General Disclaimer: As everyone knows the characters of Xena and Gabrielle are NOT owned by me and I use them strictly without written permission by MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. This was written solely for the purpose of fun and no harm was intended. All works remain those of the author. May not be reproduced without written consent. Blah, blah, blah, blah blah...
Sexual Disclaimer: This poem depicts love between two adult women. If you dont like it, just hit the back button on you browser. If this kind of stuff is illegal where you come from, pull down the blinds and dont tell anybody that you reading it okay?
Now that the boring stuff is done, this is my first attempt at this line of work. Please feel free to e-mail me at moonflower_77@hotmail.com for any comments (good or bad, I will appreciate them all.) Hope you enjoy it!
The Time Has Come
By Moonflower
What is this strange sensation
Are you feeling it to?
The love and passion we share
To it the Elysian Fields cant compare.
I have felt it coming my bard
And I have fought against it long and hard.
Do you know what you have done to me?
I tremble at your touch
I try to hid itGods I want you so much.
I hope you feel the same way too
Is it time for me and you?
What is this strange sensation?
Are you feeling it to?
The eternal bond we share
Without you, life I could not bare.
I have felt it coming, my champion
And against it I have fought, and it seems to have won.
Do you know what you have done to me?
I tremble at your touch.
I try to hid itGods, I want you so much.
I believe you feel the same way too
Is it time for me and you?
Last night under the stars
You had a gaze that was so far..
And when I reached out to you
You said " Nothing" like you always do.
But there was something, in those azure eyes
That you could not hide.
Last night in the night air,
You looked so beautiful, to that Aphrodite could not compare
And the tenderness of your touch
It was almost too much.
There was something there in your eyes,
A softness, a love..that it made me want to cry
I long to hold you, caress you, love you,
But Yes, I the "Warrior Princess" am scared.
You, I cannot hurt
If I came on to you would you think that I am a flirt?
Gods the urge is stronger day by day....
If I told you would you run away?
Do you know what you have done to me?
I tremble at your touch
I try to hid itGods I want you so much.
I hope you feel the same way too
Is it time for me and you?
I long to hold you, caress you, love you ,tell you these things
But Yes, I "the bard" is at a loss for words
You, I cannot hurt
If I came on to you would you think that I am a flirt?
Gods the urge is stronger day by day....
If I told you would you run away?
The time has come
To me I cannot let this moment pass.
"I have something to say
and I must do it before my courage flies away"
"Let me finish. The years we have spent together..you know without you I would die"
Gods is she doing what I think..please oh please let me be right
"I dont want you ever out of my sight"
Say it.....
"Xena.. I "
"I love you"
She sat in silence ..looking so lost
Tarturus!!! I thought how could I be so wrong?
"You know I would do anything for you, no matter what the cost"
"Xena, I have been wanting to hear that, say that for so long..."
And with those simple words my heart broke into song.
"Xena I love you and I always have"
Do you know what you have done to me?
I trembled at your touch.
I tried to hid itGods, I wanted you so much.
Now I know you feel the same way too
It is time for me and you.
The end?