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This story is pure pornography. There is nothing romantic, subtle, or redeeming about this story. If ancient Greece had an equivalent of Penthouse Letters, you would find this kind of story in there. Don't say I didn't warn you.
The story contains male/female and female/female sex.
On Cloud Nine
by Joe Murphy
Xena reached into the brush and pulled the branches away from her view again. "Any moment now," she thought to herself, smiling. She jumped a little as she felt a familiar, impatient hand reach around her waist. Pulling her own hand back, she took the wandering fingers and interlaced them in her own.
"Is he here yet?" she heard a voice ask behind her.
"Not yet." Xena replied as she looked back over her shoulder. She barely made out her lover's face in the darkness, but could feel the energy emanating from her as if it were tangible.
"I hope he gets here soon, I'm really getting horny."
Xena chuckled lightly, then snapped her head towards an unnatural sound. Surprised at herself, she could feel her pulse quickening. "It's him, let's go."
Letting go of her bard's fingers, Xena stood and stepped clear of the bush they hid behind for the last hour, and began walking carefully towards the mouth of the cave they had been spying. The sound of hoofbeats and chariot wheels were now clear and loud. Xena stopped, and waited off to the side of the tunnel, her frustrated companion behind her, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.
"Oh, gods," Xena said, turning to her companion, "Gabrielle, I forgot the bag."
Without a word, the READHEADED storyteller (and she is definitely, despite what the writers of the show call her, a storyteller) turned and ran back to the bush, returning a few seconds later with a large bag thrown over her shoulder.
Xena let her gaze lift from her lover and began to get into position. Jogging out into the path that emerged from the mouth of the cave, she drew her sword and readied herself.
Helios' chariot surprised her as it emerged from the face of the rock. Helios apparently gotten himself a new chariot. Xena had never seen a rig that large before. Taking a quick sigh, she tightened her muscles and stood her ground, pushing back the growing images of being trampled under the horses' feet without the sun god even noticing.
She smiled inwardly as she watched the horses rear back, grinding the great chariot to a halt only a few feet in front of her.
"Get out of the way, Xena," she heard a voice boom from somewhere behind the horses. Sheathing her sword, she walked around to the side of the chariot, to stand beside an all too eager Gabrielle.
"Hello, Helios," the warrior smirked. Looking up at the sun god, her breath caught. They really didn't age a bit, did they? She let her eyes examine him slowly from the top of his golden blonde hair, down over the handsome face, and partially exposed chest and stomach. "And Ares thinks he's so hot. Not even close," Xena mused to herself.
"Xena, it's nice to see you again, but I'm a little busy right now. In fact, you're making me late."
"Sorry," the warrior lied, "I just want to ask a little favor of you, for old time's sake?"
"And what would that be," the god asked, suspicion etching his voice.
"Let us hitch a ride with you for a bit."
"Please!" Gabrielle added.
"What?" the war god stuttered.
"My friend and I want to have a picnic up there, and we need to hitch a ride."
The god looked up, thinking, and then lowered his gaze back to Xena, shaking his head slowly. "I don't think that would be a good idea."
An anguished cry came from Gabrielle, startling Xena and Helios, and nearly spooking the horses. "Helios," Gabrielle said frantically as she waved him down. Xena watched the god lowered his ear down to the bard, "if you let us ride, I'll..." and Xena watched as her lover whispered in Helios' ear.
Suddenly, the sun god stood back up straight. "Ok, get on board," he said, and they were off. (Well, getting there. I mean, they're going to get... Ugh, just keep reading.)
Xena stood behind the god, holding onto the rail and looking over the side of the chariot to the earth below. She squeezed the arm that was wrapped around her stomach. "It was going to happen," Xena smiled with the realization.
After about an hour, Helios turned to the warrior princess. "Want to drive them for awhile?" he asked as his eyes darted back to Gabrielle several times, despite his best efforts.
Xena grinned. "Sure."
The reigns nearly ripped through her fingers as Helios let go. Quickly, she collected her strength and kept the beasts on their course. She could feel the vibrations in the boards beneath her feet as Gabrielle and the sun god shifted around.
