
Sounds from Fins, Femmes, and Gems
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- Fins, Femmes, and Gems promo 325 kb
- Aphrodite- Need it, got it, hate it, can always hock it. 80 kb
- Aphrodite- This little baby is destined to become the center of my constellation. 53 kb
- Aphrodite- You don't have to thrust. Besides, my guy in Parnassus has better equipment. And he knows the right time to shoot. 80 kb
- Aphrodite- Nice. Double dose for you Warrior babe. 47 kb
- Aphrodite- Big mistake. You're never getting that smell off of your hands now. 47 kb
- Gabrielle- That's not humanly possible. Xena: Sure it it. 77 kb
- Gabrielle- Don't you think its beautiful? The way it dips and curves. 42 kb
- Gabrielle- Parchment? Uh no, no. The cloud behind it. Don't you think it looks like my nose? You know the way it dips down and has that cute little curve to the side? 107 kb
- Gabrielle- Very funny. Fortunately I have a brilliant sense of humor. 48 kb
- Gabrielle- Xena, if you think I'm gonna waste my time jumping up and down for flying parchment. 55 kb
- Gabrielle- You want me to catch your little silly clip do ya? Fine, I'll show you height. 90 kb
- Gabrielle- Xena, he's acting very strange. I don't think we should be seen in public with him. 54 kb
- Gabrielle- That's redicules. Xena, my opinion of myself has not changed one iota since... Oh yeah, looking good. 135 kb
- Gabrielle- It just doesn't have a point of view. You know, it needs more verve, more character, more me. It doesn't sing to me like this. 105 kb
- Gabrielle- A scroll should be sung, not told. 28 kb
- Gabrielle- Well, listen to my story of Gabrielle. Cute little gal that's looking really swell. Perfect hair, such a lovely lass. Nice round breasts and a firm young... Xena: Are you out of your mind? 183 kb
- Gabrielle- Are you worried we're gonna get there and the fish will be gone? Xena: I'm worried we gonna get there and the fish will be armed. 68 kb
- Gabrielle- I am the ultimate fantasy. 21 kb
- Gabrielle- No, I'm sorry Joxer. If I take off my cloth, I could kill you. Beauty can do that. 79 kb
- Gabrielle- Well, you're gonna have to show me from here. This little minx is staying on dry land. 51 kb
- Gabrielle- You have a fish wrapped around your finger. 32 kb
- Gabrielle- Why would I want to do that. Xena: Because its fun. Right. 126 kb
- Gabrielle- She wants me to fist a fish? I can barely say it, much less do it. 60 kb
- Gabrielle- Xena you just don't realize how primitive you really are. 42 kb
- Gabrielle- She just doesn't appreciate the truely great work of art that I am. 50 kb
- Gabrielle- Not the lips. Please, they chap so easily. 82 kb
- Gabrielle- It was like my reflection embraced me. I sink into it, I was surrounded by it. And then you pulled me up and I looked into your eyes and Xena, I finally realized, there can only be one person for me in my life, me. 235 kb
- Gabrielle- Oh my, where's my brush. 39 kb
- Gabrielle- You mighty man monkey. She monkey need you. 83 kb
- Gabrielle- I'll just use my superior intelligence and overall good judgement in all situations to handle this. 93 kb
- Gabrielle- I have something really important to speak to you about. Do these boots work with this skirt? 65 kb
- Gabrielle- You cut my hair? My little golden fleece? 63 kb
- Gabrielle- Well that's fine. Except for one thing. You're not sacrificing my hair for a fish. 71 kb
- Gabrielle- So what do you want to do? Track these guys down? Xena: Before we catch Solaris? Are you out of your mind? 61 kb
- Gabrielle- All this time Xena, I have tried to let it go, you know, and it hasn't been easy. I had tried to be humble with you, but you pushed me too far. I haven't seen this diamond. Yes, you said it was stolen, and I took your word for it. But you took me here. Where no one can appreciate my radiance. No one. No competition for you. 314 kb
