Sounds from Paradise Found
Video tape copy of this episode was graciously donated by Xenite
"Pat" from Naples, FL. USA
Download all 37 sounds in .wav format 14.3 MB
or Download all 37 sounds in .mp3 format 9.8 MB
All the sounds you love in both .wav and the smaller .mp3 format.
Cast of characters: Xena, Gabrielle, Aiden, and Garr.
This is a very different type of episode from the previous two I completed. This is
the first of the stories set in India and is very mood oriented, and I tried to capture
that mood the best I could. I will apologize for most of these sound clips being on
the long side, but I thought it was the best way to give you the true feel of the
episode. As always, please let me know what ya think. -