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Copyright © 1999, by Eddie A. Palmer. (The characters: Xena, Gabrielle, Argo, Cyrene, Autolycus, Joxer, Hercules, and Eolaus are the copyright property of MCA/Universal Studios and Renaissance Pictures). No copyright infringement was intended in writing this script. There are several real people depicted in this script: Lucy Lawless, Renee OConnor, Robert Tapert, Hudson Lieck, Ted Raimi, Kevin Sorbo, Michael Hurst, Kevin Smith. They are in this script purely for entertainment purposes, and my depiction in no way reflects the true charactor of these individuals. They are here because I like them. All other characters and the story itself are the sole copyright property of the author, and may not be used in any way without permission.
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By Ed Palmer
SEDRIC (to the TV audience) Here's that system that we have been tracking for quite sometime now. This storm brought record rainfall and intense lightning to Australia over the weekend, and the North Island of New Zealand is now bracing for what may prove to be the worst storm of the season. I'll have an update for you at the end of our telecast. |
KEITH On the local scene, there is a new exhibit opening today at the Auckland World Museum. It is part of a cultural exchange program that is causing quite a stir. The new exhibit is a bold attempt to bring Ancient Greece to our city for a six-month visit. |
CATHERINE (V.o.) On hand for the opening today was our own Lucy Lawless and American actress Renee O'Connor. Dressed as Xena and Gabrielle from the popular television series, the beautiful and talented duo greeted the public and answered questions from eager reporters. KEITH (V.o.) Its a photo-op that has really drawn more attention than most museum openings, which, of course, was the whole idea. (a beat) As you can see, the event is still going on at this hour. It looks like a tremendous success, and a lot of fun. Kiki Alexander has been on the scene all day, and well get her take on all this. |
KIKI As might be expected this is a younger and much more exuberant group than the average museum crowd, but everybody seems to think that is just great. As one museum spokesperson pointed out, Lucy Lawless and Renee OConnor will be here for only one day. The exhibit will be here for six months. Everyone involved with this special event is calling it an unqualified success. (a beat) Im Kiki Alexander, live at the Auckland World Museum. Now back to you in the studio. |
KEITH It's really beginning to look like those museum visitors should have brought their umbrellas. And, speaking of ancient Greece, maybe Zeus is throwing all those lightning bolts in some kind of protest. CATHERINE (laughs, doubtfully) Well, I dont know about that, but let's get an update on the weather. (a beat) That storm looks rather menacing to me, Sedric. |
SEDRIC That it is, Catherine. In one respect we are very fortunate. The winds associated with this system have remained sub-cyclonic, and we don't expect any strengthening. The danger is in the amount of rain and the vast amount of lightning being generated by this system. And, Keith, if it is Zeus hes really in a bad mood about something. |
SEDRIC (V.o.) It now appears that this storm will pass over the northern tip of North Island later today and going into the early evening. In about two hours the Auckland area will receive the full brunt of this violent storm. Again, there will be heavy rainfall and very dangerous lightning. There is a severe weather alert in affect for all of North Island until midnight. While we dont expect any major flooding problems, it is virtually a certainty that the lightning alert will be upgraded to a warning for the Auckland area and points north, probably within the hour and extending to at least midnight. Please stay with us for updates throughout the evening. |
KIKI (impatiently) Park under the shelter, you idiot. You know this weather is hell on my hair! MIKE Five hours in the sheets didnt hurt your hair last night, so whats five minutes in the rain gonna hurt? KIKI You bastard. RANDY (embarrassed) Uh, I really gotta go to the mens room. KIKI No, and shut up! Now, come on, we have a job to do. This story will go international, and were going right along with it. MIKE Are you still on that CNN kick? KIKI Its what I want, you moron! Just because you dont have an ounce of ambition doesnt mean I dont! |
A DOCTOR (angrily) Get these people out of here now! |
MIKE This is big news, pal. The people have a right to know. KIKI (impressed) Thanks, Mike. |
SECURITY GUARD You cant come in here. No cameras are allowed in here! |
JUBAL Hold on! I want them to stay. GUARD And who are you? |
