Sounds from The Wish
- Angel: "The Master rose. He let me live. To punish me. I kept hoping maybe you'd come. My destiny." Buffy: "Is this a get in my pants thing?"
- Angel: "Buffy look out!" (Xander stakes Angel) "Ugh, Buffy"
(Angel turns to dust).
- Anya: "You trusting fool, how do you know the other world is any better than this?"
Giles: "Because it has to be."
- Anya: "I had no idea her wish would be so exciting. Brave new world. I hope she likes it."
- Buffy: "Cordelia look--out."
- Buffy: "Why don't I just put a stake through her heart?"
Giles: "Well she's not a vampire." Buffy: "Eeh, well you'll be surprised how many things that'll kill."
- Buffy: "The world is what it is. We fight. We die. Wishing doesn't change that."
Giles: "I have to believe in a better world." Buffy: "Go ahead. I have to live in this one."
- Cordelia: "You know what I've been asking myself a lot this last week? Why me? Why do I get impaled? Why do I get bitten by snakes? Why do I fall for incredible losers? And you know, I think I've finally figured it out. What my problem is. Its Buffy Summers, that's when all my troubles started."
- Cordelia: "I wish Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale." Anya: "Done!"
- Cordelia: "No. No way. I wish us into bizzaro land and you guys are still together! I cannot win!"
- Cordelia: "She was like a good fairy. A scary, veiny good fairy. Heh, heh!"
- Cordelia: "Giles, its all my fault! I wasn't--I made this stupid wish and--Noo! You have to get Buffy. Buffy changes it. It wasn't like this, it was better. I mean the clothes alone. But people were happy."
- Giles: "She said she knew you." Buffy: "She's probably just a
big fan."
- Giles: "Buffy Summers?"
Buffy: "That's right. Wanna tell me
what I'm doing here?"
- The Master: "I've lost my appetite for this one. She keeps looking at me. I'm trying to eat and she looks at me."
- The Master: "I remember that lust for the kill."
- The Master: "Hunt & kill, hunt & kill. Titilating? Yes. Practical? Hardly."
- Oz: "You can leave me alone. I need to figure things out."
Willow: "But, maybe if we talk about it we could--"
Oz: "Look, I'm sorry
this is hard for you but, I told you what I need. So I can't help
feeling like the reason you wanna talk is so you can feel better about
yourself. That's not my problem."
- Willow: "Isn't he gonna go poof?"
- Willow: "You're in a big cage."
- Willow: "That's right puppy. Willow's gonna make you bark."
- Xander: "Buffy? The Slayer?" Cordelia: "No, Buffy the dog-faced girl. Who do you think I'm talking about?"
- Xander: "So you're a Watcher huh? Watch this!" (Xander & Willow bite and kill Cordelia)
- End of episode: The Master snaps Buffy's neck. Giles breaks the amulet. The wish is broken.
- Music: The ending sequence music where everyone kills each other.

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