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Disclaimers: Xena: Warrior Princess, Gabrielle, Argo and all other characters who have appeared in the syndicated series, together with the names, titles and backstory are the sole copyright property of MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. God knows, no copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. The story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the author. Feel free to make copies for private use and be sure to include the disclaimers and warnings. There will be NO profit of any kind as a result of this story.
SEXUAL VIOLENCE WARNING: One small part of the story deals with sexual violence and a lot of it deals with its aftermath. It was necessary to include for the purpose of the story line. If this disturbs you or you are sensitive to this type of depiction you may want to read something other than this story. I certainly would understand and by no means would be offended.
LOVE/SEX WARNING: Of course. This story depicts a loving/sexual relationship between two gorgeous, consenting adult women. If youre under 18 years of age or if this type of story is illegal in the state or country where you live, please go away now.
FEEDBACK: I need it. This is my first story and your opinions - good and bad are welcomed. Cruelty, however, is not.
A special thanks to my partner - thank you honey - for encouraging me to write this story and for taking your pen to it. Grammar is her forte, not mine. I hope, in the end, the characters did come to life as she so gently told me had to happen.
Im off to the Cape now myself - P-Town to be exact and look forward to hearing from all you lovely XENA/Gabrielle fans when I return.
Continues from here.
CAPE OF FEARS - cont'd
Chris burst through the door, with her mentor right behind her. Two hulking orderlies had Sam cornered. Her entire body was trembling furiously. Her small hands were clawing at her arms and face and blood was running down her right cheek. The orderlies were trying to close in on her. As soon as they caught their prey the restraints would be quickly reapplied.
"Get away from her," Chris yelled. The orderlies, ignoring her continued to pursue their target. She repeated her command. One of the orderlies turned to her and in a dismissing tone told her they had things under control.
"If I have to tell you again to get away from her, I will break every bone in your fucking body and rip each of your fingers from your hands. Now, GET OUT OF HERE!" Chris roared. There was no doubt that her threat would be carried out if they continued in their pursuit to capture the helpless young woman who looked like a frightened animal about to be swallowed by giants.
Knowing her friend too well, Dr. Slavin told the orderlies to wait outside. If their assistance was needed they would be called. As the orderlies left, Dr. Matson entered. Sam was still huddled in the corner trembling.
"Get away from me. Get away from me. Dont touch me. Oh God NO!!!!" she gasped her hands working their way up and down her arms leaving behind a trail of red marks some seeping with blood. "Leave her alone, leave her alone, stop it, stop it, get back, get back, " she continued, her arms now swatting the air as they had done during the prior episodes. "It burns, it burns, please stop, oh God PLEASE STOP," she cried out while banging her head on the wall.
Watching the display before her frightened Chris to her core. "Samantha honey, Im here now," she crooned softly as she slowly made her way to the young woman sitting on the floor. Sams mouth was moving but no words were coming out. Her entire body was shaking as she wrapped her arms around herself as if they would shield her.
"Samantha, I know you can hear me. Remember Im here to help you sweetheart. Ill keep you safe. You dont have to be afraid. Look at me Samantha, please," Chris whispered.
Drs. Slavin and Matson watched quietly as Samantha Dalys trembling body began to relax. They had never seen anything like this. Chris went down on her knees in front of Sam, as she held her own trembling hand out to the young woman and fixed her blue eyes onto green. The room was completely silent and void of any movement, the two psych ward doctors were mesmerized by the sight. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Samantha Daly opened her arms wide for the woman in front of her. She wanted to be rescued. Without hesitation, Christina Polis latched onto the beautiful young woman, who in turn locked her arms around her rescuer's neck. Chris held her close and secure, running her fingers through the disheveled strawberry blonde hair. Nobody would have been able to break their connection.
"Ive got you. Ive got you" Chris said soothingly as she gently rocked the young woman who had captured her own lonely heart.
"Dont leave me. Please dont leave me again," was the soft request. Only the tall, strong warrior in her dream was able to hear the plea.
Allowing sufficient time for the intensity of the moment to dissipate, Joy Slavin once again took charge. "Chris, how about helping Samantha to the bed. Id like for someone to come in and check her injuries. Those scratches should be cleaned and I want to have the cut on her head checked too. Theres some blood in her hair by her left temple." With that, Joy Slavin left the room to arrange for one of the general practitioners to come in and examine Sam.
Chris, still cradling Sam, clutched her tighter as she lifted the young woman to her feet. Chris realized Sam would not release her hold around her neck, so with great ease, she bent down and putting her arm behind Sams knees lifted her completely off the floor and with a grace only she possessed took Sam to the bed. She gently lowered her onto the soft mattress.
"Samantha, I need you to let go now. I promise I wont go anywhere. Youve injured yourself and Dr. Slavin is going to have somebody come in to check you."
The back of Chris polo shirt suddenly felt wet. She knew its source immediately. Using her own hands, she took hold of the smaller ones planted around her neck and pulled them apart. When she brought them around she didnt let them go immediately. She didnt want Sams fears to resurface.
"Hey," Chris finally said looking into the shattered green eyes. With the softest of smiles on her face she released one hand so she could bring her own up to stroke her love's face. Samantha Daly, I think Im falling in love with you, came the surprised thought as she wiped away the tears and gently coaxed the young woman to lay down and rest for awhile.
Dr. Matson left the room without uttering a word.
When Joy Slavin returned she had the attending physician with her. He was a short round man with a receding hairline. Even though he had severe features he approached Sam with a brilliant smile. He appeared to be in his mid-forties.
"Hello Ms. Daly. Im Dr. Simon. Im just going to have a look at your scratches and then Ill be on my way. " He knew the intensity of the situation having been quickly briefed by Dr. Slavin.
Without realizing it, Chris held even more firmly onto the small womans hand. She hadnt released it since the episode. "Excuse me, Dr. Polis. Ill just be a minute," Dr. Simon said firmly as he nudged his way between Sam and the somber looking forensic psychologist. Chris raised an eyebrow at the intrusion then released the small hand that had melted into her own.
"Im not going anywhere Samantha. The doctor is going to examine you now," she said reassuringly, backing away just enough for the chunky doctor to have enough space to do his examination.
Dr. Simon was quick and efficient. He labored on the one cut just above Sams left temple before pronouncing it superficial. He announced that all that was needed was for the cuts to be cleaned, otherwise he felt that his young patient would be fine.
Before leaving the room he leaned over to whisper in Chris ear "you may want to consider cutting her nails for the time being." Chris looked at him as though he had grown horns, then glanced down at the nails that adorned the small hands.
Nurse James was the next to enter the room. Immediately upon seeing her, Chris face turned from its stoic look to its menacing one. The look did not go unnoticed by the nurse nor Dr. Slavin who took in the scene. "Im just going to clean the wounds and then Ill be out of here," the nurse said, confused by the special attention this troublesome patient was receiving. Nurse James was disturbed by her boss angry response when she had learned that this patient was experiencing an episode and being attended to by orderlies. She didnt like the threat of disciplinary charges being lodged.
Upon finishing her task of cleaning the wounds and updating the hospital chart that hung at the end of the bed the nurse turned to leave. The psychiatrist stopped the woman and ordered some medication for Sam. She told the nurse to bring it promptly. I'll have to smooth her feathers later, Joy Slavin thought reluctantly but acknowledged to herself that the head nurse really was good at her job.
An aide returned a few minutes later carrying a tray with a syringe and a small bottle. As quickly as he deposited the tray on the small oak finished table sitting next to the bed he left.
While Chris resumed her position sitting on the edge of the bed holding the small hand, Dr. Slavin moved to the tray. She picked up the bottle and examined the label, a habit she had acquired years ago when a fellow psychiatrist administered the wrong medication after it had been inadvertently substituted for the one prescribed. After looking at the label, she sat the bottle back down on the tray.
"Sam, Im going to give you something to keep any infection from developing," she lied. "Some of the scratches are deep and they look inflamed. I want to make sure they dont get worse," she finished looking into the green eyes that stared back at her. "Just roll over a little for me, okay?" the doctor stated holding the syringe to the bottle and pushing its needle into the rubber that capped it.
Not surprisingly, the small woman held onto the gown as she rolled slightly to her left. The doctor, using little force pushed aside the hand holding the gown and found her mark on the buttocks. Within minutes, Samantha Daly was sleeping peacefully.
"Lets go to my office to talk things over Chris. Shes going to be asleep for a few hours so you can leave her for awhile," Joy said. Not seeing any movement she added, "Because she doesnt have insurance, I have orders to move her to the state hospital by tomorrow. That doesnt give us much time to figure things out."
Looking out the same window Sam had earlier, Chris noticed the sun was now covered by thick dark clouds. Its going to rain soon, she thought as she followed the doctor from the room, stopping for one last look at the small wonder snoring softly, oblivious to the happenings of the moment.
As they were walking down the hallway heading to Joy Slavins office, a medium sized woman with curly dirty blonde hair could be seen coming in their direction. In her hand was a bouquet of red roses with a sprinkling of babys breath mingled in.
Chris stopped dead in her tracks. "I cant believe this," she said to herself. As the woman approached, the menacing look reappeared on Chris face.
"Dr. Polis, so good to see you again," Eppie said her words dripping with sarcasm.
"What are you doing here, Eppie?" the tall ebony-haired woman asked in a threatening tone.
"I was worried about Sam. I figured this was the only hospital around so I inquired and, sure enough, here she is." The shorter woman responded with a smirk appearing on her face.
"Shes not seeing visitors now," Chris responded through clenched teeth.
"Oh no? When I called I wasnt told about any restrictions."
As Chris was about to move towards the shorter woman Joy stepped in. "Chris, go on to my office. Ill explain things to... Eppie was it?"
Chris darted her eyes back and forth between the two women. This was the last thing she needed. "Stay... away.... from her," she snarled before moving away.
"Eppie, Sam is sleeping now. Shes had a rough time of it lately. She needs rest and shouldnt be disturbed. Im sorry we didnt notify the hospital registry that no visitors were permitted. It really is in her best interests."
"When do you think I can see her?" Eppie inquired.
"I dont know for sure. How about calling the registry tomorrow. Ill see to it we have updated information to them."
"Thank you doctor. Ill do that. Is she going to be okay?"
If Chris Polis had anything to do with it she would be and since Chris was involved, Joy put a small smile on her face "yeah, I think she will," then with more confidence repeated her response.
"Can I leave the flowers for her?"
"Drop them off at the nurses' station. Its just down the hall to your right. One of the nurses will be sure to give them to Sam when she wakes up."
