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Our Time
By Xelminster
I live for these moments.
For this time.
When it's just you and me and the campfire.
No monsters.
No outlaws.
No scheming God of War.
Just you and me.
You're a lot more relaxed at night
Than you used to be.
I like to think it's because
We're together.
You also smile more than
You used to.
Especially at me.
I like to think that you don't
Smile at anyone else like that.
I like to think that smile,
Just like the one
You're giving me now,
Has never been bestowed
On anyone else.
You sleep much easier
Than you used to.
I like to think it's because
You know I'm here
And that I'll take care of
Any bad dreams you have.
You let me inside yourself
More than you used to.
Now that I'm inside,
My Warrior Princess,
I like to think that
You'll find it impossible to
Get rid of me.
I live for these moments.
For this time.
When it's just you and me and the campfire.
I haven't told you yet
How I love you.
I think it's time I did.
I like to think you do too.

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