
Download all 81 sounds 22.4 MB
- Alti- Alti: Xena's little bitch. Welcome to the doghouse! 86.7 kb
- Alti- Alti: One more count and you will be dead. 52.4 kb
- Alti- Alti: Such a pleasure to see you again, Xena. Or should I call you... "Mommy." 82.8 kb
- Alti- Alti: I always wanted to be inside of you, Xena... 244 kb
- Alti- Alti: What's it gonna be, Xena? 48.1 kb
- Alti- Alti: I knew you would see things my way. 61.6 kb
- Alti- Alti: Now the real fun starts. 115 kb
- Alti- Evil Alti laugh. 63.1 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Xena... I love your baby like it were my own. I will do anything I have to to fight for it's life. And I deserve that chance as much as you do. Let me... 158 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Look, for many years I walked in Xena's shadow. I wanted to be her. But she taught me something... it's warmer standing in the sun. 211 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Come on, Xena. Give me a signal! 130 kb
- Gabrielle- Better hurry! Xena and I are ready... 59.3 kb
- Gabrielle and Amarice- Gabrielle: I've got it. Amarice: You and Xena were right. What you see isn't always what you get. I thought if I denied that enough times, it's make it true. I had no identity, so I created one. The thing I always wanted to be... and Amazon. You know, I just wanted to feel like part of something. Gabrielle: Amarice... look, for many years I walked in Xena's shadow. I wanted to be her. But she taught me something... it's warmer standing in the sun. Amarice: Yeah. Well, you better get going. She's waiting for you. Gabrielle: She's waiting for 'us.' Come on... 1.03 mb
- Gabrielle and Amarice- Amarice: Xena must think I'm a joke. Gabrielle: I didn't tell her what Chia said. Amarice: Why not? Gabrielle: Because I don't think it's true anymore. I have this Amazon necklace... it's from my tribe. There's a stone on here for all of my sisters. I just added another one... for you. Amarice: Thank you. Gabrielle: Better hurry! Xena and I are ready... Amarice: Actually, Gabrielle, ummm... I'm going to stay here. Learn a few things. Gabrielle: See ya... 876 kb
- Gabrielle and Amarice- Amarice: Xena must think I'm a joke. Gabrielle: I didn't tell her what Chia said. Amarice: Why not? Gabrielle: Because I don't think it's true anymore. I have this Amazon necklace... it's from my tribe. There's a stone on here for all of my sisters. I just added another one... for you. Amarice: Thank you. 604 kb
- Gabrielle, Amarice, and Chia- Amarice: Sure this is the right cave? Gabrielle: Yeah, I think so. Amarice: Alright, well... let's get the amber and get out of here. Gabrielle: What about Chia? Amarice: What... the mystic that can see right through you? Ewww... scary... Chia: No need for me to appear frightening, my child. Facing one's self can be crippling, even for the most hardened warrior. Gabrielle: We've come for the a- Chia: Amber. Gabrielle: Will you help us? Chia: As the Amazon protector of the sacred amber, I can only release it to a fellow Amazon. And, one of you is not an Amazon. I can see the truth, Amarice. And you dare to come here hiding behind an indentity you have not earned. Gabrielle: Is that true? Chia: You, on the other hand, may pass. 997 kb
- Gabrielle, Amarice, and Chia- Amarice: Sure this is the right cave? Gabrielle: Yeah, I think so. Amarice: Alright. Well, let's get the amber and get out of here. Gabrielle: What about Chia? Amarice: What... the mystic that can see right through you? Ewww... scary. Chia: No need for me to appear frightening, my child. Facing one's self can be crippling, even for the most hardened warrior. 345 kb
- Gabrielle, Yakut, and Amarice- Gabrielle: But Xena killed Alti. Yakut: That'w why she can only attack through the spiritual realm. Amarice: Wait a minute... I'm still a little confused on this whole spiritual realm thing. Yakut: Nature is composed of several planes of reality, Amarice. And they're all united by one thing... the mind. Amarice: Oh yeah. That explains it. Yakut: Think of it this way. In the day, when you are awake, is one reality. At night, when you dream, is another. And what all these realities have in common is your awareness of them. Gabrielle: Then, how do we kill someone that we can't see? Yakut: Xena is preparing to do battle with Alti in her realm. But, I'm afraid in her condition she won't win. Gabrielle: Then I guess I have to convince her to let me go. 501 kb
