Tom's Buffy Page

To properly view this site you need to install the latest version of Macromedia's Shockwave Flash. It's a very small plugin (around 100kb) and there are versions available for Netscape, IE and AOL.

Get Shocked!

People using Netscape 4.0 when clicking on the button above should automatically begin downloading and installing the Flash plugin. IE 3.0 and 4.0 users on Windows 95 should see a small flash film loading below, just click on it once it's loaded.

If you are using Netscape Navigator 3.0, click here to refresh your plugins after the Shockwave installer has completed. You will not need to restart your browser. If you're using Netscape 2.0 just exit your browser once you've installed the plugin then restart it, and when you reload this page you should be taken directly to the main page.

Internet Explorer users for Windows 95, the plugin should install itself automatically. You will see a small animated stake below once the plugin has finished installing. Click on the stake to enter the web site. IE users on the Mac should click the "Get Shockwave Flash" button above.

If you are having any troubles entering the site, you can browse through it via the Non-Flash route, or enter directly to the site if the JavaScript detection is incorrectly determining whether or not you have the plugin.