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The New York Xenafest

Two chakram Betsy
Betsy Book with a chakram in either hand

Well, these are the long-promised wrap-up pictures to the NYC Xenafest. I wish I could have taken more, but I was too busy running the AV equipment to get pictures. I've included some of the ones I took, mainly of the pinata and the costume contest. As usual, click on any picture to see it in its full glory.

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Betsy Book and Tom Simpson
Betsy Book and me
Gerilyn and Corinne
Gerilyn (holding the chakram) and my sister Corinne (in the chakram, and later whacked by the chakram)
Betsy Book, Tom Simpson and Kym Taborn
Betsy Book, moi and Kym Taborn
Betsy tossing a bagel chakram
Betsy Book tossing a bagel chakram
Danielle guards the door
Corinne: Warrior Sister
Corinne: Warrior Sister

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