- Gabrielle, Yakut, and Amarice- Gabrielle: But Xena killed Alti. Yakut: That'w why she can only attack through the spiritual realm. Amarice: Wait a minute... I'm still a little confused on this whole spiritual realm thing. Yakut: Nature is composed of several planes of reality, Amarice. And they're all united by one thing... the mind. Amarice: Oh yeah. That explains it. 214 kb
- Music- Opening music as Xena, Gabrielle, and Amarice ride to visit Yakut and the Northern Amazons. 501 kb
- Promo- Promo leading into show. 320 kb
- Xena- Xena: Come on... gimme, gimme. 7.1 kb
- Xena- Xena: Well... bottom's up. 53.9 kb
- Xena- Xena: Gabrielle? Gabrielle? Something's gone wrong. Something's wrong. 105 kb
- Xena- Xena: Get this off me!! 44.9 kb
- Xena- Xena: That was no dream I had. It was a premonition. Something's trying to kill my baby. 142 kb
- Xena- Xena: I might not have the strength to stop Alti, Gabrielle, but I can stop you. 54.5 kb
- Xena- Xena: Alright, that's enough! 18.9 kb
- Xena- Xena: Alright, Gabrielle. That's enough. Come back now! 41 kb
- Xena- Xena: The strongest mind wins. 27.7 kb
- Xena- Xena: Something wrong? 17.8 kb
- Xena- Xena: You've come a long way since I first met you. 36.2 kb
- Xena- Xena: No, we stick to the plan! 40.3 kb
- Xena- Xena: ...I will hound you. I will hound you throughout all time and in between worlds. I will be your eternal damanation. 113 kb
- Xena- Xena: Alright, you win. 18.6 kb
- Xena- Xena: All you have to do is take my hand... 40.3 kb
- Xena- Xena: Welcome! 60.9 kb
- Xena- Xena: You have something that belongs to me. 88.3 kb
- Xena- Xena: Stay out of my nightmares! 59.6 kb
- Xena and Alti- Alti: I'm going to count to ten. And, during this, you will feel your body shutting down. Your heart will stop. You will cease to breathe. And, at the count of ten, you will die. Xena: I want you back here, Gabrielle. You can do no more good. Can you hear me? Alti: One... two... three... four... sharp pains in your arms as your blood pressure lowers. Six... your brain is screaming. Seven... Xena: Gabrielle. Alti: Eight... Xena: Alti's looking (?). Come on, Gabrielle. Alti: Nine... one more count and you will be dead. Xena: Gabrielle, this is not your destiny. Come on... Alti: Ten! (Alti laugh). 771 kb
- Xena and Alti- Xena: There aren't many guarantees in life, Alti. But I promise you this. If you harm my child, I will hound you. I will hound you throughout all time, and in between worlds. I will be your eternal damnation. Alti: Well, at leat we'll be togther again. I so miss these intimate little moments. Xena: I'd kill myself before I let your soul replace my child's. Tempting... but no. I like have you around too much. 469 kb
- Xena and Alti- Xena: I will hound you. I will hound you throughout all time, and in between worlds. I will be your eternal damnation. Alti: Well, at least we'll be together again. 147 kb
- Xena and Alti- Alright, Alti... give me back my child's soul. Alti: Motherhood has made you weak. The Xena I knew would have never given into this so easily. Xena: You're right. I'm a big softy. Now, a deal's a deal. Alti: Even in this world, I'm even more powerful than you ever dreamed. Xena: You'd be surprised what I can summon up in my dreams. 538 kb
- Xena and Alti- Alti: Even in this world I'm even more powerful than you ever dreamed. Xena: You'd be surprised what I can summon up in my dreams. 155 kb
- Xena and Alti- Alti: I have a way we can both win, Xena. I'll give you your soul to your child. And, you will bring me back to the physical world. Xena: I can't do that. Alti: Not by yourself. But if you convince the Amazons to put their minds to it... then anything is possible. 278 kb
- Xena and Alti- Alti: What's it gonna be, Xena? Xena: Alright, you win. You give me my child's soul, and I will take you back to my world. Alti: First, you take me back. Then, you get your child. Xena: The ritual's already begun. All you have to do is take my hand. Alti: I knew you would see things my way. Now the real fun starts... 657 mb
- Xena and Alti- Alti: What have you done? Xena: When you thought you were stepping into the real world, you let your guard down. I took you from one dream world into another. Welcome! 172 kb
