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Disclaimer: Xena and Gabrielle and any other character are the property of Universal/USA Studios. The story is mine.
My favorite character is Gabrielle. When I watch the show it is nice to see someone who is in turmoil (Xena) have a person in their life that gives them some hope. Everyone needs that kind of person and if you are lucky enough to have it you should not take it for granted. The story is after they were crucified and went into the heavens.
Mild violence, and some of the events are from past shows. (Ides of March).
Song Credit to: Gloria Estefan from her Greatest Hits album and to Epic records.
Finding Peace
Credits to Amy, Beth, Becky, and Ron
Xena and Gabrielle are in a place that is neither Elysian Field nor Tartarus but a realm of soft blue white fog. A place of calm, a place to think about life, or as Xena was twitching, a lack of life. As Callisto has discovered Hell, maybe Gabrielle and Xena have discovered Heaven.
GABRIELLE: "Xena where are we? This place feels strange. Are we dead or not?" XENA: "Gabrielle, you know just about as much as I do. I have a feeling we will find out sooner or later. Let's just try to stay calm." GABRIELLE: "That's just it Xena," looking at Xena with a very peaceful expression, "I do not feel afraid, I feel like this is the right place, but I do not think we are dead yet." |
Xena stops and looks around, amazed at what she was seeing. She had seen the Elysian Fields before, and even Tartarus, and this was not either of them. The color of the clouds and the blue sky were familiar, but where were the land, trees, grass, and loved ones? Xena was starting to fear that the god Callisto had found was responsible for this.
XENA: "It has to be Callisto. She still has a hold on us." Gabrielle just looked at her, confused. GABRIELLE: "What does Callisto have to do with any of this? You killed her a year ago when I fell in the pit with Hope." XENA: "When I tried to kill Caesar, she came to his defense and took my Chakram. I was trying to get away from there and she appeared in front of me again. She knew of Eli, India, and even my vision." GABRIELLE: "How? You said you killed her with the hinds blood. There is no coming back from that!" Xena could see the pain and anger in Gabrielle's eyes. XENA: "She went to a place worse than Tartarus, its called Hell. Her lord made a deal with her. If she helped Caesar become emperor and kept me out of the way, he would give her what she wanted. To cease to exist." GABRIELLE: "We are never going to be rid of her, are we? First I have to live with the fact that she killed my husband, then helped my evil daughter kill Solan, now she has control of my after life? By the gods, this IS Tartarus!" she said with such pain it made Xena's eyes well up with tears. |
There was a long silence. Neither of them knew what to say. Then, all of a sudden, Xena notices a figure forming from a cloud. Xena quickly jumped in front of Gabrielle to attack when they heard a familiar voice saying, "Relax Xena. No one here will hurt you."
XENA: "Iolaus?" she asked with shock, as well as feeling relief to hear a familiar voice. "What in Greece are you doing here? Do you know where we are? Are we back in Illusia?" IOLAUS: "One question at a time, Xena. Hello Gabrielle," he said with a grin. "This place is called the Land of Dreams. It is a place for good people who were killed by evil forces in an unjust manner. This place gives everyone a chance to make peace with one's self, and even gives one the choice of life or death." GABRIELLE: "How did you get here? Are you in our minds?" IOLAUS: "I was killed by Dahak. I was lucky enough to be sent here to make some plans on what I wanted to do with my life. The goddess here gave me a chance to make a difference in other people's lives. She made me the Guardian of Light." GABRIELLE: "To be honest with you, these clouds make me a little nervous." IOLAUS: "I agree, lets try something more comfortable." With that said, the clouds began to roll away and melt, leaving the trio standing on a hilltop overlooking a forest valley. White stone columns quietly rose from the grass forming a stone gazebo, complete with a marble fountain. GABRIELLE: "Wow!" she said wide-eyed. XENA: "Yeah, very nice. Now Iolaus, how about what we're doing here?" Xena said, unimpressed. IOLAUS: "Yes, but first things first," he said, turning to Gabrielle, "could you gather some