Following the doctors instructions, Eppie left the flowers at the nurses' station. She had no idea that the cute strawberry blonde she had been dreaming about was soundly sleeping in the room right next to the nurses' desk.
When she entered her office Chris was sitting on the sofa. Her elbows were firmly planted on her knees and her head was tucked between her large hands. Taking a deep breath, Dr. Slavin sat down next to her much taller friend.
"Chris, I think theres been some real progress today," Joy offered just as a clap of thunder was heard off in the distance. "We now know that Sam experienced a trauma and shes probably having flashbacks. We just have to find out more about what happened to her to understand whats going on in her head."
At that moment Chris turned her head to face the psychiatrist. This time it wasnt just a single tear. Chris was actually sobbing. Damn you Chris Polis. Why did this have to happen on my tour of duty? You must have at least a half dozen friends who are shrinks and you had to end up here. Talk about fate, the psychiatrist thought while shaking her head and reaching around the muscular shoulders of her friend hoping to some how comfort her.
When Dr. Emily Matson entered the office she was not surprised to see the head of the psychiatric unit consoling Chris Polis. Surely Chris was in a lot of pain. The question as to why she was so engrossed in this case would probably never be known. All the tall African American woman knew was that they had to act quickly. If Sam ended up in a state hospital she would never come out of it without some long lasting effects.
"Listen, just at the hospital library and went onto the Internet to search for all the articles on the crime that Sam witnessed. In one of the articles it said that Sam and the victim, Patricia Logan, had grown up together in Westchester County in New York. They were best friends. They both ended up at Yale and shared an apartment off campus. The police were called after one of the tenants heard screaming coming from their apartment. When the cops arrived, they found Sam in a closet. She was covered in some kind of substance. Patricia Logan, as you both know was dead. It was described as a real heinous crime."
"What are you getting at Emily?" Joy Slavin asked confused by the psychologists need to research the crime.
"I want you to release Sam to Chris and not send her to the state hospital. I think that I can help her. I can see her in my private practice since I have sufficient time in my schedule for her and money isnt an issue for me so Im not concerned about the insurance," Matson put simply.
"And how do you think I can possibly release her to Chris, hmm? She doesnt even have a home address anymore. Given the nature of the crime I dont think Sam would feel safe at Chris brother's house," Joy said shocked that the respected psychologist would even consider such an arrangement.
"Well then, well have to work on that. We have, what... until eleven tomorrow morning to find her a nice little cottage somewhere? Chris, are you in?" Emily asked.
Chris looked up, a hint of encouragement in her blue eyes. It was clear that Emily Matson had a plan. "Wheres the cottage Em?"
"Its about seven miles from here up Route Six. It faces the bay, right across from the dunes. The women who own the place are expecting you. I told them you would be there in about an hour. Its a little expensive since its on the water, but real nice. I think you and Sam would like it," she concluded trying to hide a satisfied smirk at Chris' jumping so quickly for her solution to this dilemma. She handed Chris a small post-it with the address written on it.
"Joy, will you release her to me?" Chris pleaded nervously, knowing that in order for her friend to do so she would have to alter the medical records to make it appear as though Sams condition had stabilized and that she was no longer in danger of causing injury to herself.
This was so against everything she had been taught. If the board ever learns Im doing this theyll have me bounced out of here so fast, Joy thought. Just as quickly as the thought came, so did the response, "Yeah, Im with you. But you need to agree to keep her medicated until the episodes cease. And I mean CEASE, not subside. She doesnt like the medication so you have to be firm with her about taking it. And of course, shell also have to agree to be released to you."
Chris leaped up off the sofa. "Thanks Em, thanks Joy," she said happily to both as she gave them each a hearty bear hug. "Joy, shell do everything you want her to do. I wont give her any options with the medication. I promise. Im going to have a look at that cottage. Ill be back before you know it." Chris left the office, this time with a little bounce in her walk.
Joy Slavin and Emily Matson could only look at each other. "I hope you know what youre doing here, Em. Both of us will be without jobs and our licenses if the shit hits the fan with this case."
"I know Joy. I know," Matson agreed before leaving the office and heading back to the library. In her effort to know everything about the crime, she would leave no stone unturned. Maybe Ill call my friend at Yale. Certainly there must have been a lot of rumors circulating about this crime.
She was back in the glen. Her warrior had returned and was again laying on top of her. The nice tingling feeling had replaced the burning creatures. Their clothes were thrown a few yards away as they eagerly worked to possess each other for the first time. The hands of the warrior, although callused, felt like cool velvet on her skin as they moved with grace along the inside of her thigh eventually finding their way to the golden curls protecting her wet center.
Sam let out a small murmur enjoying the attention as Chris placed light kisses along her neck and the hollow of her throat. The tall womans fingers sought entry into the wet alcove between her loves legs, her thumb stopping to play with the nub hardening at the insistent attention it was receiving. Sam had never been loved like this before.
As her fingers pushed aside the soft silky folds to travel deeper within, Chris mouth captured a pink nipple. She gently nibbled the hardened point with her teeth and caressed it with her hungry tongue, giving the nipple her full attention before capturing it completely it in her mouth. The nipple and as much of the full firm breast she could consume were conquered by her warm mouth. Having taken more than her share of the milky white treat, Chris left it and proceeded on to its twin.
"Please..." Sam panted not sure she would be able to contain herself much longer.
At hearing the plea, Chris pushed her finger further in the warm wet opening. She stopped when she hit resistance. "Samantha" she purred into her love's ear, before nibbling it as well. She continued to torture the hardened nub while she spoke.
"Samantha, what do you want," the sultry voice asked, not wanting to break the shield without permission.
"I want you to love me... completely," the sweet voice answered while struggling to bring air into herself.
Chris was now rubbing her own center along the fit thigh of the strawberry blonde. At the sound of the sweet voice, her own center rejoiced, releasing its nectar that painted the thigh it languished on.
"I do love you Samantha Daly, completely," Chris said as she pushed her finger through the shield to reach the deepest depths of her love.
Sam cried out. She felt a sharp pain at the shattering of the shield and then she was filled with the most delightful feeling. The long finger of her lover was soon joined by another and together they slowly moved in and out. She was unable to stop the moaning that came from deep within. She felt herself wanting to hold onto the smooth fingers that filled her but was unable to fully capture them.
"Oh, God. Oh God" she panted.
In and out, in and out. In.........
"OHHHHH.....OHHHHH.......CHRISTINAAAA!!!!!!!" she cried out as a tremendous climax shook her entire being and took her to a place she had never been..
The cottage was perfect. It had two bedrooms, a small living room with a picture window that faced the bay, and a medium-sized eat in kitchen. Surrounding the cottage was a small wrap around porch with a set of stairs that led down to the sandy bay beach and another set on the side that led to the driveway. It was tucked away off the main highway and concealed by tall grasses. You could smell the ocean air and hear the fog horns of the fishing vessels as they returned with their catch to dock for evening.
The two women who owned the cottage also owned a successful arts and crafts store in town. They were older than Chirs, Helen appeared to be in her early fifties and the other, Noreen was approaching sixty. Both had hair streaked with gray and except for a few laugh lines, their faces were devoid of wrinkles. They both wore baggy jeans and flannel shirts and their feet were protected only by flip-flops. One of the women wore a straw hat on her head, while the other wore a Boston Red Sox baseball cap. Their left hands bore evidence of their partnership, as did their eyes. It appeared as though they could see the other's soul when they looked at one another.
After doing some quick calculations in her head to make sure she could afford the place, Chris informed the two women she would take the cottage. The fact that it came fully furnished, made her decision easier as she was by no means in the mood, nor would she ever be, to shop for furniture. She handed over a check that totaled the first and last months rent plus one months security deposit. In return she was given a set of keys to the place.
"Emily informed us a little about your situation with Ms. Daly," Helen informed her. "I want to assure you that you have complete privacy here. Aside from the postal carrier who comes as far as the end of the drive, nobody comes down this way. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to call us," she finished as Noreen moved to her side and locked arms with her partner.
"Thank you," Chris said gratefully after taking in every word the woman spoke. "Im sure that things will work out in the end. I appreciate you both offering us the cottage on such short notice. It will be a rocky road, but the comfort and solitude this place has to offer should help us." Chris spoke as though she and Sam were partners like the two owners.
After the women left, Chris took one last look around the place. She was actually feeling giddy. As she went to close the cottage door behind her to return to the hospital, she stopped to turn on the porch light. Backing out of the long sandy driveway she took one final glance at the little cottage. "Home" she said out loud and then sped away in the direction of the hospital.
"I think we should tell her what we know," Emily was saying to Dr. Slavin as Chris entered the office. Joy did take note that her friend did not wait for permission to enter this time.
"Hey, whats going on?" Chris asked sounding more up beat than when she left.
"Were talking about how to proceed with Sam. Emily wants us to be right up front with her and take it from there. Im not sure that I agree," the psychiatrist said cautiously.
"Joy, you know how many of these cases turn out. The victims are so traumatized they never return to a real productive and happy life. Theyre always looking over their shoulders waiting for the next asshole to come along. They trust no one. I think we have a good chance of helping Samantha. We already know so much, probably even more than she remembers now. We can guide her through the pain and Chris will be there to support her. By the way, how was the cottage?" Emily Matson asked, more so see if her tall colleague was listening, then to gather any real information.
"Great, Great. I got the keys. We can move in as soon as Samantha is released," Chris said somewhat confused that the question had been asked at just that moment.
"Actually, I think you should move in tonight," Joy interjected with authority. "You have got to get some sleep Christina. Shes going to be a handful when shes released and you know it. My guess, from the little bits of her personality Ive already seen is that shes a handful even when shes not sick," the psychiatrist said.
Chris raised both dark thin eyebrows at the comment. "I thought I would stay with her tonight and then take her home in the morning" she said evenly.
Both of the psych unit doctors looked at each other when Chris finished. "Home?" Emily Matson mouthed to Joy Slavin when their tall friend wasnt looking, and the two smiled.
Just at that moment, the buzzer sounded on Dr. Slavins phone. "Im on my way," she replied sharply to the person on the other end.
"I have to check on Sam," she said hanging up the phone and moving to the door.
As the three women entered the room they expected to find Sam huddled in a corner again. Instead she was sitting straight up in the bed, gasping for air. A fine sheen of sweat could be seen on her face. The front of her gray hospital gown was wrinkled appearing as though it had been clutched in a firm grip. Around the area just hiding the beautiful breasts, and where the cleavage was seen, perspiration also appeared.
The blanket on the bed was in a position where it revealed the gown had worked its way up around the strawberry blonde's waist. Upon closer inspection, Chris caught a glimpse of the soft, sunny colored curls that concealed the young womans precious center.
