
- Bartender- What're you going to do with him? Xena: Let him learn a lesson. Bartender: Are you a bounty hunter? Xena: No, I just like to see murdering thieves be put where they belong. 115 kb
- Crias- Which one of you is the liberator of the Titains? Phyleus: This virgin. 96.9 kb
- Crias- We honor you oh sacred goddess. Tell us your name so we may honor it? Gabrielle: Gabrielle Crias: We are your servents, Whatever you desire we will fulfill. Give us your commands. Gabrielle: All right. 232 kb
- Crias- Where are you going? Hyperion: I want the women warrior dead. She stands between us and the little goddess. We still need her for the second chant. You do agree with that don't you? Good. 257 kb
- Crias- Hyperion, what are you doing? Hyperion: Killing them. Crias: Why? Hyperion: I told those who are hiding in the temple that I plan to destroy everything human until they gave us the warrior women. I keep my word. Theia: But children Hyperion, why children? Hyperion: It saves us trouble later on. 272 kb
- Crias- No get away from them. Theia: Stop it you two. Hyperion: You dare to defy the son Titan? Crias: Yes. Hyperion: Then pay the consequences. 129 kb
- Gabrielle- (Reads the scroll) You see you just put the emphasis on the first syllable 177 kb
- Gabrielle- You're just being too cynical 17 kb
- Titan- We honor you oh sacred goddess. Tell us your name so that we may honor it as a holy word. Gab: Gabrielle. Titan: We are your servants. What ever you desire we will fulfill. Give us your commands 161 kb
- Gabrielle- Are you hungry? Lets get you a snack. 29.6 kb
- Gabrielle- Disperse these ruffians. 26.9 kb
- Gabrielle- They're Titans. They scared me at first too, but they're actually very nice. This is Xena, she is my best friend. Crias: We honor all the friends of the Virgin goddess. Gabrielle: I would rather you not tell everybody that I'm a virgin, it is kinga personal if you know what I mean. 223 kb
- Gabrielle- You, clear the well Phyleus told us about. Gabrielle: And what was the other thing? Phyleus: The dam needs to be fortified. Gabrielle: Right the dam. You, get some big boulders and plug them down where they will do the most good. And oh that road we passed was cover by the mud slide and you can do that after the dam. And I'll see you after your chores are done. 242 kb
- Gabrielle- Please, please I'm not looking for worldly rewards. I'll be happy if I can make your community whole again. With the help of the Titans, of course. 102 kb
- Gabrielle- You're wrong, I trust them. You're just being to cynical. Xena: Do you realize the power you hold? Gabrielle: Hum yes. Xena: Thats a big responsiblity. 118 kb
- Gabrielle- Oh of course. You must be starving after be entumbed for centuries. You know I'm sure the villagers wouldn't mind if you share with them. Hyperion: Share with the villagers? Thats not what really what I had in mind. Gabrielle: And what do you suggest then? Hyperion: That you use your godly powers to create a feast for us. Gabrielle: My godly powers? Um you know I don't use my powers in that way, I consider that showing off. 139 kb
- Gabrielle- If you want to rough him up a little Xena,I won't be judgemental. Hesiod:Ruff me up? No she doesn't do that sort of stuff any more. Right Xena? Its a rotten pity to. Oppertunity knocks as we speak. The old Xena would know what to do. 185 kb
- Gabrielle- What's the matter? Xena: Nothing uh I just... Gabrielle: Thought I did something without thinking? Xena: Well if you did it is none of my busnisses. Gabrielle: Hey thats right it isn't. Xena: Look if this was about what I said before, I was tired. Gabrielle: You just think I'm a kid. Xena: No I don't, I just don't have time to convince you right now. we've got work to do. 286 kb
- Gabrielle- You ready? Xena: Will be soon has you answer one question. Gabrielle:Whats that? Xena: Why did you risk your life by going into that cavern alone? Gabrielle: I wanted to make up for what I did, so you wouldn't hate me. Xena: For your information I could never hate you. Your heart is always in the right place. Gabrielle: Even when I tried to rule the world with the Titans. Xena: Everybody makes mistakes. Gabrielle: What about when I got myself kidnapped so I could stop a war? Xena: Hey that took a lot of guts on your part. Gabrielle: What about when I got your horse's reins tangled? Xena: Look..the point is we friends & we shouldn't let things like that get between us. Come on!!..Gabrielle, don't you ever touch my horse again. Gabrielle: Right. 594 kb
