
Download all 126 sounds 20.8 MB
- Amarice- Amarice: I know you don't have to live with pigs to recognize one. 48.3 kb
- Amarice- You guys... are totally dispensable 44.4 kb
- Amarice- Amarice: Got news for you... people change. 21.3 kb
- Amarice- Amarice: You calling me a coward? 27.8 kb
- Amarice and Arman- Amarice: Hey, hey... hey. You alright? Hello? Oh, by the gods... you alright? Hey.. Arman: I am now. 513 kb
- Amarice and Arman- Amarice: I wouldn't want to drown you on my first time here. Arman: I know what you mean. Makes for a very bad impression. 160 kb
- Amarice and Arman- Amarice: You alright? Hey... Arman: I am now. 141 kb
- Amarice and Arman- Arman: You deserve someone who'll really appreciate you. A man who will protect and pamper you. Amarice: A man to protect me? Arman: To make sure you'll never have to worry, or be scared. Amarice: You think I'm scared of you? Arman: No, no. That's not what I said. Amarice: That's what you meant. Arman: No, it isn't. Amarice: You calling me a liar? Arman: Are you telling me what I said? Amarice: I know what I heard. Arman: Liar! 402 kb
- Amarice and Arman- Amarice: You know what? You are delusional. Arman: Well, I'd rather be deluded than nuts. 42.8 kb
- Amarice and Arman- Arman: Look, Amarice... I just want you to know that I've talked to Xena, and... Amarice: You've talked to her? She's great, isn't she? Arman: The best. Now, there's a woman who's really got it together. Amarice: Never loses it. Arman: Never. (Xena throws up). 222 kb
- Amarice and Arman- Amarice: Oh really. Well, excuse me for being nice. It won't happen again. Arman: That was nice? 102 kb
- Amarice and Arman- Amarice: What are you doing here? Arman: Xena sent me. Told me to guard the flank against a... Simultaneously: ...surprise attack. Amarice: I don't even know why she wants me here. All the action's going to be down in the street. Arman: I heard this Darcon guy is pretty tough. Amarice: Well, I'm not afraid of him, if that's what you think. Arman: No. Why do always twist what I say? To tell the truth, Amarice, I don't know anyone who'd scare you. You'd never let them close enough to try. Amarice: That's not true. There is someone who scares me... you. Arman: Very funny. Amarice: I'm not kidding. I've never met anyone like you. I'm not used to feeling this way. Arman: You think I am? This is all new to me, too. Amarice: It doesn't scare you? Arman: Big time. But that's what makes us so brave. To feel this scared and not run away... I'd say that takes a lot of courage, wouldn't you? Amarice: You calling me a coward? Arman: I hope not. 893 kb
- Amarice and Arman- Amarice: What are you doing here? Arman: Xena sent me. 40.5 kb
- Amarice and Arman- Arman: So, I guess this is "goodbye." Amarice: No. This is... Arman: Wow. Amarice: You should see my "hellos." 256 kb
- Arman- Arman: Does she kiss her mother with that mouth? 23.2 kb
- Arman- Arman: I guess this is "goodbye." 17.5 kb
- Darcon- Music with Darcon: Hi, Honey... I'm home. 248 kb
- Ending music- Short ending .wav. 107 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Oh, by the gods... 49.5 kb
- Gabrielle- I guess you two know each other. 24 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Joxer, get your hands off my apples! 37.3 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Fine. If that's your attitude, you can just take it when you want it. 53.8 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Look familiar? Pretty painful, huh? Whew, boy... yeah, it's not a nice feeling. Yeah, I know what you're going through. Tough... tough on a horse. We're equals now, though. You know that. You can trust me now... horse. Forget it. 432 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Whew, boy. No, that's not a nice feeling. Yeah, I know what you're going through. 108 kb
- Gabrielle- You can trust me now. 17.2 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Look familiar? 23 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: I don't know why I try. I'm just a big idiot. Talking horses... he could have new friends. Good horse. 230 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: I don't know why I try. I'm just a big idiot. 41.7 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: You're pregnant? 74.1 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: How could you not know? 29.7 kb
- Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Come on, Xena... race you to Greece? 64.5 kb
- Gabrielle and Arman- Come on. Here you go, boy. Come on, it's an apple. Oh, I know you're hungry. You know it. Come on. Come on, I'm your friend. Argo, will you tell him I'm not going to hurt him. (Horse talk). Fine... if that's your attitude, you can just take it when you want it. I'm talking to horses. Am I nuts? Arman: Certifiable. 473 kb
- Gabrielle and Arman- Gabrielle: I'm talking to horses. Am I nuts? Arman: Certifiable. 76.9 kb
- Gabrielle and Arman- Arman: So, what can I do to make it up to her? Gabrielle: Flowers. You can't go wrong with flowers. Arman: Flowers? Yes, women love flowers. Except Xena. Yeah, she's the only woman I know who doesn't stop to smell them. Xena: Oh, he's a little cutie. I... 303 kb
- Gabrielle and Joxer- Joxer: Gabrielle... Gabrielle. Wait up. Wait up. Look, let me help you. Gabrielle: Oh, I can handle a sack of apples. Joxer: I know you can. I know you can, but why should you? Gabrielle: Joxer, thank you... Joxer: Gabrielle, look... with me around to handle the smaller and more indespensable aspects of life, that leaves you to handle the larger and more important ones. Gabrielle: No, I can handle my own apples. Joxer: Gabrielle, let me help you. You might like it. Gabrielle: I don't think so. Joxer: Give me. I want to help you. Gabrielle: Joxer, get your hands off my apples! Joxer: Perfect example. 509 kb
- Gabrielle and Joxer- Joxer: Gabrielle... let me help you. You might like it. Gabrielle: I don't think so. 73.7 kb
- Gabrielle and Man- Gabrielle: Stop! Stop... Man: What? You got yourself a little horsey-friend? A little pony all draped (?) out in bows? Gabrielle: Yeah. Don't... please. Man: Who's gonna stop me? 349 kb
- Gabrielle and Man- Gabrielle: Don't... please. Man: Who's gonna stop me? 48.4 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: I'm so glad all women aren't like you. 27.7 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: I heard a horse once bit a man in half. Get, get! 31.5 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Oh! Arman... Oooh, well. I see you two didn't have any problem making up. And, I see you have no problem kissing guys. Heh heh... 190 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: Oh, well. I see you two didn't have any problem making up. 55.7 kb
- Joxer- Joxer: I always wanted to be an uncle. Hello there, little fella. 92.6 kb
- Joxer and Amarice- Amarice: Ow, Joxer! Joxer: Sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Amarice: Come on... Joxer: I wasn't looking. Amarice: Yeah, you were... at Gabrielle. 113 kb
- Joxer and Amarice- Joxer: You know, I'm so glad all women aren't like you. Amarice: All the women I know are. We don't need a man to get along. In fact, as far as they're concerned, you guys... are totally indespensable. 183 kb
- Joxer and Amarice- Amarice: You know what? If I ever go ga-ga like that over anyone, you have my permission to kill me. Joxer: Happy to oblige. 68.5 kb
- Joxer and Amarice- Amarice: That is so "guy." Joxer: What do you know about guys? You're an Amazon. All you know is shopping for bows and arrows, and emasculation. Amarice: I know you don't have to live with pigs to recognize one. 142 kb
- Joxer and Amarice- Amarice: That is so "guy." Joxer: What do you know about guys? You're an Amazon. All you know is shopping for bows and arrows, and emasculation. Amarice: I know you don't have to live with pigs to recognize one. Joxer: You know, I'm so glad all women aren't like you. Amarice: All the women I know are. We don't need a man to get along. In fact, as far as they're concerned, you "guys" are totally dispensable. 320 kb
- Joxer and Amarice- Amarice: That is so "guy." Joxer: What do you know about guys? You're an Amazon. All you know is shopping for bows and arrows, and emasculation. 102 kb