Chris immediately went to the bed and pulled the blanket into position. "Hey Samantha," she said softly, as she leaned over to reach for a glass of water, her breasts brushing up against the young woman along the way. Her mouth was suddenly very dry.
"Christina," came the husky response.
"Im right here baby. What do you need?"
Trying to control her breathing, Sam asked to go to the bathroom. Suddenly her bladder felt very full and something was dripping between her legs. She needed to get to the bathroom before there was another accident.
"Chris, why dont you help Sam freshen up a bit. She might even want to change into something more comfortable," Dr. Matson offered. "When youre finished I think some dinner would be in order and then we could talk about tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? Whats going to happen tomorrow?" Sam demanded, not missing a word the good doctor said.
Ignoring Sam, Chris jumped in "I think it would be good to freshen up. Dr. Slavin do you think the hospital could spare two dinners tonight? Id like to dine with Ms. Daly this evening and talk with her about our plans for tomorrow. Hopefully," she said now gazing deeply into the green orbs "Ms. Daly will be in agreement."
Samantha was captured by the blue sea now looking at her, taking over her soul. Clearing her throat, she said "Um...I would like to freshen up now, if you dont mind doctors," she said looking directly at Slavin and then at Matson. "Im sure Dr. Polis can fill me in over dinner," Sam finished sounding as though she were arranging a business dinner.
Drs. Slavin and Matson looked at each other then to Chris Polis who simply shrugged. There was definitely a smile behind those blue eyes. Youll get yours someday Polis, Matson thought, then offered "Well then, I guess we all understand each other, dont we now?" There was no doubt in her mind who the boss was going to be in this relationship when it finally found its course. "Ms. Daly, if its alright with you, I would like to check in a little later. Just in case you have any questions."
"That would be fine Doctor," Samantha Daly replied, sounding more like her mother, although she would never admit to it.
Chris released a snort at that moment, then cleared her own throat.
Before long the two doctors departed the room leaving Chris and Sam alone. It was the most coherent the long ebony-haired woman had seen the strawberry blonde. She found the small womans response to Matson endearing. Hmpf, damn is she bossy, but nobody can top me Chris thought while helping the smaller woman to the bathroom.
"This is just too funny," Emily Matson laughed so hard the tears were running down her cheeks.
"Em, come on, try to control yourself" Joy chided her. "This is really serious you know."
"I know it is Joy. Im not laughing at Samantha Daly or her situation. But come on now Joy, you saw it yourself. That cute, little, sweet thing, politely and firmly told us ALL, how things were going to go down tonight."
"Did you see the look on Polis face," Joy Slavin was now laughing herself.
"Oh yeah, I saw it alright. But you told her before she would have her hands full. I cant wait to see how this unfolds. When these two get together, and I mean really get together, its going to be a battle of wills" Emily finally ended.
"Come on lets get some dinner," Joy suggested, knowing that it was going to be a long night.
"You know Im more than capable of going to the bathroom on my own," Sam pointed out to Chris.
"Im sure you are but because of the medication theyve been giving you its good to have somebody around in case you get dizzy or something."
"Or something?"
"You know, light headed, tired. Its common for people to have those reactions." Chris responded, feeling a little nervous all of a sudden as she led Sam to the toilet and again helped her to sit.
"Um, I really cant go with you standing there," Sam said conjuring up her sweetest voice.
"Okay, Ill um..., Ill turn my back hows that? And Ill run the shower water too. That way I wont hear you." Chris could not believe she was having this conversation. When she had to go, she didnt care who was in earshot.
"Would you mind if I took a quick shower since youre going to be running the water any way," the strawberry blonde asked.
"Sure you can. you some shorts and a T-shirt to wear. I thought you would be more comfortable wearing them instead of that gown," Chris offered while adjusting the shower water.
"You can make the water on the cool side," Sam said while removing the hospital gown. She was hoping the cooler water would help stem the flow still coming from her center after her dream.
"No problem. I...think its...about...perfect...right now" Chris stuttered as she turned to see the most glorious vision she had ever laid her eyes on.
The two gazed at each other for mere seconds. Samantha pulled her arms up to cover her full breasts while Chris turned her head quickly in the direction of the shower. Her arm and the right side of her head was saturated from playing with the nozzle to adjust the water.
Clearing her throat Chris moved away from the shower, keeping her back to the beautiful woman. "You can go in now. wait over here by the sink. When youre finished let me know and Ill hand you a towel," she ended. As a blush crept up her neck, she could have sworn she heard giggling coming from behind the shower curtain.
"Thank you," came the soft response.
"Youre welcome," was returned in a deep sultry tone as the forensic psychologist tried to remember how many times she had said um during her last conversation with the beautiful young woman.
Back in the room, Sam devoured her meal. Chris gladly handed her share over thinking it not fit for human consumption. "When was the last time you ate something?" Sam asked.
Thinking for a minute, Chris realized she couldnt answer the question because she didnt remember. "Im not really all that hungry. You go ahead and finish it up. Itd be a shame for it to go to waste," she lied, not exactly being truthful about the food going to waste.
Having consumed enough to hold her over for a little while, Sam finally found the courage to ask what was going to happen tomorrow.
Chris was now sitting on the edge of the bed where the woman she was falling in love with was reclining on a couple of pillows. "Samantha, your parents cancelled your medical insurance so the rules of this hospital are that you be transferred to the state hospital." Fear appeared on the young womans face in an instance. Chris quickly took hold of a small hand to try to calm her. She looked into the deep dark green and began again.
"Instead of going to the state hospital, I was hoping that you would allow me to take care of you. You would have to sign some papers authorizing the doctors to release you to me. And Dr. Matson has agreed to continue treating you in her private practice. I got us a cottage, its small but its nice and..."
A small hand found its way to Chris cheek. "Why are you doing this?"
"I care about you. I know it's hard to believe but I feel as though Ive known you for a lifetime. I promise I will never hurt you. You know, my brother convinced me to come and see you. He was worried about you. Now I understand why. You are an angel," she finished while touching the hand on her cheek.
"Im not an angel, thats for sure, just ask my parents."
"I dont care about your parents. I only care about you. And in my eyes you are an angel," Chris said sincerely, staring deeply into her eyes as she brought the small hand around to her mouth and placed a kiss on it.
Tears could be seen in Samanthas eyes "Nobody has ever cared about me, including my family," she said sadly, holding back the sobs that were about to break through a weakening dam.
"Then they are fools Samantha Daly," Chris said softly as her blue orbs attached onto brilliant green ones.
Upon hearing the love in those words, Sam leaned over and kissed the welcoming red lips of the tall, tanned woman. While it started as a simple kiss it quickly grew in its intensity. The tongue of the younger woman sought entrance and was allowed in to explore the mouth of her rescuer. The two tongues danced for minutes until the forensic psychologist took the lead and sought out the mouth of the strawberry blonde. When the kiss ended, only their mouths parted. The two sat there still gazing into the others eyes, foreheads meeting and holding the connection. Both had smiles on their faces.
"Hm. Hm," Dr. Slavin cleared her throat to announce that there were others now in the room.
Chris lightly stroked the younger womans face before pulling back to look at the doctors. "Dr. Slavin. Dr. Matson. I believe that Samantha has agreed to be released to me."
"We see," Dr. Matson noted, her arms folded in the front of her body.
"And have you told Samantha about the conditions of her being released to you?" Joy Slavin asked.
"She knows that Dr. Matson has agreed to see her in her private practice. I was about to explain the other condition when you arrived," Chris responded looking a little guilty.
"I bet you were." Matson jumped in.
"Sam, youre experiencing some flashbacks that are causing you to injure yourself. All of the tests that we have run indicate that there is nothing physically wrong with you." Dr. Slavin explained. "We can control your reactions to the flashbacks with medication while you work with Dr. Matson on dealing with whatever it is that has caused you to be here. I cant release you to Chris unless you agree to take the medication, starting now." Slavin finally finished holding the medication in her hand.
"But the medication makes me tired," Sam argued.
"I know it does, but its necessary," Slavin insisted.
"Sweetheart, listen to me, please. You only have to take the pills for a little while. Once we figure out whats going on, then you can stop taking them. But for now, I think its important," Chris pleaded with Sam. The forensic psychologist knew that if Joy had any doubts about Sam taking the medication she would not allow the plan to be carried out.
Sam held out her hand to receive the medication. She looked at the tiny pink pill sitting in her palm for several seconds before placing it in her mouth and washing it down with a glass of water Chris had provided.
"What time do I leave tomorrow," she asked in a childlike voice.
"Youll be released as soon as the attorney comes in the morning and you sign the paperwork. It will probably be before eleven," Dr. Slavin replied in a businesslike tone.
"Thank you," came the small response. Sam laid herself down on the bed and rolled over. The tears began their departure and the two psych ward doctors chose that moment to leave.
"Samantha, I know this is hard for you honey," Chris said gently while rubbing the young womans back. She could feel the vibration of the sobs against her hand. "Ill be with you the entire time. Please remember that." The rescuer leaned over and kissed the exposed cheek of the strawberry blonde. "Sweet dreams, Samantha."
A short while later Samantha Daly was sound asleep. Chris prayed to whatever God was out there to keep the demons away this night. She couldnt stand the thought of her love being sent to the state hospital.
"Oh, no," Joy Slavin said as she and Emily Matson stood at the nurses' station.
"Whats wrong?" Emily asked.
"The woman coming down the hall is Sarah Josephs. She and Chris lived together for several years until yesterday. Sarah kicked her out."
"Et oh," was all the tall African American could get out of her mouth.
"Joy, hello. I understand that Chris has been here at the hospital. Ive been leaving messages for her at her office but havent heard from her. Could you tell me where I can find her?" Sarah asked.
Joy had come to know Sarah quite well. She didnt particularly care for the woman, but since Chris was her friend she tolerated her. It was obvious that Sarah had been crying.
"Shes with a patient now Sarah. If you want you can wait for her in the consulting practitioners' office. Well let her know youre here and as soon as she finishes Im sure shell come in to see you," Joy offered cordially.
"Thank you, Id appreciate that," she agreed as she headed towards the office.
"Joy, why dont you go on to your office and try to get some rest. Its been a long 24 hours and chances are its going to get worse before it gets better," Emily suggested. "Ill let Chris know about her unexpected visitor."
"What unexpected visitor? Samantha is asleep so I thought I would stretch my legs," Chris chimed in.
"Who is Samantha?"
They all turned in unison to see Sarah standing there, looking every bit the part of the jilted lover.
"What are you doing here Sarah?" Chris asked.