firewood for us?" GABRIELLE: "What!? You're joking right?" She stood up, looking back and forth between the two, each saying nothing in response. "Bad enough I did this all the time when I was alive. I still can't get away from it in the afterlife," she grumbled as she headed into the forest. XENA: "Care to explain? Who is this so-called goddess that helped you? I never heard of the Goddess of Light." IOLAUS: "Yes. Your path has been difficult but clear to you. Gabrielle has become lost on her way. The obstacles she has to overcome have haunted her and held her back from her finding her way. Today she'll be given the chance to face them and she'll have to do it alone. I cannot tell you who the goddess is but if you think really hard it will come to mind." Xena looked at him rather puzzled for a moment then turned away. XENA: "You're not Iolaus, are you?" Xena turns to run down the hill after Gabrielle only to find her way blocked by thorns and brambles. In her warrior fury, she spins around and reaches for her sword, only to find it absent. "So help me, if any harm comes to her, you will pay!" IOLAUS: "Calm yourself, you can see her here in this pool. From here you will be able to watch her." XENA: "I should be with her. She's my best friend and I have always tried to be there to protect her." IOLAUS: "I understand your desire to protect her. However, some dangers can only be faced alone. You of all people should understand that." XENA: "That doesn't mean I have to like it!" she hissed, walking over to the viewing pool wearing a mask of pain. |
"Walk in the Forest"
Reluctantly, Gabrielle was collecting the firewood wondering what was going on with Iolaus and Xena when she heard a voice. She turned around, and to her surprise Callisto was standing there smiling at her with a tormenting grin.
CALLISTO: "Well, well, look who we have here. If it isn't Xena' s little brat. How have you been since you had your little fall with your daughter? That really gave me a good laugh." GABRIELLE: "Go to Tartarus, or I hear that you found a worse place, fitting for a person like you." CALLISTO: "Tartarus was boring and they felt that I needed a new challenge. It is called Hell. Well, enough about me, I'm here to make you an offer." GABRIELLE: "Bite me!" and she turns and walks away, just to see Callisto in front of her again. CALLISTO: "Bite me, hmmm, it's a tempting offer but I have other plans." GABRIELLE: "Just tell me what you want and leave me alone. I'm dead already, what more do you want?" CALLISTO: "Dead, not yet. You're in a place between life and death. My lord has an interest in you and he wants to make you an offer. He will take away all your pain if you give him your soul." GABRIELLE: "Why would he want my soul?" CALLISTO: "You see, you and Xena foiled my plan once again, and my lord is giving me another chance. I was supposed to make her stray from her path (way of the warrior) and bring Xena's soul back to him. And instead of her doing it, you go and stray from yours. By the way, nice little slicing and dicing in the prison camp. I didn't know such a little wimp like you had it in her!" |
Gabrielle turns her back to Callisto with shameful tears forming in her eyes. Then she starts seeing flashes in the forest of herself killing those soldiers and can hear Callisto in the background applauding. It felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest. All the pain she tried to fight against, even from a time she had put behind her, came rushing forward in her mind. She sees a flash of Dahak, having to kill her own daughter, her daughter killing her best friend's child, and Callisto killing her husband. The final flash of seeing Flanigus', (A Good Day), death overwhelmed her and brought her to her knees.
CALLISTO: "You see, all this pain you have is keeping you from your path (way of love). My lord can take it all away from you," she said sweetly. "All you have to do is surrender yourself to him and your pain will be gone. He has even agreed to give Xena her son back so she can go back to the life that you stole from her. What's it going to be? A peaceful afterlife or constant torment? It's your choice." |
Gabrielle is still doubled over with the painful thoughts that are rushing forward in her mind. She could give Xena her son back; all she had to do was surrender herself to Callisto's lord. After all she had done, wouldn't it be worth it to be able to give her best friend her life back?
