Sounds from I, Robot -- You, Jane

  1. Buffy- Oh great. A book. 79 kb
  2. Buffy- Ok, that's it. You have a secret and that's not allowed.
    Willow: Why not?
    'Cause... there's a rule.
    245 kb
  3. Buffy- You are a thing of evil for not telling me this right away. 132 kb
  4. Buffy- Does he go here? What's his name? Have you kissed him? What's he like?
    Willow: No, Malcolm, no, and very nice.
    232 kb
  5. Buffy- So you've been seeing a guy and you don't know what he looks like. Ok, it's a puzzle. No wait, I'm good at these. Does it involve a midget and a block of ice? 376 kb
  6. Buffy- She certainly looks perky.
    Xander: Yeah, a color in the cheeks, a bounce in the step, I don't like it. It's not healthy.
    304 kb
  7. Buffy- This guy could be anybody, he could be weird or crazy or old, or he could be a circus freak-- he's probably a circus freak!! ... Willow, axe-murdered by a circus freak! 746 kb
  8. Buffy- ... I just want you to be sure. Meet him face to face. In daylight, in a crowded place, with some friends. You know, before you become all... obsessive. 546 kb
  9. Buffy- I mean, what if you guys get really, really intense and you find out that he has... a hairy back?
    Willow: No, he doesn't talk like somebody who would have a hairy back.
    519 kb
  10. Buffy- Well, you're a computer geek--genius, and I sorta have a technical problem. 197 kb
  11. Buffy- Besides, I can just tell something's wrong. My spider sense is tingling.
    Giles: Your spider sense?
    Pop culture reference, sorry.
    365 kb
  12. Buffy- Tell me the truth, how's my hair?
    Xander: It's great, it's your best hair ever.
    Oh, yes.
    348 kb
  13. Buffy- He's gone binary on us. 67 kb
  14. - ... access launch codes for our nuclear missles.
    Giles: Destroy the world's economy.
    I think I pretty much capped it with that nuclear missle thing.
    Giles: You're right, yours was best.
    923 kb
  15. Buffy- Take your best shot. 54 kb
  16. Ms. Calendar- Oh, I know our ways are strange to you, but soon you will join us in the 20th century, with three whole years to spare! 258 kb
  17. Ms. Calendar- You know over the last two years, more e-mail was sent than regular mail, more digitized information went across phone lines than coversations.
    Giles: That is a fact I regard with genuine horror.
    I bet it is.
    531 kb
  18. Ms. Calendar- You're a snob.
    Giles: I am no such thing.
    Oh, you are a big snob!
    182 kb
  19. Ms. Calendar- You're here again? You kids really dig the library, don't ya?
    Buffy: We're literary.
    Xander: To read makes our speaking English good.
    Buffy: We'll be going now
    Giles: We'll continue this conversation at another time.
    Buffy: I think we're done. "Our speaking English is good?!"
    Xander: I panicked, ok?
    696 kb
  20. Ms. Calendar- ...I don't have that kind of power. Technopagan is the term. 328 kb
  21. Ms. Calendar- Well, look who's here. Welcome to my world. You scared?
    Giles: I'm remaining calm, thank you.
    364 kb
  22. Ms. Calendar- Well, you really are an old-fashioned boy, aren't you?
    Giles: Well, I don't dangle a corkscrew from my ear.
    That's not where I dangle it.
    464 kb
  23. Fritz- The printed page is obsolete. Information isn't bound up anymore, it's an entity! The only reality is virtual. If you're not jacked in, you're not alive.
    Ms. Calendar: Thank you, Fritz, for making us all sound like crazy people.
    762 kb
  24. Fritz- New project.
    Ms. Calendar: Ooo, will I be excited?
    You'll die.
    201 kb
  25. Fritz- I'm jacked in... I'm jacked in... I'm jacked in. 375 kb
  26. Giles- When I've examined it, you can skin it.
    Ms. Calendar: Scan it, Rupert, that's "scan it."
    Of course.
    387 kb
  27. Giles- ...I happen to believe that one can survive in modern society without being a slave to the idiot box.
    Ms. Calendar: That's tv, the idiot box is TV. This is the good box.
    683 kb
  28. Giles- Things involved with a computer fill me with a child-like terror. 153 kb
  29. Giles- These musty old books have a great deal more to say than any of your fabulous web pages. 212 kb
  30. Giles- I'm just going to stay and clean up a little, I'll be back in the middle ages.
    Ms. Calendar: Did you ever leave?
    247 kb
  31. Giles- Well it's been so nice talking to you.
    Ms. Calendar: We were fighting.
    We must do it again sometime. Bye now.
    367 kb
  32. Giles- Does this look familiar to either of you?
    Buffy: Yeah, sure, it looks like a book.
    Xander: I knew that one.
    260 kb
  33. Giles- In the Dark Ages souls of demons were sometimes trapped in certain volumes. They remained locked within the book, harmless, unless the pages were read aloud. 424 kb
  34. Giles- Unless I'm mistaken this is Moloch the Corruptor, a very deadly and seductive demon. He draws people to him with promises of love, power, knowledge. He preys on impressionable minds. 517 kb
  35. Giles- Thank you for coming, I need your help. 162 kb
  36. Giles- There's a demon in the Internet. 52 kb
  37. Giles- Couldn't you just stop Moloch by entering some computer virus?
    Ms. Calendar: You've seen too many movies.
    285 kb
  38. Giles- By the power of the circle of Kayless I command you... Kayless iwth a "K". 340 kb
  39. Moloch- His big Italian opening speech 497 kb
  40. Moloch- I've never felt this way about anyone before, Willow. 176 kb
  41. Moloch- I've shown you a new world, Dave. Knowledge, power, I can give you everything. All I want is your love. 338 kb
  42. Moloch- Right now, a man in Bejing is transferring money to a Swiss bank account for a contract on his mother's life. Good for him! 409 kb
  43. Random teen- This isn't my report--"Nazi Germany Was a Model of a Well-Ordered Society"? I didn't write that, who's been on my files? 374 kb
  44. Willow's computer- You have mail. 56 kb
  45. Willow- Xander, do you want to stay and help me?
    Xander: Are you kidding?
    Yes, it was a joke I made up.
    296 kb
  46. Willow- I met him online.
    Buffy: On line for what? Oh.
    251 kb
  47. Willow- I'm thinking of you too--no that's incredibly stupid! 207 kb
  48. Willow- The one boy that's really liked me, and he's a demon robot. What does that say about me?
    Buffy: Doesn't say anything about you... did you forget, the one boy that I had the hots for since I moved here turned out to be a vampire.
    Xander: Right, and the teacher I had a crush on--giant praying manits... Yeah, it's life on the Hellmouth.
    Buffy: Let's face it, none of us are ever going to have a happy, normal relationship.
    Xander: We're doomed. [laugh]
    1,449 kb
  49. Xander- Guess who?
    Willow: Xander?
    Yeah, but keep guessing anyway.
    Willow: Xander.
    Ah, I can't fool you, you see right through my petty charade.
    408 kb
  50. Xander- You're going to be missing out, I'm planning to be witty. I'm going to make fun of all the people who won't talk to me.
    Willow: That's nice, have a good time.
    267 kb
  51. Xander- So, are you going to the Bronze tonight? Oh, probably not, you probably have some Vampire slaying or some lame endeavor like that, don't you? Everyone deserts me. 374 kb
  52. Xander- What, I can't have information sometimes?
    Giles: It's just somewhat unprecedented.
    213 kb
  53. Xander- Ok, for those of us in our studio audience who are me... 120 kb
  54. Xander- Hey, I got to hit someone! 89 kb

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