
Sounds from PURITY
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- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: It's not a very warm reception. 29 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: They couldn't have gone far. C'mon... 33 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: C'mon. If we dress like locals we might learn more. 38 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Would you be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate. 37 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: You tell anyone and you're dead! 39 kb
- Gabrielle and Joxer- Music and market sounds with Joxer: Gabby, there you are. Hey, look... I found some excellent huong (?) mint. Gabrielle: You do know your spices, Joxer. I'll give you that. Alright, so for all of this we'll pay... Joxer: ...no, no, no. What are you doing? What's this? Nah nah. No, no, no, no, no. Look, we're only gonna pay three... three quan (?). Understand? Three? Three? He don't speak Greek too good, do he? Three... three? Three... that's it. C'mon. Listen, you gotta know how to haggle with these people. Gabrielle: Especially since I agreed to pay 'two.' C'mon. If we dress like locals we might learn more. 506 kb
- Gabrielle and Joxer- Joxer: Hello?! Gabrielle: Joxer... Joxer: What? Gabrielle: I want to thank you for today. You were a great help. Joxer: You know, Gabrielle... I've been around long enough to recognize sarcasm when I hear it. Gabrielle: But, at least we're together. Joxer: See? There it is again. Hey... would somebody please fix the gutter up there?! The leak is driving me crazy! Gabrielle: It's not a leak. That's the whole point. What did you do with that pouch of black powder? Joxer: Down my pant leg. Gabrielle: Alright... Joxer, hold still. Joxer: Alright... huh? Gabrielle...? We're in public! Gabrielle: Ewww... what is that? Joxer: Oh... heh... say! It's... ahem. It's ummmm... ahem. Gabrielle: Remind me to cut off my foot when we get out of here. Joxer: Hmph. Gabrielle...? Where'd you learn to do that? Gabrielle: Would you be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate. Joxer: Oh. Gabrielle: Got it! Hey... Joxer: Hey, that's not gonna work. You're gonna need a spark for that. Gabrielle: Oh, yes. Here we go. Joxer: Good, Gabrielle. You know... that's the first time I ever had three feet in my pants. Gabrielle: You tell anyone and you're dead! 1.4 mb
- Gabrielle and Joxer- Joxer: Hello?! Gabrielle: Joxer... Joxer: What? Gabrielle: I want to thank you for today. You were a great help. Joxer: You know, Gabrielle... I've been around long enough to recognize sarcasm when I hear it. Gabrielle: But, at least we're together. Joxer: See? There it is again. 243 kb
- Gabrielle and Joxer- Gabrielle: What did you do with that pouch of black powder? Joxer: Down my pant leg. Gabrielle: Alright... Joxer, hold still. Joxer: Alright... huh? Gabrielle...? We're in public! Gabrielle: Ewww... what is that? Joxer: Oh... heh... say! It's... ahem. It's ummmm... ahem. Gabrielle: Remind me to cut off my foot when we get out of here. Joxer: Hmph. Gabrielle...? Where'd you learn to do that? Gabrielle: Would you be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate. Joxer: Oh. Gabrielle: Got it! Hey... 649 kb
- Gabrielle and Joxer- Gabrielle: Ewww... what is that? Joxer: Oh... heh... say! It's... ahem. It's ummmm... ahem. Gabrielle: Remind me to cut off my foot when we get out of here. 167 kb
- Gabrielle and Joxer- Joxer: Gabrielle...? Where'd you learn to do that? Gabrielle: Would you be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate. Joxer: Oh... 89 kb
- Gabrielle and Joxer- Joxer: You know... that's the first time I ever had three feet in my pants. Gabrielle: You tell anyone and you're dead! 125 kb
- Gabrielle and Joxer- Joxer: Great! Now we're lost. I told you we should have followed that big brick wall back there. Gabrielle: It's the Great Wall, Joxer. It's a thousand miles long. I know where I'm going. Joxer: Umm hmm. 112 kb
- Gabrielle, Joxer, and Go Kun- Music and fight scene with Gabrielle: Hurry, Joxer! Joxer: What is this... an arms race? Gabrielle: I have a beat on that munitions tent. We're gonna blow it sky high! Go Kun: I don't think so. Kill them! Gabrielle: Light 'em up. Now! Go Kun: I want you to launch a rocket attack against Xena. Joxer: Oh wait! Whooaah... see, I too have studied the arts. Mine is Hun unt Hwang. Gabrielle: Joxer, run! 1.2 mb
