worried that the green-eyed beauty would decline her offer.
Jordan felt a shove from behind and found herself in the arms of the woman she had been watching at the bar.
"I guess that means yes," the woman drawled.
Jordan grinned embarrassed and replied, "Sorry."
Bly slid her hand in the woman's hand and led her to an open spot. Bly turned to her dance partner; locking blue eyes with green, Bly pulled her into her arms as she continued her gaze. Bly moved her head over the woman's shoulder lightly grazing her cheek and feeling the softness of her skin against her own.
'This feels like paradise,' Bly thought to herself as "Damn I wish I was your lover by Sophie B. Hawkins began to play.
<that old dog has chained you up alright...give you everything you live inside a twisted cage>
Bly slowly slid her arm around Jordan's waist, pulling her closer and taking in the sweet smell of Lauren perfume on her neck as warmth swept throughout her body.
<I had a dream I was your hero...damn I wish I was your lover...I'll rock you till the daylight come...make sure you are smiling and warm>
"It was everything Bly could do to keep from pressing her sensual lips along the soft skin of her neck.
<I am everything...tonight I'll be your mother I will...and I'll do such things to ease your your mind and you won't feel ashamed...this monkey can't stand to see you black and blue...I give you something sweet each time you come inside my jungle book...what is it just too good...don't say you'll stay...cause then you go away.>
Jordan enjoyed the sensation she felt from Bly's thigh pressed against her sex. Bly began to grind her body against Jordan's to the rhythm of the music as Jordan's breathing increased.
<shucks for me there is no're the only shoe that fits...I can't imagine I'll grow out of it...damn, I wish I was your lover>
Jordan had never been so sexually aroused by another's touch as she was by this woman's. Bly could feel her dance partner's warm breath along her neck, sending chills down her spine as she held her tighter and continued to grind against her body.
<If I was your girl, believe Me..I'd turn on the rolling stones...we could groove along and feel much better...I could do it forever and ever...give me an hour to kiss you ...walk through heaven's door. I'm sure...we don't need no doctor to feel much better...let me in...forever and ever and ever...>
Jordan was afraid to say a word, instead deciding to enjoy the moment as she moved her arms tighter around the woman to intensify the feel of their bodies against one another.
<I sat on the mountainside with peace of mind...and I lay by the ocean making love to her...wish visions clear...walked for days with no one near...and I return as chained and bound to you>
They moved as one to the beat and before Jordan knew it, they were pressed as close as a couple of lovers dancing to the intoxicating rhythm.
<shucks. for me there is no're the only shoe that fits...I can't imagine I'll grow out of it...damn, I wish I was your lover>
The song ended and a husky voice whispered in her ear, "Thank you," before the arms released her.
"No, thank you," Jordan replied and watched the woman walk back toward the bar. Returning to the table Jordan sat down flushed and signaled for another drink.
Linda asked, "What was that about?"
"She wanted to dance." Jordan simply remarked.
"Honey, that was not dancing! That was just short of illegal in twenty states!"
Jordan just laughed and turned her attention to the dance floor.
"Here ya go definitely need this drink after that display!" Julie laughed and handed her friend another Jack and Coke.
"Thanks Jules," Bly answered as she took a drink. "Hey, Tara send one of my specialty drinks, a Maui Malibu Mama (Malibu rum, pineapple juice, with a splash of cranberry juice) over to the overheated blonde with the beautiful green eyes across the bar," she informed the bartender. Bly looked over her shoulder so
Tara would know who to send the drink to.
"Bly, what's her name?" Julie asked.
"I'm about to find out," Bly answered as she flashed a sexy smile and turned around to watch the drink being delivered.
"Hey Linda, don't look now but, third table on your left, brunette keeps giving you the eye," Jordan whispered in Linda's ear.
Linda nodded before letting her eyes casually scan the room and the woman in question. "I think your right my friend."
The bartender came to the table and set a drink in front of Jordan. She looked from it to the woman questioningly; "This isn't what I ordered?"
Tara smiled slyly and replied, "Compliments of the tall babe at the bar."
Jordan's heart skipped a beat and she looked toward the bar but couldn't see her.
"What is it?"
"It's a specialty, Maui Malibu Mama, equal parts Malibu Rum, pineapple juice and a splash of cranberry juice. Try it, I guarantee you'll like it," the bartender winked.
Jordan took a sip smiling and said, "Tell her I said thank you." Tara smiled nodded and walked away.
"Well, well, maybe I should just go over and ask that woman to dance with me so yours will come over," Linda snickered and stood up.
"No!" Jordan pulled back on Linda's arm nervous.
"Come on! Be brave!"
"O.k., o.k." Jordan let go of Linda's arm and watched her friend approach the brunette.
All of a sudden, the hairs on her neck stood on end as if charged by electricity and she turned to look up into deep blue eyes.
"Mind if I sit down?" Bly asked as she pointed to the chair next to Jordan.
"" Jordan gestured to the chair.
Bly sat down and looked into those incredible green eyes asking, "So, do you like the drink?"
"I love's very tropical," Jordan answered with a smile as she took another sip.
"Well, we are in a tropical setting so, the drink would be appropriate," Bly answered sarcastically.
"By the way I'm Bly," she replied as she held out her hand to Jordan.
Jordan was taken back by the sarcastic remark but reached out to shake her hand when Bly stared into her eyes and slowly raised the hand to her lips, placing a soft kiss upon it, "you might be who?" she asked seductively.
