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by Enginerd
Xena sat on Argo, looking down at Bayentes camp one last time, deep in thought.
"You ready?" Sustra asked, drawing the warrior's attention to her. Xena took a deep
breath and nodded unconvincingly.
"It will be ok, Xena. You'll see," Sustra added with a small smile of reassurance and
rode off to catch up to Sylvia and her little boy riding ahead.
Xena sighed, not as confident as Sustra. She patted Argo on the neck and nudged her
with her knees to follow the optimistic Amazon.
The Zemalians seemed pleased to see her. The Amazons . . . well . . . Xena
considered she was probably lucky they didn't shoot at her when she rode in.
As she dismounted, Xena watched Staveros cry and hug his wife and child. The
reunion brought a smile to the warrior's face. She was convinced Bayentes had killed
them. She was glad she was wrong.
"Thank you Xena, THANK you," Staveros blurted as he still clung to his family and
"Thank Sustra, she rescued them," Xena mentioned.
"Thank you," A teary Staveros relayed to the uncomfortable Amazon, who nodded
quietly and shrugged. "Come on you two, let me get you home . . . where you belong,"
Staveros happily relayed to his family.
Xena watched Staveros and his family go home, wondering with a sinking feeling
whether that was possible for her.
Sustra grinned at the tall warrior. "I think you have your own reunion to attend to,"
Sustra offered with a twinkle in her eye. Xena sighed.
"You'll be fine," Sustra nudged her with a smirk. "Don't keep her waiting any longer,"
Sustra prompted the uncertain warrior towards the Inn. Xena nodded. Sustra was
right, she considered and started for the Inn.
"You're too late," Eponin announced to them coolly as she joined them in the street.
Sustra and Xena abruptly turned to the Amazon with alarm.
Xena stopped her sword sharpening, looked up at the Amazon, raised her skeptical
eyebrow, then resumed sharpening her sword.
"I mean, she didn't know you were coming back. It makes sense that she wanted to
move on . . . ," Sustra continued with a shrug.
Xena stopped sharpening her sword and stared at the ground, making Sustra quickly
try to amend her words.
"I mean, leave . . . uh, TRAVEL . . . yeah, travel. She likes to . . . ," Sutra blurted
nervously. ". . . travel," she added with a defeated sigh.
"For GODS sake Xena, she just went to Amphipolis with your mother," Sustra blurted
with annoyance, drawing a glare from the Warrior Princess.
"That isn't a bad thing," Sustra muttered and turned the rabbit again.
In front of her mother's Inn, the two riders dismounted. Xena took a deep breath to
settle her nervous stomach and entered the familiar establishment. Sustra followed
closely behind.
"XENA!" Cyrene called to her with a mixture of joy and concern.
"Mother," Xena responded with a warm hug for her surprised mother as her eyes
glanced uneasily over the tavern. Cyrene savored the gift from her daughter, although
she knew her visit was to see Gabrielle. She sighed and stepped back from her
daughter's embrace.
"She's not here," her mother informed her sadly. "After making sure I got home all
right, she left with Frea and Solari for Amazonia," Cyrene added, cringing sadly when
the warrior shut her eyes and exhaled wearily.
"What you need is a good home cooked meal," Cyrene mentioned eagerly, getting a
furrowed brow from Xena, who had lost her appetite.
"You still need to gain your strength, Xena," Cyrene glanced over her thin daughter.
"Your armor is practically falling off you," she added, evoking a sigh from the Warrior
"And after, we will talk," Cyrene added, caressing her daughter's cheek as she looked
into the sad eyes.
For the first time in a very long time, Cyrene was able to have a relaxed dinner with her
family. She smiled as she watched her son Toris discuss a wide range of topics with
Sustra from swords to scrolls as they each greedily stuffed their mouths with food. She
was going to mention that they shouldn't speak with their mouths full, but they seemed
to be enjoying dinner too much for her to spoil it.
Her smile faded as she looked to Xena who quietly stared at her plate, poking her
potato with a fork.
"Pass the rolls, please," Sustra mumbled through a full mouth to Xena, who was
oblivious to her request.
Cyrene reached across the table to the basket of rolls directly in front of her daughter
and passed them to Sustra.
"Thanks," Sustra blurted, causing Xena to glance up from her plate.
"Sorry," Xena said quietly, getting a soft, understanding smile from her mother. Xena's
eyes drifted back down to her plate.
"Dis is guud, Cywrene," Sustra blurted appreciatively with her mouth full.
Xena poked her potato again. Surveying her plate, she decided the boiled spud needed protection it from her piece of chicken and rolled her potato away from the leg.
"Thank you, Sustra," Cyrene chuckled at the woman's healthy appetite. Cyrene wished
Xena would eat just half of what Sustra was eating.
However, distance wasn't good enough, the warrior concluded and carefully
constructed a wall around the vulnerable potato with the army of peas, which wasn't
easy since they tended to desert and roll away. Thinking she would be satisfied once
the wall of peas was constructed, the Warrior Princess only frowned, noticing the
carrots could easily scale the peas to get at the potato.
"Xena, don't play with your food," Cyrene scolded the Warrior Princess, making Toris
muffle a laugh. Xena's eyes darted towards him and narrowed threateningly, making
her brother giggle more.
Sustra sipped her water and ate another roll.
"Come on and help me with the dishes you two," Cyrene mentioned, then frowned
when Sustra swallowed quickly and started to stand with her plate.
"No no, sit down Sustra, you're a guest," Cyrene informed her warmly. Sustra smiled
and shrugged, knowing not to argue with this particular Tavern owner and sat down,
happily grabbing another roll.
Cyrene went to her kitchen with her children in tow. Toris placed his dish on the table
with the other dishes and went to get some water from the well.
"How was she doing?" Xena asked immediately when Toris left.
"Not good," Cyrene sighed sadly. As Xena opened her mouth to ask another question,
Toris came back with two buckets of well water and poured them in the sink. Xena
sighed as he started to scrape the dishes and place them in the sink.
"You two go on, I've got everything covered here," Toris mentioned as he scraped
another plate, surprising the two women.
"Thank you, honey," Cyrene smiled and squeezed her son's shoulder and left the
kitchen. As Xena followed her mother, she paused at the door looking back at her
brother. Toris glanced up from the plate in his hands.
"I would have fenced in the potato with the carrots then filled the moat with peas," he
informed her nonchalantly, finishing cleaning the plate.
"You trusted the carrots?" Xena asked with surprise, making her brother chuckle.
"Sometimes Xena, you just have to trust your vegetables to do the right thing," her sage
brother informed her, making her grin.
Cyrene sat in the cleared Tavern with Sustra, who was finishing the last roll.
"These are soooooo good, Cyrene. You should give me the recipe," Sustra mentioned,
surprising the older woman.
"You cook?" She asked with a smile.
"I manage, especially when it involves food I really really like," Sustra replied with a
grin. "I don't have anyone to cook for me. . . yet," she offered and looked up to find
Xena standing quietly behind her mother.
"I'll go check on my horse then call it a night," Sustra announced as she stood. "I'm
looking forward to sleeping in a real bed," she added with an enthusiastic grin to
Xena watched her friend leave the now empty Tavern. Her eyebrows furrowed.
"Where is everyone?" Xena asked, knowing the answer.
"Xena, talking with you is more important than one night of business, which has finally
recovered now that the army is gone," Cyrene informed her with relief.
"You said she wasn't good," Xena stated with concern as she sat down. "Isn't her
wound healing?"
"The one on her back is," Cyrene responded. "Her heart still needs mending," her
mother added softly.
"I know . . . I thought . . . I know," Xena blurted with a defeated sigh. "I don't know what
I am going to say to her . . . I never do," Xena quietly complained. "She's the bard. . . ."
"Well, perhaps 'I'm sorry' would be a good start," she suggested.
"Even I know to say that," Xena countered with a smirk. "I say that a lot to her," she
admitted wearily.
"And she forgives you . . . ," Cyrene offered encouragement.
Xena nodded, then shrugged as she uncomfortably glanced down at the table. "Or
gets annoyed that I apologize too much." The comment made Cyrene smile warmly.
"But what if she doesn't this time?" Xena looked up with concern. "What if . . . "
"What if's. . . . There are a lot of those to worry about aren't there?" Cyrene interrupted
her daughter, who looked at her curiously.
"But what if she doesn't forgive me?" Xena asked with concern. "She's everything to
me," Xena croaked out a whisper as her eyes dropped to her hands which nervously
clenched at the feeling of vulnerability.
"I've never known anyone like her," the warrior princess explained to her nodding
mother as a lopsided grin couldn't help but form on the warrior's face when she spoke
of Gabrielle.
"And she gives me so much more than I thought possible. Things I never knew I
needed . . . until I met her. Things I know I can't live without. Her. . . . " Xena looked
up to her mother, surprised to find Cyrene sitting back and shaking her head with a
Xena's eyes narrowed, not understanding what Cyrene found so amusing in her
misery. "What?" Xena asked coolly.
"I think you know what to say to her, Xena," Cyrene grinned.
Sgt. Tomas looked up to Department of Archeology building as he tucked the
handkerchief in his dark suit pocket, looking very much the gangster. Especially with
the bandage on his nose and black rings under his eyes.
"Are you ready, Miss Pappas?" Sgt. Tomas asked, startling the preoccupied
"Yes," she spoke confidently, trying to ignore the bevy of butterflies in her stomach.
Each step she took made her more nervous. As the three reached the top, Mel looked
back down at the car and observed the detectives casually get out and look around.
Tripping over the last step, Melinda was once again caught by Sgt. Tomas, who rather
enjoyed the opportunity to put his arms around the beautiful American.
"I've got you, Miss Pappas," Sgt. Tomas smiled warmly and helped steady her.
"Oh my," Mel blurted with panic, realizing that the 'good thing' that happened to her in
Zemal was gone. . . .
Georg glared at her with wide eyes, realizing something was wrong.
"Thanks," she remarked uneasily as she started to hyperventilate. Not NOW, she
silently moaned as her butterflies started to jitterbug. It was bad enough meeting with
Dr. Maveros when she could walk straight without killing herself, but NOW . . . oh no,
she moaned.
"Just take a deep breath, you'll be fine," Georg suggested, hoping he was right. She
certainly didn't look fine, he considered.
"Of course," she added with an uneasy smile and took a long deep breath. Then
another. And another. And another. . . .
Finally entering the building, the southern lady stopped in front of a glass door out of
habit and glanced at her reflection. At least she could still LOOK good, she
considered. It's just a meeting, she reminded herself. A simple meeting to get that
unpleasant woman to admit she was behind the entire plan and clear Janice.
Swallowing hard, Mel inspected herself one final time, nervously tugging the bottom of
her suit coat down. She looked up to Georg expectantly.
"You look great, Miss Pappas," Georg offered.
"Beautiful," Sgt. Tomas interjected with a grin, correcting Georg.
"I think I'm going to be sick," Mel mumbled, making Sgt. Tomas' eyebrows furrow.
As Sgt. Tomas looked around the immediate area, because it seemed like something
he should to do, Georg leaned towards her with concern.
"If you're not up to it, you shouldn't . . . ," Georg mentioned quietly, gently touching her
"Did Janice have you come with me just so you could to keep telling me that?" She
snapped, pulling her elbow away.
"She worries about you," Georg responded. "We both do," he added.
"I'm sorry Georg, I know you do," Mel responded with a sigh and looked over her purse
and outfit one last time, her confidence quickly slipping. She considered she better
move now before all her confidence was gone.
Pushing up her glasses, she blurted "OK then!" and prayed for the good Lord to help
her. As she started to walk towards Dr. Maveros' office with Sgt. Tomas, Georg's eyes
widened and he called to her.
"Wait!" Georg' anxious whisper, made Mel and Sgt. Tomas turn abruptly.
"What?" Mel asked uneasily, looking around the halls suspiciously.
Georg reached inside his dusty suit jacket and pulled out a small cloth pouch. Smiling,
he handed the small pouch over to a curious Mel.
"I almost forgot I had it," Georg informed her as she carefully opened it and pulled the
contents out with her long fingers.
"My grandmother's watch. . . ," Mel whispered in amazement. Tracing her fingers over
the sorely missed heirloom, she noted the hands were on the right time. Daring to
hope, she smiled and lifted it up to her ear and heard it ticking away. "It works!" Mel
added, taken aback. "Oh, THANK you, Georg," she hugged him, then with a big grin,
eagerly put it on her wrist.