- Gabrielle, Joxer, and Go Kun- Gabrielle: Hurry, Joxer! Joxer: What is this... an arms race? Gabrielle: I have a beat on that munition's tent. We're gonna blow it sky high. Go Kun: I don't think so. 114 kb
- Gabrielle, Joxer, and Merchant- Music and market sounds with Joxer: Hey, c'mere. Listen, my friend... I have here, in my possession, an assortment of exotic, local spices, which I will give to you for free... savvy? free?... if you can tell me exactly what is in this powder. Merchant: Are you crazy? Joxer: How 'bout I throw in a kiss from the pretty blonde? Gabrielle: Joxer... what are you doing?! Put that away! Joxer: What a minute. I can explain. I can explain. 433 kb
- Gabrielle, Joxer, and Pao Tsu- Joxer: Great! Now we're lost. I told you we should have followed that big brick wall back there. Gabrielle: It's the Great Wall, Joxer. It's a thousand miles long. I know where I'm going. Joxer: Umm hmm. Pao Tsu: Maybe I can help...? Gabrielle: Pao Tsu... Joxer: Thank the gods. Gabrielle: Where's Xena? Pao Tsu: She set me to find you. Come. We must hurry. 270 kb
- Go Kun- Go Kun: I say... this idiotic experiment is finished! 103 kb
- Go Kun- Go Kun: Kill them! 66 kb
- Gong- Gong sound. 34 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Wow... check out the size of that pothole. 43 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Hey, you guys... look at the size of this hole! 49 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: We really got those guys on the run back there. 30 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: ...no, no, no. What are you doing? What's this? Nah nah. No, no, no, no, no. 44 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: He don't speak Greek too good, do he? 22 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Hello?! 50 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Hey... would somebody please fix the gutter up there?! The leak is driving me crazy! 71 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Gabrielle...? We're in public! 96 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Gabrielle...? Where'd you learn to do that? 63 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Great! Now we're lost. 33 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Thank the gods! 22 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: I have tried every combination of spice, and so far nothing. Except for a fabulous Mushoo (?) sauce. 112 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Oh wait! Whooaah... see, I too have studied the arts. Mine is Hun unt Hwang. 135 kb
- K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: Hello, Sister. 67 kb
- Lao Ma- Lao Ma: To conquer others is to have power. To conquer yourself is to know the way. 80 kb
- Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: A man who does not honor his ancestors is a man without morals. 58 kb
- Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: What is this? Prayers... remedies... it's a fake. I was tricked by Xena. 221 kb
- Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: The concerns of my enemies are irrelevant. If Xena masters the powers of the book, she will end our campaign with little more than a breath. And, all of Chin will bow to her. We will continue our search. 189 kb
- Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: The concerns of my enemies are irrelevant. 49 kb
- Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: We will continue our search. 37 kb
- Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: This may be the only thing you'll ever give me, Mother. But, believe me, I'm going to put it to good use. 102 kb
- Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: Small people hate lonliness. But the master makes it her home, her source, her mother. For she knows it allows her to be one with the universe. 153 kb
- Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: Shut up! 19 kb
- Promo- Promotional spot leading into "Purity." 326 kb
- Xena- Xena: Come on. We don't have much time. 18 kb
- Xena- Xena: Thanks for your help. 23 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: I hope that message was important enough to die for. Xena: Someone thought it was important enough to kill for. 91 kb
