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I Know
by Xelminster
Not yet, my love.
Not yet.
Our time is not yet.
You're not...quite...ready.
I've seen you look at me, you know.
You're wondering. Questioning.
"How can this be?"
"When did this happen?"
"Can I really love her like this?"
"Does she really love me?!"
Yes, my Gabrielle.
I know my love for you, you see.
You're not sure. Not yet.
And you must be, or our time will not come.
But I'm not worried.
I know you love me.
And I can wait.
For this, I can wait.
Until you answer your questions,
Until you allow yourself to see what I see,
That we were each meant for the other,
Then our time is not yet.
But soon, my love. Very soon...

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