"Uh . . . well, actually Dr. Covington found it and dropped it off at the jeweler," he
admitted, making the southerner smile broadly. "I just picked it up cause she was . . .
uh . . . busy," he hedged, making Mel's smile fade.
Georg looked uneasily at Sgt. Tomas, whose eyes widened, realizing he was referring
to the poker game where he attacked a woman, even if it was only Dr. Covington. The
beautiful American would certainly not appreciate that, Sgt. Tomas grimaced, seeing all
his hard work to impress the southern beauty go down the drain.
Mel's eyebrow rose curiously at their mutual discomfort. "Doing what?"
"Well so much happened that night . . . ," Georg shrugged, then felt the southerner's
narrow eyes encouraging him to continue.
"You know, it would be nice to chat . . . but don't we have some business to take care
of?" Sgt. Tomas suggested quickly, motioning towards Dr. Maveros' office. He
received a look of appreciation from Georg and a glare from the suspicious southerner.
"Yes, you're right. Let's take care of one thing at a time, shall we?" Mel sighed and
looked down the hallway towards Dr. Maveros' office.
Staring at her hand nervously strangling the door knob, she remembered the last time
she was there . . . with Janice, who actually wore a dress for her business meeting,
trying to play by the rules, trying to get a University job and build her professional
reputation. . . . But the cards were all stacked against her best friend from the start,
she silently fumed.
They THOUGHT they could get Janice to take the blame, Mel's eyes narrowed as her
anger swelled. But they made the grave mistake of using HER friend . . . not to
mention being RUDE while doing it!
A furious Mel, now ready to teach Dr. Maveros a few lessons in manners, pushed the
door wide open . . . until it struck something.
"OW!" Roberta yelped through her hands that shot up to her face as she staggered
back from the vibrating door.
"Oh MY!" Mel blurted as she rushed into the office. "Are you all right??"
Sgt. Tomas quickly went to the secretary's side, pulling Roberta's hand away from her
face to inspect her nose.
"Not broken," he announced with a smile, greatly relieving the southerner.
"She do that to you?" Roberta asked the Sergeant, glancing at his bandaged nose,
making the southerner frown at the accusation.
"Oh no, Dr. Covington did this," he admitted with a chuckle, getting a stunned look from
the southerner, which abruptly stopped his chuckling. "Uh . . . there are no hard
feelings," he quickly informed Mel, who looked at Georg, who quickly looked away to
admire the . . . furniture. Sighing, the southerner returned her attention to her victim.
"I'm so sorry Roberta," Mel gushed, eyeing the secretary's nose.
"It's ok," she replied with a wave and smiled. "Now what was I doing?" She asked
looking around, scratching the back of her blond head. Mel's eyes widened, hoping
she didn't cause the poor woman any memory loss.
"Oh yeah. The bloody MAIL!" She snapped her fingers. "Now what are you all here
for? I don't have Dr. Maveros down for any appointments today," she asked curiously.
"We're here to see Dr. Maveros about some business," Mel informed her, with an air of
"Without an appointment?" Roberta asked in amazement.
"I'm pretty sure she'll want to see us," Mel relayed with a polite smile.
"Miss Pappas," Roberta relayed to the southerner, paused, and turned to smile at the
men. Taking the southern lady by the arm, Roberta pulled her aside.
"You were here before, right?" She asked quietly, then looked back at the men to find
them curiously looking at her.
Mel nodded.
"Well, you KNOW she doesn't like people late for an appointment," Roberta explained.
"Yes Roberta, I'm well aware . . . "
"She is even WORSE with people that don't have appointments," Roberta interrupted,
her eyebrows furrowed with concern.
"Please Roberta, tell her I'm here and would like to discuss some business with her,"
Mel informed her calmly.
"Are you SURE you want to do this?" Roberta asked.
What a question, Mel thought. "Yes Roberta," she answered.
"Ok," Roberta exhaled, having done all she could do, and went to her intercom.
"No, I don't know where it is and it's not my problem," she responded, pulling a pencil
from the collection contained in a German stein by her intercom. She sighed and
started to irregularly tap the pencil's eraser on the desk in no particular rhythm.
"Look, I arranged the pickup, it's not my fault your men screwed it up," she noted,
rolling her eyes.
"They only had to deal with three of them and I'm not counting that idiot husband of
yours . . . yes, I'm aware of how much money was at stake here. I had a down
payment on a new yacht. But we can't cry over. . . ."
"Dr. Maveros, Miss Pappas is here to see you," Roberta's voice on the intercom
interrupted the gruff woman.
Dr. Maveros groaned with annoyance.
"Hold on," she spoke in the receiver with a sigh. Leaning to the corner of her desk, she
pushed down the intercom lever. "Tell Miss Pappas, I don't see anyone without an
appointment," Dr. Maveros barked harshly and let up the lever, shaking her head.
"Now what was I . . . NO, I don't know who this Miss Pappas is," Dr. Maveros answered
with annoyance. "And I really don't. . . ."
"Dr. Maveros, Miss Pappas says she is not leaving until she sees you." Roberta's
strained voice once again interrupted the doctor's phone conversation.
"Damn it!" Dr. Maveros groaned. "Hold on," she spoke into the receiver with a sigh
and leaned to the corner of her desk, depressing the intercom lever again.
"Tell Miss Pappas, she is welcome to wait until HELL freezes over," she responded
gruffly. "I'm busy and if she wants to see me, she should make a damn appointment!"
Dr. Maveros blurted and released the lever.
"God, what is it with people today?" Dr. Maveros complained into the receiver. "Yeah,
she was shot . . . I guess so . . . just the shoulder . . . why do you even. . . . Yes, she's
the prime suspect just like. . . ."
"Dr. Maveros, Miss Pappas said she would like to know when you will be free,"
Roberta's voice uttered weakly, interrupting Dr. Maveros again. "She'd like to make an
appointment, since she's pretty sure hell won't be freezing over any time soon."
"AGGGHHHH!" Dr. Maveros moaned, then heard laughing on the other end of the
telephone. "This isn't funny Alice!" She blurted into the receiver and leaned over to
her intercom.
"Tell Miss Pappas, I should be free uh. . . hmmmm. . . oh. . . there's an opening, put her
down for the twelfth of NEVER," she added and released the lever.
"No, I DON'T know who Miss Pa . . . " the gruff woman spoke into the receiver.
"Damn . . . really?" Dr. Maveros faintly remembered, becoming concerned.
"Dr. Maveros, Miss Pappas says she'll be leaving now but considers you'll be missing
out on a golden opportunity," Roberta's voice cracked uneasily.
"You want me to what?" Dr. Maveros blurted into the receiver uneasily. "So what if
she does? I don't think we should risk . . . OK, ok, you've got a point," the gruff woman
responded wearily and hung up the phone. She leaned forward for what she hoped
would be the last time that afternoon and depressed the damn intercom lever.
"Send her in," Dr. Maveros sighed.
Xena nodded.
Sustra didn't realize it then, but that was the kind of exchange she would have with the
Warrior Princess the entire time they rode. Sustra would say something and Xena
would nod, shake her head no, grunt or moan depending on the kind of question, while
staring at the road ahead. After a few hours, the Amazon finally gave up trying to talk
to the preoccupied princess until night, when they set up camp.
"So, what do you want for dinner?" Sustra asked, getting a shrug from Xena.
"Oh," Sustra responded with a sigh and pulled out her own ration of left over rolls from
the tavern and some meat.
As Xena built the fire, she glanced over to the Amazon eating her dinner.
"You want some?" She held a hunk of meat out. With an almost imperceptible motion,
Xena shook her head no.
With the fire blazing away, Xena sat and started to sharpen her sword.
"You know, your mother is a great cook," Sustra relayed as she happily stuffed a roll in
her mouth.
Xena nodded as she continued to hone the blade's edge.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Sustra asked.
Xena looked over to her steadfast friend. "I'm not hungry," she finally spoke, surprising
the Amazon.
"But this is so GOOOOD," Sustra relayed, enthusiastically devouring another roll. The
sight made Xena chuckle.
"Your appetite is almost as big as Gab . . . rielle's," Xena finished hesitantly, the small
smile on her face now gone.
"Xena, if you are afraid to say her name, how are you going to talk to her?" Sustra
blurted, making Xena sigh at her good point.
Sustra shook her head. Getting up, she walked over to Xena and sat next to her.
"OK. . . the basics . . . Gab-bri-elle," Sustra spoke slowly. "Go on, you can DO it,"
Sustra coached her friend, who looked blankly at her.
Sustra sighed with disappointment. The warrior was not even trying. "Come on Xena,
I know you can . . . " Sustra encouraged her friend, who rolled her eyes. Eyes that
quickly glared at the helpful Amazon's hand which was about to make the grave
mistake of touching the Warrior Princess' cheeks to help form the name.
Sustra laughed uneasily and carefully withdrew her hand.
"Saying her name won't solve my problem, Sustra," Xena said with a sigh.
"I suppose not," Sustra muttered, disappointed.
"I need to talk to Gabrielle and explain what happened and ask her to understand,"
Xena stared into the fire.
"She'll understand, Xena," Sustra noted confidently.
"Not necessary," Xena informed her, feeling the eyes in the forest on her.
"You sure?" Sustra asked.
Xena glanced up to the trees but didn't see anything. However, bird calls were
unmistakable. Their arrival was announced by Amazon lookouts to Amazon scouts.
However, the bird calls did not identify they were friendly, alarming Sustra and Xena.
"Not particularly," Xena mentioned, with a sigh. "But it's too late now. . . . "
The two riders dismounted and placed their swords in the ground as was the custom.
When they clasped their hands over their heads, three Amazons descended from the
"Sustra . . . ," Trayla blurted, clasping the Amazon's arm as she eyed the Warrior
"Anything exciting happen while I was gone?" Sustra asked.
"Bayentes' army disbanded," Trayla informed her, glaring at the Warrior Princess, who
brought that trouble to them.
Xena sighed and glanced out over the forest.
"Know all about that, anything new?" Sustra said with a smirk, surprising the Amazon.
"Queen Gabrielle is back, but I guess you already knew that too," Tralya informed
them, staring at the silent warrior, whose blue gaze met hers.
"Yeah, Xena needs to talk with her," Sustra blurted.
"Can't she talk for herself?" Trayla asked with annoyance, making Sustra roll her eyes
"I need to talk to her," Xena said softly.
Trayla sighed.
"Well, she's been in with the elders ever since she arrived," Trayla informed them.
"Why?" Sustra and Xena asked with concern.
"Last I checked, they had been discussing whether or not to hold council against you,
Xena," she informed them casually.
"Gods," Sustra blurted. Xena cringed slightly, not out of concern for herself but for the
"She's still healing. The elders are making her meet with them?" Sustra asked
"Nobody makes Queen Gabrielle do anything she doesn't want to do," Trayla
responded with a smirk. "It's a just a formality. Queen Gabrielle already declared you
pardoned in Zemal," she said to the tall warrior with a shrug. "She didn't want the
Amazons to waste their time holding formal hearings on an accident, despite the large
number of Amazons in favor of them," Trayla explained casually.
Sustra glanced at the tall warrior who looked drained.
"You may walk among the Amazons freely," Trayla informed them, pulling the women's
swords from the ground and handing them back.
"But you must still observe our customs and traditions," Trayla informed the tall warrior,
who nodded as she sheathed her sword.
"She is our Queen, Xena. If she doesn't wish to see you, you won't get an audience,"
Trayla added to ensure Xena fully understood the conditions, and walked towards the
Before following Trayla, Xena briefly glanced at Sustra, who was startled to see so
much worry revealed in the warrior's blue eyes.
"Queen Gabrielle, Amazon tradition dictates that. . . . "
"I am well AWARE of the Amazon traditions!" Gabrielle snapped testily, eyeing the
group of five women. "But, the fact that Luna and Tynea are daughters of warriors
does not mean they should BE warriors. They've both told me their hearts lie
elsewhere. We should encourage them to follow their hearts, not ignore them," she
relayed with conviction.
"We must not ignore their safety either, they should still learn warrior skills. . . for
survival's sake," Reya added.
Gabrielle sighed at their good point.
"Their training should not dominate their time, they must be allowed to pursue their art,"
Gabrielle countered.