JUBAL (to the dead guard) Who am I? I am the one who says they can stay. (to Mike) Step away from the lady. |
JABUL Such a beauty you are. What is your name? KIKI (terrified, but trying not to show it) Kiki. Kiki Alexander. (a beat) What are you going to do? JUBAL Just relax, my darling, you are perfectly safe. Is this on? Is that camera working? KIKI Yes, you are on live television right now. Theres no way you can get away with this. The police have probably surrounded this building already. JABUL (laughs) Good! (he looks into the camera) Hello, New Zealand! My name is Hassu Jabul, and I am now in control of this hospital. The staff, the patients, everyone here is my prisoner. |
CATHERINE Somebody call the police, and make sure they know whats going on down there. KEITH And I think somebody should get on the horn to Wellington. (a beat) And get this on the uplink to the satellite, and keep it there. No breaks for any reason. (a beat) We need to get Kiki out of there. CATHERINE (almost laughs) She wants to be a hotshot reporter, so let her. Besides its a real big break for us that they are in there. Lets just hope that they can keep transmitting. |
JABUL (to the camera) I assure you no one will be harmed if they cooperate, and if my demands are promptly met. I will get back to you later with a list of those demands. (he looks at Kiki, and returns the microphone) And how do you sign off? KIKI (frightened and uncertain) Terrorists have taken over this hospital. JABUL (softly) I just told them that, Kiki. |
KIKI (to the camera) From my vantage point I can see a dozen armed men, but I am certain there are others. JABUL (points his gun at her head) I really must insist. KIKI (swallows hard, then finds her voice again) Please, somebody help us. This is Kiki Alexander at St. Marys Mercy Hospital, and now back to you in the studio. JABUL (smiles) You will get your big story, Kiki. A real... scoop, yes? KIKI Thats not half what youre going to get. |
JABUL (firmly) I want everyone to move to the cafeteria immediately! (to his men) Search everyone for weapons, and carefully check their credentials. There may be someone here who could be useful to us. |
GUNMAN What about them? A DOCTOR (pausing at the door) Never mind about them, theyre both dead. They might have survived if we had been allowed to do our job. JABUL I too have a job to do, Doctor. These women are casualties of war. There are always casualties of war. DOCTOR Unfortunately, I am not unfamiliar with death, but the death that you cause is senseless and unnecessary. JABUL That is where you are wrong. Death serves a very definite purpose. DOCTOR What can you possibly hope to gain by taking over this hospital? Whatever you want, they wont give it to you, and they will never let you and your people escape. JABUL Who said, Give me a big enough lever, and Ill move the world? I have a very big lever, Doctor. Now get out of my sight. I would like to keep you alive for now, because your services may be needed before this is over. |
JABUL (continuing, giving orders to his men) Finish wiring all the entrances with explosives. The basement and the first three floors are secure. We will now search this building, floor by floor, and room by room. (a beat) Three of you stay here, and three go to the back area. The rest of you know what to do, so get moving. |
XENA Hello, boys. |
XENA (continuing) Is it still raining or did I cause you to have a little accident? |
GABRIELLE (angrily) What? What? What, already? XENA Cmon, we gotta get out of here. |
XENA Were moving. ORDERLY Yes, were going up. XENA Up where? ORDERLY Personally, Id like to go just as far as we can. |
XENA Whats wrong with him? DOCTOR Dislocated shoulder and possibly fractures. We were on the way to x-ray when all hell broke loose. XENA Are you a physician? DOCTOR Yes. XENA This man needs help now. |
PATIENT (working his arm) The pains gone! It feels great! DOCTOR Where did you learn that? XENA I get around. You pick up things, you know? I have many skills. GABRIELLE Have you heard of Hippocrates? DOCTOR All doctors know Hippocrates. GABRIELLE Well, Xena, practically taught him everything he knows. XENA Oh, I did not! Although I do think I set him on the right course. ORDERLY You two do know its 1999? GABRIELLE What does that mean? DOCTOR It means Hippocrates lived.... and died twenty-five hundred years ago. Gabrielle quickly looks at Xena. XENA We dont have time to worry about that right now. Just staying alive is apparently going to take all our effort. GABRIELLE I bet Ares is behind this. XENA This certainly looks like his work, but I dont think so. |
XENA (continuing) I want out of this thing! Its like a death trap. ORDERLY (frightened by the warrior woman) Okay! Okay! Were stopping! |