- Joxer, Amarice, and Arman- Amarice: You think that's funny? Joxer: Well, no... uhh, but a little bit, yeah. Arman: Sorry... it's just you're not hurt. And it was pretty funny. Joxer: Come on, Amarice. You're not really hurt. Arman: Where's your sense of humor? Amarice: Sense of humor? I'll tell you where my sense of humor is, you motherf... Arman: Does she kiss her mother with that mouth? I'm telling you... she's insane. Joxer: No argument there. Arman: Immature... obnoxious... spoiled. Amarice: Inconsiderate... arrogant... self-centered... smug. Gabrielle: Maybe it wasn't Arman? Xena: Doesn't sound like him to me. Amarice: I've got news for you. People change. Arman: Oh, and talk about erratic. One moment she saved my life... the next she's trying to take my head off. What's that all about? Joxer: Women... can't live with 'em, can't chain 'em in the yard.623 kb
- Joxer, Amarice, and Arman- Amarice: You alright? Hey... Arman: I am now. Amarice: Yeah. Me, too. I mean, I'm glad you're alright. I wouldn't want to drown anyone my first time here. Arman: I know what you mean. Makes for a very bad impression. Amarice: Yeah. Well, there's no visible damage, so... see ya. Arman: No, wait... uhh... look, you just saved my life and I don't even know your name. Joxer: Amarice... there you are. Arman! Amarice and Arman together: You know Joxer? Joxer: What are you doing here? I thought you were away at school? I was just passing through. Hey, uhh... listen. I never told you that... Arman: No, Joxer. That was in the the past. Joxer: So, how do you know Amarice? Arman: Know her? She saved my life. Joxer: Oh, did you now? Saved a man's life, did you? Amarice: I'm glad you're alright. Arman: No, wait! Right over. Amarice: You think that's funny? Joxer: Well, no... uhh, but a little bit, yeah. Arman: Sorry... it's just you're not hurt. And it was pretty funny. Joxer: Come on, Amarice. You're not really hurt. Arman: Where's your sense of humor? Amarice: Sense of humor? I'll tell you where my sense of humor is, you motherf... Arman: Does she kiss her mother with that mouth?1.36 mb
- Joxer, Amarice, and Arman- Joxer: How do you know Amarice? Arman: Know her? She saved my life. Oh, did you now? Saved a man's life, did you? Amarice: I'm glad you're alright. Arman: No, wait! Right over. Amarice: You think that's funny? Joxer: Well, no... uhh, but a little bit, yeah. Arman: Sorry... it's just you're not hurt. And it was pretty funny. Joxer: Come on, Amarice. You're not really hurt. Arman: Where's your sense of humor? Amarice: Sense of humor? I'll tell you where my sense of humor is, you motherf... Arman: Does she kiss her mother with that mouth? 547 kb
- Joxer, Amarice, and Arman- Joxer: How do you know Amarice? Arman: Know her? She saved my life. Oh, did you now? Saved a man's life, did you? 139 kb
- Joxer, Amarice, and Arman- Joxer: Come on, Amarice. You're not really hurt. Arman: Where's your sense of humor? Amarice: Sense of humor? I'll tell you where my sense of humor is, you motherf... Arman: Does she kiss her mother with that mouth? 139 kb
- Joxer, Amarice, and Arman- Joxer: Oh! Arman... Oooh, well. I see you two didn't have any problem making up. And, I see you have no problem kissing guys. Heh heh... Amarice: He started it. Arman: I did not. Joxer: Have you seen Gabrielle? Amarice: You kissed me first. Arman: I did not. That kiss was all your idea. Joxer: I'm trying to find Gabrielle, so... Amarice: You know what? You are delusional. Arman: Well, I'd rather be deluded, than nuts. Joxer: Kids... 436 kb
- Joxer, Amarice, and Arman- Joxer: Have you seen Gabrielle? Amarice: You kissed me first. Arman: I did not. That kiss was all your idea. Joxer: I'm trying to find Gabrielle, so... Amarice: You know what? You are delusional. Arman: Well, I'd rather be deluded, than nuts. Joxer: Kids... 211 kb
- Joxer, Amarice, and Arman- Arman: Hi. Mind if I sit down? Amarice: If you want. I mean, sure. Yeah. Arman: Great. So, look, Amarice... I just want you to know that I've talked to Xena, and... Amarice: You talked to her? She's great, isn't she? Arman: Oh, the best. Now, there's a woman who's got it together. Amarice: Never loses it. Arman: Never. (Xena throws up). Amarice: What did you want to say? Arman: Oh... it's just that I understand where you're coming from, and I want you to know there's no hard feelings. Amarice: Hard feelings? If anyone should have hard feelings, it would be me. Which I don't. Arman: Amarice, what's going on? Why are you acting like this? Amarice: Like what? If you don't mind my asking. Arman: Like that. So phoney. It's not you. Amarice: Oh, like you really know me. Arman: Keep this up, and I won't want to. Amarice: Oh really. Well, excuse me for being nice. It won't happen again. Arman: That was nice? Joxer: Amarice, have you seen Xena? Amarice: Wait until I do. Joxer: Arman, have you seen Xena? Arman: I can't wait to find her. Joxer: Kids. 1.08 mb
