Sounds from Prophecy Girl

  1. Angel- By the way, I really like your dress—
    Buffy: Yeah, yeah, big hit with everyone.
    155 kb
  2. Buffy- Some fight sounds 260 kb
  3. Buffy- Giles, care? I'm putting my life on the line battling the undead. Look, I broke a nail, ok? I'm wearing a press-on. The least you could do is show some casual interest. You could go "hmm."
    Giles: Hmm?
    636 kb
  4. Buffy- Fine, that's ok, I can't put it off any longer. I have to meet my terrible fate... biology. 330 kb
  5. Buffy- Wow, that was boring.
    Xander: I don't feel that boring covers it.
    No, boring falls short.
    Willow: Even I was bored, and I'm a science nerd.
    339 kb
  6. Buffy- Oh look, a bad guy. 248 kb
  7. Buffy- ...I may be dead, but I'm still pretty. Which is more than I can say for you. 345 kb
  8. Buffy- Sure, we saved the world, I say we party. I mean, I got all pretty. 486 kb
  9. Ms. Calendar- Well, I have been surfing the net looking for unexplained incidents. 130 kb
  10. Ms. Calendar- The part that gets me though, is where Buffy is the vampire slayer. She's so little. 205 kb
  11. Ms. Calendar- Uh, I'm sorry to bring this up, but we also have an apocalypse to worry about.
    Xander: Do you mind?
    Willow: How come she's in the club?

    320 kb
  12. Cordelia- You're so sweet, why are you so sweet? 96 kb
  13. Cordelia- Willow, I really like your outfit!
    Willow: No you don't.
    No, I really don't, but I need a favor.
    252 kb
  14. Giles- Hello. This is Giles, Rupert Giles. I need to see you. 335 kb
  15. Giles- Sorry, I'm not really up to socializing right now. 176 kb
  16. Giles- What do you know? 35 kb
  17. Giles- I've made up my mind.
    Buffy: So have I.
    I made up mine first. I'm older and wiser than you, just do what you're told for once, all right?
    367 kb
  18. Giles- ...As the soon-to-be purple area on my jaw will attest, I did not let her go. 213 kb
  19. Giles- The vampires?
    Cordelia: Gone
    Angel: The Master?
    Dead. The Hellmouth is closed.
    361 kb
  20. The Master- Yes! YES! Shake, Earth! This is a sign, we are in the final days! My time has come! Glory! Glory!... What do you think, five point one? 923 kb
  21. The Master- ... Oh, good, the feeble banter portion of the fight. Why don't we just cut to the—nice shot. 616 kb
  22. The Master- By the way, I like your dress. 192 kb
  23. The Master- You were destined to die, it was written!
    Buffy: What can I say, I flunked the written.
    257 kb
  24. The Master- Did you really think you could best me here when you couldn't below?
    Buffy: You have fruit punch mouth.
    What? [WHACK]
    531 kb
  25. The Master- Where are your jibes now? Will you laugh when my Hell is on Earth?
    Buffy: You're that amped about Hell? Go there.
    623 kb
  26. Willow- I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age, nerds are in. They're still in, right? 222 kb
  27. Willow- How did it go?
    Xander: On a scale of one to ten? It sucked.
    277 kb
  28. Xander- You know how I feel about you, it's pretty obvious isn't it? There's never been anyone else for me, but you. And we're good friends, and it's time to take the next step. Would you, um, date me? 750 kb
  29. Xander- You know Buffy, Spring Fling isn't just any dance. It's a time for students to choose a mate, and then we can observe their mating rituals and tag them before they migrate—just kill me! 624 kb
  30. Xander- Why didn't Buffy show up tonight? What's she doing?
    Willow: You know, the usual.
    222 kb
  31. Xander- Willow, don't you have a thing?
    Willow: A thing? The thing, that I have! Which is a thing that I have to go to. See you later.
    448 kb
  32. Xander- Buffy, I like you, a lot. And I know we're friends, and we've had experiences. We've fought some bloodsucking fiends, and it's all been a good time. But I want more. 601 kb
  33. Xander- I guess a guy's gotta be undead to make time with you.
    Buffy: That's really harsh.
    I'm sorry.
    339 kb
  34. Xander- I'm sorry, I don't handle rejection well. Funny, considering all the practice I've had. 345 kb
  35. Xander- You know what? Let's just not. 171 kb
  36. Xander- The polls are in and it's time for my concession speech. 114 kb
  37. Xander- That's ok, I don't want to go. Just going to go home, lie down, and listen to country music. The music of pain. 554 kb
  38. Xander- I'm sorry, calm may work for Locutis of the Borg here, but I'm freaked out and I intend to stay that way. 167 kb
  39. Xander- You're looking at my neck.
    Angel: What?
    You checked out my neck, I saw that.
    No I wasn't.
    Just keep your distance pal.
    I wasn't looking at your neck.
    Told you to eat before we left.
    438 kb

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