GABRIELLE By the gods, Xena! Where are we? XENA I dont know, Gabrielle, but its a safe bet were not in Greece anymore. |
GABRIELLE (frightened) What kind of creature is that? XENA Its a man-made machine. Cmon lets get out of sight. |
XENA (not happy) Its more of those warriors. GABRIELLE What are we going to do, Xena? These are strange people, with even stranger weapons, and machines that can fly like a giant insect. XENA Theyre just people, and this is war. In war, you choose a side and then you fight. Anyway, were trapped here. Theres no way we can just walk away from this. GABRIELLE And you wouldnt if you could. XENA (firm resolve) No, I wouldnt. |
XENA Come on. |
XENA That should slow them down a little, at least. Cmon, lets get away from here. |
ROB Im glad you could come on such short notice. |
TED Anything for you, Rob, babe! HUDSON And anything for Lucy. ROB Yeah, well, thanks a lot. TED And lets not forget Renee. HUDSON Oh, yes, the poor dears. If anything bad should happen... (a beat) Has there been any word of anything bad happening? SORBO Lets see, the worst storm of the decade has ravaged New Zealand, lightning demolished the Auckland World Museum, Lucy and Renee were both struck by lightning, and they may have been electrocuted as far as we know. And we cant find out because they are trapped inside a hospital that has been taken over by international terrorists who blow peoples brains out on live television, but other than that, Hudson its been a great day. MICHAEL (to Sorbo) How did you come up with all that without a script? HUDSON Can we back up just a moment? You say they may have been, like fried, but if they werent there is still a good chance theyll get their brains blown out? Is anyone giving odds on that? ROB Excuse me, darling, your concern is really quite touching, but we need to get down to business. We may not have much time. SMITH Yeah, in your message on the machine you said you had a plan, but with all the cops and military people on this thing, shouldnt we just stay out of the way? MICHAEL No wonder you play Ares so well, you are Ares! A wimp that wants everybody else to do the dirty work, while you stand back and take all the credit! SMITH Are you still pissed over that softball game? MICHAEL I was safe! SMITH Out! HUDSON You two should be ashamed of yourself! Poor Rob is worried about poor little Lucy and... you know, whats-her-name. TED I think Im gonna gag. HUDSON What? TED I said, my days been a real drag, and now lucy and Renee may be... HUDSON (with a grimace that looks like a smile) Dead! Well, go on, say it! They may be dead already. You got to admit, it doesnt look good.... for them. SORBO Okay, just what is this plan? |
ROB This is a layout of the streets around the hospital. TED Where did you get that? ROB I got it off the Internet. (a beat) And this shows where the police and other groups are positioned. TED Where did you get that? ROB I got it off the Internet. (a beat) All right, Kevin, Kevin, and Michael what I want you three to do is go down there and talk to the police, you know, distract them. MICHAEL How do we do that? ROB Talk, shake hands, pass out a lot of eight-by-tens, sign some autographs, the usual. SORBO I can do that. HUDSON What does that leave for me to do? ROB The government people have set up their operation center at this intersection north of the hospital. TED Where did you get that? ROB I got it off the Internet. (a beat) Hudson its your job to go down there and shake up the government officials. Its well documented what a sexy blonde can do to a politician and those government types. HUDSON (smiling) Oh, Rob, you say the nicest things. Yes, you do! (a beat) Just saying... I mean, just saying that something did happen to Lucy, what are the chances I could play Xena? TED From Calisto to Xena. I can see it! Theyll just have to dye your hair black and get you a prescription for Valium, hey, no problem. |
HUDSON Oh, sorry. It helps ease the tension. TED (sticking his finger in his ear and shaking it) Its hell on the ear drums. SMITH While were doing all this distracting, what are you and Joxer gonna be doing? TED Thats Ted, Kevin. How many times have I explained that I play Joxer on Xena and sometimes on Hercules, too. Im Ted. SMITH I dont care, got it? TED And youre not really the God of War, remember? SMITH Im not? |
SORBO Dont worry about it, well explain it to him on the way. MICHAEL If anybody can straighten him out, its Herc! SORBO Im not really Hercules, either. MICHAEL Oh, yeah. Sorry, I keep forgetting. (a beat) And Im not really Eolaus, but you promised I could still be your pal, your little buddy, your trusted partner and best friend, and...... |