Minutes later, she heard Helios moan behind her, and Xena felt her skin begin to grow flush. She realized that since there was no ground, the horses didn't make any noise as they ran. "Oh, great!" Xena thought to herself. Looking up ahead, and not seeing any obstacles in their path, Xena chanced a look over her shoulder.
She saw Helios and Gabrielle in profile. The god had his back against the side of the chariot, his head pitched back and his eyes closed. Xena's eyes traveled down his muscular body to see Gabrielle kneeling in front of him, pulling her face away from his crotch. Xena watched as Helios' dick emerged from Gabrielle's mouth as if by magic. As the bard pushed her face back down, swallowing the god's cock, Xena turned away, feeling her pussy growing moist.
Helios' groans grew louder, and Xena became more aroused. She nearly jumped when she felt a hand grip her calf lightly. Looking over her shoulder, she looked down at a grinning Gabrielle, who was looking right back up at her as her other hand continued to stroke up and down. The bard squeezed the warrior's leg as she returned her mouth to the job at hand.
Xena looked away, and quickly called over her shoulder "Gabrielle, they're coming up!"
Gabrielle lifted her head up with a loud slurp, sending a trickle of juice down Xena's leg. "Great, I'm almost done," the bard replied. Xena felt the hand leave her calf, and she glanced back to see Gabrielle milking Helios' cock with both hands as she sucked on the tip like a sucker (they actually had those back then, believe it or not). Helios came with a shriek, and Xena watched as the god shuddered and bucked slightly, pushing his dick into the bard's mouth.
Xena turned away from the spectacle and looked ahead to see if a large one was close. She turned as she felt the bard's hand touch her shoulder. Gabrielle was smiling up at her, her mouth closed and her cheeks puffed out slightly. Taking one of Xena's hands, she guided the warrior to take both reigns in one hand. The warrior looked at Gabrielle curiously as the bard took Xena's free hand and lead it to her neck. The bard tilted her head up, and swallowed, letting Xena feel the seed slip down her throat. Gabrielle returned her gaze to Xena's and smiled.
"That didn't take long," the warrior observed.
"It rarely does," the bard grinned. "Do we have anything do drink?"
Xena handed her a wineskin that hung near her left leg. The bard took a mouthful of the wine, and puffed her cheeks back and forth as the drink swirled around her mouth. Xena took the skin back as the bard leaned over the chariot and spit the solution out of her mouth.
"That's a little rude, isn't it?" the warrior teased.
"I don't think he cares, do you, baby?"
Xena turned in the direction of Gabrielle's gaze to see a smiling sun god reaching out to take back the reigns. The warrior stepped back and scooped up their bag, pulling Gabrielle to the side of the chariot.
"You'll pick us up again tomorrow, right Helios?" Xena asked.
"As long as you pay another toll." the god laughed.
"Deal." Xena said. She turned her eyes back over the side of the chariot, as she took Gabrielle's hand in her own.
"See that big one?" the warrior asked.
The bard nodded.
"Ok, on the count of three. One. . . two. . . two and a half. . . two and three quarters. . ."
"Three!" the bard cried and jumped, pulling Xena with her. The two cheered as they fell. Looking down, the ruffled white top of a cloud came closer and closer.
"Now!" Xena yelled as she let go of her bard's hand. She tucked her knees to her chest and hugged them against her body. Ducking her head down and to the side, she watched Gabrielle mimic her motions. Then the bard was gone from her sight as the warrior sank into the giant pillow. She laughed out loud as she felt her descent slow, and she rose back up, slowly. She finally settled back at the top, her body slightly sunk into the softness. Carefully opening her eyes, she looked over to the sound of Gabrielle's hysterical giggling.
The bard was laying on her back, spread eagle. One hand was up, covering her face. Xena looked hungrily at the rippled abs that kept bouncing up and down as the bard tried to control her laughter.
"Xena," the bard finally managed, "this is incredible!"
"Told you," Xena said. Leaving the bag where it was, she began to crawl over to where Gabrielle lay. "I told you they weren't made of water," she teased as she lay on her left side alongside the bard.
"Well, where there's cloud's there's rain, so it made sense to me," the bard replied, defending herself.