"I left several messages for you this morning. When I called this afternoon I was assured you got the messages. When I didnt hear from you I got worried so I called Luke. He told me I would probably find you here."
"He did, did he? Well Sarah, Im sorry you made the trip down here for nothing. Im fine, so there is no need to worry."
"I would like to speak with you in private, Chris. Just for a few minutes, please," Sarah asked hoping the two doctors would get the message and find something else to do.
"Why dont you two use the consulting practitioners' office," Joy jumped in, not wanting there to be a scene in the hallway.
"There is no need for an office. Sarah, I dont have anything to discuss with you. I believe we both said it all the other night." Chris said sharply as the veins started to appear on the sides of her neck.
"You cant even offer me a simple explanation for the other night?" Sarah shot back.
"Nothing is simple with you Sarah. Now, Ive got to get back to Samantha."
"You didnt answer me before. Who is Samantha?" she persisted.
Chris spun around and looked right into Sarah "Somebody I care deeply for, somebody I think I love."
"I see," was all Sarah could say. She turned and quietly walked the length of hall to the elevators. It almost appeared as though she were walking to the death chamber. "I hope some day youre happy Chris. I only wish that it could have been me who brought it to you. God knows I tried," she said as she got on the elevator and left.
"Damn," was all Chris said shaking her head as she went back to Samanthas room.
Sam awoke about six in the morning. It had been the first dreamless sleep she had in days. When she awoke the sun was just beginning its own awakening. Its rays were coming through the window and settling on the long back of her rescuer where Chris had fallen asleep. While the bottom half of her tall frame was nestled in the uncomfortable chair, the other half was sprawled across the foot of the bed. Her long hair had fallen to cover her tanned, well-defined face.
Sam sat for several minutes taking in the scene before her. Even though she had only known this beautiful woman for a short while, it felt like she had fallen in love. Chris had told her she felt like she knew her for a lifetime. The strawberry blonde sensed the same about her. I think I love you, she admitted to herself.
Trying not to wake the beautiful woman, Sam slowly moved her legs to the side of the bed so she could get up and go to the bathroom. It would be her first opportunity to walk on her own since being brought to the hospital. As she stood on solid ground her legs felt a little wobbly, and her head was a bit light, but otherwise she was okay.
Just as she was about to take her first full step a deep, commanding voice was heard. "Where do you think youre going," the taller woman asked as she rose to a full sitting position and extended her long arm blocking the path.
"Im just going to use the bathroom. Thats all. I feel fine. Please, cant I at least go to the bathroom on my own?" she begged.
"No," was the quick response.
"Youre treating me like a child. Theres nothing wrong with my legs. Im more than capable of going by myself." Her voice was lifting to a higher pitch and her bottom lip was giving hints that major pouting would be next.
Chris ignored the display and in no uncertain terms responded. "I said NO, and I mean it. When we get home and have had some time to see how you adjust to the medication then well talk about it. But for now, the answer is NO."
"I cant believe that Im not even allowed to have five minutes to myself. Thats all I want."
An hour later Joy Slavin entered the silent room. Chris was sitting in the chair and had her foot propped up on the bottom drawer of the small cabinet that she had pulled out just for that purpose. Sam was sitting in the bed and was surrounded by little frogs she had made out of paper. The breakfast tray still held one cold portion of food.
"Good morning" she said brightly receiving no response.
"Did I miss something?" she asked as she observed the pouting strawberry blonde and the stoic forensic psychologist.
"Dr. Slavin, I need your opinion on something," Sam stated assertively. "Christina thinks she has to follow me everywhere I go, including the bathroom."
"I see," Dr. Slavin said evenly as she moved towards Sam, the young womans morning dose of medication clearly in her hand.
The assertive look on Sams face quickly gave way to a scowl. She knew what would happen when she took the pill.
"I want to discuss what will happen this morning. The attorney will be here in a half an hour to have you sign the papers authorizing Chris to serve as your primary caretaker. Its called a healthcare proxy and means that if you are not able to make decisions regarding your health then Chris is authorized to make them for you. The attorney will file the papers with the court so if anyone should challenge Chris decisions youll both be protected. Do you understand so far?"
"Yes," came the tiny response. The pill sitting in the palm of her hand waiting to be consumed.
"My only concern with this Sam, is that you wont take your medication like youre supposed to. Theres only so much Chris can do to care for you. I know you dont like it but you must take the pills. Over time, and I dont expect it to be too long, the effects that you feel now wont be nearly as bad. Now, please take that pill," Dr. Slavin insisted.
Chris looked up at that moment and watched Sam as she stared at the pill for a brief moment before finally putting it in her mouth and swallowing. She got up from her chair and moved towards the bed so she could be closer to Sam. Chris felt a knot in her stomach every time the small woman was required to take the medication.
"Okay, now," Joy said crisply. "Chris I need you to go to the hospital pharmacy and get this prescription filled. Ive written it for a week's supply. Samantha, you need to take three tablets a day. Do not miss any doses. The first few days youll probably be napping a lot, but like I said before, the effects will gradually lessen."
"And Chris, let Sam have a little privacy," the doctor scolded. Chris eyebrows of course, rising above her bangs on the last instruction.
"Your first appointment with Dr. Matson will be this afternoon at three in her private practice office. Oh, and Chris, the sessions will be private so you find something else to do during them. I believe that covers everything. Do either of you have any questions?"
A duet of nos was the response.
At exactly eleven, Christina Polis and Samantha Daly were leaving the hospital. The younger woman was dressed in a pair of baggy white sweat pants provided by a nurse and one of the v-neck t-shirts that Chris had purchased the day before. Her feet were covered in a pair of hospital issued slippers. Glancing down at her younger charge, Chris noted that Sam kept clutching the sweats to keep them up. They must really be uncomfortable, she thought laughingly.
"I made arrangements for my brother to drop your things off at the cottage this morning," Chris offered brightly.
"Thank God," came the grateful response that was then followed by a yawn.
When they reached the big Ford, Sam eyed it for awhile before climbing in. "You know, Ive seen these before but dont remember them being so high off the ground."
"I got the larger wheels on this one, thats probably why."
"Whyd you get bigger wheels?"
Thinking for a minute Chris admitted, "I dont know."
"Well you must have thought they would serve some purpose," Sam persisted as the tall woman pulled out onto the highway.
"Nope, I just wanted them."
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Chris asked.
"I dont know. It seems silly to put bigger wheels on a car this size if there isnt a reason. I mean youre already tall enough, and then you go and put these monster wheels on and youre like, I dont know, a giant on wheels," she chuckled.
Looking down at her passenger from the corner of her eye, Chris smiled. It was the first time she had heard the strawberry blonde chuckle. She is so cute, she thought happily.
"And what kind of car do you drive?" the tall woman asked noticing Sams eyelids getting heavier as they continued down the highway.
"A VW," the younger woman said between yawns.
"VW? Why a VW?" Chris would never have chosen a VW as her vehicle. Nope, she was strictly into the SUVs.
"I always wanted a Bug, so a few months ago I bought one. Its a turbo," she added hoping that might impress her caretaker.
"I see," Chris said.
"You dont like turbos?"
"Turbo is good Samantha." Thats about the only thing the tall tanned woman could say was good about it - in her opinion.
After a short while, Chris turned left off the highway and followed a narrow sandy driveway for a short distance until the cottage came into view. It looked even smaller in full daylight. She noted the porch light was still on.
Sams eyes lit up upon seeing the small bungalow. "Christina," she whispered "its so adorable."
Adorable? I cant believe Im moving into a place described as adorable she thought as she pulled alongside the cottage.
As soon as the Expedition came to a stop, Sam was out of it. Chris watched as she ran to the porch of the cottage. Her heart went into her throat as Sam stumbled on the steps and quickly went into a sitting position with her hands holding her head.
Chris was by her side in an instant. "Samantha, whats wrong?"
"I got dizzy. Damn!" she said.
"Its okay, just sit for a minute until you get your bearings." Chris instructed in her sultry voice. "Hey look, theres some boats heading out. I wonder where theyre going?" she said trying to pull Sam out of her sudden depression.
Slowly Sam turned around to view the parade of small vessels. She was leaning up against Chris who was now sitting on the step next to her.
"Do you like boating Samantha?"
"Dont know. Ive never been on one."
"Not even a row boat, or a canoe?" Chris asked somewhat perplexed that someone could go through life and never have been on a boat.
"No, never," the strawberry blonde answered with another longer yawn, her head now resting on the shoulder of her caretaker.
"Ill tell you what. As soon as youre feeling up to it well go on a whale watch. How does that sound? Hmm?"
No response.
Looking down, Chris couldnt help but smile again as she took in the beauty of the now sleeping young woman. Her face was scrunched on Chris arm where she had involuntarily laid it when Chris joined her on the step. This medication is really affecting her, Chris thought as she gently began to rise to her feet.
"Samantha, honey, come on now. Wake up. Were going to go inside and you can lay down for a little while before we go to Dr. Matsons."
Little sleepy noises came from Sam. Chris held her tight while leading her into one of the bedrooms and guiding her to the bed. Without making a sound, she took a blanket and laid it over Sams prone body.
Sam awoke to the sound of voices. She was not familiar with the lay-out of the cottage, but thankfully, it was small enough that she had no problem finding the source of the voices. Chris and one of the officers that had taken her to the hospital were in the living room. She noticed that he was carrying her laptop and that her suitcase was on the floor. The two seemed to be deeply involved in their conversation. She stood by the door waiting to be noticed.
"Ms. Daly, Im so glad to see that youre feeling better," Luke said solicitously moving towards her with an extended hand.
Sam immediately stepped away from him. Fear was etched on her face. Luke saw the fear and stopped.
"Samantha, this is my brother, Luke. Hes the police officer who told me about you. He came here today to bring your things. Why dont you check through everything to make sure its all here. He arranged to have your car towed to a garage until youre feeling better. He didnt want it sitting on the impound lot," Chris explained.
The strawberry blonde made no attempt to check her things. With a scared look in her eyes Sam thanked him for his assistance and left the siblings alone.
"Its going to take some time I guess before she begins to trust anyone. Im just glad that she has you to help her. I still dont know what it is Chris, but she just seems so familiar," Luke said as he departed the tiny cottage.
"I know what you mean," the tall woman quietly said to herself as her brother pulled the patrol car out of the driveway.
"Hey, you want something to eat before we leave for Dr. Matsons," Chris hollered into the small bedroom.
"No thanks, Im not hungry," came the soft response.
Chris had moved Sams belongings into the room and she was busy putting everything away. She had already changed into a pair of jeans and was now sporting a light beige sweater. Her outfit was complimented by Nike sneakers.
