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by JettX and DangerChick
It seems that the holiday tunes don't bother me as much this year...perhaps it's because my little mind is doing what it can to Xenatize them. Okay, I know it's short and silly, but I just do what the voices in my head tell me... Oh, and DangerChick contributed the verse... sung to the tune of 'Jingle Bells' Dashing through the hills, Of ancient Auck...uh Greece, Fight with sword and gills All in the name of peace. Tell a tale or two For nut bread and some cheese You might meet some Amazons Or even Hercules Gabby thrills, Xena kills, And they save the day. And everyone who loves them so, screams 'Joxer, go away' O Xena's thighs, Gabby sighs, 'Please go all the way' Oh what fun it is to think Of our sheros in the hay! And though I know only this little bit, a friend suggested I take on the Dreidel Song... Xena, Xena, Xena We all await the day When you and Gabby get to Roll naked in the hay. I don't really have thing about hay, it's just that it's a good rhyming word. And I like Argo, and Argo likes hay, thus...well I guess I do have a thing about hay. ;-) JettX "That's Xena, with a capital Z!" Meg-WPT