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Ramblings From The Editor
July 26, 1997
Hi guys!,
First of all, I do believe introductions are in order. My name is Lunacy and for those of you who don't know me, I'm a Xenite who hangs around the Universal XWP NetForum and a few of the mailing lists. I sorta like to read Xena fan fiction so MaryD recently asked me to be one of her Assistant Editors - an honor I of course jumped on - kinda of like a sidekick you know - good job if you can get it! >:)
As one of MaryD's trusty assistants I get the honor this week of awarding the Eddies (POWER!! >:) In the New Fiction category I am giving the Eddy to a story which, including commercial fiction, is one of the best written and most entertaining tales I have ever read:
A WEEK IN THE LIVES OR THE WEEK THAT WAS by Maggie and Peribear - Inspired by the episode A DAY IN THE LIFE, this story follows Xena and Gabrielle over the course of a week,
charting their adventures, the moments of fun, the devilish tricks they play on one another, the emotional exchanges and most of all, the deep bond forged from love and trust that binds the two friends together. Outstanding writing, well-developed characters and a plot consisting of individual tales strong enough to all stand on their own, combine to make this story
among the best of the best in XWP fan fic.
Awarding Eddies to archived fiction is VERY difficult because this Web site hosts among the finest stories and poems on the Net. Needing to make a choice, however, I've decided to recognize three pieces which have stood the test of time. These are two stories and a poem which were written at a time before XWP fan fiction exploded into the popular phenomemom it is today. Upon publication on the Web, these three pieces became instant favorites with the fans. Today among long-time readers of XWP fan fiction they are recognized classics which continue to draw readers to the each of the genres they represent and which have influenced and inspired many of the best bards currently writing. The Eddies for Archived Fiction this week go to:
STORYTELLER by Anon - A wonderful adventure which teams our two heroines with Hercules and Iolus and puts Gabrielle in the spotlight as they struggle to stop yet another vicious plot by Hera to destroy mankind.
BROKEN ARROW by Bat Morda - Bat has gone on to write some of the most beloved stories in XWP fan fiction but this first one remains special to many of her fans. It is a beautiful first-time story about the awakening love between Xena and her bard and the mischievous friend who helps them at last to look into their hearts.
STONE PILLARS by Wishes - Hauntingly beautiful, this poem struck a chord the moment it was posted on the NetForum back in 1996. Wishes has been asked time and time again to repost it and MANY years from now - on the NetForum's last day online, I can think of no more appropriate last post than this contribution to the legend of the Warrior Princess and the Bard.
CONGRATULATIONS to all our winners this week and as always - a heartfelt thanks for sharing your talent.
The Lunatic :)
Assistant Editor

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