Jordan was a little put off by her aggressiveness. " name is Jordan," she answered as she pulled her hand away and raised her glass nervously for another drink.
"So, do you like what you see? Bly asked.
"Excuse me?" Jordan asked with agitation.
"I noticed you staring at me and I wanted to know if you liked what you saw? Did you like how you felt in my arms? Bly asked kicking herself for having diarrhea of the mouth, especially when she's had too much Jack and Coke to drink.
Jordan was obviously embarrassed and didn't want to continue the conversation. She nervously shifted in her chair making eye contact with Linda which meant, she needed help.
"Well? Are you going to answer me?" Bly asked with a cocky smile.
"Hey Jordan! Come dance with me and save me from that woman!" Linda replied grabbing the blonde by the arm and pulling her out on the dance floor.
Bly watched the pair on the dance floor and looked down thinking, 'You friggin' idiot! Why would you go and act that way round her! Getting up she headed over to Julie and thought, 'I've really got to consider finding something else to drink other than Jack and Coke. It gets me in trouble every time.'
"Hey, Let's get out of here."
"What about the love of your life?" Julie teased.
"I think I just scared her away," Bly answered with regret as she glanced at Jordan one more time before exiting the club.
"You O.K.?" Linda asked concerned with her friend's distress.
"I'm fine," Jordan replied watching Bly leave the bar with another woman.
"Come on Babe! I've known you too long to believe that. What did she do?" Linda asked pulling Jordan over to the corner of the dance floor.
"Nothing. I guess it was more her attitude," Jordan answered and shivered slightly.
Linda placed a concerned arm around her friend and led her back to the table.
"What do you mean?" she asked once they were seated again.
Jordan looked down and picked up the drink Bly had sent her and quickly set it down again frowning.
"Remember Cindy?'
"Yes," Linda replied and then sat up straighter, "she didn't try.....?"
"No! No! Nothing like that! It was intimidating like Cindy use to be. I felt like I was being backed up to that wall again."
"Damn! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone," Linda apologized.
"What are you going to do? Baby-sit me and hold my hand? It's no biggie, I'll survive." Jordan smiled at her friend weakly.
"I know you will, I can worry though."
"Don't worry, you know me I still have a weakness for those aggressive ex-jocks, Cindy was just the exception to the rule," Jordan replied.
"Ooh, me too, that's why were here this weekend," Linda smiled.
"Hey, why don't we call it a night and head back and tomorrow we check out the jock's at the football game?"
"What about the brunette?"
"Naw, too chatty for me. I like my women quiet and meek like you."
The next morning Jordan awoke early and walked down to the beach while Linda slept in. The beach was pretty much deserted as she sat down to look out over the water. Last night's incident had brought back painful memories that were best left forgotten. She couldn't really remember all that had happened, she had been drinking a lot and all she could remember now was fear and anger. She tried not to dwell on it too much and had tucked it away in the past. It was a long time ago and she was not the same person now. Taking a deep breath she smiled as the sun made its ascent into the sky. 'That was yesterday, this is today!' she told herself firmly.
Standing up she brushed the sand off her shorts and looked down the beach, stopping when she saw a familiar figure looking out over the ocean. She watched as Bly stood with shoulders slightly sagged as if carrying a heavy weight. This morning the woman didn't look so threatening and Jordan couldn't stop from feeling compassion at the woman's sadness. Unsure of what to do she stood rooted to her spot and watched until the woman turned and blue eyes met green once again.
Bly looked back down to her hands as she fiddled with the shell she was holding, embarrassed over her display last night at the bar. She knew there was no way of avoiding Jordan so, she threw her shell in the ocean and watched it skip across the water and disappear before she moved toward Jordan. 'Try not to be an idiot this time Bly, like you where last night' Bly thought to herself as she hesitantly approached Jordan, looking up into her sexy green eyes she flashed a sexy smile before hanging her head back down.
"Nice morning huh?" Bly asked unable to make eye contact.
"It's incredibly beautiful here." Jordan answered as she scanned the blue-green water then turned back to Bly.
"You okay?" Jordan asked with concern, her heart beat a little faster as she looked at the sexy woman who wore a black sports bra with a pair of red "Sideout" shorts with a volleyball emblem on the leg of the shorts. Jordan noticed that Bly had an incredibly toned, muscular body and very nice tan.
"Yes it is...I love it here." Bly answered with a quick glance up at Jordan then back down. "Aah...Jordan...I ...aah wanted to apologize for the way I acted last night." Bly stammered as her blue eyes finally met green eyes and Jordan could see the sincerity in them. "It was the Jack and coke talking last night and I wanted you to know that I'm really not that much of a jerk."
"It's okay Bly...I accept your apology." Jordan answered with a nod for reassurance.
"I would like to make it up to you if I could, well, if you would let me." Bly asked with a slight smile.
"You really don't have to do that, your apology was enough."
"I know I don't have to but I want to. I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight?" Bly asked with a smile.
Jordan wanted to jump at the opportunity but decided to not rush into things like she always had in the past, which had led to two very big mistakes.
"Aah...that's a very sweet offer Bly, could I get back to you with an answer though?"
"I can understand if you don't want to go out with me and you have every right to not want to have anything to do with me. I'm sorry for last night and intruding today." Bly answered with disappointment as she turned to leave.
Jordan grabbed her by the arm to stop her... "No, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I need to speak with Linda before I accept. She purchased tickets for a fundraiser dinner at Kelly's Caribbean bar and grill and I'm not sure if it's for tonight or tomorrow. So, could I call you later when I find out?"
