
Sounds from The Quill is Mightier...
Download all 16 sounds (all but tqimpromo.wav) 1.3 MB
- The Quill is Mightier promo 322 kb
- Aphrodite- Did the little blond girlie scare the big hairy men? 97 kb
- Aphrodite- Hey, don't believe everything you hear about blonds. 58 kb
- Aphrodite- Basic hair care was not such a drag as a goddess. 63 kb
- Aphrodite- Flattery works, keep going. 30 kb
- Aphrodite- I'm new to this mortal hygiene thing. 85 kb
- Aphrodite- Look I really hate to be the one to break up a major love fest, but look at me. I'm not built to be a mortal. 163 kb
- Ares- Pretty soon, when people think of love, they're gonna think Xena, not Aphrodite. 142 kb
- Ares- I only made the warrior. She made the legend. 73 kb
- Ares- Me? I'm mortal, I might be killed. 76 kb
- Gabrielle- This fiction stuff can be really fun. 63 kb
- Joxer- Gabrielle awoke with a jerk. Gabrielle awoke with a jerk. That's a funny phrase. 214 kb
- Minya- You hairballs, get back here. 133 kb
- Minya- My hormones are peaking. I'm ready for action. I wanna crack some heads. 107 kb
- Minya- I expected more from the God of War. Without his powers he's just another man. Just another big 'ol, leather clad, well muscled, gorgeous hunk of bad boy man. 351 kb
- Xena- Smells like musty old leather to me. Gabrielle: To the non-creative person perhaps. 126 kb
- Xena- I had visited just about everyone who ever meant anything to me. Except you, that's when I headed back. 227 kb
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