
Sounds from Destiny
- Caesar- A brave man dies only once, a man like you dies a thousand times. 331 kb
- Caesar- Ransom, she's talking about ransom pig. 206 kb
- Caesar- Where did you steal that dress?
Xena: Stygera Maybe someday you can go back for the rest of it. 379 kb
- Caesar- A moment won't pass when I'm not thinking about you. 192 kb
- Gabrielle- Xena, above all, remember your destiny. Remember it and fight, fight to come back. This world needs you. I need you. 620 kb
- M'Lila- You have a destiny, Xena, but you have to choose it. 206 kb
- M'Lila- Now that you know evil, were evil, you can fight evil. 242 kb
- M'Lila- When the living think of the dead, the dead can hear their thoughts. 197 kb
- Nicklio- She says it's not your time to die. 229 kb
- Xena- I got nothin' but bad news for ya. 116 kb
- Xena- Xena's warcry 160 kb
- Xena- Those who don't heed my warning...will pay a terrible price. 224 kb
- Xena- Don't make a move. 85 kb
- Xena- Well, I can tell you one thing about your destiny. You're fated to have dinner in my cabin tonight. 312 kb
- Xena- I can play too. 61 kb
- Xena- Why not? We'd make an unstoppable team. 147 kb
- Xena- Pursuing the enemy, breaking down his defences, cutting off his only path of retreat, and then closing for the kill. 547 kb
- Xena- Caesar: Some enemies are harder than others.
Oh I count on it. 318 kb
- Xena- What do you think you're doing? 60 kb
- Xena- I had to kill her because she betrayed me. 139 kb
- Xena- You'll be dead in 30 seconds. But know this, you won't be the last. 278 kb
- Xena- Tell Hades to prepare himself. A new Xena is born tonight with a new purpose in life......death. 721 kb
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