- Joxer, Amarice, and Arman- Joxer: Amarice, have you seen Xena? Amarice: Wait until I do. Joxer: Arman, have you seen Xena? Arman: I can't wait to find her. Joxer: Kids. 118 kb
- Man- Man: What? You got yourself a little horsey-friend? A little pony all draped (?) out in bows? 53.7 kb
- Music- Music prior to fight between Talia and Darcon 761 kb
- Promo- Promotional spot prior to the airing of the show. 316 kb
- Talia- Talia: I never could put that past you. 27 kb
- Talia- Music with Talia: Heigh - ho! 195 kb
- Talia- Talia: Wake up and smell the diapers. 19.2 kb
- Talia and Darcon- Music/fight scene with Talia: Go on... finish it! Talia: I have. The rest is up to a judge. 788 kb
- Talia and Man- Talia: What's this? Man: My resignation. 63.7 kb
- Xena- Xena: What are you... a healer? 41.3 kb
- Xena- Huh? What was that? 167 kb
- Xena- Xena: Come on, Gabrielle. 33.2 kb
- Xena- Xena: I'm glad we're here to help. 21.8 kb
- Xena- Xena: I don't feel so good. 22.1 kb
- Xena- Xena: You're wrong. 16.5 kb
- Xena- Xena: It's impossible. I cannot be pregnant. If you weren't such a quack, you would know that getting pregnant involves certain physical requirements that I haven't met in a long time. And, I mean, a VERY long time. 142 kb
- Xena- Xena: I am a love free zone. 19.3 kb
- Xena- Music with Xena: Quack. 142 kb
- Xena- Xena: Quack. 21.6 kb
- Xena- Xena: Listen, Amarice... either you kiss him or kill him. But, either way it doesn't seem to make a difference. 87.3 kb
- Xena- Xena: Ohhh... he's a little cutie. I... 145 kb
- Xena- Xena: This must end here. Face it, you're going to need a little help. 66.5 kb
- Xena- Xena: I know that any fool can risk his life... takes a hero to risk his heart. 59 kb
- Xena- Xena: I've got something I want to tell you, so just stay put. Believe me, you want to be sitting when you hear this. Not that it's bad. See, I would sense that, and it's not. But... there is a small question of how it happened, and once you get past that, it's really great. Don't give me that look like you knew. You didn't know. I didn't even know and I'm the one who's expecting. Or, maybe I did know. But don't let on to the others. I want to tell them myself. Gabrielle's gonna freak. 425 kb
- Xena- Xena: Gabrielle's gonna freak. 40 kb
- Xena- Don't give me that look like you knew. You didn't know. 43.7 kb
- Xena- Believe me, you don't want to be standing when you hear this. 42.8 kb
- Xena- Xena: There's life within me, and it's good. 138 kb
- Xena- Well, congratulations. Looks like we're a two horse family. 47.5 kb
- Xena and Amarice- Xena: I don't feel so good. Amarice: After raspberry jam... and raw fish... big surprise. 70.7 kb
- Xena and Amarice- Xena, hey. I've been looking all over for you. I think I'm in trouble. What? Is it in the water? 78.2 kb
- Xena and Amarice- Amarice: Every Amazon instinct I have says to keep him away, but my heart says 'just go for it.' Have you ever had this problem before? Xena: Apparently. 107 kb
- Xena, Amarice, and Arman- Arman: No, wait... uhh... you just saved my life and I don't even know your name. Joxer: Amarice... there you are. Arman! Amarice and Arman together: You know Joxer? 166 kb
- Xena, Amarice, and Arman- Amarice: Xena, hey. I've been looking all over for you. I think I'm in trouble. Xena: What? Is it in the water? Amarice: Huh? I'm talking about Arman. Xena: What about him? Amarice: See, that's the trouble. Every Amazon instinct I have says to keep him away, but my heart says 'just go for it.' Have you ever had this problem before? Xena: Apparently. Listen, Amarice... either you kiss him, or you kill him. But, either way it doesn't seem to make a difference. Arman: Xena... how you been? Xena: You hurt her, Arman, I will have your hide. 446 kb