"Are you sure? You know you havent eaten since this morning."
"Chris, who else has had my pocketbook?" Sam was obviously ignoring the tall womans attempt to get her to eat.
"I dont know. Why, is there something missing? I can ask my brother to look around the station if there is," Chris said while entering the bedroom. Sam was rummaging through the pocketbook like a million dollar lottery ticket was missing. The frustration was clear on her face.
"Whats missing Samantha?"
Sam looked up at her as if to say something but then stopped. "Are you missing any money, credit cards, what is it?" she asked again.
"Its nothing, really... nothing," Sam said distractedly as she lay the bag down and started fidgeting with her hands.
"If there is something missing Samantha, my brother will find it. Im sure he wouldnt..."
"NO! I said it was nothing now let it go, please," was Sams panic stricken response.
"Okay, okay. We need to leave in a few minutes. Dr. Matsons office is a little further down the Cape. Itll probably take us about fifteen minutes to get there," Chris pointed out, noticing Sams eyes starting to dart about the room.
"Im ready," Sam suddenly said rising from the bed. But instead of heading for the door, she went to the suitcase in her closet that had been emptied of her clothes and proceeded to go through it as she had done her pocketbook. Next she went to the bureau where she had put her clothes. By the time she was finished, her neatly folded clothes were in disarray.
"What are you looking for?" the tall woman persisted, irritation now evident in her voice.
"I told you NOTHING! Now let it go," Sam countered in a threatening tone as she took her fingers and began twirling them in her hair while her eyes moved about the room as if following sudden bolts of lightening.
As calmly as she could Chris attempted to reach the younger woman who was now rocking back and forth on her heels. "Samantha, its okay. Well find it."
Chris eyes could not have opened any wider. She could not remember the last time she was as scared as she was right now. It was so much easier dealing with criminals. "Okay, Ill let it go, Im sorry. We really do need to leave now or were going to be late," the tall woman insisted calmly try to disguise her feelings.
"Im not going," Sam said evenly, voice void of any emotion.
"What do you mean, youre not going?" Even though Chris knew there was something terribly wrong, she was getting angry at Sams behavior and her own responses were beginning to get loud.
"Im tired and I dont feel well. So Im not going," the blonde announced.
"Samantha, we have to go. We promised Dr. Slavin we would do everything she said."
"That was before," Sam said flatly as she looked about the room.
"Before what?" the tall woman asked confused, her voice gradually rising.
"Theyre coming. Theyre coming" was said in quick succession. The strawberry blonde had found a corner in the bedroom and was huddled there.
Chris was heartbroken. She hadnt expected anything like this and she knew she needed help and she needed it now. "Samantha, what are you talking about? Theres nobody else here, just you and me."
Suddenly Sam bolted into the bathroom. She was nauseous and had broken out in a sweat that covered her entire body. Her skin was so hot. "it burns, oh please no, it burns, please dont ....PLEASE dont...NOOOOO..." she screamed as she threw up what little there was in her stomach into the sink.
"Samantha come on now. I want you to go in and lay down," Chris pleaded knowing she was in over her head. She had to get to her cell phone and call Dr. Matson.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" Sam cried looking straight into the worried blue eyes. She had wedged herself between the vanity and the shower stall. Tears ran from her eyes and she was trembling. Chris had never seen her this bad.
As much as she feared leaving the small, frightened woman alone, Chris knew she had to get help. She ran out to the Exposition to retrieve her cell phone and called Emily Matsons office. A receptionist answered the phone and told her that the psychologist was due any minute. Chris asked her to tell Matson that there was an emergency. She gave directions to the small cottage and hung up. She prayed the psychologist would get there soon.
Barely a minute had gone by when Chris had returned to the bathroom. What she saw scared her to her core. Samantha was now sitting in the bathtub with a pair of large scissors. She was aimlessly cutting her long strawberry blonde locks.
"Samantha, honey, give me the scissors," Chris encouraged, her own voice shaking.
"Get away from me or Ill cut you to PIECES!" Sam said threateningly turning towards the voice and pointing the scissors in her direction.
"Its just me, sweetheart... Christina. Im not going to hurt you. Now give me the scissors, please." Chris tone was calm as she gradually moved closer to the traumatized woman.
"Samantha, look at me. Look into my eyes. Its only me honey," Chris was now on the floor about an arms reach from Sam.
In a flash, Sam had the scissors repositioned in her hand. She was ready to stab her rescuer if she came any closer.
"You killed her and you know it. You raped her and then you killed her!!! I saw you do it. And then you tried to kill me. Oh it burns, oh God it burns. Why did you do it? Why did you do it. We werent hurting anyone," She cried out.
At just that moment Emily Matson came running into the bathroom. Even with all of her training this scene scared her as well. Chris was on the floor, tears rolling down her cheeks in silent sobs. Sam was in the bathtub, her hair cut erratically. She was flailing the scissors about, ready to attack.
"EMILY! I dont know what to do. She thinks that those guys are here. She was looking for something in her bag and couldnt find..."
"Chris, get out now," Emily commanded.
Chris slowly got up from the floor and stood just outside the bathroom door. Emily took her seat on the floor.
"Is this what youre looking for Sam?" Emily pulled out the newspaper article and unfolded it.
Sams eyes widened at the sight of the aged yellow paper.
"Gregory and Thomas are not here Sam. Its just Chris and me and were not going to hurt you," the psychologist tried to convince her.
"They are here. They followed me. They went through my things." Sam insisted while her eyes continued to dart about the bathroom.
"No Sam, they didnt. I took your article. See, this is it. This is your writing on it, isnt it?" Dr. Matson rationalized, shaking the paper in her hand to get the young womans attention.
Sam eyed the yellow paper suspiciously then slowly brought her eyes up to the psychologists and held them there. The small mouth opened, but struggled to get the words out.
"We know they killed your friend and that they hurt you. What did they do to you Sam?" Emily Matson pressed on seeing sudden realization in the eyes that locked onto her own.
"What did they do?" the psychologist asked.
"It hurt. They hurt us," she wept, pain evident in her voice as she tried to stop the tears.
"How did they hurt you?"
"It burned so bad, I thought I was on fire," she said while making the movements to put out the flames on her face and arms, although this time knowing she really wasnt on fire. The scissors were still held in her right hand and coming close to her left eye each time she tried to put out the imagined flames out.
"They thought it was funny. They kept laughing! I begged them to stop, but they wouldnt." By now Sam was sobbing uncontrollably.
"Sam, I want you to tell me what they did," the psychologist persisted. "What did they do?"
"THEY RAPED HER! They RAPED Patty. They sprayed her and made her burn. They kept laughing at her because she was crying. They ripped her clothes off and kept mauling her. Every time she called for me they sprayed her again. Then she couldnt talk anymore. She just laid there and they kept raping her, over and over again." Sam was gasping for air to get her words out in between her sobs.
"What happened to you Sam?" Emily asked with great compassion.
"When I first heard Patty I ran into her room and tried to get them away from her. They hit me with a bat. They took turns holding me while they raped her," she said between gasps.
"And then what happened?"
"And then... and then... Thomas hit Patty on the head with the bat. He was laughing. He wouldnt stop laughing. Patty was bleeding real bad. There was blood coming out of her ear and nose. I kept hollering for her but she wouldnt answer me. Oh, why wouldnt she answer me? And then Gregory sprayed me. It burned. Oh, God IT BURNED." Sam hollered.
"What did Gregory and Thomas do to you Sam?"
"They ripped my shirt off. Thomas pulled out a knife and he cut me. I was so scared and I didnt know what to do. He said they were going to cut off my breasts if I didnt shut up. They kept spraying me, over and over again. Gregory told me I was going to get the same thing Patty got. He said we needed to be taught our place. He grabbed for my pants while Thomas held me. Thomas started biting me. Oh... why didnt somebody come to help us? I begged them to leave us alone but they wouldnt. Then... then he threw me to the floor. He was on me and I couldnt breath and just when he was going to enter me somebody knocked on the door. Thomas put his hand over my mouth and he pushed me into the closet. He kept spraying me, every where. They told me they would hunt me down and slaughter me. Then Gregory hit me with the bat again. They closed the door and I couldnt get out."
Samantha Dalys sobs would not stop. She finally dropped the scissors and wailed, her arms wrapped around herself providing little comfort. It was the first time she had told her story.
As Emily Matson sat back and took a deep breath, Chris entered the bathroom her own tears falling helplessly. She could not believe what this sweet woman had endured. How could somebody do that to an angel, she thought sadly to herself.
"Samantha, sweetheart. Im so sorry. God if only I could have been there for you," Chris said in almost a whisper, barely holding a rein on her anger that was now simmering. For as crazy as it seemed she loved this small, beautiful woman that she had just come to know.
She went to the bathtub and knelt down facing Sam. Reaching over, she softly stroked the freshly clipped uneven hair. Big green eyes looked up at her. They looked like two specks in a red river that had overrun its bank. "Christina" could be faintly heard coming from the mouth of the angel.
Upon hearing her name, Chris leaned over and gently pulled Sam from the tub. She held her secure in her arms, sheltering her from the demons that had finally been released. She swore that nobody would ever hurt this woman again.
With her hand under Sams chin, she gently lifted her head and sought out the wide green eyes. When their eyes met, Chris leaned over and placed the gentlest of kisses on her forehead. "I know this sounds crazy but, I love you Samantha Daly. And I promise you, nobody will hurt you like that again."
Green eyes were fixed onto blue, new tears for a different reason were now falling down the beautiful cheeks. "I love you" was whispered back. Chris picked up the smaller woman and cradling her in her arms, took Sam into the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed. With little prodding, Chris convinced Sam to take her medication. She stayed by her loves side, gently running her short nails around the small back until the strawberry blonde fell asleep. Looking down, Chris was amazed that with all Sam had gone through, she still was a loving and caring person. The tall woman doubted that she could have survived such an attack without striking back to kill the ones who inflicted so much pain.
While Chris was comforting the small woman, Emily Matson quietly made her way to the porch where she finally let out a long held breath. Sometimes I hate this job, she thought bitterly to herself as she listened to the fog horns sounding off in the distance.
"How did you get here so fast?" the now somber dark-haired woman asked.
"Marcia, the receptionist who answered the phone, called me on my cell phone. I was only about five minutes away from here. I was heading to my office from the hospital. I called Joy, shell probably show up here soon" Emily said.
"Emily, what do we do now," Chris asked gravely as she settled into a white wicker chair on the porch.
"The worse part is over Chris. What a nightmarish experience that must have been. Shes a strong woman to have survived it. You know, if you hadnt come to her rescue the end result would have been very different."