HUDSON Just saying... I mean, just saying that something should happen to Kevin Sorbo, what are the chances I could play Hercules? ROB I just cant resist asking, how could we pull that off? HUDSON We could break new ground, and have an episode were we have the worlds first sex- change operation! (a beat) Or one of the gods could get mad and turn Hercules into a beautiful, sexy blonde babe! Thats me, you said so. TED Lets see... you played a prim school teacher on 7th Heaven, and an angel on Touched By An Angel. If you can pull that off, playing Hercules should be a snap. Yeah, I say go for it! ROB Ill keep that in mind, Hudson, and Im sure we can work out something along those lines if... Well, you know, if... HUDSON I want to thank you both, and Id like to thank all my fans, and my dear parents, and my best friend who stole my boy friend, which taught me how to act really pissed! And Id like to thank the college professor who told me I could do anything I wanted to do, if Id just get the hell out of his class. And I would thank the doctors, but Im not talking to them anymore. (a beat) Well, Im off to screw with the government now. Bye, bye! |
TED Im telling you, Rob, she really is Calisto. She is gonna hurt somebody! She may go down there and destroy this whole country! ROB Thats a risk we have to take. We have to get Lucy and..... and.... TED Whats-her-name. ROB Right. We have to get them out of there or die trying. TED Die? Tell me again why I am so anxious to help you do this. ROB Because you want to keep your job, because after playing Joxer, who else would hire you? TED Thats the reason. So, just what are we gonna do? |
TED Wow! Theyre the absolute best stuntmen, uh, persons in the business. Are they part of your plan? ROB A very big part. |
BIFF All set. You just give the word, Bobby, and were ready to rock n roll! TED (laughs) Yeah, rock n roll and flip and tumble and leap and jump and fall and crash and smash and... ROB (to Ted) We get the idea. |
ROB (continuing) Jake, you said you could get a really big truck? JAKE The semi is right outside in the parking lot, and all eighteen wheels are raring to roll. TED Thats rock n roll. |
ROB (projecting) All right, guys and gals, gather around so I can point out a few things. |
ROB (continuing) This is the layout of the hospital, and this is the layout of the multi-level parking garage right behind the hospital. TED (amazed again) Where did you get that? ROB I got it off the Internet. TED Who puts all that shit on there, anyway? ROB (pointing at the paper) Theres ten levels of parking, and the tenth story of the hospital is all research labs that are empty and locked up at night. The windows are very tall and wide. The tenth parking level and the tenth floor of the hospital are fairly even, and the distance from here to here is only sixty feet. TED (laughs like a lunatic) Ah! Only sixty feet! Sixty feet across... and hundreds of feet straight down! |
CANDY For once, I agree with the idiot. TED Idiot? CANDY (smiling) Oh, thats nothing personal, all actors are idiots. TED (relieved) Oh, well... CANDY Only, in your case, youre an idiot and a crash-test dummy. |
BIFF (solemnly) Bobby, youre a... Producer. ROB I know, Im sorry about that, but Lucy, my darling Lucy is in there. Id do anything for that woman! Anything! Even if I die trying! And even if Ted dies trying! TED (looking pale) Sure, Ive got the hots... I mean I really like Lucy, but, hey, I dont get to go home with her, you know? ROB Your job. TED Lets rock n roll! ROB (to Biff) Youre the damn best stunt coordinator I know of, Im counting on you to pull this all together. Ive got it all blocked out just like a movie, only when it starts nobody is going to shout cut. BIFF Im with you. Were all with you, Bobby! Everyone says, Yeah!, Damn right!. TED Whoopee! ROB All right, here are the fine points to remember. The police have a barricade across this street here just south of the hospital, and the entrance to the parking is way down here near the hospital. (a beat) All right, lets get out to the vehicles, and Ill fill you in on the rest of the plan. TED (slapping Rob on the back) The man with the plan! (laughs uneasily) The plan! The plan! The plan! |
