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![]() Xenaverse | Chakram | Herc-Xena | Flawless | MacConnor | Gabchat | Gabsclan | Xena_Gals | Sisterhood of Subtext | Down Under Xenites | KiwiKev | Callisto | XMR | Bruce Campbell | Ted Raimi | Salmoneus | Subtext in Xena | Kiwi Kewl
Xenaverse is an unmoderated mailing list devoted to Xena. Unmoderated means that any message you send to the group is immediately sent to everyone on the list. Xenaverse also allows role-playing under threads labeled as "Fluff". There is also a digest version available called Xenaverse-Digest. (A digest merely is a collection of the posts up until a certain hour that are then sent in one large message. Rather than receiving 50 messages a day you would receive 1 or 2 large messages that included the day's correspondence). Xenaverse also has a web-based archive of posts at archives.mlists.com/archives/xenaverse/. Xenaverse is generously hosted by Kynn Bartlett of Idyll Mountain Internet at Mlists.
The address for posting to Xenaverse is: xenaverse@mlists.com (Note, this is not the address for subscribing or unsubscribing)
Chakram is a moderated mailing list devoted to Xena. Messages are first sent to Venator, the list supervisor, and approved before being sent out to the group. A moderated list tends to have a more unified theme, and less off-topic postings.
All subscriptions are handled by Majordomo software, so you should receive an immediate response as to whether or not you have subscribed successfully. Mail is sent out on infrequent intervals when Venator has a chance to approve posts.
You can find more information on Chakram at its home page,
Herc-Xena is an unmoderated list for those who don't want to separate Hercules: The Legendary Journeys from Xena: Warrior Princess. It is dedicated to examining both shows and the characters therein. There is also a digest version called herc-xena-digest.
Flawless is an unmoderated discussion list devoted to Lucy Lawless, her life and all aspects of her career. There is no digest version available. The list comes with it's own website that includes bio's of list members, a Lucy FAQ, summaries of Lucy's work and links to other Lucy/Xena related sites.
Clan MacConnor is an erudite if somewhat eccentric collective of ROCkers, ROCettes, Gabfans, Gabatics, Gabriellites, and fans of Renee O'Connor who inhabit that anomalous cyberphenomenon known as Clan MacGab.
GabChat is dedicated to Renee O'Connor and the wonderful character she portrays in Xena Warrior Princess, Gabrielle. This list is envisioned to be a place to chat, review episodes, stories and just have a good time. If you are interested in Renee O'Connor and her character why not join up!
Gabsclan is a mailing list unique in all the Xenaverse. It is the original Gabrielle list, location of: the Whacking and Wailing Wall; a sacred place to share our sorrows, the Amazon Queen; a ship built with red and yellow leggos, the Staff and Bard; the local watering hole, and Katt's cave; the place where we have our poetry readings. Like the bard, Gabsclanners write stories created, alone--or together. This is a G-rated list, and a participatory democracy. You can vote for your officers, the Council of Elders. As a matter of fact, the people on Gabsclan wrote their own rules together, based on Gabriellan Principles. Respect for one another, and for all the characters in the Xenaverse are hallmarks of the Gabsclan list. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send a message to:mlperkin@INDIANA.EDU
The Xena_Gals mailing list is a LESBIAN Mailing List for the discussion of Xena: Warrior Princess, or is that a Xena: Warrior Princess list for the discussion of Lesbians, or is that a Lesbian Xena: Warrior Princess for the discussion of mailing lists. Gabby has got to figure in there somehow too. Cos there can't be subtext without the old gab-whackin' amazon queen. Anyway it is about subtext, or as some of us like to imagine, MAIN-text for clever people. For more information visit soundtext.com/xena/.
Description: The SoS is a mailing list that's been operational since mid-February, 1998, that is dedicated to the idea of Xena and Gabrielle in love. Writers, lurkers, opinionated people are welcome, as long as they love the idea of X/G (and are over 18 years of age). For more information visit www.northco.net/sos/. To subscribe to SoS visit www.northco.net/sos/join.html.
The DUX Mailing List is the Australian Xena Fan Club's mailing list. The aim of DUX is to bring together Aussie fans of XWP and to keep them updated. Also discussions of the latest episodes and general talk on Xena.
The KiwiKev (AKA Kevin Smith) Mailing List is an unmoderated list for fans of the New Zealand actor Kevin Smith. He is best known for roles in Hercules(Iphicles/Ares) and in Xena(Ares). If you have any problems with the list write the list owner at owner-kiwikev@mLists.net.
Callisto is a mailing list devoted to discussions about the character Callisto and the actress who plays her, Hudson Leick (pronounced "like"). So if you love the blonde villain of Xena sign up and meet others with the same interest. (This list has changed to the Hudson Leick list).
The Xena Media Review is a monthly e-mail digest of articles from different sources written about Xena: Warrior Princess. It is not a discussion group, subscribing merely means that you will receive the XMR each month as Kym Taborn prepares it.
You can also see the online version of the Xena Media Review at www.xenafan.com/xmr/
Bruce Campbell, who plays Autolycus on Xena: Warrior Princess has his own mailing list. This list is for all of Bruce's work, not just his work on Xena and Hercules.
Ted Raimi plays the character Joxer on Xena: Warrior Princess. This list is run by the Ted Raimi International Fan Club (TRIFC), and is for fans of Ted Raimi and Joxer.
Salmoneus is played by Robert Trebor. This is a new list and I don't have much information. If you find out any details different than from what I have listed here please let me know.
This list is devoted to discussion of the subtext in Xena: Warrior Princess. The list is open to, and welcomes, gay, bi, hetero, females and males, as long as they enjoy the subtext and want to discuss it with others. Because the list is open to everyone, and given its diversity, the list is a no flaming "haven" list where members can feel safe. The list also welcomes fan fiction submissions posted for the enjoyment of the members, primarily alt. fan fiction. Since some of the fan fiction may be explicit (warnings are provided if such is the case) Membership is restricted to those who are of legal age, generally 18 and above. For more information, please contact avie@buffnet.net and a longer description, including instructions on subscribing, will be sent to you directly.
This list was created by EvyWP (Amazon queen of the KiwiKewl tribe) in order to give Xenites and Gabfans yet another fun place to share in their love for the show. List policies and subscription information may be found on the Kiwi Kewl mailing list homepage at www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Studio/3913/kiwikewl.html.
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