Jordan asked knowing exactly what day the fundraiser was for but, still didn't want to be impulsive about her answer. She wanted to give herself a chance to think things over.
"I didn't know Kelly's was having a fundraiser but, I'm staying at the Rainbow House in room 13 if you want to call me there later with your answer," Bly answered as she smiled and headed off to the road to retrieve her moped.
"Okay I will contact you later then," Jordan answered as she watched Bly climb on her moped and head out of sight. Jordan thought about how much she was attracted to Bly and whether she was being too harsh to her. "She could be your soulmate Jordan and you may have pushed her out of your life," she replied softly to herself and headed off to meet up with Linda to watch the football game.
Linda and Jordan pulled up to the field finding it packed with women for the flag football tournament... "Oh, yes! women galore Jordan!" Linda exclaimed with excitement.
"I can see that!" Jordan answered in amazement. She scanned the crowd while the pair pulled out their lawnchairs and cooler.
The pair picked a great sunny spot on the sideline to get a great view of the game as well as, the ladies.
"I just love to watch a bunch of women running around playing football." Linda exclaimed with a big grin.
"I thought you didn't like football Linda" Jordan replied skeptical.
"That's men Jordan, but women playing is another story." Linda answered with a mischievous smile on her face... "Hey, check out the quarterback for the teal team."
"Which one is the quarterback?" Jordan asked confused.
"The one with the ball, #13!...she's hot!" Linda exclaimed with disbelief at her friend's ignorance of the players.
Jordan looked over to #13, the quarterback as Linda said, and noticed a tall, tanned and strikingly beautiful woman. Her dark hair was pulled through the hole in the back of her Miami Dolphins ball cap and her eyes hidden behind Oakley sunglasses.
"She's very good looking Linda." Jordan watched in awe as the woman ran gracefully from the defenders as she approached their sideline. The woman was shoved out of bounds and slid down to the ground right in front of an astonished Jordan and Linda.
"Now isn't that ironic!" Linda replied in amazement as they checked her out.
The woman stood up and took out her mouthpiece as she looked at the pair.
"Hello, Jordan, " the woman replied with a smile before putting her mouthpiece back in and running back onto the field to join her team in the huddle.
Jordan sat in astonishment as Linda looked strangely at her. "Are you neglecting to tell me something? Who was that beauty?"
Jordan recognized the voice behind the shades and hat. "It was Bly," Jordan answered with amazement not knowing she played football.
"Wow! She is freaking hot, too bad she was such a jerk to you!" Linda replied as she watched the game continue.
"I saw and spoke to her on the beach this morning and she asked me to dinner tonight," Jordan replied.
"Were her manners better this time?" Linda asked with skepticism.
"Yes, and she apologized for the way she acted last night."
"Unbelievable...are you going to go with her?"
"I'm not sure yet," Jordan answered with hesitation as they continued to watch the game. A group of women approached the area where Linda and Jordan sat to watch the game.
"I think I am in love with Bly." A red-haired woman replied to her friends as Jordan overheard their conversation.
"No, I'm in love with her and I will be the one she goes out with." A shorthaired brunette answered as everyone laughed.
"Deb, there is no way she will go out with you!" The red-haired woman answered.
Jordan became jealous of the woman bickering over who would go out with Bly as she eavesdropped on their conversation.
"Dude...I'm a chick magnet and I just know she will go out with me, especially when I flash my sexy dimples to her." The woman named Deb answered with cockiness and a laugh as all of her friends laughed as well.
"You should know by now that Bly doesn't accept dates from people, she offers them, and the only way you're going out with her is if she asks you!"
"I know, but it doesn't hurt to dream does it?" Deb answered with a smile as they all stared at Bly.
"All I know is that whoever she asks out is one lucky woman." the redhead answered with awe.
Jordan smiled as her decision had been made and leaned to Linda... "The answer to your question is yes."
"What did I ask you?" Linda asked confused.
"I am going out to dinner with Bly tonight," Jordan answered with a smile as a happy nervousness swept over her body. She wondered what she was getting herself into with Bly.
"Did you see that pass! It had to have been oh, 50 yards! Oh, yes! Touchdown!" Linda yelled with excitement and amazement at Bly's pass.
"That was incredible!" Jordan answered with astonishment as she watched Bly hug her teammates after the play.
"She is a very good athlete!" Linda exclaimed.
After the game, Bly approached the pair as they were packing up their chairs and cooler. "Did you enjoy the game?" Bly asked with a smile.
"Yes, very much so," Jordan answered with a smile as she slipped her sunglasses on to check Bly's sweaty, but sexy body out without her knowing.
Bly took a long sip of water. "Bly, man, you can really throw that ball. Where did you learn to do that?" Linda asked in amazement.
Bly wiped the water off her mouth as Jordan wished she could lick it off those sensuous lips.
"From the main man #13 himself, my boy, Dan Marino!" Bly answered with a laugh.
"So, you're a Marino fan?" Linda asked.
"If you saw my house you wouldn't ask that question." Bly laughed as she turned to her friends who called to her to get moving, they where ready to go. Bly held up a finger for one more minute and looked back at Jordan. "So, are you going to except my offer of dinner?" Bly asked with a smile.
"Yes...I will be accepting your offer. What time?" Jordan answered with a smile.
"How about 7 because the restaurant is small and gets very busy quickly. Where are you staying? " Bly asked as she waved to her still shouting friends, without taking her eyes off of Jordan.
"We are staying at Alexanders guesthouse."