GABRIELLE Xena, how are we going to do anything when we dont know who these people are, or what they want. XENA Thats what we have to find out, and soon. GABRIELLE How are we going to do that? They seem ready to kill us on sight, and were no match for their weapons. XENA A weapon is just as good as the person using it. GABRIELLE Xena, this is a different world, a different time. The rules just arent the same here. XENA No, thats not true. These people are just people like you and me. And the rules, as you call them, never change. GABRIELLE Do you have a plan? Do you even know where to begin? XENA I know one thing already, theyre searching this building from top to bottom. Theyre after something that is very important... or very valuable to them. GABRIELLE A treasure, perhaps? XENA I have a feeling it isnt that simple, its something more vital than mere treasure. (a beat) Whatever it is, if we can find it first, that just might give us the upper hand. It may even be the key to defeating the murderous bastards. GABRIELLE How can we look for something, when we dont know what it is? XENA Well have to force them to tell us, or well just have to follow them to it. GABRIELLE If we could get the drop on one of them, I suppose you could put the pinch on him and make him talk. (a beat) Of course, we probably cant even understand his language, so hed probably kill us because we couldnt talk him out of it. As our bloody bodies fell to the floor, we couldnt even call him a few choice bad names, because he wouldnt understand, anyway. I like to have a talking chance! Xena, you know that talking is my number one weapon. XENA I think its killing me. |
XENA (quietly) Theres somebody in there. Were going in, so be prepared. GABRIELLE How do you prepare to be blown to Tartarus? |
XENA (to Gabrielle) Do you want to take him on, or shall I? GABRIELLE Xena! BOY Wow! Xena and Gabrielle! XENA Do we know you? BOY I dont think so, but I know you! Everybody knows Xena, The Warrior Princess! |
XENA Well, maybe not everybody. |
XENA Hey, I know this guy! BOY (laughs) Well, of course, you do! XENA (hand on TV) What is this thing? GABRIELLE Its like a magicians crystal ball, only this one really works. BOY Cmon guys, I know youre joking! If anybody knows about television, its you two. |
JABUL This is a bomb. A very powerful bomb that can take out this entire hospital complex and a large area of Auckland, as well. (a beat) Presently, it is not armed. For now it is perfectly safe, but when the proper time comes, this bomb will be activated. KIKI When is the proper time? JABUL Upon our departure from your fair country, the bomb will be activated. When we are safely away, I will transmit the code to stop the bomb. |
TERRORIST (excited) General, we have located... |
JABUL Are you positive? TERRORIST Almost positive, but we havent entered the room yet. JABUL What is the room number? TERRORIST 1632 JABUL Get back up there, but wait for my arrival. I want to be there when you blow the door. TERRORIST Yes, Sir! |
XENA Do you know where that room is? BOY Sure. Its on this floor, down at the far end of the hall, I think. XENA (to Gabrielle) Lets go. BOY Will I see you again? XENA (smiling at him) I dont know, but well try to see you again before we leave. BOY Great! Who would ever think a hospital was a good place to meet babes? Xena just looks at him, uncertain how to respond. GABRIELLE How old are you? BOY Ten. |
GABRIELLE Yeah, thats about right. |
ROB (to Biff) All right this is it. Youre the expert, so do you have any last minute advice? BIFF Dont do it. ROB You know I have to. TED But why do I have to? ROB Well? BIFF Okay, here it is. You drive all way around this area here. When you come around that far corner yonder, you aim right for this ramp and put the petal to the metal till you slam right over this sucker then, and this is the most important part, you pray real hard all the way across. |
TED (screams) I dont want to die! |
TED (terrified) I quit! Let me out! |
TED Rob, baby, take your foot off the gas and put it on the brake! ROB What? TED Brake! Brake! ROB We dont have time to take a break! I dont even think this operation is covered by the Actors Guild. |
TED I mean, stop! Stop the car! ROB Oh. |
ROB Dont move. Dont even breathe. TED Breathe, hell. My heart stopped ten minutes ago. ROB All right, heres the plan. TED I really wish you wouldnt use that word! ROB We ease over into the back seat, then crawl out the back windows. |
TED Oh, yeah! Theyre definitely going to give you a ticket for illegal parking. (a beat) Of course, we can just laugh at them from our prison cell. ROB We dont have to worry about prison, because these terrorists will probably kill us, anyway. TED Look, no matter what happens, we have to get Lucy and Renee out of here. You got us this far, Rob, and I know youll get us all the way. So, whats next? ROB Well, I dont know. The only plan I had was how to get in here. I guess now we find Lucy. TED (sarcastically) We could go down to the front desk and have her paged. ROB (thoughtfully) I doubt if that would work. |
BUFORD (demands) What in tarnation is going on? |
BUFORD Where the hell you boys from anyway, Mars? ROB Most recently, California. BUFORD About the same thing. |
