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1 June 1997
Greetings people...
Well I have been slaving away on my keyboard this past week....
[insert appropriate 'ahhhhhhhh' noises]
And what I've read has been fantastic. There are some absolutely wonderful stories
coming up in the next few weeks that if I were you I wouldn't leave my computer screen!
First let me remind everyone that if you don't get an email from me saying I have your work please email me and ask me. I've had some problems with my email server sending stuff to the abyss. Also I've been getting requests on how to submit.
If you have a story to submit can you please read How To Submit Your Work guidelines and also every story MUST have a disclaimer. If you unsure of what disclaimer to add to your story or poem, please read the Disclaimers that can be used.
Let me also emphasise that I can choose not to publish your story -- I don't usually reject
any work because I'm such a nice gal :-) If you story need proofreading, spell checking
and other assorted goodies...please do so before sending it to me. I will only send it back asking you to proof read it. With the amount of fan fic I get it's a bit difficult to go through something that hasn't been properly checked.
Another reminder... the issue of plagiarism is one that I will not tolerate and I will refuse to publish the work and any future work.
Okay with that out of the way how about we get down to the goodies this week. The Eddies and The Bard's Quill. A little reminder to all the bards..expect an email from
me requesting submissions...and to all those whose mother's told them never to volunteer for anything...don't listen to your mom :-) I want submissions for The Bard's Quill and I'm on the Warrior Editor Mode Warpath (tm). I know all of you can write! So that excuse won't wash..and neither will "Oh what do I write..." Follow the template for
WordWarior, Bat Morda and now excuses!
From the Bard's Quill
This week's musings come from Eimajj. Thank you Eimajj for volunteering and I must say I requested this on Friday and on Saturday afternoon it was in my inbox! A very big thank you!
New Fiction
- Blood Innocence by Danae. Wow. What a story.
Okay so it's not the most eloquent way to describe this story. Very moving and a
different style of storytelling. Danae has done it again with this story and I am pleased to say it caught me by surprise. Get a tissue handy - you will need it. Someone remind me never to read fanfic before going to bed...
- The Contest by Eimajj. This story got me
intrigued. What if a contest was created to get the Warrior Princess. I liked the characterization of Gabrielle and Xena. As most of you know I'm a Gabrielle fan and for those that didn't...all Gabby bribes can be sent to...{slap} Ouch...where was I? Oh yes
this is a great story which I enjoyed reading. Well done Eimajj.
- A Mother's Plea by Eimajj. Another
great story and a follow up to The Contest. Apologies to Eimajj for putting only the first part up...the great abyss took the second part. It's now in a complete stage so everyone can enjoy this wonderful follow up. Xena recovering from her wounds at home in Amphipolis. We don't get many stories dealing with a vulnerable Xena who needs helps from Gabrielle or her mother. Nice story dealing with the issue of drugs and their withdrawal.
- Nepenthean by Baermer. This story had me gripped from the moment I read it. It's well written, although violent, the violence does serve a purpose. It's got a very nice twist at the end. Good work Baermer.
Archived Fiction
- The Incident by Joanna. This little number had me laughing out loud. I only wish Lucy would read this and chuckle. It was a horrible week for Lucy Lawless and all her fans wish her the best. So battle on Lucy
and well done to Joanna.
Well that's it folks...this week's Ramblings from Editor is at an end. :-) Thank you again
to all the bards - keep up the good work, feedback is most welcome by any bard and
keep sending in your thoughts and suggestions.

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