- Xena, Alti, and Amarice- Music accompanying Amarice: Do you think we fooled her? Alti: What have you done? Xena: When you thought you were stepping into the real world, you let your guard down. I took you from one dream world into another. Welcome! Like you said... once you put your mind to it, anything's possible. Imagine what several can do! 556 kb
- Xena, Alti, and Yakut- Music with Yakut: Your child is being drained of it's life force in the spiritual realm. Xena: Tell me what you saw. Yakut: The entity that stalks your child, Xena, bears the mark of the Shamaness. You know who it is, don't you? Xena: Alti...? Alti: I want to tap into the heart of darkness, the sheer naked will behind all (?), hatred, and violence. I will become the face of death itself, capable of destroying not only a person's body, but their soul. 904 kb
- Xena, Alti, and Yakut- Yakut: Your child is being drained of it's life force in the spiritual realm. Xena: Tell me what you saw. Yakut: The entity that stalks your child, Xena, bears the mark of the Shamaness. You know who it is, don't you? Xena: Alti...? Alti: I want to tap into the heart of darkness, the sheer naked will behind all (?), hatred, and violence. I will become the face of death itself, capable of destroying not only a person's body, but their soul. 573 kb
- Xena, Alti, and Yakut- Music accompanying Xena's crossing over. Xena: Yakut... Yakut... Yakut, what do you think you're doing? I thought you were hurt. Alti as Yakut: I'm okay. I wanted to defeat Alti myself. I needed your forgiveness. Alti: I always wanted to be inside of you, Xena. 1.68 mb
- Xena, Alti, and Yakut- Xena: Yakut, what do you think you're doing? I thought you were hurt. Alti as Yakut: I'm okay. I wanted to defeat Alti myself. I needed your forgiveness. Alti: I always wanted to be inside of you, Xena. 649 kb
- Xena, Alti, and Yakut- Yakut: Xena... Alti: Such a pleasure to see you again, Xena. Or should I call you... "Mommy." Xena: There aren't many guarantees in life, Alti. But, I promise you this... if you harm my child, I will hound you. I will hound you throughout all time and in between worlds. I will be your eternal damnation. Alti: Well, at least we'll be together again. I so miss these intimate little moments. I'd kill myself before I let your soul replace my child's. Alti: Tempting, but no. I like having you around too much. I have a way that we can both win, Xena. I'll give your soul for your child, if you will bring me back to the physical world. Xena: I can't do that. Alti: Not by yourself. But, if you convince the Amazons to put their minds to it, then anything is possible. 1.11 mb
- Xena, Alti, and Yakut- Music accompanying Xena's second crossing over, and taking Alti into another dream world. Yakut: Our focus is our unity. Our minds, the creator of worlds. Alti: What's it gonna be, Xena? Xena: Alright, you win. You give me my child's soul, and I will take you back to my world. Alti: First, you take me back. Then, you get your child. Xena: The ritual's already begun. All you have to do is take my hand. Alti: I knew you would see things my way. Now the real fun starts... 1.45 mb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Xena, what does this herb look like? Xena: A mushroom. Just a plain old mushroom. Gabrielle: I think this is it. You're telling me that this is going to help you with morning nausea? Xena: That's what they say. Come on... gimme, gimme. Alright. Well, bottom's up. Some warrior, huh? Gabrielle: You look beautiful. Xena: Hah. Gabrielle: You do! Xena: I feel like a slug... a pregnant slug. Gabrielle: You're happy, Xena. Xena: Oh yeah? Gabrielle: Yeah. You know how I know? Xena: No. Gabrielle: Because it's the only time you make fun of yourself. Xena: Well, maybe I'm happy because I know I don't have to go through this alone. Gabrielle: I'm not eating mushrooms. 665 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Xena: Some warrior, huh? Gabrielle: You look beautiful. Xena: Hah. Gabrielle: You do! Xena: I feel like a slug... a pregnant slug. 135 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Xena: No. I have seen Alti rip the hearts out of people that I love. I'm not going to take that chance with you. Gabrielle: Xena... we don't have a choice. 