GABRIELLE: "How can I trust you? You want nothing more than to torment our lives, you would do or say anything to get your way. What's in it for you this time?" CALLISTO: "What I've always wanted ... to cease to exist. It's funny, Xena turns my whole family into crispy critters, kills hundreds of people, and she winds up in paradise, rather ironic, don't you think?" GABRIELLE: "Xena spent her life trying to do good and trying to make up for her past. All you have done is continue to torture and hate. Xena deserves to be in paradise." CALLISTO: "Oh, spare me your preaching! I have to laugh, since the woman tried to kill you once! Well, I was right the first time, you are a pathetic little eel. Tell you what, I'm going to leave you to your tormenting thoughts for a while. Call me when you've made your decision. Make it quick, I do have better things to do." Callisto disappears leaving Gabrielle on her knees, crying, pressing her hands to her ears trying to drown out the painful sounds from within her. XENA: "Don't listen to her Gabrielle!" she screams into the pool. She turns quickly to face Iolaus and with clenched teeth says, "You have to let me help her! She'd dying in there! You know damn well, if she goes with Callisto, she will do nothing but torture her! I will not be able to live with that!" IOLAUS: "This is something she has to do on her own. She needs to find the strength within herself. You being there would only distract her. If you interfere you will be sentencing her to constant torment, and she will never find the peace she so desperately needs to find." XENA: "All the pain that she is feeling is my doing, not hers. Why is she being tortured with this and not me? She is the best thing in my life and I all I do is hurt her even when she is dead." IOLAUS: "Xena," he said, trying to reassure her, "she just needs to finally come to terms with what has happened and make a choice. She can either forgive herself and be free or not forgive herself, die, and be tormented for eternity. Your choice was to follow your path, so you will return to your life. Gabrielle needs to decide whether to put up or shut up. She's been dealing with this too long." XENA: "I thought she put all this behind her when we were in Illusia. She even had a chance when she was in the Temple of Mnemosyne. Why is this still bothering her? I put any hurt feelings I had away a long time ago, why can't she?" IOLAUS: "Guilt is a very strong thing. All the feelings came flowing back into her mind when you were on Mt. Amaro and she was killing those soldiers. You just need to be patient and give her time. You're going to have to learn to live with the whatever decision she makes." XENA: "Why is Callisto there? This is really going to help her? Having Callisto torment her? Wow, you're right, I really shouldn't worry," saying with daggers coming out of her icy blue eyes. "Will she ever know how much she means to me? Did you ever think, Iolaus, that if anything happens to her, I won't be able to go on?" IOLAUS: "I have faith in her, that is why I'm giving her this chance to make peace with herself. Callisto is there because she is the figure of pain in her mind. Xena please try to find some faith, she could really use it. The best thing you can do to help her is pray. Don't worry, I am sending someone there to help guide her." They both gaze back down into the pool. Iolaus can feel the overwhelming pain that Xena is feeling for her friend. |
"The Decision"
Gabrielle is still sitting in the forest. It is now dark and she's cradling herself, thinking about Callisto's offer. She has the chance to make her best friend's life happy again, and relieve herself of the pain and guilt that's been weighing on her soul. She's about ready to scream out Callisto's name when a bright ray of light appears before her. Gabrielle raises her hand to shield her eyes. The light dims and before her stands a beautiful figure.