"Oh, great, it is just around the corner from there so, I will be out front at about 6:45 then, okay?" Bly asked for assurance that the plans she offered would be accepted.
"That would be perfect," Jordan answered with a smile.
"Great! I will see you then. I have to get going to a volleyball game so, see you later!" Bly answered with a smile as she ran over to the waiting car. Bly jumped into the Mustang convertible and the carload of woman laughed as they sped off out of the parking lot.
Linda put her sunglasses back down on her eyes after watching Bly run off to join her friends. "Did you notice the nice ass she has?"
"Linda!" Jordan exclaimed with embarrassment as she elbowed her friend.
Linda looked at Jordan and the two laughed. "You were checking it out too!" Linda laughed as she pointed at Linda.
"Oh, behave!" Jordan laughed as the pair headed towards their car.
"So, do you want to got watch a volleyball game," Linda asked as they pulled out of the parking lot.
"No, that would look too anxious, don't you think?"
"Maybe just interested," Linda offered. "But, youre probably right. So, what are you going to wear tonight?"
"I have no idea where we're even going," Taylor complained looking down at her shorts and T-shirt.
"Why don't we head over to shops and see what we can find?"
"Great idea," Jordan answered making a mental list of the clothes she had brought.
They parked their car back at the guesthouse and made their way through the various shops.
"Jordan, what about this?" Linda asked excitedly. Jordan turned to look at the article of clothing her friend held up.
"I can't wear that!" Jordan exclaimed.
"Why? I think you would look hot in it," Linda replied.
"I can see though it!"
"That's why you wear this under it!" Linda answered and held up a white bra that went under the lacy top. "Come on, at least try it on."
"Linda!" Jordan whined.
"For me?"
"Give it to me!" Jordan groaned and went into the fitting room. Looking at herself in the mirror she thought, 'Not bad. I guess it covers enough yet, shows so much more.'
"Get out here!" Linda called impatiently, "Let me see what it looks like."
Jordan stepped out of the room and blushed when Linda let out a low whistle.
"You have got to get that! You look totally hot in that," Linda replied. The top was a midriff lacy number with the white bra underneath. She could wear any color shorts with it she wanted to and opted for her short navy one's.
"You sure it doesn't scream, "I'm cheap!"
"No! It screams Babe!" Linda remarked and pushed her back into the fitting room to change.
In the next shop, Jordan found a pair of gold hoops that she had always wanted. The afternoon was slipping away as they hurried back to their room to get ready for the sunset fest. They made their way down to the dock just as it was starting to get crowded, and finding a good spot they waited.
"Hey, Linda is that you?"
Linda and Jordan turned toward the voice behind them and Linda squealed in delight.
"Judy! What are you doing here?" The two women hugged as Jordan looked on in amusement.
"I came down with some friends, and you?"
"I came down with my friend Jordan. Judy I'd like you to meet Jordan," Linda said and pulled Jordan forward. "Judy and I go back a long way."
"We were in college together," Judy explained. She looked over at Linda and thinking how really good the woman looked even after all this time.
"It's nice to meet you Judy," Jordan replied shaking the offered hand.
"So, do you two have plans for the evening?" Judy asked not sure if they were together or just friends.
Linda chuckled and replied, "My friend here has a date with this gorgeous jock."
"So then you're free this evening?" Judy asked hopefully.
"Sure, what did you have in mind?"
"My friends are all meeting at the Epic tonight, I thought we could go over for a little dancing? You up for that?"
"Sounds like my kind of evening," Linda answered and turned to find Jordan looking out over the water to the other side of the dock.
Jordan looked across the water to the other crowd of people on the dock and saw a familiar figure standing all alone looking out over the water. She had the same forlorn look as this morning on the beach, and Jordan knew something was bothering her.
"What's up?" Linda asked her.
"I think I'm going to head over there, I think I see someone I know. You guys have a good time this evening and I'll see you later tonight?" The last question she posed to Linda who nodded.
"It was nice meeting you Judy."
"Nice meeting you too, have fun on your date."
Jordan hurried through the crowd trying to find her way to where she saw Bly standing alone. She made it to the end of the pier and couldn't find the tall woman.
"Damn," Jordan breathed, "Where could she have gone so fast?"
Looking around once more, she gave up and headed back to the guesthouse to see if Bly was waiting for her there. Jordan reached the guesthouse and didn't see Bly anywhere and decided to wait on the porch for her.
Alexander's Guesthouse was a homey 1910 conch house covered in tropical foliage. Jordan sat on a sofa on a wide veranda type porch and looked out past the white fence for Bly to arrive on her moped. The stars were just beginning to come out and Jordan watched the sky as it filled with tiny sparkles.
"What'cha looking at?" Bly asked standing at the bottom of the steps.
Jordan jumped as she hadn't heard the woman or her moped arrive. "Jeez, you scared me. I didn't hear you drive up."
"Sorry, I parked the bike over there earlier and ran down the street for this," Bly said and handed Jordan a white rose.
"What.....that's so sweet. Thank you," Jordan blushed embarrassed at Bly's display of affection. "No one's ever given me flowers before."
"No one, huh? I'll have to remember that." Bly replied. "Well, you hungry?"
"Starving," Jordan replied and went down the steps to join Bly. Jordan unlocked the gate at the end of the walk with her room key as Bly held it open for her and waited for Jordan to proceed her. "Hey, how did you get in the gate?" Jordan asked with wonder at how she managed it.