141 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Xena... Xena: Gabrielle. Gabrielle: You did it. Xena: We did it. 316 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: I'm ready. Xena: Then what are we waiting for? 93.9 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Xena: The strongest mind wins. We're going to have to beat Alti at her own game. Gabrielle: What are you thinking? Xena: She wants us to bring her back. Why don't we do that? 220 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Xena, don't let go of me. Xena: Never... 79.8 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Alti- Alti: You see, things aren't exactly the way they are in your realm. Xena: Use your dagger, Gabrielle. Alti: Here, the strongest mind wins. Xena: Keep going, Gabrielle. Gabrielle: Your war is with Xena... not her child. Alti: You've got me all wrong. I don't want to hurt the baby anymore than you do. I need it to be born. Fortunately, I don't need you. Xena: You have the dagger, use it. Alti... Alright, Gabrielle, that's enough. Come back now. Alright, that's enough! Alti: I'm going to count to ten. And, during this, you will feel your body shutting down. Your heart will stop. You will cease to breathe. And, at the count of ten, you will die. Xena: I want you back here, Gabrielle. You can do no more good. Can you hear me? Alti: One... two... three... four... sharp pains in your arms as your blood pressure lowers. Six... your brain is screaming. Seven... Xena: Gabrielle. Alti: Eight... Xena: Alti's looking (?). Come on, Gabrielle. Alti: Nine... one more count and you will be dead. Xena: Gabrielle, this is not your destiny. Come on... Alti: Ten! (Alti laugh). Xena: Come on, Gabrielle. Nooo. Come on... No. Come on. Oh, I got you. I got you. Don't you ever do that again. Never do that again. 2.23 mb
- Xena, Gabrielle, Alti, and Yakut- Complete version, including music, of Gabrielle's crossing over. Xena: Looks like you're gonna learn the ways of the Shamaness sooner than I thought. The ritual of crossing over... to do battle with Alti on the spiritual plane you must be unified with one that has recently passed over. Choose a creature of the forest. This being, killed with the ceremonial dagger of the Shamaness, will be your bridge to the realm of souls. Yakut: Just as daughter becomes mother, the student becomes the teacher. Their strength will be their unity, their courage their guide. Xena: Give me your hand. The stag's blood mingled with your own will carry you across to the other side. My blood mingled with your's will be your link to the physical world. When you drink, you will begin to cross over. Carry the dagger with you. By no account should you let go of it. It's our only chance to kill Alti in the spiritual realm. If we can destroy her there, we destroy her soul. Gabrielle: I understand. Xena: Remember, don't let go of the dagger. Gabrielle: I won't. Xena, don't let go of me. Xena: Never. Alti: Xena's little bitch. Welcome to the doghouse... 3.95 mb
- Xena, Gabrielle, Alti, Yakut, and Amarice- Music and fight scene between Alti and Xena, leading up to the destruction of Alti. Amarice: She's killing her. Yakut: We should get her out. Gabrielle: Give her more time. Xena: This has gotta hurt. You have something that belongs to me. Amarice: Did you feel that? Gabrielle: She's got her baby! That's the sign. Alti: Xena! Xena: Stay out of my nightmares! 1.82 mb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Amarice- Amarice: A trader told me he saw you come in here. Are you okay? Gabrielle: Yeah, she just needs more sleep. Gabrielle: What are you doing? Xena: Yakut. She'll know what to do. Amarice: Who's Yakut? Xena: Shamaness. Leader of the Northern Amazons. Amarice: The Northern Amazons? Isn't that a long journey for a pregnant woman to take? Xena: That was no dream I had. It was a premonition. Something's trying to kill my baby. 540 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, Amarice, and Healer- Healer: Come on! Bring her in, quickly. Xena: Gabrielle?! Gabrielle?! Something's gone wrong. Something's wrong. Healer: How far along is she? Gabrielle: About a season. Xena: Get this off me! Get off me! Healer: I've never seen anything like this. Xena: Get it off