- Gabrielle- Isn't there anyone here who can appreciate my specialness. 42 kb
- Gabrielle- A garment of this quality can only adorn a perfect body. 32 kb
- Gabrielle- She's come for me. I knew she would. She can't live without me for a minute. Not that I blame her. 97 kb
- Gabrielle- You saved me. Xena, the world will thank you for rescuing such an unrivaled beauty. Your name will be legendary. 81 kb
- Gabrielle- Yodel 35 kb
- Gabrielle- Do you think I'm not used to men chasing me? Same 'ol story. Can't believe I'm beginning to chafe. 105 kb
- Joxer- I Attus, king of trout, and ruler of its people. I set you free... You tell good joke trout brother. Now, I must have tribute. Go, swim, be free. Go. Go. 230 kb
- Joxer- I Attus. Attus appreciate. Don't speak. Attus take you as bride. 215 kb
- Joxer- Attus pleasure you with much furious zug zug first. 31 kb
- Joxer- It's soft. Like baby monkey. 37 kb
- Joxer- Great white monkey Xena, come for princess Gaia. 56 kb
- Joxer- Animals of the jungle. Listen to me. Billy goats, form running position. Elephant, suck water from great river, for moat. Great eagle. Come down and collect me so that I may swoop down upon her... Come down and collect me so that I may swoop down upon her. 269 kb
- Joxer- Bird brother. Go. Fly. Tell your people of Attus the Ape man. Bring tribute. Go. Fly. 111 kb
- Maecenus- Tie your gem on my arrow, so my shaft can bring you satisfaction. 74 kb
- Xena- The North star is on the verge of extinction. The fate of the whole world lies in our hands. We've got no choice. We're going fishing. 113 kb
- Xena- Oh, excuse me, I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. 72 kb
- Xena- Well yeah, you know, about your little problem, your height. 40 kb
- Xena- You know, you got the obsession thing too. 30 kb
- Xena- Your opinion of yourself is flying higher than my parchment. 36 kb
- Xena- I haven't been affect by this spell so I can still take care of business. So lets fish. 56 kb
- Xena- Bring some of whatever it is you're eating. Might be good bait. 45 kb
- Xena- This is the ultimate fantasy. 27 kb
- Xena- I'm just gonna alter the landscape a little. 22 kb
- Xena- And now its time for a little fun. 24 kb
- Xena- This is gonna be the best thing of your young lives. 31 kb
- Xena- C'mon Gabrielle, lets get wet. 23 kb
- Xena- C'mon Gabrielle, get your gear off. Gabrielle: You'd like that wouldn't you? 61 kb
- Xena- Gabrielle, I forgot how much fun this is. C'mon, give it try, its easy. 46 kb
- Xena- All you have to do is you, you stick your hand underwater and you feel around until you find a great, big succulent fish, and then you do this. You wiggle your finger so it looks like bait, and then Wham-o! Gabrielle: You punch it in the face. 135 kb
- Xena- Well don't knock it 'til you tried it. 31 kb
- Xena- (Music) Gotcha gotcha now I'm gonna eat ya. 84 kb
- Xena- I'm gonna go gut these. 16 kb
- Xena- Now you listen to me Monkey man. You ever do that again and you'll find my fist down your throat. 67 kb
- Xena- A regular fishing pole won't cut it. No, we gotta reduce line drag that's why when we attack, we do it from the air. 70 kb
- Xena- No one catches Solaris but me. 43 kb
- Xena- Gabrielle, higher please. For crying out loud. 48 kb
- Xena- Finally some peace and quiet. 66 kb
- Xena- Monkey man you bring her back. 24 kb
- Xena- Fish don't just catch themselves. 45 kb
- Xena- Its perfect just like you. 23 kb
- Xena- You're beautiful when you're angry. 28 kb
- Xena- You want the princess right? Joxer: Attus want. You need the princess right? Joxer: Attus need. Well, here's what you do. 98 kb
- Xena- Just think Gabrielle. Everytime people look up at the night sky and see that perfect star, they'll think of you. It'll be a symbol of your beauty for all time. 143 kb
- Xena- The only reason I do any good at all in this world is because I do it with you. 48 kb
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