- Xena- Xena: I'll explain later. 27 kb
- Xena- Xena: Hey, Joxer... c'mere. 44 kb
- Xena- Xena: People who want the world end up their own worst enemy. I learned that myself. The truth is, we won't have to destroy Pao Tsu. She'll destroy herself. 141 kb
- Xena- Xena: You are your mother's daughter. 65 kb
- Xena- Xena: Stay here. I'll take care of this. 51 kb
- Xena- Xena: Don't fight it. If you do, you will end up dead! 64 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Xena: "The hawk and the dove must be made one with the wisdom." Gabrielle: Who wrote that? Xena: Lao Ma. 149 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Xena: You alright? Gabrielle: Yeah. 25 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: It's working. The army's moving out to where the explosions came from. Pao Tsu is not with them. Xena: Is Joxer ready? Gabrielle: Yes. Xena: You know what to do. 426 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer- Joxer *snoring.* Gabrielle: What is it? Xena: Take it easy. Take it easy. Gabrielle: What's happened to him? Xena: Someone cut out his tongue. He's a monk from the Zon Monestary in Chin. Gabrielle: I hope that message was important enough to die for. Xena: Someone thought it was important enough to kill for. "The hawk and the dove must be made one with the wisdom." Gabrielle: Who wrote that? Xena: Lao Ma. Gabrielle: Lao Ma? Your old teacher? Xena, she's been dead for years. Xena: That's right. Gabrielle: What does that mean? Xena: The "hawk" and the "dove", I don't know. But the "wisdom" must mean her book. And, whatever it means, somebody didn't want us to find out. 1.12 mb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer- Traveling music with Joxer: Why can't we just get this at a bookstore? Xena: I left it in Chin in the safest place I knew... the Zon Monastery. Lao Ma's power is in it's pages. Gabrielle: You had the power once. Didn't you? Xena: Yes, but I let it slip through my fingers like sand. This time I'm going to keep it. 601 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer- Gabrielle: It's not a very warm reception. Xena: The villagers must have retreated to the monastery. Joxer: Wow... check out the size of that pothole. Gabrielle: What weapon could have caused this? Xena: I don't know. Gabrielle: Whatever it is it sure packs a mean punch. Joxer: What did anybody do to deserve it? Xena: Nothing. Look, whoever did this wasn't after the village. They were after Lao Ma's book. Gabrielle: The Zon Monastery. Xena: That's right. Come on. We don't have much time. 502 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer- Xena: What you smell there is sulfur. There's charcoal it it, but there's something else... something that makes it explosive. Gabrielle: Something from a cook's kitchen. Xena: I want you to go to a market. Get every spice, every seasoning you can find. Joxer: Wait a minute. No offense, but Gabby don't know shallot from shellfish. You know? Xena: That's why you're going with her, smart guy. 233 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer- Joxer: I have tried every combination of spice, and so far nothing. Except for a fabulous Mushoo (?) sauce. Xena: Hey, Joxer. What's this? Joxer: Oh, that? It's just a meat curative. They pull from the ground in India. Really crude. No good cook would use it. Wait a minute! Wait a minute! (?) said black powder was invented by a good cook. Let me see that... Gabrielle: Are you sure? Joxer: Yeah, yeah. Well... here goes nothing. *POW!* Hmph. Gabrielle: Worked... Xena: Hahaha. 542 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer- Well... here goes nothing. *POW!* Hmph. Gabrielle: Worked... Xena: Hahaha. 173 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer, and K'ao Hsin- Music with K'ao Hsin: I feel perfectly still. I don not feel the power inside me anymore. Xena: We were just it's vessel. If we call it back, it will come. Gabrielle: Xena... Kun's army is moving into the northern mountains. Joxer: As far as I can tell all the black powder's been destroyed. K'ao Hsin: Thank you, Xena. You are the strongest woman I have ever met. Xena: You never knew your mother. But you're a worthy successor to her. K'ao Hsin: As you are, my sister. 