"I jumped the fence because I didn't want to break your concentration on what you were staring at," Bly answered with a sweet smile.
Jordan smiled and thought about how romantic it was for Bly to jump the fence and to give her a beautiful white rose.
As they walked to the restaurant Jordan looked up at Bly's profile and thought about how surprisingly different Bly was turning out to be. She wasn't at all the intimidating person she had originally thought.
Lifting the rose to her nose she breathed in it's scent and smiled, 'yep things are definitely looking better' as she glanced over to catch a glimpse of Bly. The woman looked stunning in her white cotton high neck tank top revealing her tan and well defined arms with the top fitting her toned body snuggly as it was tucked into her black mid thigh pleated docker shorts. Jordan also noted that Bly's hair looked incredibly sexy as she swung it to the side off of her face. Jordan caught a whiff of her cool water perfume and smiled.
Bly smiled as she caught a glimpse of Jordan checking her out and liked the feeling. She turned to Jordan with her smile still left on her face. "Do you like Italian food?" she asked as she stepped off the curb.
"I pretty much love any types of food, except liver," Jordan answered with a laugh, which Bly shared easily.
"I'll make sure I remember no liver either," Bly smiled as she pointed Jordan in the direction they needed to go.
"What do you enjoy to eat?"
"Pretty much everything except liver," Bly answered with a laugh and a nod of the head as they turned the corner. "This is it," Bly answered as she led Jordan up the steps and held the door open for her.
"This place is really cute," Jordan replied as she scanned the small quaint restaurant. It had benches in the front for people as they waited for their tables to become available. Soft strains of Caribbean music floated through restaurant which had large windows that allows patrons to look out over the tropical foliage that encased the old style Key West homes.
"Bly! Welcome! I have your usual table in the corner," the host replied with enthusiasm as he pointed to her table and ushered the pair to their table.
"Dianne will be serving you tonight and welcome to our restaurant young lady," the host replied in a warm and friendly voice as he waited for the ladies to take their seats.
"Thank you Mario," Bly answered with a smile as she looked back at Jordan.
"Do you come here often?" Jordan asked amazed that the waiter knew her.
"Every chance I get. I love this place and they have really great food."
"It's very lovely," Jordan answered with a smile as she looked around the quaint restaurant as their waitress approached.
"Hello Bly good to see you this evening," she replied with a smile as she put two glasses of water and a glass of ice tea on the table.
"What can I get you to drink?" she asked looking at Jordan.
"Aah...I guess I'll have some ice tea as well," Jordan answered with a smile as she looked up at the waitress before you left to fulfill her request. Jordan turned back to Bly, "So, what's good here?"
"Everything!" Bly answered with a smile.
"You're not much help," Jordan teased with a smile.
"Sorry, I usually just leave it up to whoever is serving my table to choose something for me and you can do the same or you can check out something from the menu," Bly answered as she put some sweet-n-low in her tea and stirred it before taking a sip.
"Here you go hun," Diane replied as she put a glass of tea in front of Jordan..."what can I get you ladies this evening?"
"You can choose for me Diane," Bly answered with a smile as she glanced towards Jordan for her order.
"I'll have the meat tortellini please," Jordan ordered.
"Great...I'll get your orders in right away and bring out your salads."
"Thank you," they both replied together as they smiled at one another.
"So, Bly were do you live?"
"I live in Ft. Lauderdale on the beach," Bly answered as she sipped her tea.
"That must be very nice to wake up to the noise of the waves crashing on the shore," Jordan answered with a smile.
"It is very beautiful in the mornings when I am out for my run," Bly answered as Diane brought their salads and began to dig into hers.
"What do you do for a living?" Jordan asked through bites of her salad... "This salad dressing is wonderful what kind is it?"
"House raspberry favorite, " Bly answered and hesitated, "Don't you just hate the uncomfortable getting to know one another questions?" Bly asked with a smile.
Jordan laughed..."Actually I do, but I would like to know more about you," Jordan answered as her green eyes met Bly's blues.
"Here, let me give you my resume and then it will be easier," Bly answered with a laugh as she pretended to pull out a resume from her pocket as Jordan laughed.
"Well, let's see. I'm a Physical Therapist, I went to the University of Florida and I'm a diehard Gator fan so, hopefully you aren't a Seminole fan," Bly teased with a wink and a smile at Jordan.
"Nope, I'm a Michigan Wolverine fan...gotta love the maze and blue!" Jordan laughed.
"Great...I am a diehard Miami Dolphin's fan, I play flag football on tournament teams, beach volleyball and women's baseball on Sunday's in a league in Hollywood."
"A real sports nut huh?" Jordan asked with a smile.
"Well, you kind of have to be when your mom and dad are too," Bly answered with a smile.
"That's awesome...what sports do they enjoy?" Jordan answered with interest in Bly's family.
"Dad played football and baseball for the Gators and mom played softball and volleyball for the.."
"Gators?" Jordan interrupted with a laugh.
"Yep...the Gators," Bly answered with a smile as she finished off her salad and noticed Jordan had a stray piece of lettuce on her chin. She reached over with her napkin to wipe it off her chin.
"What?" Jordan asked with nervousness.
"You have a piece of lettuce on your chin that I thought I would wipe off," Bly answered with a smile as she wiped it off her chin as Jordan grabbed her hand to take the napkin sending waves of electricity throughout Bly's body from her tender touch. Bly smiled as she gazed into Jordan's eyes and put her hand down to take a sip of tea never having ever felt a sensation like that from someone before.