"I cant believe that somebody would want to hurt her like that," Chris said sadly shaking her head.
"You know Chris, this wasnt a crime committed by crazy people. Those assholes knew what they were doing." Emily Matsons own anger was now surfacing.
"What do you mean?" the tall woman asked.
"I talked to my friend at Yale. She told me that Sam and Patricia Logan were active with the womens center. There apparently were a lot of threats being called in to the place and the women who volunteered were warned to take precautions." Emily said.
"Are you saying they werent careful enough?" Chris started to feel defensive.
"Absolutely not. There was nothing either of them could have done. Those bastards were out to make a point about women. They didnt like the ideas the womens center was promoting. They sought things for women that Sam and her friend could only dream about given their backgrounds," Emily stated as a matter of fact.
The sound of a car pulling up to the cottage indicated that Joy Slavin had arrived.
"What happened?" the psychiatrist asked as she jogged up to the porch.
"My brother brought Samanthas things here this afternoon. She was going through her pocketbook looking for the article. I guess none of us made a connection that she carried it with her for a reason. When she couldnt find it, she thought that those fucking bastards had found her and were going to kill her. She thought they were in the cottage," Chris explained tersely as the veins on the side of her long neck came into sharp view as she neared the end of the story.
"She told us what happened," Emily said flatly. "Theres other things we need to deal with, but like I told Chris, the worse is over. My friend told me that the one guy returned to school after the judge dismissed the charges. She said at the time Sam dropped out of school there was a lot of negative talk about her bailing out and as a result all the women were at risk because she didnt testify. I would assume thats on her conscience too. Im also sure that she couldnt bare the thought of the possibility of running into the asshole," the psychologist ended.
"Where is Sam now?" Joy inquired, concern evident in her voice.
"Shes sleeping. I convinced her to take her medication," Chris said, a blank look decorating her face as she stared out at the bay.
"So, whats next Christina?" the psychologist asked softly.
"I dont know," the tall woman replied, finally bringing her eyes to meet Emilys. "Id like for her to take it easy for a little while and to focus on the counseling sessions with you. I make enough money to support us so I want her to take the time she needs to heal completely," Chris said with compassion. "And Emily, we will pay you some day for your help."
Emily Matson figured she would seize the moment when she heard the last statement made by the forensic psychologist. "Was that a thank you, Christina Polis? Because if it was, you can consider it payment. I never thought Id hear you say thank you to me," she teased gently.
Chris left eyebrow shot up and a smirk appeared on her face. "Thank you Emily. I dont know what I would have done if you werent here today."
"Joy, did you hear that?" Emily asked amazed as she leaned over and placed her hand on the psychiatrists arm.
Joy Slavin just shook her head. It was probably the first time the two psychologists spoke to each other without throwing thinly veiled insults about the others capabilities.
All three women chuckled.
"Hey," Sam said softly, a sleepy look on her face as she joined Chris on the porch.
"Hey yourself," the tall woman responded with a tiny smile on her face as the blonde strode over to her. "Come here," Chris said as she took a small hand into her own and pulled Sam to her directing her to sit in her lap.
Chris had one hand on the younger womans back and was scratching it lightly in a comfortable circular motion. "How are you feeling?" she asked.
Sam laid her head down on an ebony hair covered shoulder. "Tired," she stated simply as she settled further into the lap making herself comfortable.
Looking out onto the moonlit bay Chris couldnt help but feel her own sense of comfort with this beautiful woman snuggling close to her.
"Samantha, I want you to know that I meant it earlier when I told you that I love you. Every time I look into your eyes and every time I hear your voice I feel complete. I dont know how to explain it, and I know it doesnt make any sense, but I feel as though I lost you for awhile and now youve returned." Chris said sincerely, feeling every word.
Samantha suddenly felt warm all over, but this time it felt good. She wrapped her short arms around the neck of her rescuer and placed a passionate kiss on the soft lips. "Im still not sure I know who you are Christina Polis, but I also feel as though I belong to you. In some of my dreams you were there, as a warrior. I dont know, maybe we were together in another life. Perhaps the fates have brought us back to share our love again."
Chris smile lit up the entire porch, just as the moon did the bay. She really was hopelessly in love. "The fates?" she asked as a dark eyebrow lifted.
"Yeah, the fates. You know from Greek mythology," Sam explained looking at her as though everyone knew of the fates.
"Youll have to tell me about them some time," Chris said as she reached for the strawberry blonde's head and pulled her close for another kiss. The feeling in the kiss made her body tingle. The smaller woman also felt it.
"Come on, lets get you something to eat before your stomach wakes up all the fish out there," Chris laughed while rising from her wicker chair.
"Sam, your hair looks very nice," Dr. Matson greeted Sam as she led her new patient into the office. It was their first session together since Sams revelation a couple of days ago. Emily was pleased to see that the young woman looked relaxed, the dark circles that had been prominent before were gone.
"Um...Dr. Matson, if you dont mind, can Christina come in with me?" Sam asked once the door to the private office was closed and ignoring the psychologists comment about her hair. When the episode was over and she had realized what she had done she was embarrassed and didnt want to be reminded of it. Chris had assured her that the haircut Noreen had given her turned out nice. In fact, Chris told her she looked quite cute.
"Sam, these sessions are for you, not Chris," The doctor pointed out.
"I know. But there are some things I need to talk about that will effect her," she pleaded.
"What kind of things Sam?" Emily wanted to make sure the young woman wasnt manipulating her into allowing Chris in because she didnt want to deal with her issues.
"Sam?? Tell me, what are you thinking about?" Emily asked.
"Ive been thinking about going back and pressing charges against Gregory and Thomas. My parents are not going to be happy about that and there will likely be a lot of negative publicity. After what Ive been through, the thought of others becoming victims because I didnt do anything to put them away frightens me," Sam stated.
"Christina and I are just learning about each other. I mean, we havent even, you intimate yet. And then theres the fact that Im not working, I mean I dont have any skills. Im not feeling too confident right now and I dont think I can pursue pressing charges if she doesnt support me," the blonde admitted.
Moving to her desk, Emily Matson pushed the intercom button and asked the receptionist to have Chris come in. While they were waiting, Emily decided to test new waters.
"Samantha, how do you feel about getting involved in a sexual relationship with Chris?"
"How do I feel about it?" Sam repeated, her face turning an interesting shade of pink.
I should have known that she would blush at the question, the psychologist thought remembering the small womans modesty when she was wearing the hospital gown. "Yes, how do you feel about it?"
"Well, like that. But dont know if she would."
"What do you mean?" Emily was truly in the dark with Sams response.
"Ive never... um... had a relationship and know shes been with other women who had a lot more experience. I guess Im a little nervous about that." Sams face was now beet red.
"I see. Well, maybe it would be good to talk with Chris about that too. She may be able to alleviate some of your fears," Emily suggested.
Sams eyes opened wide at the statement. "Oh, Nooo, I dont think so," she said hastily, shaking her head.
Just then there was a knock on the door and Chris entered, an apprehensive look on her beautiful face and concern evident in the blue eyes.
She saw the look on Sams face and felt relieved. When the receptionist came out and told her Emily wanted her to come into the office she immediately feared that Sam was having another episode. Whatever Sam and the psychologist were talking about must have been embarrassing to her. Chris had learned during the short time they had been together that Sam embarrassed easily. Shed always end up with the same look and shade of red on her face.
"Hey, is everything okay?" Chris asked curious to find out why she had been summoned.
That night after dinner the two women settled in the small living room. The room was lit by several candles and the reflection coming off the stereo which was playing a Carole King CD. The full moon shining through the big picture window also helped to illuminate the room. Chris long frame was stretched out across the length of the sofa. Sam was sitting in a yoga position on the floor, her back being supported by the sofa where Chris lounged. She was going through the selection of CDs that Chris had picked up, along with her other things, over the weekend.
From her position on the sofa, Chris was running her right hand through the small womans hair. It was so soft and sitting that close she could smell cinnamon. She had refrained from initiating anything of a sexual nature out of concern that Sams experience, having just been relived, was still too recent. She knew that it could take awhile before Sam felt comfortable exploring a sexual relationship with her. She couldnt, however, get the thoughts of loving this beautiful woman out of her mind. The sensual feeling between her legs at the moment reminded her of that.
"Find anything you like?" Chris asked a little huskily.
"Theres quite a selection here. You like rhythm and blues?"
"Do you want to hear anything?" the small woman asked.
"If you do," was the deep response.
Sam turned around and knelt next to the sofa, her arms leaning on its edge. "How come you never tell me what you want?"
"What do you mean?" Chris countered, her eyebrow lifting as she answered.
She is just too beautiful Sam thought as she focused on the blue eyes. "Well, I ask you what you want for dinner and you say whatever I want; I ask you what you want to do and you say whatever I want. That kind of stuff. Id like to know what you want," the small woman finished, tapping her right index finger on the long arm of her rescuer with each word to emphasize her point.
"You want to know what I want," said as a statement, not a question.
"Yes," came the soft response.
Sams closeness was driving the dark-haired woman crazy. "I think what I want, right now, is for you to kiss me."
"A kiss?" Sam asked, her finger now brushing lightly over the soft hair of the long arm.
"A kiss," was the sultry response.
With that, Sam started giggling. Chris was looking at her with a smirk on her face and, of course a raised eyebrow. Sam was just too damn cute and when she giggled like this she was even more so.
"Okay, okay," said between bout of giggles. "I can do that." The strawberry blonde leaned over and placed her soft lips on those of her rescuer. While she initially had to stifle the giggles, Chris unspoken request to enter her mouth quickly turned the giggles into passion.
The tall womans tongue filled the smaller woman who was slowly beginning to rise and move closer. Before either of them knew it, Sam was sprawled on top of the beautiful dark-haired woman whose hand had found its way under her flannel shirt and was skating gracefully along the length of her back. Every time the hands neared her buttocks, Sam breathed deep.
When the kiss broke, blue and green eyes were melded. The strawberry blonde laid her head on Chris full firm breasts. The hands of the rescuer continued their peaceful journey along the smooth back.
"That was nice," Sam said her voice now sounding husky. She could feel the pull of this strong woman between her legs now. It felt very much like the last dream she had.
"Yes, it was," Chris agreed, a little short of breath.
"Um...I know youve been in relationships before and..." Sam was having a hard time getting the words out.
"Well, you have experience."
"Experience?" Chris wasnt getting the point. Although it was that much harder to get it since the small womans lips were so close to her nipple and every time she spoke, Chris could have sworn those beautiful lips were touching her. She was getting wet, fast. "Is there something you want to talk about Samantha?"
