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The love that I lost
has left me here heal
he's gone to a better place
they call, the Elysian fields
He's walking thru a meadow filled with happy souls
Where time has no measure
of ever getting old
Don't give up on love just because you've lost
that someone waits on the other side
of a bridge that must be crossed
Love has more power
than any living thing
his words are the fruit of strength
on a vine to which I cling
Death is an ocean keeping us apart
His love is a vessel
flowing thru my heart
It takes me on a journey
guided by the stars
sailing an ocean to be where you are
We'll eat from the garden
sharing our first meal
Hand in hand we'll stroll the meadows
they call, the Elysian Fields
Love has more power than any living thing
we've gone to a better place
where the angels dance and sing



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