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The Xena Media Review Archives |
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Welcome to the home of Xena Media Review and This Week in Xena News.
Founded in March and May 1996, respectively, these two publications represent an early tradition in classic obsessive-anal fan activity in regards to the television show,
If you want to read the XMR/TWXN archive on-line,
click that mouse button here.
Date of most recent issue
XMR: #30 (02/15/98)
TWXN: #115 (10/11/97)
If you want to download a compressed zipped file from the archive,
click that mouse button here.
XMR is a periodic annotated world press review of reports regarding the internationally syndicated television show, XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS (1995-2000) and the castmembers, Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor.THIS WEEK IN XENA NEWS (TWXN).
TWXN is the currently hibernating advance sheet for XMR, looking to be resurrected soon. Since XMR offers indepth analysis of media coverage, the issues are distanced in order to gain perspective and insight into how the media report affected the future or was affected by its peers. TWXN is a commentary-lite review of excerpts to be used in future XMRs as they are processed for the XMR database. TWXN is not available for subscription, however it is posted, when it is not hibernating (!) on the XenaVerse, Hercules-Xena, and Chakram Mailing Lists (thank you Lucia!), the MCA NetForum (when they are accepting posts!), the Xenite Message Center (whenever I can find them!), and alt.tv.xena.For a free e-mail subscription to XMR, visit http://www.onelist.com/community/xmr.
Copyright, legal, and editorial notices are found at the end of this page.
Living to serve Xena fandom since March 1996!
Kym Masera Taborn (KT), editor-in-chief
Lydia M. Woods (LM), assist. to the editor-in-chief
Maria Erb (MBE), editor
Marian Pappaceno (MP), editor
Dyann Esparza, assistant editor
Robin Prim, assistant editor
Denise Wong, assistant editor
Lucia Correa, TWXN circulation (mailing lists)
Tim Smith, TWXN circulation (news groups)
Angela Atkins, TWXN circulation (forums)
Thomas Simpson, mascot extraordinaire
Emeritus Staff
Diane Silver> (DS), editor (even issues)
Permission to use, copy and distribute Xena Media Review (XMR), This Week in Xena News (TWXN),
or parts thereof, by electronic means for any non-profit purpose is hereby granted, provided that both the
below copyright notice and this permission notice is cited in all copies of the newsletter itself, and that proper
credit is given for any excerpts. Any other format or purpose for distribution requires permission of the
author. Reproducing XMR or parts thereof by any means implies full agreement to the below non-profit use
Send cites, references, articles, annotations, and/or submissions to ktaborn@lightspeed.net and I will
love you for it. XMR is a non-profit fan publication. The editors retain editorial control and reprint privileges
over the submitted materials and reserve the right to use the material in whatever way they deem
appropriate. Submitted materials will not be returned to the sender.
XMR (Xena Media Review) and TWXN (This Week in Xena News) are free non-profit informational
releases. XMR nor TWXN in no way intends to challenge, disregard or profit from any of the original
copyright holders of the material excerpted, reprinted, or referred to (including but not limited to MCA,
Universal, Renaissance Pictures, and any other rightful and legal copyright holder). This newsletter is an
academic and educational pursuit to archive, annotate, and study the media response to Xena: Warrior
Princess (a television production from MCA/Universal/Renaissance) and the actresses Lucy Lawless and
Renee O'Connor, especially in the light of popular culture and the influence of mass media. XMR exercises
its right to quote, excerpt or reprint as allowed under the law in order to review and discuss the media
reports cited and annotated herein. XMR is distributed free of charge via electronic media. Banner graphic
by Colleen Stephan. This is a Kym Masera Taborn Publication. Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998 by Kym Masera
Page date: 02-21-98