"Thanks," Jordan answered with slight embarrassment that she is out on a date with a beautiful woman and she has lettuce hanging off her chin. Remind yourself dummy to wipe your chin after every bite...hopefully there is nothing stuck in my teeth! she thought to herself as she smiled at Bly then looked back down to her plate.
"Jordan I'm sorry I...aah...didn't mean to embarrass you," Bly stammered as she stared into Jordan's eyes.
"Oh, no...thanks, I appreciate that you got it then instead of letting it hang there all that would have been embarrassing!" Jordan laughed as did Bly.
"Ooh, nice pick up on the embarrassment thing" Jordan thought to herself. "So, you were telling me about your parents?"
"Oh, yeah...they met a the University of Florida, fell in love and got married hence, producing me!" Bly answered with a laugh.
"What do they do for a living?" Jordan asked inquisitively.
"My father is an orthopaedic surgeon with his own practice and on the medical staff for the Miami Dolphins, and my mother is a lawyer for my father," Bly laughed. "I'm only teasing she has her own law practice."
Jordan laughed, "You have a very prestigious family Bly. Is that how you know Dan Marino?"
"Thank you and yes, my father has done many surgeries on him and I have done my internships in physical therapy with the dolphins staff so, I also worked on him. He's really great too. I have a field pass for all of the games...are you a dolphins fan?"
"Oh, yeah...but I don't know too much about football though. I usually just watch the games with Linda who is more into the game than I am."
"Well...maybe I can teach you some things about football then," Bly answered with a smile.
"That would be nice...did you play any sports in college?...probably a stupid question huh?"
"No, never a stupid question, and yes. I played volleyball, softball and intramural flag football...I lettered in varsity for volleyball and softball all four years there, which my mother was especially pleased with," Bly answered with a smile.
"So, you are close with your family?"
"Very much so," Bly answered as she moved back so, Diane could put her lasagna on the table in front of her as she looked up. "Thank you, perfect choice."
"I thought you would like that one," Diane replied with a smile as she left to attend to her other customers.
Jordan moved her tortellini around on her plate and looked up at Bly who began to eat her lasagna.
"Is your family very excepting of your lifestyle?" Jordan asked hesitantly.
"Oh, yeah...they are great... they would love for me to settle down with someone though," Bly smiled as she stared into Jordan's green eyes. How I wish it was you that would be that person, Bly thought to herself as she continued to eat.
"That's great to have parents who are so accepting of you and your lifestyle," Jordan answered with envy.
"How could they not? They love me. When I told my parents they said they loved me unconditionally and that they wanted me to be happy...I am very lucky to have such great parents," Bly answered with a smile and admiration for her parents.
If she has such a wonderful family, life, job why does she always look so lonely? Jordan thought to herself as she continued to eat her tortellini.
"This is the best pasta I have ever eaten, what's the name of this restaurant?...I want to recommend it."
"I told you this place was great. The name is Mangia Mangia and you should recommend it... I do it all the time," Bly answered with a smile..."so, now it's your turn to tell me about you," Bly replied with a sexy sly smile.
"Let's see....I was born in Michigan which, of course, is why I'm a Wolverine fan," Jordan smiled pausing to take a sip of her water.
I work in Technical Support for a Computer firm in West Boca. My parents are both employed. My father works for a utility company up north and my mother is a bookkeeper for a engineering firm."
Jordan stopped there and began to make an effort to eat her food. She hesitated telling Bly that her parents knew nothing about her lifestyle. I don't want her to think I'm not serious about my life, in anyway, she thought a little sadly.
Bly looked over at Jordan and noticed that she wasn't really enjoying her food.
"Don't you like the tortellini?" she asked.
"No, it's terrific. I guess I'm just getting full," Jordan replied.
Bly watched Jordan and wondered it that was all there was to the story and decided to find out.
"So, what about your parents. What are they Wolverine fans too?" Bly asked casually.
"Yes, the whole family is." Jordan laughed lightly and looked up at Bly nervously.
"What's wrong?" Bly asked concerned.
"Nothing, why?" Jordan replied, looking playing with her water glass.
"Come on, its more than that," Bly said and moved to put her hand over Jordan's as it gripped her water glass.
Jordan looked up with a half smile and said, "It's just that your family seems too accepting of you and everything. Mine, on the other hand, doesn't know about my lifestyle, which is one of the reasons I live in Florida and not up north."
"You mean they don't know you are gay?" Bly asked curious.
"No, they wouldn't be as accepting as your family I'm afraid," Jordan replied." They have their own beliefs on the subject and let's just say that they don't match mine."
"That's too bad, it must be hard for you," Bly sympathized.
Jordan shrugged her shoulders and replied, "Actually, we aren't that close of a family, and since I live so far away, it really hasn't been a problem."
"Do you think you will ever tell them?"
"Yes, actually I do," Jordan replied thoughtfully, "I've decided that if I ever find a real relationship then I don't want to live a lie and I will tell them."
"Sounds reasonable," Bly replied smiling and released Jordan's hand when Diane stepped up to the table to clear some of the dishes.
"Are you up for some dessert?"
"No, I'm stuffed," Jordan laughed and patted her stomach. Bly smiled in reply and told Diane, "Just the check, please."
"O.K., be right back with it," Diane replied and clearing the last of their dishes.
"Would you be interested in going for a ride down to the Atlantic Shores Resort for a walk along the dock?"
"Yes, that sounds nice," Jordan answered.
Diane came back and placed the bill in front of Bly and she slipped her credit card into the folder and handed it back to Diane.