BUFORD Oh, my God! Just look at this mess! Do you know what that is? Huh, do ya? Its urine! TED Oh, no! It aint mine! BUFORD Not yours, fool! Urine, you know, like when you go potty. And just guess whos gonna have the honor of cleaning all this mess up? TED You? BUFORD Me. I came all the way from LA for this! ROB (delighted) Oh, youre from Los Angeles? BUFORD Oh, hell no! LA, Lower Alabama. Thats what I like about New Zealand, it reminds me of good ol Alabam! ROB Dont even try to explain that to me, please. |
BUFORD Why, youre Robert Tapert, the producer, aint you? ROB (smiles) Why, yes. Yes, I am. Are you a fan of mine. BUFORD No. No, I hate your guts, cause you went and married Lucy. Not that I had much of a chance with her, I reckon, but its just the principle of the thing! You got Lucy, and I just cant stand it! (a beat) I came all the way to New Zealand, just hoping Id get to meet her, and I aint even seen her once! TED Believe me, I know exactly how you feel. Its even tougher when you have to play hot love scenes with her. ROB I am still in the room, you know? TED Oh, yeah. I forgot. ROB And when have you ever played a love scene with Lucy? TED Well, there was... and then... You know, lots of times! BUFORD I think its a crying shame. You married Lucy. I can just see it now. Every night you two get ready for bed, and while you crawl into bed, Lucy makes that last run to the bathroom. Then when she comes out of the bathroom in this sexy little nighty thing, she lets go with one of them ear-bustin battle cries, then she flips in the air all the way across that damn room and lands right in your bed, right in your arms! And I just cant stand it! ROB (truly amazed) Its so uncanny how accurately you describe it. BUFORD Ill tell you something, mister smart producer! Ill tell you what Im a waitin for. Im waitin for the day you get just a little out of line. Shes gonna put a whompping on you! Why, man, that woman can kick the nuts right out of a squirrels mouth. Just one little wrong move and shell smack everyone of them Howdy-Doody freckles right off your face! You dont mess with that woman. (a beat) A woman like that, needs a real man. ROB Well, thank you for your advice. I will certainly keep it in mind. TED Hey, thats why were here, Lucy is right here in this hospital. Maybe you can help us find her, and you may even get a chance to meet her! BUFORD (excited) Really? (then, quietly) There are crazy people running around this place with guns. ROB How have you avoided them? BUFORD (whispers) They think Im just a harmless idiot. TED (laughs) Wow! Thats the same reason the cast and crew dont kill me. ROB All right, lets get moving. |
BUFORD Lucy, its really you! |
ROB Its me, Lucy. Ive come for you, sweetheart. XENA Why does everybody insist on calling me Lucy? Im Xena. ROB Of course, you are, Darling. I created you! XENA Well, youve really got this big ego thing going, dont you? ROB You dont remember who you are? You dont remember who I am? XENA I know who I am, but who are you? ROB (hopeful) Im Rob, your husband. XENA I dont have a husband. ROB You dont remember when I proposed? XENA No. ROB You dont remember our beautiful wedding? XENA No. ROB Surely you remember what we did on our honeymoon? XENA (curious) Just exactly what did we do on our honeymoon? ROB We went fishing! XENA Yeah, right! |
XENA (happy) Joxer! Finally somebody I know! How did you get here? TED You wouldnt believe it, if I told you. (a beat) Look, Im not Joxer! Im Ted! And youre Lucy! XENA (getting angry) Lucy, again! TED (screams) Cmon, Lucy, youve got to snap out of it! XENA (enraged) Ill snap your scrawny neck! |
TED RRRRRRRRRRob!! GABRIELLE Everybody in this world is totally nuts. XENA Youre right. Nothing has changed. |
GABRIELLE (slightly above a whisper) It seems awfully quiet. XENA Yeah, too quiet. |
JABUL (firmly) Come along quietly and I will let you live... for now. |
JABUL (to the prisoners) All of you wait in there until I send for you. |
XENA Is something on your mind? KIKI I guess I was just wondering what it would be like to be such a big star. GABRIELLE A star? KIKI I mean, you both have millions of fans, and youre such wonderful roles models. (a beat) My childhood hero was Jessica Savitch. I thought she was so beautiful and wonderful, and she had this really glamorous job. I wanted to be just like her. Then, when she died in that terrible accident, I felt like my whole world had come to an end. (a beat) But somewhere along the way, I realized that was even more of a reason for me to carry on. Its like her dream still lives in me. GABRIELLE I dont know this person youre talking about, but I do know how you feel. KIKI (nods and smiles) And theres a whole generation out there that feels the same way about you two. (a beat) Randy, get a close shot of these two. GABRIELLE You have a very interesting accent, where are you from? KIKI Texas. GABRIELLE Um, never heard of it. KIKI But youre... |