- Xena and Arman- Xena: Arman... come here. Listen, what I said to you before, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was steamed about something else. You're a good man. I know that. Arman: The way I feel about Amarice... I'm not sure that qualifies as good. I mean, it's not like I meant for this to happen. Xena: Happen? Something happened? Arman: I kissed her. And, no matter what she says, she kissed me back. She just won't admit it. Xena: And why do you think that is? Arman: I think it's 'cause she's scared it'll make her seem weak. Like caring for someone is something bad. Can you believe that? Xena: Yeah, I used to. But, now I know that any fool can risk his life... takes a hero to risk his heart. Arman: Well, tell that to Amarice. Xena: I got a better idea... 671 kb
- Xena and Arman- Arman: Xena... how you been? You hurt her, Arman, I will have your hide. 82.2 kb
- Xena and Doctor- Gabrielle: I know you're a gifted healer. I think it's time for a second opinion. What do you say? Xena: Ahhhhhhh.... Doctor: Very good. Well... congratulations. You're in excellent health. You know... considering... Xena: Beg your pardon? Hey, Doc... if there's something wrong, you know you can tell me. It doesn't matter what it is. I can take it. I'm pretty tough. Just spit it out. I'm in excellent health considering what? Doctor: Considering you're pregnant. 594 kb
- Xena and Doctor- Xena: Not possible. I cannot be pregnant. If you weren't such a quack, you would know that getting pregnant requires certain physical requirements that I haven't met in a long time. And, I mean a very long time. No one. Zip. Zilcho. I am a love free zone. Therefore, it is utterly impossible that I be (?). So, what's your diagnosis now? Doctor: Mood swings... 290 kb
- Xena and Doctor- Xena: So, what's your diagnosis now? Doctor: Mood swings... 60.6 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Xena: Alright. I gotcha now. Okay, Argo. There you go. Easy now. There, boy. Whoa... Gabrielle: Oh, by the gods... Xena: Gabrielle, come here. Joxer, Amarice... you stay there. Gabrielle, talk to him. Gabarielle: What do I say? Xena: Say anything. See if you can calm him down while I set his leg free from that trap. Gabrielle: Okay, boy. It's okay. Easy now. Good boy. It's okay. No one is going to hurt you. Hold still. Steady, steady. It's okay. Steady. That's it. Hold still. That's a good boy. Shh... shh. It's okay. Be still... be still. Xena: Steady. Gabrielle: Good boy! Xena: There you go... 1.18 mb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Xena: There you go. Gabrielle: Yeah. Good boy. Xena: We're gonna have to treat that wound before we set him free. Gabrielle: Set him free? Xena: What's on your mind? 289 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Joxer gave me one of those looks again. Xena, when he said he loved me, he said that he didn't expect anything from me. Clearly, he does. I'm trying to be sensitive. Do you have any advice? Xena: (Snores). 225 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: I really appreciate this. Xena: Are you kidding? This way I get a hot bath and something I didn't kill myself. On the other hand, I'm so hungry I could eat a .... Gabrielle: You wouldn't... 152 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Music with Gabrielle: You don't have the slightest idea. Xena: No. Look, we've been through this thing a thousand times. I don't. Gabrielle: How could you not know? I... I just find that hard to believe, you know? Xena: Tell me. Gabrielle: Ares... maybe he did a god thing. Xena: No. Gabrielle: Okay, fine. When was the last time we saw Hercules? 676 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Ares... maybe he did a god thing? Xena: No. 90.7 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: You don't have the slightest idea. Xena: No. Look, we've been through this thing a thousand times. I don't. Gabrielle: How could you not know? I... I just find that hard to believe, you know? Xena: Tell me. Gabrielle: Ares... maybe he did a god thing. Xena: No. Gabrielle: Okay, fine. When was the last time we saw Hercules? 376 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Xena: Well, congratulations. Looks like we're a two horse family. Gabrielle: Yeah... family being the operative word. Xena: Yeah. How 'bout that, huh? Gabrielle: You know what I think? I think it's the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Xena: Yep. For all of us. 255 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Ending music with Gabrielle: Hey. Steady now. Whew. Whoa, boy. Come on, Xena... race you to Greece? Xena: I don't know if you're ready for that. Gabrielle: What... are you chicken? Xena: No, just being considerate. We race to Greece and you won't be able to walk straight for a month. 423 kb