"How about we split the bill," Jordan offered reaching for her purse.
"No, I asked you out, this evenings on me," Bly replied.
"I can't let you pay for everything."
"Yes, you can. I can afford it," Bly replied simply.
"That's nice but, I feel funny letting someone else pay my way," Jordan answered.
"Don't worry about it. Youre not taking advantage of me," Bly smiled and signed the check. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yes, thank you for dinner and the rose," Jordan got up and followed Bly out of the restaurant. They walked back toward the guesthouse to retrieve Bly's moped.
Bly got on and got settled and then held a hand out for Jordan, "Hop on."
Jordan took her offered hand and climbed on the bike behind Bly. The closeness of their bodies made Jordan tremble as she put her arms around Bly's waist. She could feel Bly's warmth and smell her cologne and it was intoxicating in the tropical night air.
Bly felt Jordan shiver and reached down to pull Jordan's arm closer around her body. The ever-present butterflies in Jordan's stomach seemed to be making swan dives with her tortellini from Bly's gesture. Bly sped the moped down the street at full throttle, causing a rush of adrenaline to flow throughout Jordan's body. Bly pulled up at a stop light and pointed to her right at a small bar with a bunch of mopeds parked out front and looked over her shoulder at Jordan.
"I call that bar the booger bar," Bly replied with a laugh.
"Booger bar? That sounds gross, Bly," Jordan asked confused.
"That's because it is gross, that's why I call it the booger bar," Bly laughed. "See, booger means nasty, gross, ugly etc," Bly explained.
"That's an interesting name to describe something," Jordan answered as the light changed and Bly gunned the accelerator.
"Do you always drive these things full out?"
"Oh, yeah, it's so much fun. Is it bothering you? I can slow down," Bly asked concerned.
"No, I like it I was just curious."
Bly turned the corner as a bunch of women stood on the corner, she beeped her horn a few times and the women squealed in response to her gesture as they passed by with Bly and Jordan laughing.
I never thought I would have so much fun riding on a moped...maybe it's the company that I'm with that is doing it, Jordan thought as they came to their destination.
Bly parked the moped and Jordan climbed off with Bly putting the kickstand down as she crawled off. She pulled the key out and looped the lock through the moped to keep it from being stolen.
"Just don't want to take any chances," Bly replied as she looked at Jordan with a smile. "Come on," Bly replied with excitement as they headed over to the steps leading up to the pool deck.
Bly waited for Jordan at the top of the steps and held her hand out for Jordan to except her help up for the last one. Bly held Jordan's hand as they passed the closed Tiki bar by the pool and made their way down to the end of the long dock. A steady tropical breeze blew across the dock from the ocean.
"How far out does this dock go Bly?" Jordan asked as she looked at Bly who had a wind blown look in the moonlight.
"Its not too much farther Jordan. They call this the "Stairway to the Sea" because it goes out into the Atlantic Ocean. If you go down those stairs you can swim in fairly shallow blue-green water to cool off from your nude sunbathing," Bly answered with a laugh as she pointed to the stairs. Jordan looked over the edge as Bly squeezed her hand a little tighter. Bly stole a sideways glance at Jordan as she looked over the edge of the railing at the stormy sea crashing against the pillars below them, and Jordan struggled to keep her long blond hair out of her face.
Bly turned Jordan to face her and gazed into her green eyes as she slowly reached up to gently brush Jordan's hair out of her face. Bly's heart raced as a warmth swept over her and she slowly leaned in to kiss Jordan who became very nervous and turned her head towards the ocean
"Did you hear that?...what was that?" Jordan asked as she looked over the edge..."I hope she thinks she heard something as well...I'm just not ready for her to kiss me...or am I?" Jordan argued with herself.
"I didn't hear anything you see anything?" Bly asked as she looked over the railing at the ocean beneath them. "It could have just been a fish that jumped up out of the water." Bly answered as she walked away from the railing and walked over to the steps. She descended a couple and looked under the dock to no avail.
Whew! she really thinks there is something there...I should be ashamed of myself having her go on a wild goose chase like that, Jordan thought as she walked over towards Bly.
"Whatever it was it's gone now," Bly answered with a smile as Jordan approached her.
"Oh, must have been a big fish to make that much noise...I can't believe you didn't hear it," Jordan answered trying to cover herself.
"I was focused on something other than the ocean sorry," Bly answered sheepishly as she walked to the railing and looked out over the ocean which had a moonlight glow to it. Her hair blew to the side from the tropical breeze as Bly leaned her elbows on the railing and looked out enjoying the moment.
Jordan approached Bly and stood next to her recognizing that familiar forlorn look as she gazed out into the ocean. Jordan stepped up closer to Bly..."penny for your thoughts," Jordan replied as Bly glanced down over her shoulder at the shorter woman.
"Let's see the penny first," Bly answered with an incredibly sexy smile.
Jordan reached in her pocket pulling out a penny and held it in front of Bly who smiled. "You can keep it, I was just kidding."
"No, I'm paying for your thoughts so, accept the penny and tell me about it," Jordan answered as she moved the penny closer to Bly.
Bly turned to face her, still resting her arm on the railing and took the penny out of her hand. "This is the cheapest shrink session I will ever have," Bly answered with a smile.
"Well, it seems to me you have something heavy on your mind. So, I paid for your thoughts and the doctor is in," Jordan answered with a smile.
Bly flashed that familiar sexy smile. "I guess I'm just lonely," Bly answered trying to brush the conversation off.
