
Sounds from Crusader
Download all sounds (not including the music clip) 5.22 MB
- Crusader Promo 319 kb
- Music - Music played at the beginning of the episode. 434 kb (
28.8 RealAudio version or 56.6 RealAudio version)
- Music - Music played after Najara knocked Gabrielle down. 607 kb (
28.8 RealAudio version or 56.6 RealAudio version)
- Gabrielle- Are you looking for Marat's men? Najara: No, I'm just enjoying the scenery. You do that too? Najara: Yeah, all the time. 349 kb
- Gabrielle- You're a tough sell. Xena: I'm not going into any village with any army unless I'm sure I'm doing the right thing. I understand. 105 kb
- Gabrielle- Do you think we got through to them? Najara: I hope so. Turning people away from their dark side is the most important thing I do. Who knows, some of these men one day might be great soldiers of the light. 165 kb
- Gabrielle- You seem so happy. It's like what you're doing has so much meaning for you. Am I right? Najara: I don't think about it much, but now that you mention it, yes, I'm very happy. You're not? I just, I don't know if I'm on the right path in my life. Najara: You fight for good, what other path is there? 226 kb
- Gabrielle- You mentioned opening a hospice. Najara: That would be a good way too. Why don't you do that? I don't mind if you start without me. You see, if I do that, then Xena and I will have to go our separate ways. She's not the hospice type. Najara: Yes I see, she's on a different path. Well, perhaps you need to commit totally to your life with Xena. You two do a lot of good. We do. 326 kb
- Gabrielle- Najara, does the violence ever bother you? I assume that you've killed before? Najara: Yes, as little as possible, but sometimes it's inevitable. I don't think I could get used to that. Najara: Gabrielle, you need to make a full commitment to th light. It will give you faith that what you're doing is right. The light, I need something. 326 kb
- Gabrielle- You're so close to being this ultimate force for goodness, but that little bit makes you so wrong. 72 kb
- Gabrielle- Are you alright? Xena: I lost one of those good chewing teeth, but other than that, I'm fine. Xena, we should get out of here. Xena: No, she's too dangerous a girl to leave on the loose. She likes killing too much. But she beat you up so badly. Xena: That's another reason. kb
- Gabrielle- Xena, don't kill her. Looks like she saved both our lives today. 197 kb
- Najara- You suffered much Gabrielle, but you retained your good heart. And you have chosen to fight the darkness within you. What courage that takes. kb
- Najara- Would you like to join us on our mission? Xena: What's your mission? To fight evil where ever we find it. Xena: Can you be a little more specific? 131 kb
- Najara- Singing: ...our labors for thee... glory to thee. Well, it's a good thing our fight against evil doesn't depend on our singing. 276 kb
- Najara- Take my sword, and command of my army. Don't let them do anything you don't think is right. Xena: You can keep your sword, but I will take command of your army. Wonderful, I can't tell you how much I'd love the challange of winning your confidence. And you should listen to her, don't trust me too soon, Xena's wiser in that way. 336 kb
- Najara- You fought with great courage, that can be a virtue, but only when used on the side of the light, against darkness. The capture and selling of people is wrong, it shames both it's victims, and those who profit from this evil. Slavery paves the path to darkness. We can offer you an initiation into the way of the light. Let us help you. 287 kb
- Najara- Forgive those people, they're confused and misguided. Don't let hatred poison your hearts. Now go to your homes, and live good lives. 111 kb
- Najara- Your vision of death, does it... Xena: Yes, it includes Gabrielle. Does she know? Xena: No. That's fortunate for her. Xena: Do you think it can be avoided? Of course, I believe our destiny is in our heart. But it would take drastic measures, to change an event you've forseen in your souls eye. 318 kb
- Najara- Flowers cannot blossom without the light of the sun. Nor can the human soul flourish without the warm glow of the eternal spirit. Gabrielle, walk into the light, and look no more on the darkness. 400 kb
- Najara- This is between Xena and me. Stay out of it. The light will triumph Xena. Xena: Quit preaching and fight. 103 kb
- Najara- In the name of the light, I smite the darkness. Gabrielle: No! You'll have to kill us both. You don't understand Gabrielle, that darkness inside her will destroy you one day. Put the sword down. Najara, you and I, we'll walk out of here together. You're just saying that to protect her. Gabrielle: Xena's dark side frightens me. I need to move on, but I can never live with someone who killed her. There would be no going back from that. Alright, alright. 537 kb
- Xena- Najara, your hospice, why don't you start it at the village you're going to take tomorrow? Najara: Ah, now I understand. You don't plan to return after your mission against marat. You want a place to leave Gabrielle. She'll die if she stays with me. You say it'll take something drastic to change her destiny, maybe this is it. Najara: As soon as she realizes you've left her, you know she'll follow you. I see such joy in her eyes when she talks to you about your mission. She says she's looking for meaning, I think you can give it to her. It hasn't always been good for her being with me. I seem to hurt her. Najara: I know she forgives you. I promise to do everything I can to justify your trust. You better. 1,090 kb
- Xena- Do you execute unarmed men without a trial? Najara: Definitely not. I liberate their souls. Gabrielle: What does that mean? Najara: Gabrielle, we're talking about thieves, slave traders, murderers, and pirates. Not decent people. Gabrielle: So you execute them. Without a trial? A hearing? Najara: What trial or hearing did these men give the people they were going ot enslave? In order for good to triumph we must eradicate evil. I always give evildoers a chance to turn to the light, but if they refuse or I sense their conversion isn't sincere, I send them to look on the light. Gabrielle: Najara. C'mon Gabrielle. Najara: No, Gabrielle has turned to the light. She is my responsibility now. You said yourself, you hurt her. That's not going to happen again. 577 kb
- Xena- I got my butt whipped didn't I? Well it serves me right for trusting someone who talks about being good all the time. She's a tough girl, but she's got a weakness, it's the same one I've got. 264 kb
- Xena- Oh, that's gonna hurt. 31 kb
- Xena- I just asked her to come with me right now, you know what she said? She said she'd rather stay here and try to reform you. Seems that your zealoutry is less scary than my dark side. Sniveling ingrate. If I can't have her, nobody's gonna have her. It's part of that drastic change you're talking about, and it's sure going to change my destiny. Najara: I knew you were no good for her. 281 kb
- Xena- It's a little more diffcult with a millstone like her around you neck isn't it? You probably wouldn't care of one of yoru soldiers died, they'd just go up the that big 'ol light in the sky. But you might miss Gabrielle huh? 137 kb
- Xena- Well, these people aren't your biggest fans. Najara: You can't please everybody. Did you tell her about the vision? Najara: No, that would hurt her, and I would never want to do that. That's your job. I forgive you Gabrielle. 573 kb
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