"How do you feel about sex?" Although it wasnt exactly what she had meant to ask, Sam at least got the ball rolling.
Both of Chris eyebrows shot up at the question and she glanced down to look at the sweet face. "I think sex is good. Is there something youre needing to know?"
"Well, Im sure that all of the women youve been with have had experience," a nervous giggle escaped as Sam finished her statement. She was really, really nervous.
"Samantha, have you ever had a sexual relationship before?" the tall woman asked, finally getting the point.
"No," was the soft answer.
"I see. So youre a virgin," Chris stated as fact.
"Yes," spoken shyly.
"And youre afraid you wont please me because you havent had, how did you put it, experience?" Chris was bordering on teasing now but refrained. She knew that Sam was having a really hard time with this conversation and didnt want to make her any more nervous. This must have been what she and Emily were discussing today.
"I guess thats what Im trying to say. Im afraid I wont be able to make you happy." There, Sam finally said it.
"Well, you know sweetheart, I cant deny that I have had sexual relationships before and that I have enjoyed many of them. But there was always something missing. Ive come to believe theres probably a big difference between having sex with someone and making love with someone."
Sam was suddenly feeling warm all over again. "Christina?"
"Hmm?" the tall woman responded as her hands still traveled the smooth back.
"Will you make love to me? Please," Sam whispered.
At that moment Chris was filled with an indescribable love and tenderness for the small wonder inclined on her long frame. "Samantha, honey, look at me please."
The small woman lifted her head and gazed into the eyes that captured her soul. "I want you to know that you already please me. You being here with me right now, makes me feel complete. I have never felt this way before. I do love you, and yes, there is nothing I can imagine that I would like more than to make love to you. But if youre doing this now because youre afraid that Im not satisfied, I have to tell you that youre wrong."
The tears were running down Sams cheeks by the time Chris finished. "Christina, I never knew that having somebody love me could make me feel this way. I have never felt for anyone what I feel for you. When were together like this, I seem to want more. I want to feel all of you. I cant deny it, I am afraid. But, even more than the fear, I feel an even stronger desire for you to love me... completely," she finished very relieved that she was able to get the words out.
As Sam spoke, Chris unconsciously moved both of her hands from the smaller womans back to her sides. From this angle she was able to gently run her hands along the sides of the strawberry blonde's breasts. Sam felt the sensations the hands left and leaned down to again place her lips on Chris. The delicious kiss lasted for several minutes, each of them enjoying the feel of the other's tongue.
When they finally broke apart, Chris gently moved the small body lying on top of hers so she could stand. She went about the living room extinguishing the candles and turning off the stereo. The room was now lit only by the full moon. Then she turned back to her angel who was sitting on the sofa watching her intently. She gently pulled Sam to her feet and wrapped her long arm around the smaller woman, guiding her to her bedroom.
Chris stopped when they reached the foot of the bed. She turned Sam around to face her and with a loving smile leaned down towards the younger woman and kissed her with a passion Sam had never known was possible.
When the kiss ended, Chris ever so slowly began to unbutton the short sleeve flannel shirt the smaller woman was wearing. This act alone caused Sam to tremble with desire. Once unbuttoned, Chris slid the shirt over the shoulders and down the arms of her angel. The shirt landed on the beige colored carpet. The tall woman reached behind and while staring deep into green orbs undid the bra that quickly joined the shirt on the floor.
"My God, you are beautiful Samantha," Chris husked as she took in the firm milky white breasts. Placing a deep kiss on the lips of her love, she moved her hands to the flannel shorts. Gently grabbing a hold of the shorts and the jockey panties, she worked them over the hips of the small woman.
Chris mouth followed the path of the clothing as she moved slowly down the toned body placing light kisses along the way. When the shorts and panties reached her feet, Chris put her hand around Sams ankle and lifted first the right leg and then the left to release the garments. Upon freeing the beautiful strawberry blonde of her clothing, Chris made her way back up the smooth body. She stopped briefly at the juncture of the legs of her angel, placing kisses there and breathing in deeply the scent of desire that was building.
After leaving the soft curls Chris worked her way to the full breasts. She placed feather-light kisses on the pink taunt nipples and moved upward to the red lips. When she broke the kiss, she stepped back and stared at young woman before her. Her own desire was boiling within and she could feel the wetness now. Standing before the sensuous green orbs, Chris took off her own clothes and threw them onto the pile on the floor. She stood before her precious Samantha and watched as the young womans eyes slowly took in all of her.
Satisfied that Sam had sufficient time for both her own examination of the tall, tanned woman, and to be honest, to change her mind, Chris moved back in. She wrapped her arms around the strawberry blondes waist and pulled her in until their bodies fit snuggly together. Chris could feel the wetness of her angel on her thigh as the two were connected by tongues, each aggressively pursuing the mouth of the other. Of all the times that Chris had sex she never once felt anything like this before. The passion and love she felt for this beautiful woman was communicated in every word and touch.
When the kiss finally ended, the tall woman led them to the bed. She pulled the blankets completely off not wanting there to be any intrusion. As she guided the younger woman to lay down she felt a slight trembling in the small hand she held. She reminded herself to slow down. This was Samanthas first experience and she wanted it to be special.
Chris laid Sam down on her back on the soft mattress. She joined her but laid on her left side, her head held up by her hand. She gazed down on the smaller woman and allowed her deep blue eyes to roam the much smaller frame. She noticed the soft wet curls between Sams legs and imagined it must taste like honey. She then brought her eyes further up and looked upon the full breasts. She found herself licking her lips as her own desires were building. She looked into the green passion filled eyes of her lover and saw desire and shyness. She smiled down at the woman and then took her right hand and allowed it to run between the strawberry blonde's breasts down to the soft wet curls. She ran her fingers through the fine hair enjoying the feel. The green eyes were attached to her blue ones the entire time and when Chris fingers started to slowly run through the curls, Sam unconsciously closed her eyes and moaned with desire.
It was time for Chris to make her most daring move. She got up on both knees, and placed one on each side of Sam to straddle her. She then lowered her body so that the dark wet curls at her apex were meshed with the soft honey colored ones of her love. Leaning on her forearms with her face nestled between the two full breasts, Chris began to move her lower body in a slow circular motion, the clits on each woman being highly aroused from the grinding motion. Sams body moved of its own accord joining in the magical motion.
The wetness from the two women made their passions flare. Chris moved her head to the lips of the petite woman and kissed her with all the love she felt. She looked into the deep eyes when the kiss ended. "Tell me what you want Samantha," Chris asked her voice deep with desire.
"I want you to love me completely. I want all of you," was the whispered response.
At those words, Chris hands came up to meet the milky white breasts. Sam moaned again, at the feeling. The tall womans mouth moved to an extra sensitive ear that delighted at the feel of the dancing tongue. While still straddling the smaller woman, Chris gently filled her hands with the breasts squeezing them and enjoying their fullness.
"Oh, God Christina," Sam moaned.
"Samantha, I love you so much," was whispered in the extra sensitive ear just as the tall woman left it to place kisses and gently suck on her sweet neck. The strawberry blonde sensed the direction of the warm mouth and her entire body shivered in anticipation. Chris allowed a smile when she felt the small quake, then took a sweet pink nipple into her mouth. She savored the nipple as she sucked it, running her long tongue around it and over it and then gently nibbling it with her teeth. "Ohhh, Samantha," she moaned before moving to the other breast and feasting on it as well.
The smaller woman was breathing heavily. Some how she had seized the breasts of her rescuer and was massaging them in her small hands. Chris knew that neither of them could last much longer. Still straddling the strawberry blonde, she began to slowly move herself down the firm body. She settled about mid-way between knees and ankles. She then took the short legs between her and separated them, placing one on each side of her much longer ones.
At just that moment Samantha looked up and saw brilliant blue eyes. "Love me, please," she moaned.
Upon hearing the soft plea, Christina Polis leaned down and with all the love she felt for this beautiful, green eyed wonder parted the honey laden folds and began a slow journey with her curious tongue. Sam was writhing in ecstasy as she held onto the ebony covered head.
The tongue of the rescuer continued its quest while nibbling and sucking on the now hard nub of the strawberry blonde. Sam thought there was no way she could hold on as Chris tongue persisted in its sometimes gentle and sometimes aggressive pursuit of the honey flavored clit and all of its exotic juices.
"Christina, please," Sam gasped, her body rocking as the tongue devoured her, "I want to feel you in me."
With unbelievable tenderness, Chris brought her finger to Sams opening and allowed it to languish in the sweet honey and then with gentle prodding entered the warm center stopping just short of breaking the barrier. Chris tongue continued its own quest as the strawberry blonde writhed beneath her.
"OHHHH, PLEASE!!!" Sam screamed. Never, even in her dreams had she ever imagined anything like this.
At just that moment, Chris pushed her finger through the barrier. She felt Sam tense for a brief moment and then the shorter woman started rocking, the feelings intensifying where the tall womans tongue was loving her clit and the finger that had been joined by another pumping in and out, in and out, in and out...
Chris was at the point of going over the edge herself. Her own juices were flowing down her legs.
As she continued the tender assault of her love, she began to feel Samanthas body shake with incredible intensity. Finally, it seemed as though Sam stopped breathing. Suddenly, the green eyes opened wide and latched onto hers, the small mouth opened but nothing came out. Then.........
"CHRISTINA!!!!!!!!!!!" was bellowed for everyone on the Cape to hear.
Feeling the intensity of Sams climax, took Chris to heights she had never been as she rocked back and forth on the small thigh, her wetness running up and down its short length.
"Oh, God, Oh, God......" came from deep within the rescuer.
"I LOVE YOUUUUU" was hollered and nearly shook the cottage as the tall, tanned, dark-haired woman climaxed before falling on the sweat covered body of her love.
Both women lay there for many minutes trying to catch their breath, neither of them having ever experienced, in this life anyway, the intensity of loving anyone the way they did each other.
Slowly Chris rolled off of the small woman and lay on her back. Try as she might she was having a real hard time catching her breath. She turned her head in the direction of the strawberry blonde and again was filled with such love that it overtook her.
"Samantha, sweetheart," the husky voice said, as a small hand reached over and gently wiped away tears of joy. "I dont think Ive ever been more happy than I am right now."
"I love you," came the quiet response as the strawberry blondes head settled on the strong shoulders of her warrior, the warriors long arm wrapped around her.
Sweet dreams, Samantha.... Sweet dreams, Chris said as she and her angel drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
The aroma of bacon and cinnamon spiced french toast filled the small cottage. A beautiful voice could be heard singing in the kitchen. Sam got up from the bed and searched the floor for her clothes. There was a broad smile plastered on her face. She felt so happy and it showed everywhere - in her eyes, her smile, and her walk.