Ephiny grinned, more than happy to let Gabrielle deal with the Elders, who finally
grumbled their reluctant agreement.
"Why don't we call it a day? I'm a little tired," Gabrielle noted and watched the women
quickly leave the council hut in a low murmur.
"Ughhhhh," Gabrielle blurted and dropped her head in her hands, rubbing her eyes.
"You want to skip our walk?" Ephiny offered her tired queen.
"NO! I've got to move . . . these meetings are so tiring!" The Queen stood and
stretched a little, evoking a grimace. Her back was still tender.
"You ok?" Ephiny asked with concern.
"Ephiny," Gabrielle responded wearily, rolling her eyes at the regent who seemed to
ask that all the time. "I'm fine, well other than the fact these elders are doing their best
to irritate me," Gabrielle muttered as they left for their walk.
"How do you do it? Day in and day out . . . ," Gabrielle moaned as they strolled
towards the bard's favorite spot by a small pond. The sun was setting and the pond
was a perfect place to watch it.
"Because it's worth it to see my home and people prosperous. I only fight with the
elders when we disagree," Ephiny informed her.
"So that's every day, huh?" Gabrielle responded, making Ephiny chuckle.
"With you here, I think we'll actually make some progress with some of the issues with
the Elders and the other Amazon nations," Ephiny relayed with a grin as the pond came
into view.
"I'll do what I can while I'm here Ephiny, but I will be moving on when I'm better,"
Gabrielle informed the surprised Amazon as she reached out and touched a wild flower
as she walked by.
"But . . . you're not settling down here?" Ephiny asked, gently holding Gabrielle's arm
and stopping her Queen.
"I can't Ephiny," Gabrielle informed her softly, making the regent sigh with
disappointment. "I need to keep moving . . . " Gabrielle added and started once again
towards the pond.
"Running?" Ephiny challenged her, stopping Gabrielle who threw her a sharp look
which was quickly replaced with a polite smile.
"Well, perhaps after my back gets a little better," Gabrielle informed her, not taking the
Ephiny sighed in defeat. She tried everything she could think of to get Gabrielle to talk
to her about Xena. But on that particular topic, her Queen spoke with no one. The
reagent grew more concerned each day she pushed down her feelings. It couldn't be
good to bottle her feelings up, she worried for her friend.
"The healer says you should be able to practice your staff soon," Ephiny offered a new
"Yeah," Gabrielle sighed with relief. "I'll be glad to get back to exercising something
other than my mouth," she added with a smirk, eyeing her staff and sitting on a felled
log. Ephiny laughed.
"I've been thinking a lot about something Ephiny. I wanted to talk to you about it,"
Gabrielle informed her, a serious tone in her voice.
"Shoot," Ephiny responded, hoping Gabrielle would finally be confiding in her. Despite her efforts to put on a happy front around the Amazons, the regent knew her Queen. Gabrielle was still lost and hurting. As she sat, Ephiny heard her queen say something.
"What was that?" Ephiny asked with a warm smile.
"I want you to be queen," Gabrielle repeated. "So I plan on. . . . "
"What was that?" Ephiny asked again with narrowing eyes.
"You should have the mask. So I plan on. . . . "
"Ephiny, you've been acting queen for all this time and have to step down every time I
decide to come back in town. . . ."
"Have I ONCE complained about that?"
"Of course you haven't, but it just isn't fair. I do not see myself here, ruling these
Amazons for the rest of my life,"
"You have the Rite of Caste, Gabrielle. Terreis entrusted you with that honor. You
can't just give it back," Ephiny blurted in a huff.
"I can, I've checked. I am doing a disservice to the Amazon nation by keeping their true
ruler, YOU, from the real power," Gabrielle noted. "You deserve the mask," the bard
"I don't know where you are getting your facts Gabrielle, you have NEVER done the
Amazons a disservice." Ephiny stood up with annoyance. "As your regent, it's my duty
to tell you, you are NOT thinking straight, Gabrielle. And I LIKE the way things are!"
Ephiny blurted and stormed off in a huff.
"Ephiny . . . . Ephiny!" Gabrielle called out with irritation, then groaned as she leaned
over and dropped her head in her hands.
"Ephiny!" Sustra happily called to her, making the regent angrily turn towards her.
"WHAT!?!" Ephiny snapped, eyeing the lead candidate.
"Uh . . . hmmm . . . uh . . . ah " Sustra relayed thoughtfully, scratching the back of her
"You don't say," Ephiny remarked sarcastically.
"Xena's here," Sustra blurted. Ephiny's eyes widened and she glanced to pond where
Gabrielle was.
"Where is she?" Ephiny asked coolly.
"Trayla is with her in my hut," Sustra noted. "She wants to see Gabrielle."
Chapter 44 - Dr. Maveros
Mel walked confidently to Dr. Maveros' door, her optimism buoyed by her first victory
against the gruff woman - getting an audience with her. Now all she had to do was
merely get her to admit everything in front of Sgt. Tomas. No problem, she told herself,
desperately wanting to believe that.
Mel sighed uneasily as she looked over her shoulder at Sgt. Tomas and Georg, who
followed closely behind. Both men looked at her and smiled with reassurance. Sure,
easy for them to be confident, THEY don't have to get this woman to confess, Mel
sighed and turned her attention to the door.
Pushing her glasses up, Mel started to knock. Before her knuckles met the door, the
door abruptly opened, revealing the imposing Dr. Maveros. Her black outfit perfectly
accentuated the doctor's dark mood at the moment, Mel noted as the doctor glared at
the southerner's fist still frozen in the air, then the southerner's wide blue eyes.
A polite smile quickly covered Mel's stunned features as she retracted her hand from
the air.
Not having noticed before, due to the short period Dr. Maveros tolerated her presence
during her last visit, Mel noticed how the older woman's greying hair, which wrapped
tightly in a bun, seemed to accentuate all the wrinkles on the woman's aged face.
Especially the scowl and furrowed eyebrows that formed when she noticed the two
men, Mel observed uneasily.
"Hel . . . . " Melinda attempted to greet the older woman, who interrupted the
"I don't like crowds," Dr. Maveros barked. "I'll only talk with YOU Miss Pappas," the
older woman informed the startled southerner, glaring at the uncomfortable men.
Georg was relieved. He wasn't really needed in there anyway. The only reason he
agreed to go with Miss Pappas was because Dr. Covington suggested it would improve
his well being. Remembering her exact and much more colorful words, he cringed.
Surely she couldn't blame him for getting kicked out of the old battle axe's office.
Janice knew what Dr. Maveros was like, Georg attempted to reason away his growing
Sgt. Tomas knew this was not good and looked to the southerner with a hint of panic in
his eyes.
Mel smiled and glanced to the concerned men, nodding confidently. She wisely
decided against trying to convince the professor she needed them in the meeting. The
only reason she could think of was the truth and she expected that wouldn't go over
very well.
As she followed Dr. Maveros into the office, Mel had no idea what she was going to do
but then, that was no different from before, she considered as a small consolation.
Mel looked around the large office filled with dark wood book cases, leather furniture, a
large world globe and various artifacts tastefully displayed around the office. Glancing
out the window, Mel noted Dr. Maveros' third floor view of Athens was spectacular.
What a wonderful place to work, she thought.
"You're a tenacious woman, Miss Pappas," Dr. Maveros informed her as she motioned
the southerner to a chair in front of the large mahogany desk.
"I've been told that by Dr. Covington," Mel answered with a polite smile, noticing with
interest the odd look that crossed Dr. Maveros' face.
"How is she?" Dr. Maveros asked nonchalantly, sitting in her leather chair and pulling
a pencil from the stein by her intercom. Reclining in her chair, she started tapping the
eraser absently on the desk top.
"Recovering," Mel informed her. "She's in the hospital now," she offered. "The bullet
wound to her shoulder has taken her out of commission for a while," Mel added, noting
the gruff woman relax a bit.
"Well, no one said archeology was an easy job," Dr. Maveros smirked. "Why are you
here, Miss Pappas?" She asked, a little startled to see the tall woman stand.
"Yes, why am I here," Mel repeated, considering now would not be a good time to pass
out. A confession without witnesses was worthless, Mel fretted, her mind racing for an
option as she walked over to a barrister's book case. Until she came up with that
option, she needed to stall.
"Nice furniture, Dr. Maveros, you have excellent and expensive taste," she mentioned
as her hand traced over the wood appreciatively.
"It's functional," she offered getting up. "You want a drink?" Dr. Maveros offered as
she went over to the large world globe, which conveniently rolled opened, revealing a
wide selection of alcohol.
"No thank you," Mel noted with a polite smile. A drink right now would definitely not be
wise, she considered, well aware of her tendency to talk even more when tipsy.
"You said something about a golden opportunity," Dr. Maveros mentioned as she
grabbed a crystal container of scotch and unplugged the top.
"Yes . . . well," Mel mentioned weakly as she contemplated how to stall. Passing the
end of the large mahogany desk, she noted the striking stein full of pencils next to the
intercom. Well, that was something to talk about for oh, a minute or so, she considered
with a sigh, about to ask about the handsome German creation.
She jumped when she heard Roberta's voice boom over the small box.
"Dr. Maveros, there are some men who are going to do some painting in the hallway.
They wanted the offices to know they were out there," Roberta announced uneasily.
Dr. Maveros shook her head. "God, I hate that thing," she admitted as she poured her
drink. "Modern convenience . . . my ass," she mumbled.
Mel eyed the intercom with an understanding smirk. The intercom was one of many
pieces of office equipment that did not survive her very brief stint as a secretarial
helper in her father's office. They never did give her proper training on how to operate
that thing, she recalled with annoyance at the embarrassment she caused. How was
SHE supposed to know how easily that lever jammed. . . .
Mel's eyes widened as she glanced once again at the pencils conveniently located next
to the unsuspecting intercom. Pencils that always seemed to break around her, Mel
"Dr. Maveros?" Roberta's voice called out again.
"I should get rid of that thing," the older woman groaned.
"May I?" Mel asked motioning to the box, which would soon experience the same fate
as her father's intercom did years ago.
"Knock yourself out," Dr. Maveros shrugged with the crystal decanter in hand, making
Mel smile as she discreetly reached for a pencil.
Mel grinned as she leaned towards the box and depressed the lever.
Hearing Miss Pappas' voice, the secretary looked up at the four men surrounding her
desk with surprise.
"What's she doing?" Detective Pollus asked his mentor, who smiled and motioned for
him to be quiet.
"Dr. Maveros and I have much to discuss and would appreciate you not interrupting us
with the INTERCOM, unless it is urgent of course," Melinda relayed, hoping she
understood. "Starting now," Mel added briskly and snapped the tip of the pencil
between her fingers as she coughed.
Roberta sighed and leaned towards her intercom to respond but her hand was gently
held by the older detective.
"That won't be necessary," Detective Agnu quickly noted. "She doesn't want to be
distracted," he added with a grin.
Roberta didn't understand until she heard the southerner, who was now talking with
Dr. Maveros.
The detectives smiled at each other. Georg and Sgt Tomas sighed with relief.
"Ooohhh. . . " Roberta blurted and sat back in her chair with a smirk.
"About time," Dr. Maveros responded curtly and sipped her scotch.
"The golden opportunity involves 300 bars of the precious metal," Mel informed her.
Dr. Maveros swallowed funny and started to cough.
"I thought you appreciated the direct approach," Mel stated with a pleasant smile and
sat back in the leather chair.
"I do. But why would you think I would have an interest in 300 bars?" Dr. Maveros
asked cautiously sipping her scotch again.
Melinda smiled at the older woman. "I thought you might want to salvage what you
could from that nasty little fiasco in Zemal."
Dr. Maveros's eyes narrowed slightly.
"Salvage what?" She asked innocently.
"Oh, well, perhaps I was mistaken. I naturally assumed, since you were the one who
gave Janice that dig in Zemal . . . . which was a perfectly brilliant plan," Mel blurted
"A brilliant plan?" Dr. Maveros repeated guardedly, though she'd have to agree with the
observant American.
"Of course. Well, up until my incredible fortune of stumbling onto the 300 bars before
those men did. But no one ever said smuggling was a fair business," Mel responded
with a smile and noticed the slight grimace on the doctor's face.
"I guess not," Dr. Maveros responded with a sigh as she poured herself another drink.
"Tell me Miss Pappas, what exactly are you hoping to achieve from this meeting? If
you have the gold, why would you need me?"
