

- Amazon Dance Music ("I really really bad at this... they wouldn't let me dance at the crop festival because I brought a bad harvest...") 2,880 kb
- Gabrielle- (Ephany: Come. Now.) I'm sorry you must have me mistaken for a pet. Eph: Would you come with me? Gab: That's better 495 kb
- Gabrielle- You know, I just thought of something. You're a Warrior Princess and I'm an Amazon Princess. That's going to make such a great story! Yeah, and it all starts with you and me finding those signs in the trees. And then-- Xena, hey wait! And then the arrows come flying down... 780 kb
- Gabrielle- No I don't like swords. Can't hit the side of a Cyclops with a bow and arrow... what's this? Ephany: That's a fighting staff 472 kb
- Gabrielle- Thank the gods! 44 kb
- Gabrielle- Don't eat--? Thank you! Thank you very much! 229 kb
- Gabrielle- We gotta come up with some hand signals or something 108 kb
- Gabrielle- Don't you think she knows what she's doing? You haven't seen her fight. Now I have seen her fight a lot. Ephany: She's annoying. How do you put up with her? Gab: Hey, she puts up with me fine 420 kb
- Gabrielle- I was just telling them the Morpheus story. Phantes: And the Trakus story, the Titans, Pandora... She knows them by heart and she loves to tell them. Ephany: Now I see why you ride the horse. Gab: Now what's that supposed to mean? 520 kb
- Krycus- A battle between the Hooves and the Harlots... I wonder who'd win? 173 kb
- Melosia- Gabrielle, do you want to fight me to the death? Gab: Not really 287 kb
- Phantes- (Xena: Centaurs aren't known for their stupidity) Amazons aren't known for asking questions. Xena: I'm not an Amazon. Phan: If it moves like a hydra and looks like a hydra, it's a hydra 566 kb
- Tereus- You know the Amazon ways, and yet you're not one of us... and you're really not one of us. Gab: Hey, don't judge a scroll by its paper 431 kb
- Tereus- What you did, only an Amazon would do for another Amazon 281 kb
- Xena- Something about me you find interesting? Ephiny: Yes. Xena: Want to tell me? Eph: No. Xena: Then stop staring at me before I take your eyes out 442 kb
- Xena- What's this? Gab: I'm an Amazon Princess... Xena: Great 220 kb
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