824 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer, and Pao Tsu- Xena: C'mere. The book... somebody's taken it. Though not more than an hour ago. Gabrielle: The soldiers never made it in here. Pao Tsu: Maybe one of the monks escaped with it. We must find it. Gabrielle: The couldn't have gone far. C'mon... Xena: Hey, Joxer... c'mere. I want you take this book and put it in one of Argo's saddlebags. Don't let anyone see you do it. Joxer: Okay... right. Xena: I'll explain later. Joxer: Eh...? 527 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Pao Tsu- Xena: You alright? Gabrielle: Yeah. Xena: Thanks for your help. My name is... Pao Tsu: ...Xena. You were my mother's friend. Xena: Your mother? Pao Tsu: I am the daughter of Lao Ma. 302 kb
- Xena and Joxer- Joxer: I mean, that must have been some powerful Greek fire to put a hole in a wall like that. Xena: That wasn't Greek fire. Whatever this is it's more powerful than that. This is something different. You can smell it? Joxer: Kung Pao chicken? 166 kb
- Xena and Joxer- Joxer: Wait a minute. No offense, but Gabby don't know shallot from shellfish. You know? Xena: That's why you're going with her, smart guy. 76 kb
- Xena and Joxer- Joxer: Oh! Xena... you won't believe it. It was incredible. I was like a bird. I could see the trees, the ocean, the... Xena: You weren't high enough to see the tops of my socks, dummy... 119 kb
- Xena, Joxer, and Pao Tsu- Joxer: Hey, you guys... look at the size of this hole! Can you believe it? We really got those guys on the run back there. I mean, that must have been some powerful Greek fire to put a hole in a wall like that. Xena: That wasn't Greek fire. Whatever this is it's more powerful than that. This is something different. You can smell it? Joxer: Kung Pao chicken? Pao Tsu: It's black powder... and ancient Chin formula. Xena: So, it exists. I've heard about it spoken of in legend. Pao Tsu: The kings of Chin have forbidden it's production for many centuries. But, now, an evil warlord named Go Kun has rediscovered it and broken the taboo. A man who does not honor his ancestors is a man without morals. And, that makes him most dangerous indeed. Xena: Not half as dangerous as he's gonna be if he gets his hands on Lao Ma's book. 577 kb
- Xena, Joxer, and Pao Tsu- Xena: Gabrielle... I want you to take this. Find out what's in the black powder. Legend says a Chinese cook discovered it by accident. Pao Tsu: That's just a silly tale. Joxer: Hey... never underestimate cooks. 151 kb
- Xena, Joxer, Pao Tsu, and K'ao Hsin- Pao Tsu: You can't reach them both in time, Xena. Joxer: Save Gabrielle! Save Gabrielle! Hand over the book. It's the only way to save your friends. Xena: Why do I get the feeling that even if I do give you the book, you'll drop the torch anyway? Pao Tsu: Only one way to find out... K'ao Hsin: Wait! K'ao Hsin, no! K'ao Hsin: Our mother would not have wanted blood spilled over her writings. Xena: K'ao Hsin, don't! K'ao Hsin: I'm sorry, Xena. But our mother determined our destiny when she sent you the letter. "The hawk..." Pao Tsu and K'ao Hsin together: "...and the dove must become one with the wisdom." K'ao Hsin: So it shall be. Xena: K'ao Hsin, this is not what she meant. Pao Tsu: Lao Ma's powers would have been wasted on you. And you, Xena, were right. I would have dropped the torch anyway. Xena: *Battlecry.* Pao Tsu: *Wicked laugh.* 1.1 mb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: Aren't you going after her? Xena: No, I'm not. 100 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: You replaced the book with a fake. That's why you let Pao Tsu escape. Xena: It's all in the wrist. K'ao Hsin: You move with the agility of a panther. That's an impressive feat given your condition. Xena: As long as your sister doesn't have the book, her army's mission will be simple... to find it. In the mean time, they won't be conquering any more towns or villages. K'ao Hsin: A word of caution... before you cut off the dragon's head, you must be sure it cannot grow another more deadly. Xena: The trick will be not to kill Pao Tsu, but to make sure she can't do anymore harm. K'ao Hsin: I fear these two things are mutually exclusive. The ancient warriors of Chin believe that in order to achieve ultimate victory, you must annhilate your enemies completely. Xena: And, you agree? K'ao Hsin: I cannot in good conscience call for the death of my sister. But I fear her vengence. I know she will not stop until the world is her's. Xena: People who want the world end up their own worst enemy. I learned that myself. The truth is, we won't have to destroy Pao Tsu. She'll destroy herself. 