
Sounds from Cradle of Hope
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- Gabrielle- Did you sleep okay? Xena: Like a rock. You? On a rock. 109kb
- Gabrielle- What's that? Is that a cat? A big cat. Or a griffin. Yeah, a big griffin with a cat in its mouth. Xena:Shhhh. Maybe not. 332kb
- Gabrielle- You are just the most precious little thing! Yes you are. Xena, can we keep him? 162kb
- Gabrielle- You know, Gabriel's a nice name. Then of course, Xenos is good too. 142kb
- Gabrielle- He's cute, isn't he? I'd like to say he has my nose. What can I say, he does! 141kb
- Gabrielle- I was only trying to help. 24kb
- Gabrielle- Whatever. 10kb
- Gabrielle- You know there's a reward out for us? The word has it it's over a thousand dinars. I'm tempted to turn myself in. 115kb
- Gabrielle- You fight, I talk. We each have our gifts. 62kb
- Gabrielle- Does it all happen because of fate? Or is it just chance? Xena: I think it all happened 'cause you slept on a rock. 139kb
- Gregor- I know who you are, and you disgust me. You swept across countless nations and saw the world tremble at your feet. But my people are not going to be your next victims. If it means my death, or the death of this child, so be it. 411kb
- Nemos- You spoke of pleasure? Xena: And you spoke of pain. 166kb
- Xena- Hey, sleepyhead, wake up. 41kb
- Xena- Why's he crying? You holding him wrong or something? 65kb
- Xena- I take it you're in charge. 41kb
- Xena- Didn't your mother ever tell you not to turn your back on a lady? 75kb
- Xena- Don't even think about it. 41kb
- Xena- Something about our baby bothering you? 45kb
- Xena- You're smarter than you look. 31kb
- Xena- Good work. 17kb
- Xena- You alright? 13kb
- Xena- My pleasure is yours, my lord. 47kb
- Xena- There are many things I'm not certain of, Nemos. But I'll bet my life this'll surprise you. 154kb
- Xena- If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already. 44kb
- Xena- Name him Gabriel. 25kb
- Xena- You ready to go? 18kb
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