"Seems like there's more to it than that Bly. You seem to be carrying a heavy weight on your shoulders. I'm just curious how can someone who obviously has so many friends be so lonely?" Jordan asked with curiosity.
Bly looked down at the penny in her hand and flipped it in her fingers. "Well, I really don't have that many friends Jordan," Bly answered with regret in her voice.
"Bly...who are all of those people you hang out with then?" Jordan asked confused.
"Their just acquaintances to me Jordan," Bly answered as she looked up at Jordan and then back down to the penny, as she rubbed the face of it.
"I only have one really true friend that I trust completely, one that doesn't want anything from me other than friendship, and that's Jules. Everyone else just wants to hang out with me because I am wealthy and they try to take advantage of me."
Jordan put her hand on Bly's arm for comfort. "I'm sorry to hear that Bly, but what about girlfriends, there must be someone that doesn't treat you like that other than Julie," Jordan asked with concern.
Bly laughed. "Girlfriends are just as bad Jordan. They only go out with me for my money, not because they want to know me, but because they want to get to know my bank account better. It makes me skeptical of everyone I get to know or go out with, and I don't want to be that way. I want to fall in love with someone and have them fall in love with me for who I am inside. Does that make any sense to you?" Bly answered with a look of sadness in her blue eyes.
Jordan lowered her head as she put her hand on Bly's and squeezed it for comfort as she tucked her wind blown hair behind her ear and she looked back up at Bly.
"Bly, money has never been an issue with me because I have never had it. I'm not friends with people because of how much money they have, but for what's in their hearts. I would like to be your friend unconditionally if you would let me," Jordan answered as she looked into her sexy blue eyes.
Bly looked into Jordan's sincere green eyes. "I would like that, thanks," Bly answered with a smile. "Are you ready to head back?"
"Sure...if you are," Jordan answered with a smile as Bly put the penny in her pocket and took Jordan's hand as they made their way back down the dock to the moped. ' should have taken her up on the offer for the kiss when you had the opportunity, and then you tell her you want to be her friend...she may never want a relationship with you even though that's what you want,' Jordan thought to herself.
Bly unlocked the moped as Jordan took the opportunity to watch Bly's muscles flex through her tank top as she struggled to unlock the bike and get the kick stand down. Jordan climbed in behind Bly and wrapped her arm around her as they pulled out of the parking lot heading down the main drag of Duval street which was crowded with party goers.
As they stopped at a light, Jordan noticed a group of women checking Bly out. Bly was oblivious to them as she peered into the bar with a dragshow going on and laughed. Jordan became jealous of the women checking her out and tightened her grip around her waist as she leaned forward to ask Bly..."What are you looking at?" in her ear softly.
Bly swallowed hard as she felt a chill run down her spine from Jordan's voice in her ear. "Aah...there's a drag show going on in that bar," Bly stammered as Jordan looked at the women with a mischievous smile, as if to say 'she's mine'.
The light changed and Bly gunned the moped away as the women yelled for them to come back and to not leave. 'Jordan you're an idiot if you let this one slip through your fingers. She's a keeper and she' s definitely not Cindy. You both have a connection that's hard to explain, but you need to create an opportunity to show her how you feel about her or if she gives you another opportunity, you need to take it,' Jordan thought to herself as they turned the corner to the street Alexander's was located on. 'Remember Jordan, now's your chance with her, she reminded herself as Bly pulled the moped in front of the guesthouse and stopped the engine as Jordan hopped off. Bly put the kickstand up and climbed off the bike to walk over to Jordan who stood in front of the white gate.
"I really had a great time tonight, thank you," Jordan said as she unlocked the gate to the guesthouse. Bly followed Jordan up to the front porch and stopped when they reached the door.
"Yes, I had a nice time too," Bly responded looking at Jordan. Jordan stood nervously waiting for Bly to make some sort of move toward her.
"Will I see you at the game tomorrow?" Bly asked.
"When is it?"
"11 AM, same place," Bly replied.
"Yes, I will be there," Jordan answered.
"Great! Well, then I guess I will see you tomorrow," Bly replied smiling.
"Would you also be interested in going on a Sunset Cruise tomorrow night?" Jordan asked before Bly could turn away.
"Sure, that would be nice," Bly replied. "We can talk tomorrow after the game."
Bly turned to walk back down the steps as Jordan grabbed her and pulled her back. Green eyes sought out blue and the touch of Jordan's hand burned Bly's arm. She took a step closer and pulled Jordan into her arms. Brushing a lock of hair off Jordan's face she looked deeply into her green eyes, seeing only acceptance, Bly leaned down and hesitated before brushing her lips across Jordan's. The touch sent a moan through both woman and there was no hesitation as their lips met in a crushing reunion.
Breaking off the kiss, Bly stepped back as both women tried to catch their breath. The significance of the moment was not lost on either of them.
"So, I will see you tomorrow right?" Bly asked smiling her sexy way. Jordan just nodded, lost in feelings of their kiss. Bly winked at her and bounced down the steps and headed for the gate. Before Jordan could call out to her that the gate was locked, Bly jumped over the fence with an easy grace that left Jordan shivering. 'God, what a woman!'
Jordan entered the bedroom quietly and found that Linda was already in bed sound asleep. Jordan wondered what happened to her night out. It was only 11 PM and way too early for Linda to be asleep. Changing quietly in the bathroom, Jordan climbed into her bed and went to sleep with one dark, gorgeous woman on her mind.
Ó Cruise and Stoley, March, 1999
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