776 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- Flashback with K'ao Hsin: What is it? Xena: Been here before. It's where I first met Lao Ma. You're very like her, you know? K'ao Hsin: I've walked in her shadow all of my life. Now, it seems is no exception. But I wonder, Xena... why do you look so troubled? Xena: There are people you meet who move in and out of our lives like ghosts. And, after their gone you find that they've left a part of themselves with you. It's as if, in some small way, that their spirit helps define who you are, or what you want to bring to the world. K'ao Hsin: Then it seems my mother has still life in us both. Xena: Your mother taught me compassion. It's a lesson that I want to pass on to this child. But you... how did your learn that without the benefit of her love? K'ao Hsin: Everyday that passes in Chin without bloodshed passes because my mother played a part in the destiny of our homeland. Just look around, Xena. Her lesson is her legacy. She speaks to me even now through the whispering wind. You wish to know where I learned compassion? All you have to do is listen. Xena: You are your mother's daughter. 264 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- Xena: It's where I first met Lao Ma. You're very like her, you know? K'ao Hsin: I've walked in her shadow all of my life. Now, it seems is no exception. 264 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- Xena: There are people that you meet who move in and out of your life like ghosts. And, after they're gone you find that they've left a part of themselves with you. It's as if, in some small way, that their spirit helps define who you are, or what you want to bring to the world. K'ao Hsin: Then it seems that my mother has still life in us both. 243 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- Xena: Your mother taught me compassion. It's a lesson that I want to pass on to this child. But you... how did you learn that without the benefit of her love? K'ao Hsin: Everyday that passes in Chin without bloodshed passes because my mother played a part in the destiny of our homeland. Just look around, Xena. Her lesson is her legacy. She speaks to me even now through the whispering wind. You wish to know where I learned compassion? All you have to do is listen. 447 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- Music with K'ao Hsin: It must have been beautiful. Xena: Yes. I was cornered here, and your mother hid me in her bath underwater. She gave me her breath to keep me alive. K'ao Hsin: She died in this palace. Didn't she? Xena: That's right. K'ao Hsin: Then this is the perfect place to study... in the presence of her spirit. 847 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: The entire world is driven by a will... blind and ruthless. In order to transcend the limitations of the physical world, one must cease desiring and... K'ao Hsin and Xena together: ... become what we desire. Xena: To conquer others is to wield power. But, to conquer ourselves is to know the way. Lao Ma's power came from her purity of thought. K'ao Hsin: Then, with purity on our side Pao Tsu will be easily defeated. Xena: No. Poa Tsu has her own kind of purity... the purity of hatred. Pao Tsu: Xena! Xena: Stay here. I'll take care of this. Pao Tsu: You have something that belongs to me, Xena. Give me the book. 765 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: Xena, I'm sorry. Xena: Pao Tsu now has the "black powder army" and access to Lao Ma's wisdom. That makes her the most dangerous person in Chin. Somehow we've got to level the playing field. 