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Joxer, Meg and Xena belong to Universal, yada-yada-yada. Oy-is this really necessary?? We all know this spiel by now. Sheesh!! |
There be violence, sex, and adult situations in this story, ladies and germs. If you're under 16, GO AWAY. This is not meant for kids. My writing is a bit on the intense side. |
All right. As of this writing, I am taking a break from working on my novel. I'm at the 100-page mark. I wanted to take some time away from it so that I could go back, and make revisions before I start on the next section. For the last few months, I've been criss-crossing the Net, checking out various fan-fiction. Pardon my bluntness, but in the past, I've found much fan fiction I've read to be absolute garbage. Even in the Xenaverse, I've read some really vile stuff from people that obviously need to take some lessons in storytelling and grammar. I'm not trying to elevate myself above other story-tellers. In fact, I'm my own worst critic, and I've written some real shit in the past. But some of the stuff that I've read from other people is...well...let's say I'd be embarrassed to have my name attached to the work. However, much to my surprise and delight, I have also read LOTS of Xena fan fiction that is VERY well written. I have trememdous respect for people who actually take the time to hone their craft. I have always felt that a person's work is a reflection of them. I've always kept that in mind, when someone is about to view my work. I look at it like this: you're taking time out of someone else's life to look at your work. Don't waste it. You're trying to make an impression on them. Lucy Lawless couldn't have said it better herself: "You always strive for excellence, because to aim for anything else is a waste of life." I wrote this piece mainly for fun. I also wanted to test out some of my writing skills. The last time I wrote a piece of fan fiction was 8 years ago-and that piece was a monstrosity that was based on a Japanese cartoon I loved. It started out as a recreational piece. But while working on it, I became obsessed with the idea of writing the best damn piece I could. I was also seriously considering becoming a professional writer. So-this piece of fan fiction became a test to see if I could pull it off. In the end, it took 5 years, 5 drafts, and 1,600 pages combined to get it the way I wanted. The final piece ended up being 315 pages.I think I went a wee bit overboard. But I learned a LOT from this baptism by fire. In the case of BRAVING THE INNER STORM, I was concentrating on mood, and keeping the writing as spontaneous as possible. Which meant that I had to write this thing FAST. And one draft only, with some VERY minor revisions. Also-being a fan of Joxer and Meg, I was angry that I did not see stories involving them together-particularly in a serious light. The only exception was Jim Kuntz's FANTASTIC piece, entitled MEG'S. People, keep an eye on this guy. And Jim-if you haven't written a pro novel, WHY THE HELL NOT?! You're a DAMN good writer!! GO FOR IT!!! So-this piece is meant to take a more serious look at Joxer and Meg. There are some lighthearted moments, but it's mostly a very serious piece. Xena has only a few cameo appearances. This story is primarily about Joxer and Meg. I see these two as soulmates. Two very lonely people who are two halves of one soul. Enough ramblings from me. I hope you like the piece. I welcome ANY criticism, POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE. You can be as brutal in your criticisms as you like. An artist HAS to be able to handle criticism, NO MATTER HOW NEGATIVE IT IS. One final thing-this is my first-AND LAST-piece of Xena fan fiction. I was in a rare mood to write this piece. I doubt I'll have the time or desire to do this again. Take care. Saul Trabal 6/19/99 |
Continues in Part 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
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