"I was hoping to establish a profitable and of course . . . discreet . . . business
arrangement with someone who could handle the large amount of gold now in my
possession. Although there is some pleasure in having 300 gold bars, you must agree,
they are not exactly . . . portable," Mel relayed wearily to the attentive older woman,
who actually smiled at the southerner's predicament.
"I would prefer something a little easier to spend as well. Being new to Greece, I had
THOUGHT Dr. Covington could provide me with the kind of connections my family
enjoyed in the United States," Mel sighed and shook her head.
Dr. Maveros' eyebrow rose with interest, contemplating the possible American
"I'm afraid she doesn't have the connections I was hoping for, and of course with this
current situation, you can understand my reluctance in asking her for help," Mel relayed
with a shrug.
"Yes, of course. . . . I have to admit, I'm little surprised you sought out Janice first when
you came to Greece," Dr. Maveros relayed, sitting at her desk with her drink.
"Well, I heard of the Covington's reputation and thought . . . ," Mel offered with a shrug.
"Oh, the Covingtons may have a reputation, but they're just small time crooks. A
missing statue here, a missing vase there . . . all to finance their idiotic pursuit of those
Xeno scrolls," she relayed with a laugh.
A strained smile crossed Mel's face.
"Covington actually tried to convince me to finance a dig in Galisar! She even wore a
dress . . . as if THAT would prove she was serious professional," Dr. Maveros relayed
with a hearty laugh, so amused she didn't notice the glare she received from the furious
"But how did you convince her to go to Zemal instead?" Mel asked with forced civility,
a well-developed skill in every southern lady's arsenal, fortified by a dangerously polite
"I was surprised actually, I didn't have to do much convincing. Pretty amazing timing,
really. I needed a way to get the gold out of Athens and there she was," Dr. Maveros
relayed with a shrug. "The perfect solution to my problem," the older woman said with
an amused laugh. "If something went wrong, the police would jump at the chance to
blame Janice - especially since she's made them look like fools more than once. I was
right, wasn't I?" Dr. Maveros smiled with satisfaction at the southerner.
"Yes, Dr. Covington is their prime suspect," Melinda relayed, struggling with her desire
to smack that content grin off the doctor's face.
"So . . . where do you have the 300 bars now, Miss Pappas?" Dr. Maveros asked
"I wish I could tell you but . . . you understand . . . ," Mel offered with a smile.
"Yes . . . of course," Dr. Maveros nodded as she sat back in her chair, contemplating
her first trip on her yacht.
"Tell me something Dr. Maveros, did you also arrange the . . . withdrawal . . . from the
Greek treasury? Mel asked.
"I'm only involved in facilitating transactions, I leave that messy work to others," Dr
Maveros waved her hand.
"Like who?" She asked nonchalantly.
"Miss Pappas, you wouldn't be thinking of cutting me out of future transactions now. . .
would you?" Dr. Maveros asked with narrowing eyes.
"Of course not. . . . " Mel informed her nervously when the phone rang, which made the
southerner jump.
Dr. Maveros glanced curiously at Mel and shook her head. "If it's not one interruption,
it's another," she muttered as answered on the third ring.
"WHAT," Dr. Maveros barked, making Mel roll her eyes. Where DID she learn her
manners, the disapproving southerner wondered.
"Oh," Dr. Maveros responded with a weary sigh and handed the receiver to the
surprised southerner.
"It's a Mr. Terrence for you, he says its urgent overseas business," Dr. Maveros
informed Miss Pappas, who stared numbly at her for a moment trying to place the
name. She couldn't. Realizing the older archeologist was still holding out the receiver,
she smiled and took it.
"H. . Hello?" She asked hesitantly as Dr. Maveros curiously watched the southerner.
"Miss Pappas, hold on for a second." The familiar voice of Sgt. Tomas made her relax
slightly as she looked at the older woman and smiled apologetically for the delay.
"Mel?" The voice immediately filled the southerner with panic.
"Ah . . . uh . . . you really shouldn't be calling me here . . . ," she relayed desperately,
glancing uneasily around the room. Her hand nervously strangled the receiver.
"And YOU really shouldn't have gotten that doctor to increase my medication . . . I just
woke up!" Janice snapped with irritation. "I can't believe . . . "
"Uh . . . Could we discuss this later?" Mel said with annoyance. "I'm kind of BUSY
right now," Mel added, looking up to Dr. Maveros with an uneasy smile.
"You know, I ought to just let you sit in there a little longer, I know how much you enjoy
her company . . . " Janice threatened.
"Well I'm beginning to think that might be a more enjoyable alternative than listening to
you . . . now if you don't mind," Mel responded with irritation, making Dr. Maveros eye
her with amusement.
"Let me talk to her," Janice suggested playfully, making Mel start to wonder if that
medication wasn't still affecting the archeologist.
"I most certainly will not, J . . ." Mel blurted then nervously forced a cough. "JACK."
"Hey . . . nice save," the archeologist admitted. "But not necessary. You did it, Mel.
You really did it," Janice praised, making the southerner slowly smile, hesitant to
believe it was over.
"The detectives heard everything. They should be knocking right about. . . . " Janice
noted, and paused a moment "Now. . . ."
As Janice promised, there was knocking, prompting Mel's wide eyes to glance to the
"NOW what?" Dr. Maveros barked gruffly. Standing up with a groan, she marched to
the door and opened it. "This had better be. . . ."
The two detectives stood at their door with their badges displayed. "Dr. Maveros you're
under arrest for the smuggling of Greek Treasury gold. . . . " Detective Agnu informed
"I don't know what you're talking about," she snapped defensively.
"Well, thanks to your confession over that intercom, we think you'll have a hard time
convincing the judge of that. If you please," Detective Agnu smiled and politely invited
the older woman to join them.
Dr. Maveros turned abruptly and threw an angry glare at the vile piece of office
equipment, then the southerner.
"Mel?" Janice's voice made Mel smile.
"Yes, Janice?" Mel asked with amusement, noticing with great satisfaction how Dr.
Maveros' mouth dropped when she heard the younger archeologist's name.
"She doesn't look happy, does she?" Janice asked. Mel could picture the grin on
Janice's face.
"No Janice. I'd have to say, she doesn't look happy at all," Mel replied loudly with a
satisfied smirk.
"Good," Janice responded.
Xena paced in Sustra's hut as Trayla watched and shook her head.
The Warrior Princess suddenly stopped pacing and looked at the door, alerting Trayla.
It was a few moments before Trayla heard what caused Xena to stop.
"Can I see her?" Xena asked anxiously as Sustra entered.
"Ephiny went to find her," Sustra shrugged.
"Find her? Where is she?" Xena asked with concern.
"She goes for walks after the meetings with the Elders," Trayla relayed, to the relief of
the Warrior Princess. "In the evening, she likes to go to the pond at sunset," she
"But sunset's OVER," Xena blurted with annoyance.
"Xena, you'll get your answer soon enough," Trayla informed her with a small smile that
faded when Xena glared at her and started pacing again.
"Are you still mad?" Gabrielle responded, continuing to look up to the early evening
"Uh . . . oh . . . yeah," Ephiny relayed half-heartedly and sat down on the log.
"Oh," Gabrielle responded uneasily, eyeing her curiously.
"But I realize that sometimes . . . people do things because they think that it's best for
another. . . ." Ephiny relayed hesitantly.
"Exactly," Gabrielle blurted with relief.
"Even though, initially, the other may not see it that way," Ephiny added, drawing
another curious look from her Queen.
"Uh huh," Gabrielle blurted cautiously.
"But when time is taken to actually look at the reasons behind those actions, which
seemed wrong or perhaps even hurtful at first, one can only draw the conclusion that
the person acted with good intentions, and thus . . . ."
"She's here isn't she?" Gabrielle said softly, knowing the answer from the surprised
look in Ephiny's face.
"How did you . . . ."
"Ephiny, you start talking like an elder when you're nervous about informing someone
of something they might not want to hear," Gabrielle relayed with a sigh.
"I do not," Ephiny protested, evoking a disagreeing look from her Queen. "Do I?"
Ephiny added curiously, getting a slight nod from Gabrielle.
"She wants to see you," Ephiny told the Queen, who sighed and looked out over the
calm pond.
"Three Kings," Trayla announced.
"Damn," Sustra threw her cards down. "Kings," Sustra spat as Trayla collected her
"Wish you had money," Trayla remarked with a smirk.
"Oh, shut up," Sustra muttered.
"Hey, don't tell me to shut up because you don't know how to play poker," Trayla
"Why do you think I don't play with MONEY!" Sustra blurted.
Xena stopped and glared at the two, who looked up at the menacing warrior, smiled
uneasily, and shut up.
Before Ephiny had a chance to walk in the hut, she was grabbed and yanked inside by
the Warrior Princess.
"Can I see her?" Xena asked anxiously, as Trayla and Sustra stood up from the table.
"Not tonight," Ephiny relayed uneasily, feeling bad seeing the hopeful look drain away
from the Warrior Princess as she let go of the regent.
"This is actually good. It gives me a chance to think more about what I'll say to her
tomorrow . . . " Xena said with forced optimism, more for herself than the Amazons.
"Uh," Ephiny blurted, receiving a concerned look from the Warrior Princess. "When
someone makes a decision based on emotions at that time and not objectively on the
facts before them, that decision could be assumed to be the final decision, when
actually, when time passes and objective heads prevail, the final decision may be
entirely different."
Xena's eyes dropped as did her heart.
"What in Tartarus is she talking about?" Trayla asked Sustra whose eyebrows
"Gabrielle just said no," Sustra announced, eyeing a surprised Ephiny.
"How did you . . . ."
"Ephiny, when you have to relay bad news you suddenly become confusing," Sustra
blurted. "Like an elder," Trayla added.
"I do not!" Ephiny relayed indignantly, receiving glares of disagreement from her
Amazons. "Do I?" They both nodded.
"Ask again, tomorrow," Xena relayed softly, looking up at the regent, who became
uneasy. "Please," Xena added with worried eyes.
"I will ask as many times as you want me to, but Xena, I don't know how long . . . ,"
Ephiny responded with uncomfortable honestly to her friend, who nodded.
"Ask tomorrow," Xena interrupted her friend. "And every tomorrow . . . until she says
"Hmmm?" Gabrielle brushed her hair one last time and placed the brush on the table.
"Xena's still here," Ephiny blurted, surprised to see no change in the bard's features as
she got up from her chair.
"She still wants to speak with you," Ephiny relayed again.
"No," Gabrielle said simply and walked towards her staff next to the door.
"Wait . . . please," Ephiny called out with concern. "Gabrielle, shouldn't you give her a
chance to. . . . " Ephiny relayed diplomatically.
"TO WHAT?" Gabrielle exploded, turning back to her regent. "Explain why she left? I
KNOW why. To explain she's sorry? I KNOW she is. To explain she loves me? I
KNOW she does. But knowing all that doesn't take away the HURT, Ephiny,"
Gabrielle informed her bitterly.
"I still HURT," Gabrielle added angrily and grabbed her staff as she marched out of the
Ephiny sighed heavily. Shaking her head, she left the hut. As she walked to the
council hut, the regent looked up to find the Warrior Princess standing alone at the
edge of the village, looking at the council hut Gabrielle just entered. When Xena
looked to Ephiny, the regent sighed and shook her head no. An answer the Warrior
Princess already knew from the bard's brisk departure.
Ephiny glanced to the council hut with a frown, then back to the Warrior Princess, who
was gone.
"Come in," Gabrielle said softly at the knock.
"Good Morning," Ephiny relayed with a smile for her friend.
"You know, I think we should move these council meetings to the afternoon," Gabrielle
relayed with a yawn.
"Then they wouldn't have all day to argue . . . ," Ephiny relayed with a smirk.
"ANOTHER good reason to move it to the afternoon," Gabrielle relayed with a grin and
stood up.
"Uh. . . Gabrielle," Ephiny relayed with and uneasy look.
"I won't get mad at you for asking," Gabrielle relayed, casually checking over her outfit.
Ephiny sighed with relief. "Xena has requested a meeting with you, what should I . . . ."
"No," Gabrielle relayed simply, making Ephiny's eyebrows furrow.
"But. . . " Ephiny blurted.
"But I WILL get mad if you argue with me about it," Gabrielle interrupted sternly,
successfully discouraging further attempts by the regent to argue.