157 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- Music with Xena: Hey, K'ao Hsin... what do you think, huh? What's wrong? K'ao Hsin: I'm plagued with doubt and fear. I can't still my mind. Xena: Fear of what? K'ao Hsin: My sister's hate. I hear her words echoing through my mind, telling me that I'm weak. And, she's right! I'll never have the strength to defeat her. Xena: Wrong. It takes great strength to show compassion. Lao Ma taught us both that. That's what we are going to need to defeat Pao Tsu. K'ao Hsin: I don't understand. Xena: Yes, you do! You said yourself... Lao Ma lives on in her legacy. And each of us holds a part of that. Her blood is in your heart, her lessons are in mine. If we focus together, we don't need the book. K'ao Hsin: "The hawk and the dove must be made one with the wisdom." All this time I thought it was Pao Tsu... but it's you. 966 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: I don't understand. Xena: Yes, you do! You said yourself... Lao Ma lives on in her legacy. And each of us holds a part of that. Her blood is in your heart, her lessons are in mine. If we focus together, we don't need the book. K'ao Hsin: "The hawk and the dove must be made one with the wisdom." All this time I thought it was Pao Tsu... but it's you. 431 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- Xena: Knowing the way is like being a child. K'ao Hsin: Laughing and crying all day without being hoarse. 147 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: The master knows no expectations, therefore, no disappointment. Xena: And though she stays young.... forever. 109 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: I've had... Xena and K'ao Hsin together: ...a vision. Xena: Of Lao Ma. K'ao Hsin: So did I. When Pao Tsu and I were infants, she saved our lives. Xena: At great risk to her own to protect you from your brother. K'ao Hsin: The Green Dragon. Xena: She knew that he would see any siblings as rivals to his throne. She couldn't risk a battle with him, until you were safe. That's it... that's how we defeat Pao Tsu. We dilute her purity. 446 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: I feel perfectly still. I do not feel the power inside me anymore. Xena: We were just it's vessel. If we call it back, it will come. 237 kb
- Xena and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: Thank you, Xena. You are the strongest woman I have ever met. Xena: You never knew your mother. But you're a worthy successor to her. K'ao Hsin: As you are, my sister. 189 kb
- Xena and Pao Tsu- Music with Pao Tsu: What brought about your devotion to my mother, Xena? Xena: Your mother helped me find a kind of peace that I had never know before. And when she died, it died with her. Pao Tsu: Hmmm... and you wish to reclaim what you lost? Xena: I'm not sure I ever can. Pao Tsu: Strange... why would she abandon her own two daughters simply to become a surrogate mother to a stranger? Xena: Well, I'm sure if your mother sent you away it was because she felt she needed to protect you. Pao Tsu: I would have risked death to know my mother as you did... rather than live as I have all this time, without a place to call home. But, she did not give me much choice. Now, did she? Xena: I guess not. Pao Tsu: And you, Xena... you would never give up this child. Would you? Xena: No, not this child. Pao Tsu: There, you see... you and my mother are destined to walk down separate roads after all. We're being followed. Aren't we? Xena: Since the head of the trail. Pao Tsu: Suggestion? Xena: We lose them. 922 kb
- Xena and Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: Strange... why would she abandon her own two daughters simply to become a surrogate mother to a stranger? Xena: Well, I'm sure if your mother sent you away it was because she felt she needed to protect you. Pao Tsu: I would have risked death to know my mother as you did... rather than live as I have all this time, without a place to call home. But, she did not give me much choice. Now, did she? Xena: I guess not. 313 kb
- Xena and Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: And you, Xena... you would never give up this child. Would you? Xena: No, not this child. Pao Tsu: There, you see... you and my mother are destined to walk down separate roads after all. 178 kb
- Xena and Pao Tsu- Pao Tsu: We're being followed. Aren't we? Xena: Since the head of the trail. Pao Tsu: Suggestion? Xena: We lose them. 124 kb
- Xena and Pao Tsu- Xena: Pao Tsu... I want you to give me the reigns. We're going to send the horses off. That way, anyone who is following us will think we rode west. Pao Tsu: That's pretty clever, but I need that horse. Xena: Argo will bring her back. 237 kb