- Xena and Gabrielle- Gabrielle: Come on, Xena... race you to Greece? Xena: I don't know if you're ready for that. 96.9 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Amarice- Gabrielle: Come on. Come on, Handsome. Amarice: Xena... Xena, you said, "Kiss him or kill him." Right? Well I say, "Kill!" (Argument ensues). Gabrielle: Will you guys shut up? Shut up, please. Xena, can you tell them... Xena: I'm pregnant. I'M PREGNANT!! Gabrielle: You're pregnant? 581 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Amarice- Gabrielle: Come on. Come on, Handsome. Amarice: Xena... Xena, you said, "Kiss him or kill him." Right? Well I say, "Kill!" (Argument ensues). Gabrielle: Will you guys shut up? Shut up, please. Xena, can you tell them... Xena: I'm pregnant. I'M PREGNANT!! 645 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Arman- Gabrielle: Arman. Arman: Joxer said I'd find you here. Gabrielle: Amarice was right... it is you. Arman: Amarice? Gabrielle: What's going on with you two? Arman: She's insane. All I did was laugh a little when she slipped. Gabrielle: You laughed at her? Arman: Well, yeah. It was funny. And she wasn't hurt. Gabrielle: Alright... Her pride was hurt. Think about if you fell down in front of your whole school. Would you laugh? Arman: I see your point. So, what do I do to make it up to her? Gabrielle: Flowers. You can't go wrong with flowers. Arman: Flowers? Gabrielle: Yes. Women love flowers. Except Xena. She's the only woman I know who doesn't stop to smell them. Xena: Ohh... he's a little cutie. I... Arman: You know, I think you're right. Maybe Amarice and I just got off on the wrong foot. I'll do that. Hey, uhh... thanks for the advice. Gabrielle: Wrong foot... 815 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer- Music with Xena: Huh? What was that? Joxer: Oh, Xena... Okay. Gabby... would you... Gabrielle: Later, Joxer. Come on, Amarice. Joxer: Wait! Xena: Okay, Argo. I'm going to need your help here. Come on, big fella. It's okay... it's okay. You're gonna feel a whole lot better by the time we're through with you. 655 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer- Joxer: Spa.. mo... Spamona? Gabrielle: Spamona. Yeah, it's famous for it's hot springs. Hey, Xena... a little rest and we'll all feel better. Joxer: Hot springs, huh? Hey, you know that guy? Gabrielle: Who? Him? Come on, boy. Steady. Good boy. Joxer: I heard a horse once bit a man in half. Get, get! Gabrielle: I really appreciate this. Xena: Are you kidding? This way I get a hot bath and something I didn't kill myself. On the other hand, I'm so hungry I could eat a... Gabrielle: You wouldn't... 618 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer- Joxer: Hmmm... hmmm... Gabrielle: He did it again. Xena: What? Oh... I must've missed it. I think I dozed off. Gabrielle: Yeah, you've been doing that a lot lately. Xena: Yeah... I've been taking (?) but it doesn't seem to be helping. Guess I just need a bit more sack time, huh? What are you... a healer? Nah, I'm just tired. Why? What did I miss? Gabrielle: Joxer gave me one of those looks again. Xena, when he said he loved me, he said that he didn't expect anything from me. Clearly, he does. I'm trying to be sensitive. Do you have any advice? Xena: (Snores). Huh? What was that? 882 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer- Gabrielle: You're pregnant? How can you be pregnant? Xena... when did you...? Who did...? Xena: I don't know. Joxer: And you asked her advice on your love life. 296 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer, and Amarice- Xena: Why don't we get together over a meal? You know what I feel like? Some raspberry jelly and, I don't know... some raw fish. What do you say? Joxer: Ummm... I just ate. Amarice: Yeah, I wouldn't want to butt in. Gabrielle: I'm going to work with the horse. Xena: Come on... I'm buying. 254 kb
- Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer, Amarice, and Arman- Gabrielle: You're pregnant? How can you be pregnant? Xena... when did you...? Who did...? Xena: I don't know. Joxer: And you asked her advice on your love life. Gabrielle: You don't know? Xena: Gabrielle, this is as strange to me as it is to you. I don't understand it but it's true. I felt it with Solan, and I feel it now. There's life within me, and it's good. Gabrielle: Congratulations. Xena: Thanks. Amarice: Wow... a baby. You're going to be a really good mom. Xena: Thanks. Arman: That's really something. Joxer: I always wanted to be an uncle. Hello there, little fella... oh! Beats the heck out of my news. Xena: What's that? Joxer: Some creep named Darcon's coming. He should be here by sundown. Xena: Has Talia seen this? Joxer: I can't find her. Nobody can. Xena: Then it's up to us. .98 mb
- Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer, Amarice, and Talia- Talia: I never could put that past you. Xena: Hello, Talia. Talia: Ahh, you always saw that move coming. Xena: Well, your sword kind of tips it. You could try switching hands. Might save your life. Talia: Oh, I'll remember that. Gabrielle: I guess you two know each other. Xena: Oh, this is Talia. We rode together years ago. These are my friends... Gabrielle, Joxer, and Amarice. Talia: Welcome to Spamona. Xena: You know, I'm kind of surprised to find you in a place like this. Talia: Oh, I'm kind of surprised to find you alive. Word was Caesar staked you to a cross. Xena: Yeah. That's a long story. Why don't we get together over a meal? You knww what I feel like? Some raspberry jelly and, I don't know... some raw fish. What do you say? Joxer: Ummm... I just ate. Amarice: Yeah, I wouldn't want to butt in. Gabrielle: I'm gonna work with the horse. Xena: Come on, I'm buying. 919 kb
- Xena and Talia- Xena: You know, I'm kind of surprised to find you in a place like this. Talia: Oh, I'm kind of suprised to find you alive. 50.2 kb
- Xena and Talia- Xena: So, what makes Darcon different from every other scum-sucking warlord? Talia: He's my husband. Xena: Condolences. 152 kb
- Xena and Talia- Talia: Word was Caesar staked you to the cross. Xena: Yeah. It's a long story. 52.3 kb
- Xena and Talia- Xena: Darcon must be trouble? Talia: Nothing but. Xena: I'm glad we're here to help. Talia: No. I mean, thanks. But Darcon's my problem. I'll handle him. Your word... Xena: Promise. 262 kb
- Xena and Talia- Talia: It's not that I don't appreciate your offer. I do... Xena: Then, why don't you accept a little help? Talia: Because this is my problem... not your's. Xena: You're wrong. Fighting men like Darcon is everybody's problem, especially mine. Talia: Not this time. Xena: Really? So, what makes Darcon different from every other scum-sucking warlord? Talia: He's my husband. Xena: Condolences. Talia: I don't love him... not anymore. But I did. And, now, I'm afraid of him... of me. Xena: Talia, this must end here. Face it, you're going to need a little help. That's what I'm here for. Talia: No. Now, I stand up to Darcon, or I don't. But, either way I'm not going to let you take him on for me... especially pregnant. Oh, come on... who's kidding herself now? The need for sleep, the cravings, the nausea...? Hey... not to mention you're looking a little... My mother was a midwife, Xena. Wake up and smell the diapers. 1.01 mb
- Xena and Talia- Xena: Talia, this must end here. Face it, you're going to need a little help. That's what I'm here for. Talia: No. Now, I stand up to Darcon, or I don't. But, either way I'm not going to let you take him on for me... especially pregnant. Oh, come on... who's kidding herself now? The need for sleep, the cravings, the nausea...? Hey... not to mention you're looking a little... My mother was a midwife, Xena. Wake up and smell the diapers. 498 mb
- Xena, Talia, and Darcon- Music with Darcon: Hi, Honey... I'm home. Talia: This isn't your home, Darcon. Not anymore. Darcon: Well, we'll have to see about that. Won't we, boys? Xena: Come on, Gabrielle. 818 kb
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