Ephiny sighed as she followed Gabrielle out of the hut. Glancing up to the edge of the
village, Ephiny found the Warrior Princess, waiting. Once again, Ephiny shook her
head no. Once again, the Warrior Princess left despondently.
"I don't suppose you would want to tell me a story now, would you girl?" Xena asked,
evoking a snort from her horse. Xena smirked and returned to sharpening her sword.
Hearing a noise in the forest, Xena abruptly stopped her stroke and eyed the forest
hopefully. Realizing it wasn't who she was hoping for, she sighed and went back to her
sharpening, shaking her head.
"Are we THAT obvious?" Sustra complained as they came into view, drawing an
amused look from the Warrior Princess.
"You didn't even try to be quiet," Xena smirked. "To what do I owe this pleasure? Are
you here to evict me from Amazon land?" Xena asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No. We're here to help you," Ephiny informed her as the Amazons took their seats by
the fire.
"What makes you think I need your help?" Xena responded defensively, making Sustra
and Trayla roll their eyes.
"Where are you sleeping tonight?" Ephiny countered with a thin smile, making Xena
stare at her for a moment before she groaned and yielded that point.
"Xena . . . we tried asking in the morning," Ephiny relayed wearily.
"She said no," Sustra offered unnecessarily.
"We tried asking in the afternoon, considering her disposition would be better than in
the morning," Ephiny relayed thoughtfully.
"She said no," Sustra added bluntly, making Xena annoyed at the helpful reminder.
"We tried asking her just after a meal, considering a full stomach would make her more
receptive," Ephiny said with a shrug.
"She said . . . "
"I've GOT the POINT," Xena snapped, glaring at Sustra.
"It's obvious your plan to win her back is failing miserably," Sustra relayed
"It's only BEEN two weeks . . . ," Xena relayed defensively. "All a part of my strategy,"
Xena relayed confidently with a smirk, causing the Amazons to look at each other
"Which is . . . .what?" Ephiny asked curiously.
"Make her so sick of that question she'll say yes," Xena said with a satisfied smile.
"A long-range plan, no doubt," Trayla interjected making the Amazons chuckle.
"What?!?" Xena questioned the laughter.
"She's just more stubborn than you are, Xena," Ephiny relayed honestly.
"Well, what brilliant plan do you have?" Xena asked testily.
"A challenge," Sustra smiled.
"For a right to an audience," Trayla added as the Amazons looked to each other with
enthusiasm for that obvious solution.
"You want me to challenge Gabrielle?" Xena asked incredulously.
"Exactly. It is a brilliant plan, isn't it?" Ephiny relayed with a big smile, evoking nods of
agreement from her fellow Amazons.
"Are you NUTS?" She bolted from her seat. "I am NEVER going to lift a finger against
her. NEVER!" Xena yelled at the three, who cringed.
"She would have a champion Xena," Sustra relayed. "Of course we'd let you . . . uh,
you'd obviously win," Sustra relayed, clearing her throat.
"Oh . . . no . . . " Xena relayed warily. ". . . she would accept for herself, just to see me
have to retract the challenge. She knows I'll never fight her," Xena informed them with
a heavy sigh.
"If you are afraid of hurting her . . . you could use the staff," Trayla offered helpfully,
evoking a resounding NO and annoyed glare from the Warrior Princess.
"Too bad you can't arm wrestle for it," Sustra joked, making Xena roll her eyes knowing
Gabrielle would resent being bullied into a meeting. And that wouldn't help her case
with the bard at all, she frowned. She needed to do something to convince her to see
her, Xena considered, scratching her chin. Something that would impress the woman
of many words. . . .
"Well, Xena would be requesting the terms of the challenge," Ephiny chuckled shaking
her head, causing Xena to look up curiously at the regent.
"I CAN choose the type of challenge, can't I?" Xena repeated with hope as a plan
"Yes . . . why?" Ephiny asked with narrowing eyes.
"What?" The three Amazons blurted when they saw the Warrior Princess grin with the
perfect idea to impress her bard.
"I'll do it," Xena relayed firmly.
"Do WHAT?" Ephiny asked with growing concern.
"I'll challenge Gabrielle for the right to see her," Xena felt hope for the first time in ages.
"Doing WHAT?" The Amazons blurted with impatience.
Xena grinned with satisfaction and slowly looked at each anxious Amazon. "I'll debate
her," she informed them triumphantly.
The Amazons stared silently at the Warrior Princess, contemplating the tall warrior's
"You know, I'm sure we could come up with a good plan if we just tried harder," Ephiny
relayed turning to the other Amazons, who nodded thoughtfully.
"There's always kidnaping," Sustra offered with a shrug. "Works for me," Trayla quickly
"I'M SERIOUS!" Xena blurted angrily.
As the detectives escorted Dr. Maveros out of her office, Janice crossed her arms and
sat on the corner of Roberta's desk, enjoying the parade. A satisfied grin emerged on
her face when she received an angry glare from the gruff woman.
Georg and Sgt. Tomas looked at each other uneasily. "She gives me the creeps," Sgt.
Tomas admitted to Georg who nodded in vigorous agreement.
Roberta smiled and pulled her flask of whisky from her desk drawer and held it up to the doctor. "Cheers!" She announced to Dr. Maveros as she left the office for what the secretary expected to be the last time. As she took a swig, the platinum blond noticed her own glare from the angry doctor. Shrugging, Roberta took another sip.
Janice looked back to Maveros' office, wondering where Mel was. She glanced down
at the intercom when she heard what sounded like soft southern sobs. Alarmed, she
immediately headed towards the office, almost bumping into Sgt. Tomas, who was
more than ready to lend his broad shoulder.
"I'll only tell you this ONCE, Sergeant," Janice growled. "Back off," she snapped, with
narrowing eyes.
Georg and Roberta looked at each other and grinned.
Sgt. Tomas glanced to Dr. Maveros' office then looked directly into the threatening
green eyes and sighed, wisely lifting his hands in defeat. He had a feeling about them,
but kept hoping he was wrong. How does she do it, he wondered, shaking his head in
amazement as he watched the archeologist quickly go to the beautiful southerner's
Janice hesitantly opened the office door and found Mel at the window, weeping softly.
Tears usually evoked a strong desire in Janice to flee from another's emotional turmoil.
However, strangely, those southern tears evoked an unfamiliar desire in the concerned
archeologist. A desire to confront that turmoil and comfort the tall woman.
"Mel?" Janice asked uneasily as she entered the office.
Mel cleared her throat but didn't turn around. "This view is beautiful, don't you think,"
Mel's voice quivered as she struggled not to cry.
"Yes, it is," Janice offered softly, glancing uneasily to the intercom and grimaced.
Picking up the box, she found its lever jammed. She frowned as she attempted to
unjam it without success.
"Thanks to you, I'm free to enjoy things . . . like that view," Janice added absently as
she now tried to release the lever with a paper clip. Something was jamming it in there
really good, Janice considered with a furrowed brow.
Mel started to weep again.
"Mel," Janice blurted with concern, feeling helpless with the intercom in one hand and a
paperclip in the other. In frustration, Janice quickly tossed the paperclip down and
grabbed the cord and yanked hard. With a satisfied smirk, she eyed the frayed wire in
her hand.
"There's only static now, I don't hear anything," she complained. Georg and Sgt.
Tomas sighed.
"Well, I'm going to a bar," Sgt. Tomas blurted with a smirk and left for the door. "You
wanna come?" He asked the two. Georg shrugged and followed him. Roberta looked
back at the office.
"Nah, you boys have fun," she smiled and waved as they left. Once the door shut,
Roberta leaned towards her intercom box and listened. Not hearing anything she
tapped on the side of the box and listened more.
"No . . . never foolish, Melinda Pappas," Janice responded firmly, looking at the
southerner's teary profile. Mel couldn't face Janice.
"You've been through hell," Janice offered. " . . . for me," Janice added with
amazement, glancing out the window. "I can't believe how much hell . . . I'm sorry for
getting you mixed up in all this" Janice sighed heavily, tensely staring out the window
looking over the city with furrowed brow.
"You are my best friend Janice Covington," Melinda relayed firmly, dabbing her nose
with the handkerchief. "I'm not sorry about that," she added.
Janice turned to face the southerner and regarded the tall woman curiously. A small
smile emerged on archeologist's face.
"Thank you," Janice relayed simply, making the southerner smile. "So . . . " Janice said
uneasily, suddenly feeling the need for lighter conversation. "You hungry? Battling
foes must have worked up and appetite . . . I know a . . . " Janice blurted
"Janice," Mel interrupted, rolling her eyes. "Don't you think you should be resting?" Mel
asked with a glare.
"Rest? After what you just did? We should get out of here and celebrate," Janice
offered with a grin as she reached out to take the southerner's elbow and encourage
her out the room. Realizing what she was doing, Janice quickly retracted her hand,
briefly staring uneasily at it before shoving it safely away in her pocket.
"Celebrate? Your nurse ESTHER was pretty adamant about you not doing anything
too strenuous, Janice," Mel replied briskly, making Janice sigh.
"Jesus, Mel, I'm not talking about a dance marathon or anything," Janice mumbled with
annoyance as she headed out the door first. "Just a dinner or something . . . ," Janice
suggested with a shrug. ". . . I know this great place. I'm SURE you'll like it. . . ."
Janice blurted to southerner she thought was following closely behind.
However, Mel had paused at the door, looking in Dr. Maveros' office.
'I actually did it,' Mel considered with amazement. A proud smile spread over her face.
Even without a whip or a deadly right hook, she was actually able to help her best
Her best friend, who was determined to celebrate and didn't have the common sense to
rest, she considered with a furrowed brow. Turning to tell her best friend as much, her
train of thought was immediately derailed when she saw the archeologist waiting for
her with a warm smile. A genuine smile, not a smirk or grin . . . a genuinely warm
That right there, made it worth the risk, Mel considered.
The two women stood in the hallway, sharing a silent moment as they gazed into each
other's eyes, like that dreadful day in the tent after Janice discovered the broken vases.
However, unlike that day, it was not sorrow they shared in their silence. Today, it was
Mel's heart fluttered as that familiar devilish glint crept into those beautiful green eyes,
immediately changing the southerner's mind about when she felt most vulnerable.
Now, definitely now, she concluded as she swallowed hard and anxiously waited for
the glint to manifest itself into words.
"Dr. Covington?" Detective Pollus called to her as he joined them in the hall.
"What," Janice blurted with annoyance as she reluctantly broke her gaze from the
disappointed southerner and slowly turned to the young detective.
"The gold?" He asked urgently.
"Gold?" Janice asked.
"Dr. Covington, we need the gold," he responded with irritation.
"Why does everyone think I have the gold?" Janice offered, quickly glancing at the
southerner and winking. Mel smiled considering if she couldn't smack him, a little
mental torture would be appropriate.
"What?!? We KNOW you have the gold," he responded heatedly.
Janice sighed and walked out to the waiting area. Roberta looked up from her desk as
she gathered her purse.
The detective groaned and looked at Mel, who shrugged, pushed her glasses up and
smiled politely, evoking another groan from the detective.
"Going someplace?" Janice asked Roberta, who grinned.
"I'm taking the rest of the day off to celebrate," she informed the archeologist. "Thanks
to Miss Pappas," she smiled at the southerner, who walked in the waiting area behind
that rude detective. Roberta looked at the archeologist, who was, not surprisingly, also
watching the tall southerner enter the waiting area.
Janice looked back to the secretary to find a sly grin on her face, causing her eyes to
narrow. "We were going to celebrate this evening at Kidonia's, you want to come?"
Janice asked with a thin smile.
"Janice . . . WE did not agree . . . " Mel said with annoyance.
"Oh no, I wouldn't want to be the third wheel . . . you kids have . . . ," Roberta quickly
"The GOLD!?!" Detective Pollus blurted in frustration.
"Mel, I'm fine . . . " Janice spoke softly into the southerner's ear. ". . . and you look
great, by the way," Janice added casually before sitting across her in the archeologist's
favorite restaurant in Athens.
As much as Mel wanted to be annoyed, she just couldn't stay annoyed with the
archeologist for long. She thinks I look great, Mel mused with a small smile as she
looked down at her dark blue dress. My, it IS warm in here, Mel noted silently feeling a
bit flushed. She curiously looked around the candle lit restaurant at the patrons who
wore sweaters including an older couple by the window. Oh, how romantic, she
thought and smiled, as the older couple held hands and shared a dessert. . . .