- Xena and Pao Tsu- Xena: You are right about one thing... a person without morals is the most dangerous kind of enemy. Pao Tsu: A lesson I intend of proving to you again and again. Now, give me the book. Xena: Can't do that... 186 kb
- Xena and Pao Tsu- Music with Xena: This way. Pao Tsu: I have something to share with you both. Xena: You've been studying your mother's book? Pao Tsu: Yes! And I have made a wonderul discovery. Not allies, not my army, or my family. 708 kb
- Xena and Pao Tsu- Xena: We've seen into your past, Pao Tsu. Pao Tsu: How perfectly symmetrical. In my meditation I saw into my future. I am to walk in the footsteps of one was called the "Green Dragon." Xena: Then you will be walking the path of a dead man. 291 kb
- Xena and Pao Tsu- Xena: Don't fight it. If you do, you will end up dead! Pao Tsu: At least I'll have you two to keep me company. 200 kb
- Xena, Pao Tsu, and K'ao Hsin- Pao Tsu: The hoof prints headed back into the forest. Xena: Yeah, but the rider... the rider went on on foot. To there... K'ao Hsin: Hello, Sister. 529 kb
- Xena, Pao Tsu, and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: You wear the face of innocence, Pao Tsu. But it cannot hide your true nature. Pao Tsu: Ironic that a creature like you would accuse me of having two faces. You will never have the book. I will take the wisdom from it's pages, even if I have to pry them from your dead fingers. K'ao Hsin: I believe you have the forcitude to do exactly that, my sister. But we share the same blood. Thus, the same will. Pao Tsu: No! You are weak, K'ao Hsin. You will never have the strength to defeat me. Xena: Alright, this ends here. If you want to protect the book, hand it over to me now. Pao Tsu: She can't be trusted, Xena. If you believe in what my mother stood for, you'll kill her. Xena: Tell you what your mother didn't stand for... murder. Pao Tsu: You don't actually believe her... Xena: You know what I don't believe? That the "black powder army" would retreat so quickly. Someone ordered them out... someone like you. K'ao Hsin: So, it's you who has forged an alliance with Go Kun. Xena: You are right about one thing... a person without morals is the most dangerous kind of enemy. Pao Tsu: A lesson I intend of proving to you again and again. Now, give me the book. Xena: Can't do that... 962 kb
- Xena, Pao Tsu, and K'ao Hsin- K'ao Hsin: Our mother would not have wanted blood spilled over her writings. Xena: K'ao Hsin, don't! K'ao Hsin: I'm sorry, Xena. But our mother determined our destiny when she sent you the letter. "The hawk..." Pao Tsu and K'ao Hsin together: "...and the dove must become one with the wisdom." K'ao Hsin: So it shall be. Xena: K'ao Hsin, this is not what she meant. Pao Tsu: Lao Ma's powers would have been wasted on you. And you, Xena, were right. I would have dropped the torch anyway. 356 kb
- Xena, Pao Tsu, and K'ao Hsin- Music and fight scene with Xena: We've seen into your past, Pao Tsu. Pao Tsu: How perfectly symmetrical. In my meditation I saw into my future. I am to walk in the footsteps of one was called the "Green Dragon." Xena: Then you will be walking the path of a dead man. K'ao Hsin: The Green Dragon was our brother, Pao Tsu. He would have killed us both if Mother hadn't sent us away. Xena: Lao Ma risked her own safety so that you might live a full life, and what have you done with her gift? Pao Tsu: Shut up! Xena: Her heart was breaking as she let you go. And when she died, she died without regret because she knew that she had saved your life. K'ao Hsin: I saw the tears our mother shed when she handed you off to the fishermen, Pao Tsu. Pao Tsu: Stop it! Xena: I heard the wails of anguish as she said "goodbye." Pao Tsu, you're losing your purity of hate because you are having a loving thought of your mother. Don't fight it. If you do, you will end up dead! Pao Tsu: At least I'll have you two to keep me company. Xena and K'ao Hsin together: "To conquer others is to have power. To conquer yourself is to know the way." Pao Tsu: Aghhhh.... 1.5 mb
- Xena, Pao Tsu, and K'ao Hsin- Xena and K'ao Hsin together: "To conquer others is to have power. To conquer yourself is to know the way." Pao Tsu: Aghhhh..... 132 kb
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