After a stop at the bathroom, Sam made her way to the kitchen. The tall woman had her back to the kitchen door and was mixing orange juice by the sink. Sam couldnt help but focus on the fit behind as Chris shook the container. Unconsciously, she ran her tongue around her lips to wet them. Chris was still humming. She has a beautiful voice, the small woman thought happily.
"Good morning," Sam said a little shyly.
Chris turned around to see the strawberry blonde. Sam had a huge smile on her face and her green eyes held a sparkle to them.
"Good morning to you," was returned in a deep sultry voice. "Come over here."
Sam moved towards the tall woman and when she reached her was surprised that without even thinking she wrapped her short arms around Chris and looked up into her blue eyes. "I really would like a good morning kiss," was requested in a sweet voice.
Chris put down the juice container and turned to look directly into the bright green orbs. The small arms were still wrapped around her resting where the tall womans waist and behind met. She took her much longer arms and brought them up to rest on Sams shoulders. Leaning down she captured gloriously soft red lips. The tongue of the smaller woman explored her mouth. By the time the kiss ended, both women were breathing deeply and both had tremendous smiles on their faces.
"I love you," came from deep within the tall woman as she continued to hold the small womans shoulders. "I made you breakfast."
"Christina, I want you to know that last night was wonderful. Thank you for making it so special," Sam whispered.
"And you have made me feel special by allowing me to be the first to love you. By the way, how are you feeling this morning? Are you sore at all?" the tall woman asked solicitously as she moved her hand down to the well-toned tummy and rubbed it gently.
Sam giggled as the hand roamed her belly. "Youre welcome; I feel great; and why would I be sore - you were so tender." Sam then took hold of the strong hand that had been aimlessly roaming and brought it to her lips where she placed a soft kiss on it. She kissed the same fingers that had tenderly entered her last night. "I love you," Sam avowed as she looked into deep blue eyes while still holding the strong hand.
Chris leaned in for another kiss, but didnt allow it to progress as the others had. "Come on sweetheart. Weve got to eat and shower and be out of here in a couple of hours. We dont want to be late getting to Joys office. Emily was going to talk with her about your medication, maybe cutting it down. Go on now, sit down and eat."
"Ummm, Christina, this french toast is excellent," Sam said while chewing as she eagerly followed it with a strip of bacon. After devouring the bacon, Sam repositioned herself on the chair so that her legs were tucked under her. From Chris perspective it appeared as though the young woman was making herself comfortable and planning on spending some time at the table. She leaned over the table and pulled the plate containing all of the french toast towards her.
Both of Chris dark thin eyebrows shot up as the small woman took six of the eight remaining slices of toast and put them on her plate. Good thing Im not too hungry, she thought.
"Hmm?" murmured between chews.
"Im glad you like the french toast sweetheart. You take your time, Im going to go in and take my shower," Chris said as she rose from the table. She stopped and placed a kiss on the rosy cheek of the strawberry blonde and then shook her head. Not even she could eat that much. And look at all the syrup she had poured on the plate! Yuck.
"Okay, honey," was said around tasty bites of french toast.
As soon as they entered Dr. Joy Slavins private office in the Medical Building across from the county hospital, the head psychiatrist knew that the two women had consummated their relationship. Needless to say, she was rip roaring pissed.
"Sam, would you mind waiting outside for a minute. I have some business I need to speak with Chris about" the psychiatrist asked pointedly.
Forever polite, Sam turned back in the direction of the waiting room. "Ill be right here," she purred to the tall ebony-haired woman and then leaned up on her toes and kissed her solidly on her lips. That tiny little act brought a blush to the older woman, and if she were to be honest, wetness between her legs.
Chris had seen the look on her mentors face as she passed through the doorway and knew that she was in for a lecture. When the door closed, Dr. Slavin looked into the blue eyes of the tall woman and held them for a minute.
"Christina, I am so pissed off at you right now," the doctor snapped still holding the now innocent looking blue eyes attention.
"Joy, listen, I its not like shes a client or anything," Chris blurted out not able to come up with anything else.
"Not a client. Okay." Joy Slavin said so calmly through clenched teeth. "So, ... WHERE THE HELL WAS YOUR FUCKING HEAD CHRIS!!" the doctor shouted.
Chris felt like a sixteen-year-old who had been caught making out for the first time. Of course the hickey that graced Sams neck was certainly a dead give away that the two had more than enjoyed each others company. If it werent so warm, Chris would have insisted the strawberry blonde wear a turtle-neck just to avoid this scene.
"Christina, you know that it isnt wise for her to be getting involved in a sexual relationship now. You know theres a healing process. I just dont understand why, with all your training, you went ahead and slept with her," the doctor stated acidly.
"I didnt just have sex with her," the tall ebony-haired woman responded, now through her own clenched teeth. "Samantha and I love each other Joy. We made love, plain and simple. Never in my entire life or in my wildest imagination have I ever thought of loving anyone like I do her. I am telling you Joy, after loving her last night, and seeing the happiness in her eyes this morning, there really is no greater gift. Samantha is my life now, she is my future and I will do whatever it takes to protect her. I promise you Joy, I did not hurt her. If anything, Ive shown her what love truly can be," Chris finally finished hoping she had regained the respect of the psychiatrist.
"Chris, you know she has a long road ahead of her. Theres a lot at stake here and Im not sure you realize it. When her parents learn that shes planning on pressing charges its going to get real ugly. You, my dear friend, will be right smack in the middle of it. You took away their daughters innocence. You can be sure that her family has ties to high level political figures and will use them to make your life hell for what you did to their daughter."
"The only thing I DID to her was to love her. There is nothing they can do to me to make me change how I feel for her. I dont expect it to be easy Joy. I was, however, hoping I had at least one friend who understood and would be supportive," Chris retorted, feeling her anger now.
"Youve always been a private person, Chris. Thats going to change when Sams story is finally told. Youve come a long way to turn your life around and Im worried for you. I dont want to see you get hurt," the psychiatrist said with concern in her voice.
"Joy, I love her. She needs to bring closure with everything that has happened to her and I want to be there for her. It would make it that much easier if I knew that you were supporting us. I know that might be asking a lot, especially since youve already bailed me out of more than a lifetime of shit, but it means a lot to me," the tall woman finished, looking directly into the eyes of her mentor.
"Damn you Chris. I swear, if you do anything to hurt that girl youre going to have my wrath to deal with. Do you understand me?"
"Thank you Joy. And yes, I understand completely," Chris said gratefully with a huge smile on her face while hugging the psychiatrist.
"And one last thing" Joy said.
"Yes?" Chris asked, her eyebrow arched.
"Youre twenty-eight years old Christina. If youre going to be making out with the girl, how about using a little discretion, hmm?" the doctor scolded as she opened the door and waved for the beautiful strawberry blonde with the hickey to join them.
It was impossible to see where the blush began and where it ended on the tall woman.
"Are you sure youre going to be okay tomorrow, sweetheart? I can call and try to arrange for a few more days off from work," Chris offered to the strawberry blonde as the two walked hand in hand along the beach.
"Ill be fine, stop worrying. Noreen and Helen are going to pick me up and take me to their shop in town. I cant wait to see it. Helen said theyre getting everything set up for the opening next month. I told her I would help them, so Ill be spending the day there. It was really nice of them to rent us the cottage on such short notice," Sam said as she unconsciously took her hand out of her rescuers and ran her short arm around the waist of the tall woman.
The two had walked for quite a distance in silence until they came to a jetty that had not yet been consumed by the coming high tide. Chris guided them to the furthest point and sat down. She breathed in a lungful of ocean air before talking.
"It really is beautiful out here," Sam sighed as the wind gently blew her shorter hair.
"Not nearly as beautiful as you," Chris insisted as she eyed the shorter woman.
"Christina, Im not sure if Ive told you about my parents," Sam said ignoring the compliment.
"Youve told me a little. Is there something in particular you think I need to know?"
"Samantha, what is it sweetheart?"
"Gregory, you know, the guy who killed Patty and then tried to rape me, well his father is a major client of my fathers law firm. Actually, its not his father who is the client, but the organization that his father leads. Its one of those religious right groups. Theyre anti everything thats not white male dominated and God fearing."
Chris had draped her arm around the shoulder of the smaller woman and had pulled her closer so she could lean her head on the strawberry blondes. "So?"
"My mother is very much a supporter of their way of thinking. She believes that the life I have chosen means that I am damned to hell. I could tell when I told her what happened, you know what Gregory and Thomas had done, that she knew I was telling the truth. But yet, she still told me that I was responsible for what happened to us."
"Samantha, you and Patty were not responsible and you know that. There is never a reason, good or bad for anyone to rape and kill. Those guys are a product of their parents. Theyre perfect examples as to how, when bad values, bigotry and hatred are taught, people end up doing things, bad things to innocent people. To people like you and Patty."
"Christina, I dont think you realize what is going to happen. I not only have to go and face Gregory and Thomas, but I also have to deal with my parents. I keep trying to come up with a reason why they threw me out but I cant. I thought they loved me. It hurt, a lot, when they sent me away just before the trial and then started saying things to make it sound as though I had disappointed them. My father was more concerned about his law firm and my mother was more concerned about her precious religious organization. Neither of them were concerned about me," Sam finished, as the tears were now coming down her cheeks.
"Samantha, honey, I want you to listen to me," Chris said in an authoritative tone while staring deeply into the green orbs. "Nobody, and I mean nobody, will ever hurt you like that again. I know it must have been hard for you when your parents made their choices. But I believe that what youve decided to do is right. And I will be there with you. I dont care if it takes years, but we will see that justice is done. You are a kind, gentle and loving woman Samantha Daly. And when this whole thing is over, I promise you that the people who are most important will know that."
"Christina Polis, you have the attitude of a warrior and I love you so much," the strawberry blonde said quietly as she put her arms around the neck of her rescuer and placed a searing kiss on the full red lips. When the kiss ended the two sat staring into the others eyes. Both sets were filled with tears of love and joy.
"Im not the warrior here, thats for sure," the tall beautiful woman said softly to her angel. "In time, my love, youll see who the warrior really is," the rescuer said as she gently pulled the small woman up and carried her gracefully in her long arms to the small bungalow.
Home, I finally know what home really means Sam reflected happily as she wrapped her arms around the long neck and started nibbling on it. A small smile grew at the corners of her mouth when she noticed her lover quicken her pace to get them back to the cottage.
Its going to be a long night, the smaller woman thought hopefully.
When I get her home... the warrior thought sensuously.
The End???
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