"And I've got to eat anyway . . . to keep up my strength . . . " Janice casually explained
to her, picking up the small menu on the table, drawing Mel's attention back to the
"Of course you need to eat, Janice," Mel agreed with a polite smile. About to explain
that Janice could have just as easily eaten dinner at home, Mel noticed a pretty Greek
woman intercept their waitress, tell her something, and come to wait on their table
"Janice! It's been ages since you brought someone here. Where have you been
hiding?" The dark-haired woman smiled broadly.
"Hello, Kidonia," Janice smiled.
"We wondered if you moved or something," Kidonia offered with a grin. Mel watched
curiously as the woman signaled to the bar tender who quietly came over with a bottle
of wine.
"Or something," Janice shrugged. "You don't need to go to any . . . ," Janice relayed as
the bartender was about to open the wine.
"Nonsense, Janice. You are a friend . . . speaking of friends," Kidonia turned to the
southerner staring at her and grinned.
"Kidonia, I'd like you to meet Melinda Pappas," Janice introduced the southerner with
an easy smile, evoking a similar smile on the southerner's face.
"Mel, Kidonia is the owner of this fine establishment which happens to serve the best
food in all of Greece," Janice relayed enthusiastically.
"Pleased to meet you," Mel smiled politely and pushed up her glasses.
Kidonia smiled back and casually placed a hand on Janice's shoulder. Mel's eyebrows
furrowed slightly.
"Janice, you KNOW flattery will get you everywhere," she chuckled. Mel's eyebrows
furrowed more.
"What will you ladies have? The usual?"
"Mel, do you trust me?" Janice asked with a grin.
Her eyes fluttered open but quickly shut, repulsed by the blinding light that washed
through the window. That too hurt her head. With another moan, she reached over to
the night stand and felt around for her alarm clock to disarm it. Although, she didn't
remember setting it, she didn't remember going to bed either. Out of self-preservation,
she sought out the clock, certain her head would explode if it went off.
Her searching hand knocked a pile of papers onto the floor. The thunderous crash
evoked another pained moan from the southerner, whose hands immediately shot up
and grabbed her aching head. After a few uncertain breaths, she slowly lower her
hands from her skull when a new, bone-jarring noise suddenly attacked, pounding over
and over, getting louder and louder . . . until it stopped. It stopped, she praised the
Lord for the reprieve, which was cruelly short-lived. A helpless whimper escaped the
southerner as a thunderous chink announced the continued aural torture by what
seemed to be an eternal shriek. Then it stopped, just before someone shouted her
"Mel?" Janice asked softly, pausing with her hand on the door knob as she eyed the
southern lump.
Opening her eyes slowly, Mel focused on the source of the incredible noise. A familiar
fuzzy figure stood with a glass in her hand, making Mel moan at the thought of another
drink. She blinked a couple of times and looked at the blurry room. It wasn't her blurry
Bolting upright, Mel moaned again at the sudden movement.
"Drink this," Janice offered softly, sitting on the bed.
"SHHHHHhhhhh," Mel blurted then moaned at her own loudness. "I'm going to die,"
Mel whispered with concern.
"You're not going to die, Mel," Janice responded with a smirk, struggling not to be too
amused at her friend's expense.
"I want to die, Janice," Mel moaned.
"Mel, listen to me," Janice informed her, taking the southerner's hand and placing it on
the glass. "Drink this," Janice said firmly. "Don't stop until you're finished," she added,
helping the glass up to her friends lips.
Mel reluctantly let the glass to her lips, but paused to look at her suspiciously.
"Trust me," Janice said with annoyance.
"That's what got me in this condition in the first place . . . "
"Honey, if you'll recall, you drank that bottle of ouzo willingly," Janice responded with a
smirk, surprising Mel. "Just drink this, fast," Janice encouraged the southerner, who
out of sheer desperation complied.
After gulping down the most vile tasting concoction she had ever put to her lips, she
grimaced and looked at the archeologist who took the glass and set it down on the
night stand.
"I drank a bottle of ouzo?" Mel asked uneasily.
"You tried," Janice clarified.
Mel bit her lip and looked around the room she didn't remember entering.
"And . . . how did I end up here?" Mel asked nonchalantly, nervously patting the
wrinkles out of the sheets on the bed that wasn't hers and looked up to a grinning
"I brought you here," Janice offered simply. "It was closer than your hotel, and I wasn't
quite sure how to get you past the hotel staff. I didn't think you'd want . . . " Janice
offered uneasily, finishing the thought with a shrug.
"Thank you," Mel said sincerely then became concerned. "Janice, how did you get me
up the fire escape?" Mel asked.
"Carefully," Janice smirked.
"You brought me up?" Mel responded in amazement, evoking a small shrug from the
archeologist. "Janice you shouldn't have with you're . . . Janice, where are my
clothes?" She asked uneasily when she noticed she was wearing a man's shirt.
"Well . . . you got really sick," Janice informed her with a grimace, making Mel mortified.
"Oh Janice, I'm so sorry," Mel blurted.
"You really don't remember much, do you?" Janice asked softly.
"No . . . I . . . don't remember anything," Mel admitted and started to cry.
"Mel," Janice gently cupped the southerner's cheek, startling her. "Mel," Janice
repeated softly, gaining the tall woman's undivided attention. "Except for you getting
drunk, I didn't let anything else bad happen to you and you didn't do anything too
embarrassing," Janice relayed with a warm smile, calming the sniffing southerner
Releasing her friend's cheek, to Mel's chagrin, Janice pulled a handkerchief from the
night stand drawer and handed it to the teary woman.
"Thank you," Mel sighed and wiped her nose.
Looking into concerned green eyes, Mel's eyebrow's furrowed.
"What do you mean I didn't do anything too embarrassing?"
In the morning, Ephiny stood waiting to escort Gabrielle to the council hut. Gabrielle
finished brushing her hair with a yawn.
"Is it me, or are you arriving earlier each day, Ephiny?" Gabrielle asked with another
"No. . . . same time," Ephiny shrugged. "Uh, Gabrielle?"
"No," the bard answered quickly, placing her brush on the table.
"No what?"
"Look, Ephiny. I know what you are going to say, considering you've been asking me
the same question every day for the past two weeks. The answer is still no," Gabrielle
relayed with a sigh, glancing up at her regent.
"Well, actually . . . I wasn't going to ask that question," Ephiny relayed, surprised to see
the brief look of hurt in her Queen's eyes.
"Well, it's about time she gave up," Gabrielle quickly relayed, surprised her broken
heart was still able to ache so much.
"She hasn't given up," Ephiny relayed, sparking the interest of her Queen.
"You just said . . . ."
"She wants to challenge you for the right to an audience," Ephiny relayed, making
Gabrielle's mouth drop in disbelief.
"A challenge?" Gabrielle responded with annoyance. Another broken promise, the
bard thought bitterly.
"Yes," Ephiny relayed uncomfortably. "Xena is waiting in the council hut with the elders
to set the terms of the challenge."
"Sustra said she has her fighting skills back," Gabrielle said softly with a disappointed
sigh. She shouldn't have been surprised the Warrior Princess would resort to a
physical confrontation, the bard thought sadly. She knew how Xena defined her
self-worth by her skills. Without them, she was lost and not even her love was enough
to help her, Gabrielle considered as another ache resurfaced since the arrival of the
Warrior Princess.
"I would be honored to be your champion," Ephiny offered, although not knowing what
she'd do if her Queen took her up on that offer. Although, the challenge planned was
one she thought she'd actually have a fighting chance of winning against the Warrior
"I'll fight my own battles, Ephiny," Gabrielle responded firmly. "But thank you," she
added with a weak smile as Ephiny sighed with relief.
Like the village, this crowd was decisively split down the middle. Those angry at the
Warrior Princess for hurting their queen and those who had sympathy for her. The
angry crowd stood together at the North end of the hut, Gabrielle noticed, seeing
Eponin and Solari with them. The sympathetic crowd was on the South side with Xena.
Gabrielle didn't need to seek out the Warrior Princess. She knew exactly where the tall
warrior stood, despite her standing in the back of the crowd. Her presence was
unmistakable. Her presence was . . . magnetic, the bard considered as she shut her
eyes for a brief moment. It was hard enough feeling her watching from a distance, but
now she was going to have face Xena because of this . . . challenge, the bard took a
deep, disappointed breath and opened her eyes.
"I am so pleased Amazon politics have become so popular," Gabrielle remarked loudly
as walked to her chair at the council table. "It's truly heartening to know both young
and old are taking an active interest in council matters and the molding of our Nation."
Gabrielle eyed the crowd with a warm smile, evoking guilty looks from those young and
old, who were just there to see the fireworks between their Queen and the Warrior
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sustra whispered into Xena's ear as the two
watched the Queen's skillful manipulation of the crowd. Xena sighed and nodded
weakly as she began to question her sanity for concocting this plan, let alone deciding
to go ahead with it.
"It has come to my attention that Xena of Amphipolis would like to challenge me for the
right to an audience. The elders and I will listen to her terms. . . ."
The crowd parted, making way for the Warrior Princess to approach the queen. Xena
took a deep breath and walked confidently towards the table with Sustra following
closely behind.
". . . after the scheduled business is finished," Gabrielle added as the Warrior Princess
stepped out from the crowd, evoking groans from the Amazons gathered.
A surprised Xena stopped abruptly, almost making Sustra collide with her. Xena
glanced around uneasily as all eyes focused on her. She looked at Gabrielle, who
briefly glanced at her before proceeding with the day's business.
Xena's heart dropped. She had feared the day when she would see hatred or fear in
those green eyes. Yet, she never expected how much a look of indifference would
crush her.
'What did you expect,' Xena silently scolded herself. 'Did you expect the bard to just
jump up and throw her arms around you when you decided to return,' Xena asked
herself as she clenched her jaw. The bard was still hurting, Xena could see, despite
the impressive wall that Gabrielle had successfully constructed around her heart. No
doubt another lesson she learned well from the Warrior Princess. But walls can be
broken down, Gabrielle, Xena promised. You taught me that. . . .
With a deep breath, Xena of Amphipolis waited.
After the day's business was finally finished, Xena counted seven issues discussed.
Four of the issues Gabrielle resolved quickly and fairly, two she argued to an impasse
with the elders but got agreement to table the issues until another meeting. And one
issue, she lost. However, Xena questioned that lost, noticing the bard did not argue
with the same passion as she did for the other issues. Probably a strategic loss, the
warrior considered wearily.
Ok, this was not one of her better ideas, she considered. But she did have the passion
and a powerful motivation to win, she considered hopefully. Who was she kidding, she
sighed as hope fled. She'd be slaughtered by the bard in a debate, she considered,
lose the chance to speak with her on Gabrielle's terms, the only terms by which Xena
would ever have a chance of winning her back, and perhaps . . . lose the bard forever.
"Now, for the final business of the day, Xena of Amphipolis, please approach the
council," Gabrielle announced loudly, rolling her eyes when she saw the heads of
more than a few Amazon heads pop up from a drowsy state, including some council
Xena felt her heart pound.
"As is allowed by Amazon law, a person may request the audience of the Queen. If
refused, that person may issue a challenge for that right. Xena, do you wish to
challenge the thrown for that right?" Cold green eyes locked onto saddened blues.
"A challenge is not my wish . . . it is my only option," Xena informed her softly, making
cold green gaze melt to the table.
"So be it," the Queen responded softly. "As Amazon law allows, I may have a
champion . . . ," Gabrielle announced, prompting a dozen angry Amazons, including
Eponin and Solari, to step forward. Xena glanced at them and sighed.
"However, I will fight my own battles," Gabrielle added.
"But Queen Gabrielle, you are still healing," Eponin interjected with concern, glaring at
the Warrior Princess whose eyes narrowed.
"Eponin, your concern is appreciated but I have made my mind up," Gabrielle
responded firmly, leaving no room for argument.
Glancing over to the Warrior Princess to see how she would respond to that decision,
Gabrielle was disturbed to find the Warrior Princess actually eyeing her with a small
grin. Gabrielle's heart dropped. She said she would never lift a finger against me,
Gabrielle remembered the promise.
