Sounds from Angel

  1. Angel- It's all right. A vampire can't come in unless it's invited. 161 kb
  2. Angel- Look, I don't want to get you in any more trouble... Buffy: And I don't want to get you dead. 166 kb
  3. Angel- Let's get it done 68 kb
  4. Angel- Come on, don't go soft on me now... [thunk!] A little wide... 371 kb
  5. Buffy- It's late, I'm tired, and I don't want to play games. Show yourself. 327 kb
  6. Buffy- Cool! Crossbow! Check out these babies! Goodbye stakes, hello flying fatality! What can I shoot? 534 kb
  7. Buffy- Oh, two of us, one bed. That doesn't work. 214 kb
  8. Buffy- My diary? You read my diary? That is not ok, a diary is like a person's most private place, you don't even know what I was writing about. Hunk can mean a lot of things, bad things...... 1,431 kb
  9. Buffy- You're not welcome here. You come near us and I'll kill you. 239 kb
  10. Buffy- I know you're there, and I know what you are. Angel: Do you? I'm just an animal, right? You're not an animal, animals I like. 587 kb
  11. Buffy- Killed a lot of vampires, I've never hated one before. Angel: Feels good, doesn't it? Feels simple 288 kb
  12. Cordelia- Where did you get that dress? This is a one-of-a-kind Todd Oldham. Do you know how much this dress cost? Is this a knock-off? This is a knock-off isn't it? Some cheesy knock-off. This is exactly what happens when you sign these free trade agreements. Buffy: Think we have problems. 613 kb
  13. Darla- It's nice... you're living above ground like one of them. You and your new friend are attacking us, like one of them. Guess what precious? You're not one of them. 655 kb
  14. Darla- You and I both know what you hunger for, what you need. Hey, it's nothing to be ashamed of, it's who we are. It's what makes eternal life worth living. 486 kb
  15. Darla- You can only supress your real nature for so long. I can feel it brewing inside of you. I hope I'm around when it explodes. Angel: Maybe you don't want to be. I'm not afraid of you. I bet she is though. 684 kb
  16. Darla- Remember Budapest? Turn of the century? You were such a bad boy during that earthquake. Angel: You did some damage yourself. Is there anything better than a natural disaster? The panic, the people lost in the streets. It's like picking fruit off the vine. 772 kb
  17. Darla- That's good. You're hurting me. That's good too. 357 kb
  18. Darla- Do you know what the saddest thing in the world is? Buffy: Bad hair on top of that outfit? 206 kb
  19. Darla- Scary. Scarier! [BLAM!] 292 kb
  20. Darla- So many body parts, so few bullets. Let's begin with the knee caps. No fun dancing without them! 391 kb
  21. Darla- Come on, Buffy. Take it like a man. 174 kb
  22. Giles- Buffy's Mom: I know she's having trouble with history. Is it too difficult for her, or is she not applying herself? She lives very much in the now, and history, of course, is very much about the then. 586 kb
  23. Giles- We have a problem 50 kb
  24. The Master- Angel... he was the most vicious creature I ever met. I miss him. 291 kb
  25. The Master- Do I sense a plan, Darla? Share... 206 kb
  26. The Master- You see? How we all work together for the common good? That's how a family is supposed to function. 328 kb
  27. Willow- Xander: What are you vixens up to? Just sitting here watching our barren lives pass us by. Oh look, a cockroach. 322 kb
  28. Willow- That is so romantic. Did you... uh... I mean did he... uh... Buffy: Perfect gentleman. 269 kb
  29. Willow- How is it you always know this stuff? You always know what's going on, I never know what's going on. Giles: You weren't here from midnight until six researching it. No, I was sleeping. kb
  30. Willow- That must have been so embarassing when you thought he had read your diary, but then it turned out he hadn't, but then he felt the same way... I'm listening. 388 kb
  31. Willow- So he is a good vampire. I mean, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being someone who's killing and maiming every night, and 1 being someone who's... not. 452 kb
  32. Willow- Buffy: You want Xander, you've got to speak up girl. No no no no. No speaking up. That way leads to madness and sweaty palms. 363 kb
  33. Willow- And it is kind of novel how he'll stay young and handsome forever, although you'll still get wrinkly and die. And oh, what about the children? 390 kb
  34. Willow- If you care about somebody, you care about them. You can't change that by-- Buffy: Killing them? Maybe not, but I think it's a start. 449 kb
  35. Xander- ...I don't know what everyone's talking about, that outfit doesn't make you look like a hooker. 182 kb
  36. Xander- Whoa! Let's stop this crazy whirlygig of fun. I'm dizzy. 210 kb
  37. Xander- Buffy, come on, wake up and smell the seduction. It's the oldest trick in the book. Buffy: What, saving my life, getting slashed in the ribs? Duh! 360 kb
  38. Xander- You're in love with a vampire? What, are you out of your mind? 108 kb
  39. Xander- Allright. You have a problem, and it's not a small one. Let's take a breath, and look at this calmly, and objectively. 313 kb
  40. Xander- I'm not saying anything, I have nothing to say. 98 kb

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