me! Get it off... get this off me! Gabrielle? Gabrielle... Gabrielle: Hey, you were just dreaming. Healer: When your friend brought you in, you were in considerable pain. I gave you a sedative. Xena: My baby? Healer: I can't find anything physically wrong with you, or your child. The best thing for both of you now is bedrest. Amarice: A trader told me he saw you come in here. Are you okay? Gabrielle: Yeah, she just needs more sleep. What are you doing? Xena: Yakut. She'll know what to do. Amarice: Who's Yakut? Xena: Shamaness. Leader of the Northern Amazons. Amarice: The Northern Amazons? Isn't that a long journey for a pregnant woman to take? Xena: That was no dream I had. It was a premonition. Something's trying to kill my baby. 1.25 mb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Healer- Gabrielle: You're happy, Xena. Xena: Oh yeah? Gabrielle: Yeah. You know how I know? Xena: No. Gabrielle: Because it's the only time you make fun of yourself. Xena: Well, maybe I'm happy because I know I don't have to go through this alone. Gabrielle: I'm not eating mushrooms. Xena: Oh... Gabrielle... Gabrielle: You okay? Xena: Yeah. Yeah, I think it was just a cramp... ooh! Gabrielle: Do I need to get you to a healer? Healer: Come on! Bring her in, quickly. Xena: Gabrielle?! Gabrielle?! Something's gone wrong. Something's wrong. Healer: How far along is she? Gabrielle: About a season. Xena: Get this off me! Get it off me! Healer: I've never seen anything like this. Xena: Get it off me! Get it off... get this off me!! 855 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Yakut- Gabrielle: How do we kill someone we can't see? Yakut: Xena is preparing to do battle with Alti in her realm. But, I'm afraid in her condition she won't win. Gabrielle: Well, then I guess I'll have to convince her to let me go. Xena: No! I have seen Alti rip the hearts out of people I love. I am not going to take that chance with you. Gabrielle: Xena... we don't have a choice. I was there in India. I know who we're dealing with. Xena: I may not have the strength to stop Alti, but I can stop you. Gabrielle: Xena, I love your baby like it were my own. I will do anything I have to to fight for it's life. And I deserve that chance as much as you do. Let me... Xena: Looks like you're going to learn the ways of the Shamaness sooner than I thought. 569 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Yakut- Gabrielle: We have the amber. What happened to you? Yakut: I'm okay. Alti's got the baby's soul. Gabrielle: What do we do? Yakut: We can't use the amber until we know the baby's soul is safe, otherwise we'll risk trapping them both forever. Xena: The strongest mind wins. We're going to have to beat Alti at her own game. Gabrielle: What are you thinking? Xena: She wants us to bring her back... why don't we do that? 582 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, Yakut, and Amarice- Gabrielle: I failed. Xena: You made it back in one piece, didn't you? Believe it or not, i feel a whole lot better now. Yakut: You managed to buy us some time. Gabrielle: There's something else. Alti doesn't want to hurt your baby. She wants it to be born. Amarice: What does that mean? Xena: Alti wants to steal my baby's soul. She wants to replace it with her own. Gabrielle: I'll try again. Xena: No, you barely made it back the last time. Yakut... you remember the burial ritual for restless souls? Yakut: That ritual never worked, Xena. Xena: Well, unless you've got a better idea, we've got no choice. 759 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, Yakut, and Amarice- Xena: The tree of amber grows in the temple of Chia. If we can get our hands on some of it, we can use it to cover Alti's remains. Gabrielle: How will that stop her? Xena: When the amber hardens it will trap Alti's soul. Amarice: Sounds easy enough. Xena: Alright, we'll split up. Yakut, you come with me. We're going to go and dig up Alti's grave. Gabrielle, I want you and Amarice to go to the temple and bring back some of the amber. Uhh... a word of warning... the tree is guarded by an Amazon mystic, Chia. She has the power to see the truth in your heart. You may lie to yourself, but you can't lie to Chia. Gabrielle: I'm ready. Xena: Then what are we waiting for? 495 kb