"Yeah, like us all coming from the oceans, or the earth being a giant ball, or..."
"Hey!" the bard interrupted, "Keep that up, and see if you get any toni. . . mmphfl. . ."
The bard stopped and sank into the kiss. Xena scooted closer, feeling the bard's body along the length of hers. Slowly, she let a hand slide up the side of the bard's thigh, up her rib cage, and settle on her breast. Xena could feel the bard moan softly against her mouth.
Xena pulled away, keeping her lips only a few centimeter's from her lover's. "Oh, no you don't, love. Not after working me up like that on the ride here."
She felt the rush of air on her lips as the bard let out a little laugh, "did you like that?"
"Yes, I did," Xena replied as she slipped her hand off Gabrielle's sports bra, and began to brush the backs of her fingers down the bard's stomach. Xena grinned as she felt the bard shiver at her touch, and she bounced her lips back down to peck at her lover's, pulling away before the bard could respond.
"Close your eyes," Xena commanded. Gabrielle obeyed. "Good, now, don't move."
Xena slid the tip of her tongue out of her mouth, and gently traced a trail just below the bard's lower lip as her hand kept traveling south. Xena could feel the skirt, and quickly reached way down, taking the hem and lifting up, getting it out of her way. Sliding her hand between the bard's legs, she pushed up on one leg, which Gabrielle obediently lifted, and then began to lightly scratch the inside of her lover's lower thigh with the tips of her finger nails.
A smile crept up on the bard's lips as Xena's hand began to climb up the inside of her leg. Xena nibbled her jaw, and worked her way to her ear, she feasted on very, very slowly. The bard rolled her body over into Xena's, and gasped as her nipples rubbed against her lover's breasts. Even through her top, the sensation sent a wave of warmth between he legs that she hoped her warrior could feel.
Xena's hand finally reached Gabrielle's shamelessly uncovered mound. She slid her middle finger between the bard's folds, wetting it as she rubbed the finger in tight little circles, changing direction every so often. She felt her lover's body stiffen at the touch.
"You like that?" Xena whispered in her ear.
"Yes," came the hoarse reply. Xena could feel the woman begin to rock her hips back and forth against her finger.
"Do you like me, Gabrielle?"
"Huh?" the bard asked, confused.
"I said, do you like me?"
"Xena," Gabrielle replied, her whispers turning breathy, "I love you."
"Good. I love you, too, Gabrielle," and with that, Xena pulled her finger away slightly, adding her forefinger to it, and pushed them into her lover. She was rewarded by a loud gasp as the bard inhaled sharply. Gabrielle's hand reached out, and took Xena's leathers by the cleavage, and the bard clung to the warrior as Xena began to pump her fingers in and out, letting her palm rub back and forth against her lover's clit.
Gabrielle's breathing grew more and more labored as the minutes rolled by. Xena could tell by her moans that she was near, so the warrior began to trace her tongue along the pulse in her lover's neck. She could feel the pounding of Gabrielle's heart speed up. Just as she felt the bard approach the cliff, she lowered her face into the bard's skin and opened her mouth wide, biting down firmly on the bard's neck.
Gabrielle suddenly grew silent, rigid. The orgasm took her breath as spasm after spasm racked through her body. Xena waited, patiently, as she felt the bard relax. She heard her lover's breath come back in a gasp as the redhead sank away, till she lay back on the cloud, flush, grinning.
Xena pulled her fingers out from between her lover's legs and brought them up to Gabrielle's lips. Gabrielle kissed the hand, taking it in her own, and led it back to Xena, who slipped a glistening finger into her mouth. Smiling, the warrior, pulled the finger from her mouth with a pop and looked down at her recuperating bard.
"You ok?"
The bard looked up at her with slight astonishment in her eyes. "You have to ask? I feel fantastic."
Xena grinned. "I'm glad. I'm going to go get our things."
Helios found the two the next morning still asleep in each other's arms, their clothes strewn along their campsite. Most of the supplies never made it out of the bag. Xena paid the toll shortly after they boarded the sun god's chariot and spent most of the rest of the ride asleep.
This story is © 11-20-97 by Joe Murphy.