- Buffy- I missed it... yet somehow I'll find the courage to live on. 154 kb
- Buffy- Then again, I'm not as hyperaware of him as, oh say for example... you. Willow: Hyperaware? Well, I'm not constantly measuring his health, his moods, his blood pressure--130 over 80. You got it bad, girl. 605 kb
- Buffy- Oh, great, the wicked monkeys. 106 kb
- Buffy- And the weird behavior award goes to... 110 kb
- Buffy- Going to say something to me? 62 kb
- Buffy- I cannot believe that you, of all people, are trying to Scully me. 125 kb
- Buffy- Come on, I know what you want. 89 kb
- Buffy- This is definately the superior Xander, accept no substitutes. 138 kb
- Coach- All right, it's raining, all regular gym classes have been postponed. You know what that means.... dodge ball! 519 kb
- Coach- God this game is brutal... I love it! 164 kb
- Giles- Right! That's enough training for one day. 139 kb
- Giles- No, no, that's fine. You just run along to class... while I wait for the feeling to return to my arms. 384 kb
- Giles- Xander's taken to teasing the less fortunate, and there's a noticeable change in both clothing and demeanor? And, otherwise all his spare time is spent lounging about... it's devastating, he's turned into a sixteen year old boy... of course you'll have to kill him. 1,003 kb
- Giles- Buffy, boys can be cruel. They tease, they prey on the week. It's natural teen behavior patterns. 318 kb
- Giles- The evidence that you presented me with is sketch at best. 107 kb
- Giles- What are you going to do? Get my books... look stuff up. 278 kb
- Giles- How terribly frustrating for you that a bunch of school children could accomplish what you could not. Zookeeper: It bothered me, but the power will be mine. 455 kb
- Giles- Did I miss anything? 102 kb
- Pack member- Oh look, it's Buffy and all her friends. Buffy: That's witty. 209 kb
- Pack member- Careful, she might beat you up. 175 kb
- Principal Flutie- I have seen some sick things in my life, believe me, but this is beyond the pale! 357 kb
- Principal Flutie- How could you? A poor defenseless pig! 194 kb
- Willow- They're obnoxious, professionally. 83 kb
- Willow- No, no one's going in there. 66 kb
- Willow- Not even for a dangerous and mysterious older man who's leather jacket you're wearing right now? Buffy: Goes with the shoes. 339 kb
- Willow- Come one, Angel pushes your buttons, you know he does. Buffy: I suppose some girls might find him good looking.... if they have eyes. All right, he's a honey. 524 kb
- Willow- I thought Xander would be here by now. Buffy: That would make him on time, we couldn't have that. 201 kb
- Willow- You remember, you fail math, you flunk out of school, you end up being the guy at the pizza place that sweeps the floor and says, "Hey kids, where's the cool party this week?" 404 kb
- Willow- We can finish this another time. 88 kb
- Willow- Why couldn't Xander be possessed by a puppy, or some ducks? 182 kb
- Willow- You'll pretend to slash my throat and put the evil in the hyenas? Zookeeper: Something like that. 269 kb
- Willow- I heard the vice principal is taking over until they can find a replacement. Buffy: Well, shouldn't be too hard to find one, unless they ask what happened to the last one. 339 kb
- Xander- We just saw the zebras mating, thank you, very exciting. Willow: It was like the Heimlich, with stripes! 229 kb
- Xander- I'm feeling that you're not in the field trip spirit here. 107 kb
- Xander- Buffy, this isn't just about looking at a bunch of animals, this is about not being in class. Buffy: You know you're right, suddenly the animals look shiny and new. Gotta have perspective. 461 kb
- Xander- Well, every school has them. See you start a new school, get some desks, some blackboards and some mean kids. 213 kb
- Xander- I'll handle it. This job doesn't require actual slaying. 167 kb
- Xander- Girls! Buffy: Boy! 90 kb
- Xander- ...You're sharing. Friends like to share. 240 kb
- Xander- Let's do lunch. 110 kb
- Xander- Well guess who just got mean... 62 kb
- Xander- Come on Slayer, I like it when you're scared. 122 kb
- Xander- Shoot me, stuff me, mount me. 132 kb
- Zookeeper- Hold it, are you blind, or just illiterate? 118 kb

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