- Xena and Yakut- Yakut: Your child is being drained of it's life force in the spiritual realm. Xena: Tell me what you saw. Yakut: The entity that stalks your child, Xena, bears the mark of the Shamaness. You know who it is, don't you? Xena: Alti...? 282 kb
- Xena and Yakut- Yakut: We're close. She knows we're coming. Xena: Something wrong? Yakut: No. It's you I'm worried about, Xena. There aren't many women in the world who can carry both child and weapon with equal grace. And, yet I sense that your heart is not yet fully committed to motherhood. Xena: Part of me wants this child so bad that I'm counting the days 'til I have it. And another part of me wonders if bringing a child into this world is the right thing to do. It's not even born yet and already it's suffering. Yakut: And you blame yourself? Xena: Of course. It's my child, it's my responsibility. Yakut: You're right. Do you remember the story of the world tree? Xena: Of course. The Shaman elders believe that at the golden navel of the earth there is a tree that has more branches than even the gods can count. And, on these branches perch the souls of unborn children. Yakut: The part I didn't tell you... is that when a mother finally accepts what she is about to become, the child will send her a message in the form of a dove. Xena: And, what is it saying? Yakut: "Thank you." Xena: You've come a long way since I first met you. Yakut: I wish that were true. 1.08 mb
- Xena and Yakut- Yakut: Do you remember the story of the world tree? Xena: Of course. The Shaman elders believe that at the golden navel of the earth there is a tree that has more branches than even the gods can count. And, on these branches perch the souls of unborn children. Yakut: The part I didn't tell you... is that when a mother finally accepts what she is about to become, the child will send her a message in the form of a dove. Xena: And, what is it saying? Yakut: "Thank you." 345 kb
- Xena and Yakut- Music accompanying robbing the grave. Xena: The skull is missing. Who would come all this way to rob a... grave...? Yakut: This is all my fault. I wanted to harness Alti's power to use it for good. I needed her skull for my ritual. But, all I did was unleash her soul. And, now you and your baby are paying the price. I'm so ashamed. I didn't want to disappoint you. Xeba: Disappoint? You didn't want to disappoint me. Yakut, my friend almost died yesterday. Yakut: I know. That's why I want to finish what you two have started. Let me face Alti myself. Xena: No. We stick to the plan. 1.04 mb
- Xena and Yakut- Xena: The skull is missing. Who would come all this way to rob a... grave...? Yakut: This is all my fault. I wanted to harness Alti's power to use it for good. I needed her skull for my ritual. But, all I did was unleash her soul. And, now you and your baby are paying the price. I'm so ashamed. I didn't want to disappoint you. Xeba: Disappoint? You didn't want to disappoint me. Yakut, my friend almost died yesterday. Yakut: I know. That's why I want to finish what you two have started. Let me face Alti myself. Xena: No. We stick to the plan. 680 mb
- Xena and Yakut- Ending music with Yakut: I don't know what to say. Xena: What would you say to any friend who was going to leave for a time? Yakut: You're not like any other friend. I'll miss you, Xena. Xena: Take care of yourself, Yakut. Yakut: Be careful. It doesn't take a vision to know the child of Xena is going to be someone to behold. You'll be a target again, and so will your baby. Xena: I know. That's why I'm headed East. I figure I could learn a few new tricks. Yakut: Your baby is lucky to have you. Xena: I'm the lucky one. 745 kb
- Xena and Yakut- Yakut: Your baby's lucky to have you. Xena: I'm the lucky one. 381 kb
- Xena, Yakut, and Amarice- Yakut: Welcome, Xena. We've been expecting you. Amarice: Let me guess... she saw it in some kind of vision. Yakut: In fact, I did. Xena: Good to see you again, Yakut. Yakut: Come. We have much work to do. 213 kb
- Yakut- Yakut: It doesn't take a vision to know the child of Xena is gonna be someone to behold. 59 kb
- Yakut and Amarice- Yakut: Welcome, Xena. We've been expecting you. Amarice: Let me guess... she saw it in some kind of vision. Yakut: In fact, I did. 112 kb
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Fifth Season Sounds