Xena's grin quickly dissolved when she noticed the hurt look she brought to the bard's
"As the law states," Gabrielle announced, staring at the table. "You are allowed to
choose the weapon for the challenge," Gabrielle relayed with a disappointed sigh and
looked up to Warrior Princess. "What weapon do you choose, Xena," Gabrielle asked
"I choose words," Xena relayed softly, immediately concerned when Gabrielle's
eyebrows furrow angrily.
"Swords!?!" The bard snapped.
"No!" Xena responded with alarm. "WORDS," she repeated clearly, making the crowd
murmur and some chuckle.
"I challenge you to a battle of words, Gabrielle . . . a debate," Xena relayed with a
satisfied grin at the stunned look on Gabrielle's face. Her grin faded when more
Amazons started to laugh. A cold look at the vocal group promptly silenced the mirth.
The stunned bard stared at the table.
"Do you accept my terms?" Xena asked, making Gabrielle look around uneasily,
seeing Ephiny nod slightly, with encouragement.
"You want to debate me . . . ," Gabrielle asked in an amazed whisper as her pulse
"I'd rather battle a three-headed hydra bare handed, Gabrielle," Xena offered with
annoyance. "My chances of winning would be better . . . ," Xena added wearily,
obtaining nods of agreement from both sympathetic and angry Amazons.
"Then . . . why?" Gabrielle asked softly, dropping her gaze back to the table as she
blinked back tears.
"I don't know any other way to get you to listen . . . ," Xena said with a trace of
helplessness that surprised the angry Amazons. Gabrielle swallowed hard, unable to
look her warrior in the eye . . . the warrior that tore at her fragile heart.
"Will you accept my terms?" Xena asked again, putting a stop to the unbearable
moment of silence.
All watched anxiously as Gabrielle slowly stood. As she grabbed her staff, her troubled
gaze swept the hut then focused on the source of her trouble, who looked at her
uneasily. Her gaze fell to the ground and she walked towards the door.
Xena looked to Ephiny with concern that bordered panic.
"Gabrielle?" Ephiny called to her Queen.
"I've changed my mind about the challenge," Gabrielle turned to Ephiny, who looked
back at a hopeful Warrior Princess.
"You can be my champion, Ephiny," Gabrielle said simply and left the shocked group.
What did it all boil down to, she wondered, sighing heavily.
Risk, she concluded. Relationships all came down to risk. Risking something bad
happening against something good.
At one time she believed in that risk, she considered. But she didn't understand the full
story, the bard smirked at the irony. For better or worse, she pompously preached to
the warrior. 'What a hypocrite,' she silently berated herself. When it came down to it,
neither of them could deal with the 'worse' part, she concluded sadly.
The warrior couldn't deal with the physical risk their relationship brought the bard,
Gabrielle knew well. She always knew how Xena would react to danger. Xena would
try to protect her. However, the bard never imagined that any action borne out of love
could hurt so deeply.
Gabrielle now understood the risk their relationship brought her. Her need for the
warrior to be at her side was overwhelming. When she was the most frightened in her
life and needed the warrior the most, the bard was left . . . alone.
She had always relied on the warrior to be there. She had a faith that as long as they
were together, they could overcome anything. But she was left alone. The ache of that
frightening loneliness was not an ache she ever wanted to experience again.
And now, the warrior was back.
Apparently Xena's concern about physical risk was gone, Gabrielle considered, now
that Bayentes and his army were now history and the Warrior Princess' fighting skills
were back. But what happens next time . . . when the warrior becomes concerned
about the threats again, she wondered. What would happen to her heart if Xena
decided it was best to leave again . . . was it worth the risk?
Standing up, the bard looked at the hut door. Taking a deep breath, she walked to her
staff and left the dancing shadows alone in the hut.
"You could have slept in," Janice informed the southerner, as she squinted and
adjusted the sun visor on the passenger's side of the supply truck again.
"And miss out on a chance to go to Zemal?" Mel responded dryly, once again tossed
around when Janice drove over a bump. "Would you please not aim for the boulders
and canyons in the road, Janice," Mel remarked testily, pushing her sunglasses up on
her nose and sighed.
Janice chuckled.
"Dr. Covington, you are deriving entirely too much pleasure from my misery," Mel
"Yeah," Janice giggled, evoking an annoyed moan from the southerner who adjusted
her large brimmed bonnet. "Might teach you not to participate in a bet that involves
alcohol," Janice relayed with a smirk, looking in the side view mirror at the detectives
following them in their black car.
"Janice, you tell me right now what happened!" Mel demanded with annoyance.
"Nothing bad," Janice offered.
"You KNOW that but how do I know if I don't know," Mel responded with irritation, then
sighed heavily when Janice glanced at her with a grin. "You know what I mean," Mel
Janice looked at her with amusement.
"You are cruel, Janice Covington," Mel announced dramatically with a heavy sigh.
"Yup," Janice agreed with a smile.
"You ok?" Janice asked as she put her fedora on and walked to the southerner's side,
glancing over to the black car that pulled up behind the truck.
"I know there's no reason to be nervous but . . . " Mel said apologetically and sighed.
"Do you have knots in your stomach, too?" Janice asked.
"Yes," Mel said with relief that the archeologist knew what she was feeling.
"Could still be the hangover," Janice smirked, evoking a hurt look from the southerner.
"Sorry," Janice quickly responded, wanting to kick herself for continuing to be an ass
around this woman who had done nothing but prove herself a friend over and over
again. A woman, who deserved much more than the archeologist could possibly give
her. The LEAST she could do was try to be a bit more sympathetic to her 'condition,'
Janice considered, berating herself.
"Mel, once we give the gold back to the detectives, you'll never see this place again,"
she informed the southerner, who turned to the archeologist with a small smile of
"How's your shoulder?" Mel asked, pushing up her sunglasses.
"Good," Janice responded and smiled before a grimace replaced it. The detectives
joined them.
"Where is it?" Detective Pollus blurted impatiently.
"It might be hard to get it from the temple to. . . ." Janice offered, surprising Mel.
"Where's the temple?" He barked anxiously. Janice shrugged and pointed to the path
towards the temple, where Pollis and Agnu immediately departed.
As the two women watch the men disappear down the path, Mel looked to Janice.
"It's not in the temple is it?" Mel asked, smiling when that devilish glint flickered in
those green eyes.
Janice proceeded to the back of the supply truck with Mel following her closely, eager
to see what three-hundred bars of gold looked like.
"It's here," Janice opened the back doors.
With the doors wide open and the back of the truck exposed, Mel's eyebrows furrowed
with concern.
"Uh, Janice? It's empty," Mel responded uneasily.
Janice smirked and climbed into the back and removed a few planks from the false wall
at the front of the truck, making Mel's mouth drop at the sight of the troublesome gold.
"Oh MY!" Mel blurted, pushing up her sunglasses.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Janice asked, pulling out a heavy brick and briefly admiring it before
lugging it over to Mel. "Go on," Janice grinned, encouraging the reluctant southerner,
to take it. She almost dropped the heavier than expected brick.
"Goodness, it isn't portable, is it?" Mel blurted with a big smile as she held the heavy
bar in both hands.
"For not knowing what you were talking about, Miss Pappas, you sounded very
convincing, when you told Dr. Maveros that," Janice grinned. "You could be a
politician," she added as she pulled another brick from the compartment.
"I heard it was heavy, but I had no idea . . . ," Mel responded with a bit of pride and
amazement. "Hey, your shoulder!" She scolded Janice, who shook her head.
"Mel, I'm fine . . . You know, were also right about it not being easy to spend, at least
not in this form," Janice offered as she started to stack the bricks on the floor.
"What do you mean?" Mel asked curiously as she climbed into the back to help the
stubborn archeologist.
"Smugglers end up melting bricks because the brick has markings that are traceable."
Janice pointed to the serial numbers and seals stamped onto the gold. Mel held the
side of her sunglasses as she peeked over them to squint at the markings.
Janice sighed as she stared at the brick.
"What?" Mel asked with concern.
"I could get one hell of a steak dinner with this," she offered with a grin.
"You could get a herd and the land to keep them on with that, Janice," Mel responded
with amusement.
"Hmmm, settle down and raise a herd of steaks," Janice joked, making Mel shake her
head. "I think I'd just rather have the gold and buy my dinners," Janice offered as she
pulled another brick from the truck wall.
"Janice?" Mel asked hesitantly as she reached for a brick.
"Hmmmm?" Janice eyed her as she took a breather. Taking her fedora off, she wiped
the sweat off her brow and sat against a side wall.
"If I wasn't here . . ., would you keep the gold?" Mel asked nervously, surprising
"I'll tell you, it would be very tempting, Mel," Janice informed her honestly, looking at
the beautiful bricks. "But no," she shook her head. "It's not mine," Janice responded
"But . . . you've smuggled artifacts that belong to the government," Mel countered with
an uneasy curiosity as she sat next to the archeologist.
"Yeah," Janice sighed, tossing her fedora in her hands. "But I found those artifacts.
Harry used to tell me, they wouldn't even know they were there if it wasn't for our sweat
digging the damn things out of the God damn ground," she offered and sighed.
Mel had to smile, knowing that besides his philosophy on those legal issues, Janice
also inherited her father's . . . vocabulary.
"Guess I didn't think there was anything wrong with it . . . But I'm finished with that,
Mel," Janice promised her.
Mel nodded with a small smile.
"You know . . . ," Mel relayed as she eyed the gold. "They'll be mad when they find out
they didn't need to leave Athens," Mel offered.
"Yeah," Janice grinned at the southerner, who looked at her friend and chuckled.
"We better hurry up, or we'll be taking the tents down in the dark," Janice relayed as
she started to briskly walk to the tents. "As I recall, they are anchored down pretty
securely and will probably take some extra time . . . ," Janice called back to the
southerner and smirked.
"Janice," Mel called out to the shorter woman, who stopped. Mel quickly caught up to
her and looked into the questioning green eyes. Mel's mouth opened but nothing came
"What?" Janice asked softly.
"Uh . . . You know," Mel smiled uneasily and cleared her throat. "It has already been a
busy day and well, it is getting dark and uh . . . it WILL take lots of time to pack the
tents and equipment and it is a long way to drive to Athens and . . . well . . . ," Mel
blurted pushing up her glasses.
"You want to stay the night?" Janice asked curiously.
"Why not?" Mel asked with a shrug. "The tents are already up and we have some
supplies. . . ."
"Here?" Janice asked incredulously, looking around the site.
"Well, I understand you want to go back. You probably have lots of . . . things . . . to
do," Mel relayed with a disappointed sigh and started to walk towards the tents.
"NO. . . . I mean . . . Mel?" Janice countered quickly, catching up to the long-legged
southerner, who stopped. "After everything . . . I thought you'd want to leave here as
soon as possible," Janice relayed.
"I thought I would too, but . . . It is beautiful here and . . . there isn't anymore gold or
any gunman here to worry about," Mel looked around the camp, then focused on the
archeologist. "I can't really explain it, but I feel . . . comfortable . . . you know?" Mel
asked, hoping Janice understood.
Janice looked around the site and back to the expectant southerner. Janice nodded as
a small smile emerged. Mel beamed.
Gabrielle stood by the pond, gazing at the stars above. Her eyes lowered to the other
side of the still water, to the distant campfire that had burned every night in the same
spot for over two weeks. On some nights, when the wind was just right, she could hear
the sound of the warrior's stone stroking against the blade.
Tonight, she didn't hear the stone.
With a disappointed sigh, she sat on a felled log and looked up. She longed for the
day of not so long ago, when she could enjoy the night sky with her warrior and talk.
But so much had happened since then, she exhaled wearily, looking down at the quiet
Words which had been her trusted allies, they too, deserted her.
All she had now was emotion. A melee of feelings which battled each other to a
tormenting standstill. A chaotic jumble she could no more articulate than a newborn
could request her mother's milk.
If only she could hate her.
If only she could forget the hurt.
If only she knew what to do.
"Ok, in a debate, one of you will be pro, or FOR something, and one of you will be con,
or AGAINST something," Sustra carefully explained to Ephiny and Xena. Sustra looked
up to the warriors to find them both glaring at her impatiently.
"Hey, you guys told me to 'start from the beginning and don't leave anything out,'
remember?" Sustra responded defensively.
