Archived News and Updates
~ October 1997 ~
October 31, 1997
Happy Halloween everyone!
- Rana posted the following:
October 29, 1997
October 28, 1997
- At the request of Lady Jane Gray, her work has been removed as a protest against the X:WP episode, "The Deliverer."
- Fan Fiction indices have been reorganized for easier access and quicker load time.
- Rana has tried to tackle the backlog of broken links messages and thanks everyone for the reports.
- Rana posted Winter's Ending - Part 3 by Melissa Good
- Work has begun on revamping the Eddies and expanding the awards. Stay tuned!
October 27, 1997
October 24, 1997
Here's the latest fan fiction posted, the first four parts of the five story arc Chiaroscuro by Sharon Bowers:
And two more were posted by Rana:
October 20, 1997
- Rana removed "Body and Soul" by Kristo, at the author's request, and posted the following while I was away:
October 14, 1997
- Rana removed Asis the Warrior and B.L. Miller's works at the authors' requests and added a collection of poems: A Poem Collection
October 10, 1997
Rana posted the following stories:
October 8, 1997
Rana posted the following stories:
October 7, 1997
October 6, 1997
Rana also has posted a note about her editing style and submission guidelines for stories at the Fan Fiction archive.
October 5, 1997
Rana's been busy at work, and the fan fiction is starting to be uploaded again. Here's her first batch:
October 3, 1997
October 2, 1997
- The wait is over, Rana K. Williamson, PhD has been named as the new Editor-in-Chief of Fan Fiction at Tom's Xena Page. She's going to be assembling a staff to help her code the fan fiction faster, and we should start uploading new stories shortly. Thanks for your patience through this, and I know she'll be doing a good job. Please send her any stories you're working on. Rana has also sent a message to everyone:
Thanks to all who have emailed their congratulations for my new position as Editor-in-Chief of fan fiction. As you can well imagine, I've inherited quite a backlog of material. I am in the process of choosing a staff and working with the manuscripts. There are so many that in some instances I am reverting to my old copy editor ways, printing out the stories, and marking them by hand. As a result, I may contact you for a snail mail address and ask that you make the electronic corrections and resend the file in the interest of speeding things up. The cleaner the files I send to the coders, the faster your work will appear. For shorter manuscripts, a fax number may be requested. I know how hard fan fiction authors work to get their ideas on paper and I assure you I'll work just as hard on this end to help you polish that work. When Tom has time to get my bio on the masthead you will discover I am both a professional editor and college professor, so trust that I will treat your work with care. Looking forward to meeting you all.
Rana a.k.a. The Warrior Professor