Sounds from Gingerbread
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- Amy: All right you wanna fry a witch? I'll give you a witch. Goddess Hecate work thy will.
Buffy: Uh, oh. Amy: Before thee let the unclean thing crawl. *poof* 494 KB
- Buffy: I'm sorry that you had to see this. But I promise that everthing is gonna be ok.
Joyce: How? Buffy: Because I am gonna find whatever did it. 192 KB
- Buffy: Mom, I hate that these people scared you so much, and I know that you're just trying to help, but you have to let me handle this. Its what I do. 334 KB
- Buffy: Someone with a soul did this?
Giles: I'm afraid so. Buffy: While you're looking for the meaning of that symbol thingie could you also find a loophole in that "Slayers don't kill people" rule? 231 KB
- Buffy: I have to go on one of my pointless patrols and react to some vampires. If that's all right with MOO. And nice acronym Mom. 519 KB
- Buffy: Mom, you don't want this.
Joyce: Since when does it matter what I want? I wanted a normal, happy daughter. Instead I got a Slayer. 151 KB
- Buffy: OK, maybe I don't have a plan. Lord knows I don't have lapel buttons.
Joyce: Buffy. Buffy: And maybe next time that the world is getting sucked into Hell I won't be able to stop it because the anti-hellsucking book isn't on the approved reading list. Joyce: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put down... Buffy: Well you did. 711 KB
- Buffy: This hall is about school. And you're about home. Mix them and my world dissolves. 131 KB
- Buffy: Mom, dead people are talking to you. Do the math!
Joyce: I'm sorry Buffy. Buffy: Mom, look at me. You love me. You're not gonna be able to live with yourself if you do this! Joyce: You earned this. You toyed with unnatural forces. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't punish you? 432 KB
- Buffy: My Mom said some things to me about being the Slayer. That its fruitless. No fruit from Buffy. 157 KB
- Buffy: The bad keeps coming back. And getting stronger. Like the kid in the story, the boy that stuck his finger in the duck.
Angel: Dike. Its another word for dam. Buffy: Oh. OK that story makes a lot more sense now. 317 KB
- Buffy: She couldn't do us first?! 70 KB
- Buffy: Did I get it? Did I get it? 151 KB
- Buffy: Maybe we should get her one of those wheel thingies. 106 KB
- Cordelia: Oww! You caught hair with that. God you really were the little youthful offender weren't you? You must just look back on that and cringe. 229 KB
- Cordelia: How many times have you been knocked out anyway? I swear one of these times you're gonna wake up in a coma.
Giles: Wake up in a.....oh never mind. 370 KB
- Cordelia: OK, I think I like the two little ones more than the one big one. 99 KB
- Cordelia: You like that huh? How 'bout some more.
Willow: Buffy I'm on fire! Buffy: Cordelia put out the fire! Cordelia: Oh right. 147 KB
- Giles: Of course. It makes sense now.
Buffy: Yeah its all falling into place now. Of course that place is nowhere near this place. 164 KB
- Giles: We need to save Buffy from Hansel and Gretel.
Cordelia: Now, lets be clear. The brain damage happened before I hit you. 192 KB
- Giles: Drop the toadstone into the mixture.
Cordelia: This? Well it doesn't look like a toad. Giles: No reason it should. Its from inside the toad. Cordelia: I hate you. 262 KB
- Joyce: Is it a vampire?
Buffy: Mom, what are you doing here? Joyce: I brought you a snack. I thought it was about time for me to come out and watch. You know. The slaying. 202 KB
- Joyce: A cult. Like witches.
Willow: Ahem, ahem. Sorry phlem. Too much dairy. Joyce: Oh I know you kids think that stuff's cool. Buffy told me you dabble. 285 KB
- Joyce: Good honey kill 'im! Buffy fight sounds 198 KB
- Joyce: Silence is this town's disease. For too long we've been plagued by unnatural evils. This isn't our town anymore. It belongs to the monsters, and the witches, and the Slayers. I say it's time for the grownups to take Sunnydale back. 530 KB
- Joyce: This has been so trying. You've been such a champ.
Sheila: Oh, you too Joyce. Joyce: We should stay close, have lunch. Sheila: Oh I'd like that. How nice. Amy: Oh, you can't be serious! Buffy: Mom don't! 273 KB
- Oz: We're here to save you. 68 KB
- Sheila: There's a rumor going around Mr. Giles.
Giles: Rumor? About us? I, uh, um, what? 140 KB
- Sheila: Get your coat its chilly out.
Willow: Go? Go where? Sheila: I said get your coat witch! 114 KB
- Snyder: Lift a finger against me and you'll have to answer to MOO.
Buffy: Answer to MOO? Did that sentence just make some sense that I'm not in on? 188 KB
- Willow: I'm a rebel. I'm having a rebellion.
Sheila: Willow honey you don't need to act out like this to prove your specialness. Willow: No, I'm not acting out. I'm a witch! I can make pencils float. And I can summon the four elements. OK two, but four soon. And I'm dating a musician. Sheila: Oh Willow. Willow: I worship Beelzebulb. I do his biddings. Do you see any goats around? No because I sacrifice them! Sheila: Willow please! Willow: All bow before Satan. Sheila: I'm not listening to this. Willow: Prince of night I summon you! Come fill me with your black, naughty evil! Sheila: That's enough! 880 KB
- Willow: Its a really big power!
Buffy:Yes! You will all be turned into vermin! And some of you will be fish! Yeah, you in the back, will be fish! 247 KB
- Willow: Mom, I'm not an age group. I'm me, Willow group. 196 KB
- Willow: You've seen what we can do. Another step and you will all feel my power! Buffy: What are you gonna do, float a pencil at 'em?
Willow: It's a really big power! 239 KB
- Willow: Diana-Hecate I hereby license thee to depart. Goddess of creatures great and small, I conjure thee to withdraw. 246 KB
- Xander: Hey.
Oz: Hey. Xander: So a burrito? Oz: This is a burrito. Xander: Damn strait. 209 KB
- Xander: I'm gettin sick of the judgement. The inuendos. Is a man not innocent until proven guilty?
Buffy: You are guilty. You got illicit smoochies. You're gonna have to pay the price. 420 KB
- Xander: Frisky Watcher's chatroom. Why Giles! 150 KB
- Xander: Oh, man its Nazi Germany and I have Playboys in my locker! 80 KB
- Xander: What's with the grim? We're here to join you guys. No really. Why should you guys get to have all the fun? We wanna be part of the hate.
Oz: Just so we're clear you guys know you're nuts right? 255 KB

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