Xena shook her head and stated to pace, wondering if Gabrielle would even attend the
"We know that pro - con thing. You can skip the beginning," Ephiny remarked testily as
she stood and stretched her legs. Being cooped up in a council hut was taking its toll
on the regent's muscles. She hadn't had the time to get good sparing practice in and
now she was preparing for this ridiculous debate that should never have been needed
in the first place, she sighed heavily. A regent's work is never done.
"Fine," Sustra grumbled. "What's your topic?" Sustra asked Xena who frowned.
"Well, I was going to argue why Gabrielle should be with me," Xena sighed. "But now
that YOU are debating me . . . ," she added, eyeing the regent.
"I still think that's a good topic," Sustra relayed with a shrug.
"I'll do the PRO," Ephiny offered. "I'm good at PRO," she added.
"That's MY side," Xena blurted with annoyance. "And you are not supposed to be
good," she added with a glare.
"Oh yeah," Ephiny relayed with a sigh.
"OK then," Sustra cleared her throat and continued reading the scroll. "The first part of
the debate is the opening argument, you each make an argument that lasts an equal
amount of time. It says here the time can be negotiated. How long do you think you'll
Ephiny and Xena looked at each other and both shrugged.
"One or two minutes," Xena offered.
"Two minutes!?!" Ephiny responded with amazement.
"Too long?" Xena asked with concern, glancing to Sustra who rolled her eyes.
"Xena you need to lay out your case, point by point, structure your arguments that
would convince the CON side to be PRO," Ephiny informed her. "HOW can you
possibly do that in two minutes?" Ephiny scoffed at an annoyed Warrior Princess.
"I have something to say and I'll say it," Xena responded coolly, making Sustra glance
uneasily between the two warriors who now stood face to face. "It's NOT going to take
longer than two minutes," Xena snapped.
"Xena, two minutes may be more than enough time for a threat," Ephiny smirked. "But you have to SWAY the judges to your side with compelling arguments," Ephiny argued.
"LOOK, if you can't make your opening argument in less than two minutes, that's YOUR
problem," Xena countered, poking the Amazon in the shoulder.
"Don't poke me," Ephiny snapped, poking the warrior back.
"I'll poke you if I want to," Xena poked her again, making the Amazon lose her temper
and throw a punch which was easily dodged by the Warrior Princess, who countered
with a punch to the stomach.
Ephiny exhaled sharply and crumbled to her knees clutching her stomach.
"Fine . . . two minutes," Ephiny wheezed.
"There's got to be more than just an opening argument," Ephiny blurted angrily and
leaned into the next thrust.
"WHY?" Xena snapped and blocked the Amazon's blade, which quickly recovered and
sliced through the air on a path towards the Warrior Princess' head. "There's nothing
more to say," Xena countered stubbornly and met the blow with her sword as she
shoved the Amazon back with her foot against Ephiny's stomach.
"Oooff," Ephiny exhaled as she stumbled back, almost falling to the ground. "But that's
NOT a debate!" She argued and gripped her sword tightly as she took angry steps
towards the obstinate warrior.
Xena sighed and readied herself for another blow.
Ephiny swung her blade towards the tall warrior but abruptly stopped in mid-stroke,
surprising Xena and Sustra. "Ugh oh," Ephiny quickly muttered and stood as
nonchalantly as possible with her sword tucked under her arm.
"What's going on?" Gabrielle asked as she stepped into camp, making Xena's heart
leap for joy.
She's here, she's here, she's here!
Don't blow it, Xena thought to herself, noticing the bard waiting for an answer. 'Now
what was the bard's question?' she wondered uneasily.
"Practicing debating," Sustra answered with a big smile as she stood up.
Xena's eyebrows furrowed as she glanced at the helpful Amazon then down to the
sword in her hand. Xena sighed heavily.
"I see," Gabrielle relayed. "I guess it's a good thing I chose a champion. I'm not sure
I'd be up for this kind of debating," she added with a polite smile and a brief glance at
unhappy Warrior Princess.
'Ugh,' the miserable warrior silently moaned, considering she was already blowing it
without having said a single word.
"We just had a few disagreements on how to debate," Ephiny offered with a sheepish
smile, making Xena glare at her. There wouldn't have been any disagreements if
Ephiny had just agreed with her.
"Oh," Gabrielle responded with an understanding nod. "You do realize it's late and
there are Amazons trying to sleep," she offered casually, motioning to the village with
her head.
"Uh . . . I guess we should probably continue going over the rules tomorrow, OK
Xena?" Ephiny asked the tall warrior who snarled a smile and rolled her eyes.
"Speaking of sleep . . . ," Ephiny quickly added. "I'm tired and will be heading back
now," Ephiny announced as she sheathed her sword and walked past Sustra who was
still standing and smiling.
"You're tired too," Ephiny told the smiling Sustra and grabbed her arm.
"Oh . . . yes I am," Sustra responded with a convenient yawn and grinned as the two
Amazons quickly left the Warrior Princess and their Queen alone.
An uneasy Xena watched the Amazons leave then focused on Gabrielle, who gazed at
the sword in the warrior's hand.
"You can put that away. I'm not interested in debating," the bard informed the warrior,
who cringed slightly and sheathed her sword.
A painful silence fell between them.
"There are a lot of rules and conditions," Xena offered, looking away from the bard
Gabrielle sighed, allowing the silence to return.
"Harder than I thought . . . ," Xena admitted softly, glancing up to the bard.
Gabrielle opened her mouth then a pained look crossed her face. She sighed wearily
and closed her mouth, disappointing both of them.
"You don't know what to say . . . ," Xena whispered as the disturbing revelation sank in.
The lost bard looked at her with agony in her eyes.
Xena took a step towards her bard wanting to hold her, but stopped. "I don't know
what to say either," she uneasily informed the bard, whose eyes closed tightly. Tears
"Gabrielle, you know I love you . . . ," Xena whispered taking another small step.
The bard nodded weakly, her eyes still shut.
"And you love me . . . ," Xena added uneasily, sighing with relief when the bard nodded
"I thought I could protect you by giving that up . . . . " Xena informed her, taking another
"I know," Gabrielle spoke weakly, her eyes still shut. Her head resting against her
staff. "I just never thought. . . . " Gabrielle's voice trailed off.
"Never thought . . . what," Xena asked, softly encouraging her bard.
Gabrielle took a deep breath and stood straight, wiping her eyes. "It's getting a little
late. . . ." Gabrielle offered uneasily, glancing back at the village, bringing panic to the
Warrior Princess as she felt her bard slipping away.
"It's not too late," Xena countered quickly. Their eyes locked and Xena took an uneasy
breath. "Is it?" She ventured weakly.
Gabrielle opened her mouth and took a pained breath. "I don't know," she answered
with a lost look.
"Well, I do, Gabrielle. It's NOT too late," Xena informed her firmly and took the
remaining steps to close the distance between them and stopped inches from her.
"I won't let it be too late," the warrior promised the uncertain young woman before
reaching out and pulling the stiff bard in for a desperate embrace.
"I won't let it be . . . ," Xena whispered into the strawberry blond hair, feeling the bard's
tears freely roll down against her chest.
"WE won't let it be . . . ," Xena corrected herself.
Gabrielle let her staff fall as she finally reached for the comfort she had ached for and
could only receive in her warrior's arms.
Mel lit the kerosene lantern with a smile on her face. She stood, glancing around the
empty tent as she blew out the match. The southern lady knew her family would think
her odd, even odder than usual, that she could think of calling the large canvas
structure home.
But for the first time, she felt she really belonged someplace. For the first time she felt
someone needed her, even if that someone didn't know it most of the time, Mel smiled.
If that wasn't what a home was, Mel wasn't sure what was.
Mel lifted up the lantern from the table and placed it between the cots on the small
table. Sitting down on her cot which creaked slightly, she sighed with contentment.
"Well the campfire is out," Janice entered the tent. "Sorry about the meal," Janice
offered with a grimace, tossing her hat on the table.
"I like baked beans," Mel informed her with a shrug as she took her boots off.
Janice smiled and shook her head at this very easy to please woman. "Well, it would
have been nice to have some MEAT too, may be some wine and . . ."
"Ugh, no wine! I don't think I will ever drink again," Mel responded with a grimace as
she reclined on the cot, pulling a light blanket over her.
"How is your head by the way?" Janice smirked as she sat on the cot and took her
boots off, sighing with relief.
"Fine. Are you ever going to tell me what happened?" Mel asked with a tinge of
"You drank too much," Janice offered with amusement as she lay on the cot with a long
sigh. The aches of the past week caught up to her and she grimaced.
"You can be so infuriating sometimes, Janice! You KNOW what I . . . Are you ok?"
Mel asked with concern, sitting up to see her friend when she heard the archeologist
muffle a moan as she tried to get more comfortable.
"I'm fine now, thanks," Janice responded with another long sigh, staring up at the tent
roof. "Good call about not driving back," the archeologist admitted with another heavy
sigh and closed her eyes.
Mel stared at her a moment and sighed before laying back on her cot. "Well, in the
daylight I can at least see the holes and boulders you aim for and brace myself," Mel
responded dryly.
"I don't aim for them," Janice countered, turning her head to eye her accuser but the
light shone in her eyes, making her green eyes squint.
"Yes Janice," Mel responded politely with a thin smile, and extinguished the lantern.
"You know that polite agreement crap is annoying," Janice informed her bluntly.
"Yes Janice," Mel answered in the same polite tone, making Janice chuckle as she lay
her head back on her pillow and pulled up a blanket.
"Good night, Mel," Janice offered, amusement still in her voice.
"Good night, Janice," Mel answered and smiled broadly.
Though exhausted after the many tears which finally stopped, Xena lay still, unable to
sleep. She was too happy. Gabrielle was back where she belonged, in the warrior's
Xena briefly closed her reddened eyes again, relishing the long-missed touch of the
smaller woman and the sound of her love's steady breathing.
The bard was right, the warrior considered thankfully. Even for the Destroyer of
Nations could find happiness. After a soft kiss to the bard's temple, she took a long
satisfied breath. She was determined not to lose that precious gift.
"I promise to make everything up to you Gabrielle," she whispered almost inaudibly.
Gabrielle shifted and faced her surprised warrior. With the teary evidence of their
emotional reunion nearly gone, the bard offered a relaxed smile for her love.
"I thought you were asleep," Xena said softly, reaching out to stroke the bard's cheek.
"You thought wrong," Gabrielle grinned, resting her arm over the warrior's leather-clad
"Not the first time," Xena replied softly, brushing wayward strands of hair from the
bard's content face. "I'm sure it won't be the last. . . ."
"How?" Gabrielle asked, making Xena furrow her brows slightly.
"How what?" Xena asked uneasily.
"How do you propose to make it up to me?" Gabrielle asked simply, gently stroking the
warrior's side.
Xena grinned. "Whatever you want, Gabrielle," Xena replied softly with a tender kiss
on the bard's cheek, as a number of pleasurable things ran through the warrior's mind.
"You sure?" Gabrielle asked, now tracing her fingers over the warrior's lips.
"Absolutely," Xena responded kissing the bard's fingers.
"Good," Gabrielle grinned, letting her fingers gently drift over her warrior's face,
prompting Xena to shut her eyes and enjoy the touch.
"Tell me what you want, Gabrielle," Xena moaned as the bard's fingers drifted slowly
down her face . . . to her neck . . . to her shoulders.
"You're sure I can have anything I want?" Gabrielle asked with a grin as she kissed the
warrior's collarbone, evoking a moan which did not adequately reflect the extent of
warrior's desire.
"I'm sure," Xena responded as her hands sought the laces to the bard's brown halter
top. "Tell me," the warrior encouraged the bard, slowly pulling at the laces, giving her
plenty of time to say no.
"I want . . . " Gabrielle slipped the warrior's shoulder strap off and rewarded the bare
shoulder with a kiss.
"What . . . what do you want Gabrielle," Xena asked, shivering as wet lips attacked her
neck. "Tell me . . . "
"Just one . . . little . . . thing . . . ," Gabrielle whispered into the warrior's ear and gently
rolled the willing warrior on her back.
"Anything . . . ," Xena relayed as Gabrielle descended into a passionate kiss.
Breaking from the kiss, a grin emerged on the bard's face.
Noticing the devious flicker in the green eyes accompanying that grin hovering over
her, Xena suddenly became concerned.
"What do you want?" Xena asked as the uneasy feeling rapidly grew about the
possible answers.
"I want YOU to plan the wedding."