GABRIELLE: "Who's there?" Her eyes clear and she realizes that it is Naima (Between the Lines), standing before her. "What are you doing here?" she asks surprised to see her. NAIMA: "Gabrielle, do you remember the menhdi? I am here to show you your truth. You have a big decision to make and your pain has clouded your judgement. I am here to help you if you'll let me." GABRIELLE: "How can you help me when I don't even know how to help myself?" NAIMA: "The reason you starting feeling this pain again is because of what happened on Mt. Amaro. Do you feel that by killing those soldiers, you betrayed your way of love? Would you rather have sat back and watched your best friend die?" GABRIELLE: "No, I would make the same decision again to save Xena. But when I started killing those soldiers I was not myself. I became dark inside and would've killed anything that tried to harm her. She was helpless, I had to do something. That brought such a feeling of fear because Xena has never been helpless before." NAIMA: "What would you have done differently?" GABRIELLE: "That first soldier that was going after her, I should've just stopped him and try to get Xena out before anyone more was killed." NAIMA: "Okay, let's see." She starts moving her arms to start the menhdi and sends Gabrielle back into that moment. |
Gabrielle has just seen Xena fall. The soldier is approaching ready to kill her. Gabrielle picks up the spear and hits him, knocking him out of the way. She was trying to drag Xena from the scene when a second soldier approached, hits Gabrielle across the face and plunges his sword into Xena, killing her instantly. Gabrielle, eyes wide with disbelief, screams, "NO!!" She is again sitting in the forest with Naima, still pounding the ground, screaming.
GABRIELLE: Looking up at the woman, asks, "What was I supposed to do? Killing is not the way of love." NAIMA: "Your love for Xena saved her. Is that not following the way of love? You have been on your path the whole time but there are times when defending yourself or others may be necessary. How can you continue to spread love and follow your path if you're dead? Who is going to hear you if you have no voice? Gabrielle, remember the menhdi," she says as she fades away. |
Gabrielle sat for a long time considering what Naima had told her. She then folded her legs and closed her eyes, trying to find that moment she had found with Eli, when they were imprisoned and they did nothing. As she was meditating, she felt a cool breeze and a sense of peace. She opened her eyes and saw brightly colored lights floating around her. She had found her answer and her peace. She reaches towards the lights and sees old visions of herself. She hears music in the distance and starts singing to the image of her old self, "I've been alone inside myself for far too long... Never wanted it that way but I let it happen... If I could do it all again my life would be... Infinitely better than before I wouldn't waste a moment...(I'd) Make time for laughing with my friends... Make love, make music, make amends... Try to make a difference try to love, try to understand... Instead of just giving up I'd use the power at my command... (Chorus:) 'Cause there's always tomorrow to start over again... Things will never stay the same the only one sure thing is change... That's why there's always tomorrow... I guess it took a little time, for me to see... The reason I was born into this world and what I'd have to go through... For I've finally realized that I could be... Infinitely better than before definitely stronger... I'll face whatever comes my way... Savor every moment of the day... Love as many people as I can along the way... Help someone who's giving up if it's just to raise my eyes and pray... (Chorus:) 'Cause there's always tomorrow to start over again... Things will never stay the same the only one sure thing is change... That's why there's always tomorrow... (Bridge:) Before your last setting sun... And everything your heart has longed for... Has yet to be (one)... Yes there's always tomorrow though people come and they go... But if you brought some love to their lives... Then you've got something to show... Ohh... There's always, always, always tomorrow to start over again... Things will never stay the same... The only one sure thing is change... that's why there always, always, always... Always tomorrow... Music ends. Gabrielle looks finally at peace.
IOLAUS: Looking at a teary eyed Xena, says, "See, I told you to just have a little bit of faith. Have a wonderful life," and he fades away. |
Next thing Xena knows she's back down in Greece, holding Argo's reins, and looking around for Gabrielle. Gabrielle stands up, wipes the tears from her eyes and there stands Callisto.
CALLISTO: "Well, have you considered my offer? Time is dinar." GABRIELLE: Calming walking over to her, she says, "Thanks but no thanks," decks her and walks out of the forest smiling. As soon as she exits the forest she's back in Greece. She sees Xena and Argo standing there smiling at her. They embrace each other, crying. XENA: "You are the most important person in my life. I felt so helpless watching you down there but Iolaus kept telling me you had to do it on your own. Can we please put this behind us now?" GABRIELLE: Looking up at Xena and smiling, she says, "Sure, where are we headed off to now?" XENA: "I thought we could visit our families and then move on to Thessaly." GABRIELLE: "Sounds like a plan but don't expect me to get any darn firewood!" |
Both laughing they turn and head off to their planned destinations and a new future.
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