- Hesiod- Where your men? Man: There coming, I rode ahead. Whats the matter, somebody after you? Hesiod: Yeah. How many? Hesiod: One. 159 kb
- Hesiod- You let me walk out of here or I cut his throat. Xena: All right you got me....go ahead. I'll just sit here nice & quiet. 206 kb
- Hesiod- Let me go Xena, not even I'm worth taking on a dozen men all on your own. Gabrielle: She is not on her own. 53.8 kb
- Hyperion- Talk to you when your chores are done. I'm Hyperion, I'm son Titan lord of the skies. Why am I playing in the mud? 123 kb
- Hyperion- NO, I want the goddess to make some food appear. Gabrielle: No you had better be careful, becuase I might use my powers & you will be very sorry when I do. 143 kb
- Hyperion- And you come with us. Xena: No she not going any where. Hyperion: Who are you? Xena: Lets say I'm the sacred one's protector. Hyperion: Protector you're going to protect her from us? Xena: If I have to. 234 kb
- Hyperion- Mortals, I want the women warrior. 'till I have her I will destroy ever human I see. Those who bring her to me I will make kings of the earth. 163 kb
- Hyperion- Soon we will waken hundreds. 40.4 kb
- Hyperion- You!!(directed at Xena) Gabrielle: Xena!! 48.5 kb
- Hyperion- It has to be read by the same virgin that released us. It won't work now. Gabrielle: Yes it will. I deliberatly mis-read that other chant. 142 kb
- Phyleus- When I discovered that chant I thought I was bring back the golden age of man. Instead I have ruined the world. Gabrielle: How could of you know? Saving the world is a very attractive idea. Phyleus: It is nice of you to say that. But there is no way around it. It is all my fault. Gabrielle: No, when they thought I was still a goddess I could of done something to head this off. Phyleus: You're such a noble spirit. Hesiod: You're both a couple of idiots if you ask me. 309 kb
- Rhodos- Are we just going to walk in there? Hesiod: Hey remember, pretty soon you'll be King Rhodos. Got a nice ring to it. Rhodos: King Rhodos. Hesiod: You hear that Xena? You're making us royalty. 136 kb
- Rhodos- You think they'll let me have Sparta has my kingdom? Hesiod: Just Sparta? Rhodos: Maybe Sparta & Argos. Hesiod: Oh, see now your thinking like a King. 113 kb
- Xena- (Hessiod: Xena, don't you ever give up?) On you Hesiod? No. You're special to me 107 kb
- Xena- What have you been doing with my horse? 21 kb
- Xena- (Gab: Sorry) Don't be sorry, just improve 51 kb
- Xena- I want you to take care of the horse. 26.9 kb
- Xena- There maybe be a change in plans. Hesiod: Xena, don't you ever give up? Xena: On you Hesiod, no. You're special to me. 154 kb
- Xena- What have you been doing with my horse? Gabrielle: You told me to take care of her. Xena: Well you gave Hesiod a fine start. Gabrielle: Sorry. Xena: Don't be sorry, just improve. 176 kb
- Xena- May I speak to you oh sacred one. Gabrielle: Of course. 56.4 kb
- Xena- He is saying he recognizes a kindred spirit when he sees one. Maybe there is a reason the Gods incased them in stone. 99.4 k
- Xena- How long do you think you can go on convincing them that you're a goddess? 40.4 kb
- Xena- What you mean by that? Hesiod: The Titans, they will need an allie among the humans. They already know how formidable you are, if you can't beat them join them. And uh if you need a lieutenant, I volunteer. 187 kb
- Xena- You... you cause any trouble while I'm gone, you'll see more of the old Xena then you ever wanted. 88 kb
- Xena- The Titans will have no mercy on an man. The two men who brought me to them. Their now just stains in the dirt. 119 kb
- Xena- Forget it, too risky. Gabrielle: I won't be captured. I'll wait 'till their asleep & sneak in. Xena: Forget it Gabrielle. Gabrielle: She has no respect for me. 110 kb
- Xena- She must be trying to prove herself to me. Man: Its ready. Xena: Good, if the Titans caugt her we could be facing thousands by now. On the bright side if anybody can stall it is Gabrielle. Gabrielle: Cronus was furious that Zues was trying to a-surface power. So he called all the Titans in a great war counsel. 231 kb
- Xena- Hal rocky e-an. Gabrielle: Hal rocky e-an. Xena: There is a piece missing. Gabrielle: There's a piece... missing. These things are never easy. 124 kb
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