Sounds from If The Shoe Fits
Video tape copy of this episode was graciously donated by Xenite
"Pat" from Naples, FL. USA
Download all 46 sounds in .wav format 15.5 MB
or Download all 46 sounds in .mp3 format 11.3 MB
Yes, there is something new and it starts here. All the sounds you love in both .wav
and the new smaller .mp3 format.
Cast of characters: Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer, Queen Mistria, Tyrella,
Tyro, Pelia, Harmonia, Zantar, and the others
This is a very mixed up fairy tale - so many of the characters are played by more than one
person. And if you can understand what the little girl is saying - you are better
than me, I did my best. I hope you're good with voice recognition when they change
fairy tale roles!! As always, please let me know what ya think. -