KIKI (to the camera) As you just heard, they have apparently blasted their way into room 1632. We still have no information about who or what is in that room, but Jabul wanted us present, so perhaps we will soon learn that mystery. |
TERRORIST The General wants you to come now. Bring the camera. Hurry! |
JABUL This man and this woman are American CIA agents. These two men here and this woman are Israelis, and these two men are Turks, which makes them traitors! (a beat) And what did they die for? I will show you right now. |
JABUL This is Prince Rahji. He was brought to this country to have a special operation. This experimental brain surgery may save his life. Apparently it is the only chance he has. (a beat) If I dont kill him first, which I will do if all my demands are not immediately carried out. For anyone foolish enough to resist, allow me to explain the obvious. This boys death will mean war in the Middle East, which will quickly spread to other parts of the world. This boys death may very well mean Armageddon! (a beat) Here are my demands. The Israelis have two-hundred and fifty-eight of my brothers and sisters in an internment camp just outside of Tel Aviv. All of these prisoners will be immediately released and provided transportation to the city of Baghdad. Second, I want one-hundred million American dollars transferred to a special account in Istanbul. I will fax you the information you need to transfer the money. |
JABUL (continuing) Send this at once, Captain Lanka. CAPTAIN LANKA Yes, General! JABUL (to the camera) You do not have time to debate the issue among yourselves, and I will not debate the issue at all, with anyone. I want full conformation within two hours, or the young prince dies, and the bomb downstairs explodes. (with a grin) This is Hassu Jabul reporting. |
JABUL Bring the young Prince and the prisoners. |
JABUL (continuing) Cut off all your equipment now. |
KIKI I thought you wanted the whole story told just as its happening. JABUL Kiki, my darling, we must have a few secrets, thats one of the rules of the game. KIKI (demands) Is that what this is to you, a goddamn game? JABUL Oh, such fire, from such a little girl! (a beat) Please, everyone sit down and relax. |
CAPTAIN LANKA We received conformation! JABUL Good! Very good! |
JABUL (continuing) Where did those two women go you fools? |
JABUL (continuing) Never mind! It doesnt matter now. |
JABUL (continuing, to Captain Lanka) The bomb is now activated, we have only minutes to escape. Kill the Prince now, just to be sure, then get everyone up to the helicopter. CAPTAIN LANKA (pulling his automatic pistol) Yes, General! |
KIKI No, you cant! |
XENA (quietly) Throw me the boy. |
XENA Im sorry. KIKI (brokenly) You just tell them to spell my name right. |
XENA Can you swim? PRINCE Like a fish! XENA Good! Here you go! |
GABRIELLE (loud and desperate) Xena! |
JABUL If you follow us, she dies! XENA Yeah? Well, have a nice trip! |
XENA How does one of these things work? How can it be stopped? |
DOCTOR If you dont know what youre doing, youll get us all killed! XENA Either way, were dead! |
CAPTAIN LANKA General, someone has sabotaged the helicopter. JABUL Get it started, or were all dead! CAPTAIN LANKA (climbing inside) Yes, Sir! |
XENA (angrily) Are you going to help me with this, or not? DOCTOR (pointing) Those wires behind the panel, connect the timer and detonator. You can disarm the bomb by cutting the right wire, but if you cut the wrong one, it explodes. |
ROB (excited) Lucy! Lucy! |
XENA You again? At a time like this? ROB Lucy, Ive seen this bit a hundred times! Ive done this bit a hundred times! Cut the red wire! Its always the red wire! XENA Are you positive? ROB Absolutely! |
DOCTOR She did it! |
ROB Now, arent you glad I came for you? And arent you glad you listened to me? XENA Anything for you, darling. ROB Does this mean were making up? XENA Well, why not? But right now, I really have to run. |
JABUL (viciously) You want your friend? Then here, take her! |
XENA (shouts) Hang on tight! |
DOCTOR How many fingers? LUCY Two. DOCTOR And whats your name? LUCY Lucy Ryan Lawless Tapert. DOCTOR Very good. (to Renee) How many fingers? RENEE Two, and Im Renee. DOCTOR Well, how would you two feel about going home? I think youre ready. RENEE Great! I am ready! DOCTOR Ill go sign your release. |
RENEE Why do you think they keep asking us our names? LUCY At least theyre not hounding us for autographs. (she thinks about that) That is a good thing, isnt it? |
NURSE We need you both to sign all these forms, please. RENEE (to Lucy) You were saying? |
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